Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder

Chapter 255 Stir-Frying That Can't Be Learned (Two in One)

"Wok and casserole? Why do you want a wok and casserole?" Zhao Yujia didn't respond.

Aren't Huanshou's nutritious meals prepared with various combinations? Why Woks and Casseroles?

It is not a meal to eat, it needs to be cooked. Because most of the raw materials are tree fruits, there is no need to heat them at all.

Chen Qiyue looked at him with a smile, "The wok you usually use for cooking will do. If you don't have one, you can also use a rice cooker."

Zhao Yujia: ...

"Yes, you wait, I'll get it for you." Zhao Yujia glanced at the supporters nearby, and saw that they were very excited looking at Chen Qiyue, and knew that he had no way to refuse.

He quickly went to the other side of the kitchen and opened a cabinet, which contained a lot of pots and utensils.

He took out an induction cooker, a pan and a spatula.

"Only these, okay?"

"Of course, thank you." Chen Qiyue took the pots.

He put the induction cooker on the table beside him, and then took the pan and spatula to the sink for cleaning.

It can be seen that none of these pots have been used.

I don't know what they eat for lunch, maybe a cafeteria or takeaway?

But what they eat has nothing to do with Chen Qiyue. After washing the pots and utensils, he put the pan on the induction cooker and introduced a kind of tree fruit oil.

It is a kind of refreshing tree fruit oil, and some water-type Eudemons like the fresh taste in it very much.

It's just that this kind of tree fruit oil is really suitable for the dark spirit if it is added to the nutritious meal?

Seeing Chen Qiyue's steps, Zhao Yujia frowned slightly.

Zhao Yujia subconsciously looked at Anhui Holy Spirit who was sitting on the table beside him, and sighed when he saw that he was seriously watching Chen Qiyue's creation.

Forget it, if you fail, you will fail, at worst, he will cook another nutritious meal for the dark spirit holy spirit.

The Anhui Holy Spirit was sent before, and it was also a nutritious meal made by him.

Then, Chen Qiyue's actions made Zhao Yujia's eyes widen.

Because Chen Qiyue actually poured a variety of shredded tree fruits into the pan and started to stir fry them.

Immediately after he added a creamy liquid, he took the plate out of the pot.

Then, Chen Qiyue began to grind the bark of a tree fruit into a powder, and then added a yellow pomelo honey.

This is a kind of secretion that smoked pomelo spit out when building a house in the environment, and it is also a very good raw material for nutritious meals.

Then, Chen Qiyue added some water and stirred them together.

He washed the pan again, poured in part of the berry oil, and then poured in the light yellow thick liquid he picked.

Like an egg-flour mixture, it quickly forms a crust in the pan.

The key is that there is a strong fragrance coming from the dough.

Chen Qiyue quickly poured the stir-fried shreds from the pan into the dough in the pan, wrapped them up, and turned them over on the flat plate.

A round, yellow-orange dumpling is ready, it looks like omurice.

The key is the fragrance, it doesn't look like a nutritious meal at all, it's like cooking.

The Anhui Holy Spirit stared straight at the flat plate, almost drooling.

He kept swallowing his saliva, pointed at Chen Qiyue with bright eyes, and then pointed at himself.

His voice was also a little damaged before, so he couldn't speak for the time being.

Seeing the appearance of Anhui Holy Spirit, Chen Qiyue brought the plate in front of him with a smile, and then handed over a spoon, "Use this, try it."

The Anhui Holy Spirit nodded vigorously, without saying a word, took the spoon, dug a spoonful on the orange dumpling, and stuffed it directly into the mouth.

Crisp taste, with a hint of heat, fragrant and rich crunchy sweetness.

The key is that there is also a slight salty taste, as if the sea breeze is blowing the hair, bringing boundless comfort.

Anhui Holy Spirit narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, but his hands didn't stop at all, he kept digging the nutritious meal into his mouth with a spoon.

After the nutritious meal entered the stomach, it began to digest, and the majestic energy began to repair the body of the Dark Glory Holy Spirit.

It's warm, not to mention how comfortable it is.

When the entire flat plate was licked clean by the Anhui Holy Spirit, he belched contentedly.

Sure enough, it was really a wise choice to choose to sign a contract with this Beastmaster.

I don’t know who made the nutritious meal I ate before. It was made like dog shit, and dogs wouldn’t even eat it!

Let alone him!

When the Anhui Holy Spirit was eating, the branch masters suppressed their curiosity and didn't come forward to ask.

But after the Anhui Holy Spirit finished eating, they couldn't help it anymore.

Weiyang was the first to ask, "Chen Qiyue, the method of your nutritious meal is very novel, it looks like you usually cook and cook, won't this destroy the energy of the raw materials?"

This question is actually the one that everyone wants to ask the most.

After all, if cooked food can be eaten, then there is no need for them to feed their phantom beasts raw berries.

Chen Qiyue smiled, "Actually, I control a certain degree of heat, as long as it is within a certain range, the energy of the raw materials will not be affected, and can even be exerted stronger."

"I think that the Anhui Holy Spirit should have the most say in the plate of nutritious meals that he just ate."

Weiyang, who originally wanted to ask Chen Qiyue why he was so confident, turned his head to look at the Holy Spirit like everyone else.

The Anhui Holy Spirit could understand what others said, so he naturally heard what Chen Qiyue said to them.

This is to evaluate the nutritious meal just now.

The Anhui Holy Spirit suddenly jumped up and stretched out his fingers.

Then a huge white light burst out from their fingertips, exploding a piece of light above their heads.

"This means, it's as delicious as this light ball?" Qin Zhe explained with some uncertainty.

Anhui Holy Spirit nodded, and gestured a large area with one hand, indicating that Chen Qiyue's cooking was really delicious.

Zhao Yujia has been seeing the present, but he is actually still a little unconvinced.

He coughed lightly, walked out, and looked at Anhui Holy Spirit, "What about me? I also made you a nutritious meal before, how was that meal?"

The Anhui Holy Spirit glanced at Zhao Kaiyu's family, and then stretched out his finger.

Zhao Jiyu's family and other branch leaders all looked forward with a little expectation.

Then a small spot of light appeared on the finger, just on the fingertip, spread out slightly, and then disappeared.

Zhao Yujia: ...

Other supporters: ...

Zhao Zhiyu's family is about to collapse. The nutritious meal made by such a young guy is so spicy and delicious. The nutritious meal he made is only worth such a small spot?

How big is the difference? !

"That, did you make a mistake?" Chen Long on the side said with a dry smile.

Zhao Yujia looked at Anhui Holy Spirit, and asked with some despair, "Do you think the nutritious meal I made is only worth a little light?"

The Anhui Holy Spirit looked at Zhao Jiayu's house, sighed, reached out and patted his shoulder, nodded, and stretched out a finger again, with just such a little light spot on it.

Zhao's breeder burst into tears. He didn't expect that he, a dignified super breeder, would lose to such a young man in the nutritious meals he made.

He turned his head to look at Chen Qiyue, with a serious expression on his face, "Who the hell are you? To be so valued by branch masters, and to have such a powerful breeding talent. You must not be a simple person!"

Chen Qiyue smiled calmly, "I'm not really good, I just like to study."

The research Chen Qiyue mentioned was not just about reading books.

It is to integrate all the knowledge in the book.

The reality and the phantom beasts should also be fused together.

Humans cannot eat the food of phantom beasts, but phantom beasts can eat human food.

In fact, the reason why Eudemons only eat nutritious meals is naturally because this is a way for Eudemons to be promoted.

As for the phantom beasts, they themselves have no way to develop a phantom beast energy operation map to increase the growth of phantom beast energy in their bodies.

Therefore, it is very difficult for ordinary Eudemons to grow to sufficient strength within a certain number of years.

However, it was not for Chen Qiyue.

Because Chen Qiyue has a golden finger, he tried out a phantom beast energy diagram that suits his phantom beast.

In this way, for Eudemons, eating nutritious meals is not the only key to increasing their strength.

More importantly, Chen Qiyue's nutritious meal has a taste, and the taste is based on different Eudemons.

He just tried it out to see if the Anhui Holy Spirit liked the taste.

Although he can be sure that 80% of them like it, but without real data, it is always a bit false.

Now it seems that he guessed right, the dark radiance holy spirit really likes this kind of smell.

That is to say, the tastes of most light and dark Eudemons are not much different.

This is why Chen Qiyue made a copy.

Now Chen Qiyue's accuracy in choosing flavors has been greatly improved.

Because he has a better understanding of different Eudemons, and can analyze in depth the physical needs of Eudemons themselves.

In fact, the taste preferences of Eudemons are also closely related to their physical needs.

For example, the circle beast, its body needs a lot of life energy of green plants.

And in its habitat, it is often possible to find a lot of grasses.

This kind of yin grass has a hint of bitterness, and it is one of the favorite foods of the circle beast.

Therefore, it can be judged that the taste of the circle beast will be a bit bitter.

In this way, a certain taste preference of Eudemons can be reversed.

Although Chen Qiyue has never been in contact with the Dark Holy Spirit before, Mimilong knows a lot about it.

She had already written it silently and let Chen Qiyue read it.

Those notes are still in Chen Qiyue's storage equipment.

Although Chen Qiyue felt that he was not very good, other people present didn't think so.

Zhao Yujia's eyes were almost rounded, and he kept asking Chen Qiyue for advice.

Many branch leaders stared at Chen Qiyue with bright eyes.

"It's really amazing to be a monarch-level beast master at such a young age!" Zishu sighed.

Zhao Yujia was standing next to Chen Qiyue before, and he had been watching Chen Qiyue operate.

In fact, although the steps of making a nutritious meal are a little more complicated, they are not impossible to replicate.

Therefore, he was very curious, why Chen Qiyue was able to cook a nutritious meal, and still satisfied Anhui Holy Spirit so much? !

"Well, can I try it? I think this nutritious cooked meal really breaks through the inherent thinking." Zhao Yujia said seriously to Chen Qiyue.

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Zhao Jiayu's family wanted to do.

He smiled, "Please go ahead, my method doesn't look difficult, but in fact, it's quite difficult, the main thing is to control the quantity and the temperature."

Zhao Yujia nodded seriously, stepped forward, and began to follow what Chen Qiyue had done before, step by step.

First prepare the berries, then...

Seeing that Zhao Kaiyu's family was so open-minded and eager to learn, the branch owners were also very interested, and continued to stand by and watch.

Chen Qiyue stood beside Zhao Yuyu's house, watching him make nutritious meals without blinking.

There is no problem with cutting the fruit of those trees. After all, this is the most basic thing, and all breeders must learn it.

This Zhao Jiyu's hand holding the knife is also very steady, and it seems to be more stable than Chen Qiyue.

It can be seen that this is a breeder with very solid basic skills.

Chen Qiyue has always had a very good sense of people who are open-minded and eager to learn.

From time to time, he made a point next to him, so as not to make mistakes at Zhao Jiyu's family.

With Chen Qiyue's suggestion, Zhao Yujia's actions gradually picked up speed.

Soon it was time to stir-fry.

Following Chen Qiyue's example, Zhao Yujia poured in tree fruit oil, then poured in various chopped tree fruit shreds, and began to stir fry.

It's just that his posture of holding the spatula is very wrong, and even the way of shoveling is lacking.

After frying like this for a while, you can see the shredded tree fruit in the same plate, and the color is slightly different.

After picking up the plate, Chen Qiyue checked the plate of shredded tree fruit, and sighed slightly.

"The next step is to make the dough. But your silk, if it fails, the taste will be very bad."

Zhao Yujia looked at the shredded fruit on the plate and frowned slightly.

In his opinion, it is no different from Chen Qiyue's shredded tree fruit. How could the taste be different?

Chen Qiyue coughed lightly, reached out and twisted one of them, holding it in the air.

"Look, what's the difference between this tree fruit silk and other tree fruit silk?"

Zhao Yujia carefully looked at the tree fruit, and said hesitantly, "A little yellow?"

Chen Qiyue nodded, "Yes, it's just a little yellow. Just a little bit, it destroys the original crunchy taste of the shredded fruit, and the energy of the phantom beast inside is lost."

He pointed to the plate in front of him, "Look, how many tree fruit shreds are there in it."

Zhao Yujia lowered his head to look, and then his face changed slightly.

Because in a plate, almost half of the plates are like this, and there are even some yellow ones that are more obvious.

"If this is stir-fried vegetables, the taste will be the same anyway. But nutritious meals are different, and require more stringent heat."

"It can't destroy the Eudemons energy at all, so that the raw materials can reach a perfect balance."

Chen Qiyue's words made Zhao Jiyu's family gradually look ashamed.

He stood up straight, and suddenly bowed to Chen Qiyue.

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