Desa Mental Hospital 23

Xu Ye passed through the group of people expressionlessly, leaving behind a cold and noble figure.

So when he returned five hours later, those people were still confused.

Seeing Xu Ye like a tornado, smashing the wall that was finally repaired with a slap, their hearts were shattered.

“I’ll fight with you…”

A few minutes later, there was a pile of flesh and blood fragments on the ground, and Xu Ye continued to move forward.

The transparent glass wall melted easily the moment the candle was taken out.

When Xu Ye came to the stairs, he saw that the door that had been locked during the day had already been opened. He went upstairs along the stairs, silently thinking about the number of floors on each floor.

When he reached the seventh floor, Xu Ye looked up, and the scene in front of him was familiar and shocking.

A group of people who call themselves zombies and behave strangely are climbing and biting each other in the corridor.

They have different images. Some of them have second heads growing on their shoulders, with crooked mouths and slanted eyes. They look very deformed.

Some people have an extra hand growing out of their backs, and a yellow dog tail sewn onto their buttocks.

The person closest to him had normal facial features, but his lower body was completely mutilated, with only one toe left being chewed by his companion.

These people gathered together, all groaning in pain.

The ground was filled with human excrement, flies, and leftover human bones. The hygienic situation was worrying.

Audience in the live broadcast room: “What kind of place is this? Purgatory on earth?”

Seeing new people appear, these people all raised their heads and stared at the opposite side: “Human, there is another uninfected human here.”


Xu Ye frowned, seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, he took out the candle in his arms and lit it.

The light shines, not very brightly, but it adds a touch of warmth to the cold room.

At the moment when the candle was lit, the patients on the ground automatically backed away as if they were stuck.

it works!

Xu Ye became energetic and walked deeper into the corridor with a candle.

Although he is not afraid of these patients, he can use force to deal with themThey must be killed, but there are too many people, which is also a big burden for Xu Ye.

Most importantly, it’s a waste of time.

According to his calculations, changes would only occur in the hospital between 11pm and 6am.

Xu Ye continued to walk, tripped on the sole of his foot and almost fell.

Fortunately, he had good balance and stabilized his body in time.

At his feet was a dark corpse of a furry child.

“You let him report the news during the day, and then killed him without hesitation at night.” Xu Ye was a little angry at this kind of burning of bridges.

The zombies around seemed to understand this sentence and shook their heads humanely.

“what is that……”

Suddenly, a stream of black mucus spurted out from the high gaps on both sides of the corridor and touched the cat.

The already dead cat began to twitch all over, and after a few times, it stood up again.


The black cat pounced on him, but was kicked away by Xu Ye: “What the hell?”

More black mucus spurted out from both sides, sizzling when it touched people’s skin. Xu Ye watched helplessly as several zombies who were shot down went berserk and rushed towards him regardless.

At this moment, the candlelight failed again.

Xu Ye:……

He raised his hand and slapped away a few zombies that were rushing toward him. He didn’t find it difficult to deal with these inhuman things. The trouble was with the slime.

It sprays everywhere, making it hard to guard against.

When it comes into contact with the skin, it turns into a black air and penetrates.

Xu Ye felt that his temper was a little out of control, his heart was getting more and more violent, and his rationality was gradually losing.

“Is this what menopause feels like?”

To be honest, he doesn’t object to turning into a violent person with extremely high damage power.

However, Xu Ye hated this feeling of being controlled by others.

Why? If you make me angry, I will be angry. If you tell me to calm down, I will be calm.

At this time, Xu Ye began to recite the Diamond Sutra silently to prevent the black mucus from swallowing his emotions.

This corridor seemed to be extremely long. Xu Ye stayed there for a long time before moving forward a little further.

He was unhappy: “You invited me here, and now you are attacking me. How can you treat guests like this?”

“OILJK&*&…*¥#@…%ER (encrypted language)”

Barrage: “Is Mr. Xu Ye trying to communicate with a mental patient?”

“I must be mad, my mood is getting more and more manic.”

“What do mental patients know? Boss Xu Ye is in danger this time.”

Strange talk about the world,

Several zombies who had not been sprayed by the mucus looked thoughtful after listening to what Xu Ye said.

They froze in place and thought for two seconds. The next moment, a group of zombies came forward collectively.

Xu Ye was not cowardly at all: “Come on, let’s make the battle more intense.”

However, they saw that the uninfected zombies automatically divided into two parts, and one part of them fought with the attacker in front of Xu Ye, biting and killing each other.

The other part surrounded Xu Ye, forming a “human wall” to withstand the spray of black mucus.

Xu Ye was in the middle, and the pressure suddenly dropped. He sped up and rushed towards the end of the corridor.

The barrage was dumbfounded: “No, what on earth did they say?”

“Could it be that the encrypted language that Mr. Xu Ye just spoke is actually a foreign language from a strange world, but we just learned it too little and can’t quite understand it.”

“Quickly, arrange for language experts immediately to reproduce everything Xu Ye said just now. They must study it thoroughly.”

“Hahaha, our country, Sakura, has the strongest language imitation ability. Apart from Dragon Country, we will definitely become the first country to thoroughly study this language.”

Strange talk about the world,

Along the way, countless sane zombies fell down again. They were very perseverant. If one of them failed, they would arrange for the next one to take over immediately.

Finally, before all the zombies lost their minds, Xu Ye came to the end of the corridor.

The last person waved to Xu Ye and stammered: “I want… to go home.”

Xu Ye stood still, stared at him seriously and answered, “Okay, I promise you.”

After hearing these words, the last patient had a smile on his lips and fell down with peace of mind.

He believed…the man in front of him.

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