Xiao Yan strode over, and after confirming that the curls just fell asleep and that there is no problem with the body, he was relieved.

Then he took the curl and hugged it in his arms, and asked Luo Pingsha.

"Why are you here?"

Luo Pingsha explained how they came here 1510 times.

Xiao Juan pondered for a while, guessing that someone should be trying to kill Yu Cunwei while he was away.

The people from the Deng family took action in time to save Yu and others.

From this point of view, the Deng family does not seem to be the enemy.

Deng Yuchuan turned his body slightly, revealing the low couch behind him.

"You can put the princess on the couch to rest."

Xiao Lian stood still.

Although Deng Yuchuan sent someone to rescue the curl, Xiao Juan was still suspicious of him.

Deng Yuchuan said helplessly.

"This is the Deng family. If I really want to be unfavorable to you, I just need to shout. Why do I need to go around in such a big circle?"

Although he has been disarmed and returned to the field, he still has a group of private soldiers under his command, enough to thousands of people.

The reason why he didn't use force directly was because he wanted to have a good talk with Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan naturally knew this.

He strode over, put his curls on the low couch, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

The guy lit the candle in the inner room and finally backed out.

Xiao Lian turned his head to look at Deng Yuchuan and asked the doubts in his heart,

"Why do you pretend that you don't know Li Niang during the day and drive us out of the Deng family, but quietly meet this king at night?"

Deng Yuchuan sat in the Taishi chair and said slowly.

"There are many people during the day, so it's not convenient to talk."

Xiao Lian asked: "This is the Deng family. As the head of the Deng family, you have some scruples?"

Deng Yuchuan sighed.

"The Deng family is a big family, and there are many people in the family. Even if I am the head of the family, I can't guarantee that everyone is reliable."

Xiao Lian: "Then can you tell this king now what is the relationship between you and Li Niang?"

Deng Yuchuan did not answer the question.

"You haven't answered me yet, why do you want to track down Li Niang's affairs?"

Between the question and answer, the two seemed to have returned to the original point.

Xiao Yan was silent.

Deng Yuchuan said calmly.

"From the moment you entered Luzhou, you have been targeted.

You have become prey in the eyes of others, but you yourself are ignorant.

If I hadn't sent someone to the inn to protect you, your county princess would have fallen into the wrong hands.

Is this not enough to express my goodwill towards you? "

Xiao Yan was unmoved, and asked calmly, "Since you have no ill will towards us, why can't you answer this king's question first?"

Deng Yuchuan laughed dumbly: "Forget it, let me speak first."

He closed his eyes, as if he was missing something, before he opened his mouth for a long time.

"Li Niang is my sister."

As soon as these words came out, not only Xiao Juan, but also Luo Pingsha and Ling Hai were stunned.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Deng Yuchuan continued talking on his own.

"Li Niang and I were born to our original wife. After our mother passed away, my father married a successor. The current Empress Dowager Deng was born to the successor's wife."

In other words, he and Li Niang are the brothers and sisters of the same mother, and the Empress Dowager Deng is just his half-sister.

The intimacy between them is already clear.

Xiao Yan asked, "Since Li Niang is the direct daughter of the Deng family, why is she alone in Jinguan City?"

"I went to the border with my uncle since I was a child.

Since the border is far from Luzhou, I can only go home for several years.

On weekdays, I can only communicate with my family members through letters.

Before every other month, Li Niang would send me a letter from home.

She didn't want me to worry, so she always reported good news instead of bad news in her letters.

I thought she was having a good time at home.

Until thirty-nine years ago, I hadn't received a letter from Li Niang for a long time.

I was very worried, but at that time the border war was so tight, I couldn't get out.

It will be two years later when the war situation stabilizes a little.

I rushed back to Luzhou, but was told that Li Niang had passed away and her body had been buried. "

Speaking of this, Deng Yuchuan slowly opened his eyes, his gray eyes were full of sadness.

"Li Niang has always been in good health, I don't believe she will die suddenly.

I wanted to open the coffin for an autopsy, but my father didn't agree.

Because of this, I had a big quarrel with my father, which almost broke the father and son.

In the middle of the night, I slipped out of the house in the dark, quietly went to Li Niang's grave, and dug Li Niang's grave. "

Xiao Lian, Luo Pingsha and Ling Hai were all fascinated.

Luo Pingsha couldn't help but ask.

"and then?"

Deng Yuchuan: "There is a dead bone lying in the coffin. Although there is no skin and flesh, and the facial features cannot be clearly seen, I can still be sure that the bones in the coffin are not Li Niang."

Xiao Fan: "Do you have any proof?"

Deng Yuchuan: "Li Niang once told me in a letter that she accidentally fell down once,

The little toe of the left foot just hit the stone.

Although the injury was later healed, the little toe was slightly deformed.

I can't see it when I walk, and few people know about it.

The bones and toes of the corpse in the coffin were intact, and there was no sign of deformation, so I concluded that she was not Li Niang. "

Xiao Yan accepted his explanation and continued to listen to his narration.

"When I got home, I told my father about this, hoping that he would investigate the matter thoroughly and find the missing Li Niang.

In the end, my father locked me up and ordered me not to spread the word about it. "

Ling Hai couldn't understand and couldn't help saying.

"Does he not care about the life and death of his biological daughter at all?"

Deng Yuchuan: "I also asked him the same way,

He said that he was not only Li Niang's father, but also the head of the Deng family, and he wanted to consider the entire Deng family.

As for Li Niang, I can only blame her for her bad life. "

The more he spoke, the softer his voice became, the fingers on the crutches folded involuntarily, and the blue veins bulged on the back of the thin hand.

Obviously he was in a very uneasy mood at this time.

"For so many years, I have been trying to find a way to investigate Li Niang's whereabouts.

But everyone in the family remained silent.

No matter how much I cross-examined, no one told Ken the truth.

When my father and stepmother passed away, I inherited the position of the head of the family, and those who knew it back then were no longer alive.

Everyone has already decided that Li Niang is dead, but I still have the last glimmer of hope in my heart.

What if Li Niang didn't die? What if she is still alive?

Maybe she is waiting for me somewhere in the world to save her, and I must never give up looking for her.

until you suddenly appeared,

You brought not only the portrait of Li Niang, but also the news of her death. "

When he said the last sentence, Deng Yuchuan didn't hold back, his eyes were red, and his voice was full of grief.

God had cut off even his last ray of hope.

Ling Hai also has a younger sister, so he can empathize with Deng Yuchuan's words.

If something happened to his sister too, he would definitely be grief-stricken to the point of collapse.

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