After dealing with Ace and making sure that he had no way to leave the cabin, the pheasant took out the phone worm from his pocket and began to contact the Marshal of the Sengoku.

After the phone worm was connected, without waiting for the green pheasant to speak, a slightly eager inquiry from the Warring States came from inside.

“How about Kuzan? Have you succeeded in the Fire Fist Ace Junction? ”

“And what about that guy Luo Xiu? Was it successfully resolved? ”

The green pheasant smacked his lips when he heard this, and shook his head slightly.

“Fire Fist Ace is on my ship, I am taking him to the naval headquarters, Marshal of the Warring States, you can start preparing for the war with the Whitebeard Pirates in the near future.”

“As for Luo Xiu…”

The green pheasant paused, and after a moment of silence, he still said in a deep voice.

“Marshal of the Warring States, it is likely that we still underestimated the threat that Luo Xiu could bring.”

“His strength is not at all the same as when he was on Justice Island.”

“Even if I don’t use the Time Fruit ability, I can’t subdue it, at most I can only have some upper hand in battle.”

“I don’t know if he hid his strength when he was on Justice Island, or exaggerated to such a huge increase in strength in such a short time!”

After hearing the words of the green pheasant, the Warring States in the marshal’s office fell into a long silence.

After a while, the incomparably solemn voice of the Warring States finally sounded again in the phone worm.

“Kuzan, is what you said true? Luo Xiu, that little ghost, even if he doesn’t use the Time Fruit ability, can he achieve this level? ”

Even if the Warring States couldn’t see it, the green pheasant nodded vigorously and said slowly.

“It’s true!”

“Marshal of the Warring States, although we have increased our vigilance against Luo Xiu as much as possible, it seems that we still underestimated him!”

Warring States also had such thoughts in their hearts, but after weighing them, Warring States still sighed helplessly.

“Leave him alone for now.”

“For our Navy, the most important thing now is the war with the Whitebeard Pirates in the near future!”

“Once the news of the public execution of Fire Fist Ace spreads, that guy with Whitebeard will definitely not be able to sit still!”

As an old adversary, there are absolutely few people in this world who know Whitebeard better than the Warring States.

After all, he had not yet become a pirate marshal back then, and the New World was the era of the three legendary pirates.

Karp is in charge of Roger, Zefa is in charge of the golden lion, and he is in charge of the Warring States, and the one responsible for dealing with is Whitebeard!

In Whitebeard’s mind, nothing is more important than his sons!

Qing Pheasant was not surprised by this decision of the Warring States, but after hesitating for a moment, he couldn’t help but ask.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what should Lieutenant General Karp do over there in this matter?”

The momentum of the Warring States suddenly froze, and he was also silent for a while before finally speaking.

“Don’t tell Karp about this for the time being, I will contact him and let him return to the naval headquarters.”

“After we meet, I’ll tell Karp personally!”

“Yes! Marshal of the Warring States! ”


While the green pheasant escorted Ace to the naval headquarters, Luo Xiu also embarked on the journey again.

Luo Xiu’s goal along the way has always been very clear

Whether it’s Marcino and Nokigao and Koya in the East China Sea

Or after entering the great voyage, Vivi, who is the princess of Alabastan

Or Robin and Carifa, who were forcibly abducted on Justice Island, are targets that he has already targeted.

Inside the Great Route, there was also a place with a man waiting for Luo Xiu to rob him.

That is Perona, one of Moria’s three weirdos!

This goth loli, Luo Xiu can’t let it go no matter what!

It only took two days for Luo Xiu to arrive directly at the location where Moria was, the Devil’s Triangle.

Looking at this gloomy environment, Maggino, who was originally just a wine seller in Windmill Village, suddenly became nervous.

“Luo Xiu… How does it feel, something is not quite right here. ”

It’s not just Marcino,

Nuo Qigao, Keya, and Wei Wei’s three daughters, feeling the atmosphere of the Devil’s Triangle, were also a little shuddering.

Luo Xiu looked at them with a smile when he heard this, and slowly spoke.

“Because the owner of this land prefers this gloomy atmosphere.”

After hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Kalifa on the side pushed the glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose and nodded and said.

“Lord Luo Xiu is right, according to CP9’s intelligence, Moonlight Moria that guy is indeed using this environment to constantly harvest the shadows of people who have strayed here.”

As a former CP9 member, Kalifa can be said to know everything about the intelligence of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas like Moonlight Moria.

After thinking about Moonlight Moriah and his men

Kalifa’s eyes flashed, and she looked at Luo Xiu and asked.

“Lord Luo Xiu, is your target this time Perona, one of Moria’s three weirdos?”

Except for this Mononoke Princess,

Kalifa really couldn’t think of this guy Moria, what value was worth Luo Xiu personally looking for the door.

However, after hearing Kalifa’s words

Luo Xiu glanced at her lightly, and said slowly.

“As a secretary, it’s enough to do what you have to do.”

“Do you need to ask about things you shouldn’t worry about?”

Kalifa’s body trembled, and she hurriedly lowered her head, while also taking out a small whip and holding it in front of her with both hands.

“Yes! Lord Luo Xiu, I was wrong, please punish me. ”

Luo Xiu was not polite in the slightest, and directly took the whip and waved it a few times.

Robin on the side listened to the crisp sound in his ears, as well as the blush on Kalifa’s face, and couldn’t help but whisper secretly.

Kalifa, this woman, is simply intentional!

With Robina’s IQ of becoming an O’Hara scholar at the age of eight, this can certainly be seen!

Even, she knew that Luo Xiu could see it too!

The reason why it is not broken is just to cooperate with Kalifa!

After the punishment was over, Luo Xiu did not waste time, directly docked the ship on the shore of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and landed on it with all the women.

Luo Xiu was a little curious, what kind of reward will Moria and Perona, the gothic loli, bring to themselves?

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