Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1211 1213 [Good for yourself]

"By the way, for this mid-term exam, oral English is required. Mi Tao is good in all subjects, but oral English is a shortcoming. I think I should help her make a surprise attack." Xiang Nan said to Zhang Xueer again.

"Let's help her attack? Does that count as cheating?" Zhang Xueer asked worriedly.

"Of course not. There are so many students who attend remedial classes outside, they are better than Mi Tao." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Since they can accept tutoring from teachers outside the school, why can't Mi Tao accept teachers from the school tutoring?

What's more, we are only helping her with spoken English, not leaking the test questions to her. What kind of cheating is this? "

"It makes sense." Zhang Xueer nodded when she heard it, "Okay, then I will help her with a good counseling in the next few days."


A week later, the midterm exam was officially held.

After the exam, Xiang Nan and others began to approve the papers.

Mi Tao still has a perfect score in mathematics. Such achievements made Xiang Nan happy for her.

Xia Huanhuan scored 77 points in mathematics, compared to the previous score of 45 points, it is of course a substantial improvement. But it is a pity that the math questions were relatively simple this time, and most of the students scored more than 80% in the exam.

Therefore, Xia Huanhuan's grades were still low, ranking fifth from the bottom in the class.

And the reason why her grades are so poor is because she was careless, she made mistakes in several simple calculation questions, which really shouldn't be done.

The second is that the foundation is not solid. She didn't even write the last two big questions. It can be seen that she has no idea at all, and she can't even get the step points.

As for Yan Ziyou, he did okay in the exam this time. Ninety-two points in mathematics, ranking among the top.

However, his shortcomings appeared again. Among the final answer questions, there are two big questions, which are actually basic questions changed, but he didn't solve them.

It is obvious that his foundation is not solid, and he lacks contingency thinking, which is very detrimental to his future development.


Then, the results are summarized.

Mi Tao is 96 in Chinese, 95 in English, and 100 in mathematics, ranking first in her class and first in her grade. The rankings of the five schools are all among the best, and the results are quite good.

Yan Ziyou was 96 in Chinese, 99 in English, and 92 in Mathematics. She ranked fourth in her class and sixth in her grade, and her grades were not bad.

Ranked second and third are Chang Haoran and Zhao Lin. Both of them have higher total scores than Yan Ziyou, but are a little worse than Mi Tao.

Xia Huanhuan was eighty-nine in Chinese, eighty-nine in English, and seventy-seven in mathematics, ranking twenty-fifth in the class, belonging to the lower level.


After summarizing the results, the school held a parent meeting to inform parents of the teaching results of the first half of the semester.

"The mathematics scores of our class this time are very satisfactory. There are 22 students with over 80 points, and only two students who failed." Xiang Nan introduced, "In this five-school joint exam , the average math score of our Fengfan Primary School is the first among the five schools."

Hearing what he said, the parents all applauded.

In the joint entrance examination of five schools, Fengfan Primary School ranked first in mathematics, which fully demonstrated that Xiang Nan taught well.

"The students performed very well. Students like Mi Tao, Chang Haoran, and Zhao Lin have achieved excellent results and are among the best in the rankings of the five schools. They are worth learning from.

However, there are also individual students who do not pay attention to listening in class, respond slowly, and are not active in answering questions. I hope that the parents will properly supervise and remind them when they go back. School education is important, but family education is equally important. "Xiang Nan talked eloquently on the podium.

The parents of the children who were praised all looked up with smiles, showing joy and pride.

Those parents with poor grades are full of frustration, loss and unwillingness.

And Tian Yulan was even more perplexed and puzzled. In this exam, she thought that her son's grades would be among the best, but she never expected that he didn't get in the top three and came in fourth again, which made her really unconvinced.


After the parent meeting, Tian Yulan found Zhang Xueer, "Mr. Zhang, why hasn't Ziyou's grade improved?"

"No, compared to the last test, Ziyou's grades have improved significantly." Zhang Xueer said in surprise.

In the last test, Yan Ziyou only scored 85 points in the math test, but this time he scored 92 points, which has improved properly. Chinese and English scores are also very stable.

"But he's still fourth in the class. Before, our Ziyou had never been in the top three." Tian Yulan said depressedly.

If it was said that his son failed the math test last time, it was because Xiang Nan gave a question beyond the outline, but this time it was the five-school joint exam, and none of the test papers were written by Xiang Nan, so there was no excuse left.

"Mother Ziyou, don't worry. Ziyou's grades are already very good. He works very hard and works hard. I don't think you should force him to be so ruthless." Zhang Xueer persuaded.

A few days ago, Xiang Nan reminded her that Yan Ziyou had the habit of picking her fingers. She took a closer look later and found that it was true.

Yan Ziyou's fingers were scratched several times by him, which still looked quite scary.

And she also checked online, the reason why people pick their fingers is mostly because of fear, nervousness or boredom.

Yan Ziyou scratched his fingers and was covered with scars, which shows that he has been in a tense and fearful environment for a long time.

But he was not bullied at school, and no classmates bullied him, Zhang Xueer can guarantee this.

If he had an accident, he would only be outside the school.

Maybe it is because the tutoring institution has too much homework and is too tiring for him to bear; maybe it is because the parents at home are too restrictive, which makes the child continue to be nervous and afraid...

Parents are responsible for things outside of school.

"How can we not force him? We want to fight for Hanlin, so how can we not work hard?" Tian Yulan retorted immediately after hearing this.

"Mom Ziyou, I think we should care more about the children themselves than their grades. Children are children after all, and the pressure is too great, which is not good for their physical and mental development." Zhang Xueer persuaded.

"Mr. Zhang, you will know your parents' kindness only by raising children. You don't have children of your own, so of course you don't understand our difficulties." Tian Yulan said again.

Zhang Xueer saw that she didn't listen to anyone's persuasion at all, and couldn't continue communicating with her, "Mom Ziyou, please take care of yourself."

When Tian Yulan saw her say that, she immediately became angry.


After the parent meeting, Xia Junshan also found Xiang Nan.

"Junior Brother, why did our Huanhuan's grades drop again?" He asked worriedly.

"Brother, you have also seen Huanhuan's math papers. She made mistakes in several simple calculation problems. She thought she was sloppy and lost at least six points. The so-called one point is a student on the playground, how big is the gap between six points?" , you can do the math yourself.

Being so sloppy shows that she hasn't developed good study habits in normal times. Half-hearted and perfunctory when studying, it is easy to make mistakes when taking exams. "Xiang Nan explained, "Senior brother, it seems that you are still not too tight in supervision.

Small trees have to be cut down, and children have to be taken care of. From now on, you can no longer slack off. "

After hearing this, Xia Junshan nodded.

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