Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1255 1257 [Settled in Hawaii]

Xiang Nan then settled down in Hawaii with his one-year-old son Zhong Ming.

Because he has so much money, his life is very comfortable.

Every day when you wake up from the luxurious bedroom surrounded by green trees, you can see the blue sea water not far away; Eat breakfast, which is mostly fruits, vegetables, and milk. After dinner, head to the beach to practice surfing, windsurfing and jet skiing.

I go home for lunch. I mainly eat seafood and vegetables for lunch, occasionally steak and chicken, but I don’t eat pork. Although Luau in Hawaii is very famous, Xiang Nan will not try it lightly for the sake of good health and a few more years of life.

After eating, play with your son for a while, play games with him, teach him how to read, count and walk. After my son goes to sleep, I will go back to the beach and learn about diving, yachting, and sailing.

Going home for dinner at night, dinner is still vegetables and fruits. If it feels weak, add a little caviar. In short, try to eat less carbohydrates and eat more fruits, vegetables and seafood.

After eating, Xiang Nan will play games with his son and continue to teach him how to read, count and walk.

Wait until nine o'clock, tell your son a story, and put him to bed.

After his son fell asleep, Xiang Nan would drive his Ferrari sports car to the bar to enjoy himself.

A young, handsome man like him who drives a luxury car and dresses well is still very popular.

As long as you sit down, girls will pay attention to you.

At this time, as long as you send a glass of wine, you can strike up a conversation smoothly.

As long as the mouth is not too stupid, generally speaking, the night will not be wasted.

However, Xiang Nan would not take the woman home, but would only take the woman to a nearby hotel.

Because he wanted to maintain his image in front of his son.

And his knowledge of Chinese medicine can make it easier for him to identify whether the person he strikes up has a disease or not. Coupled with the necessary safety measures, the possibility of being recruited is not great.

He usually hangs out with girls for about a week, during which time he gives some gifts worth around $1,000, and then breaks up on the grounds of personality differences.

Generally, breakups go smoothly.

After all, the culture of the United States is different from that of China, and it is not a big deal to get out of bed.

But there will also be some violent ones. But first, Xiang Nan took her to a hotel, even if she wanted to entangle him, it would be difficult to find him; second, after all, Xiang Nan was surrounded by bodyguards, and he was also very skilled, so entanglement would not have good results.

Moreover, once something like this happened, Xiang Nan would usually switch places.

After all, Honolulu is not a small place, and there are countless bars and nightclubs.

Even if you change places every day, you can't complete a lap in a year.

Therefore, Xiang Nan's life in Honolulu can be said to be impressive and very comfortable.


Day after day, the days passed like this.

After unremitting study and diligent practice, Xiang Nan finally mastered the skills of surfing, windsurfing, diving, yacht driving and sailing, which made his life in Hawaii more colorful.

After mastering these skills, Xiang Nan applied for a pilot's license and asked a professional coach to teach him how to play golf.

And when he was learning to fly, Zhong Ming was already two years old.

Because he is well nourished and well developed, he can now run around. Swimming in the swimming pool, you can also swim several times back and forth, which is very good.

Xiang Nan began to teach him more and more difficult vocabulary, and also taught him simple addition and subtraction. In addition, in order to prevent the child from being bullied at school, he will also teach him some simple Wing Chun techniques.

The so-called art is bold.

Bullying in American schools is still very serious, especially in primary and secondary schools.

People of color, obese people, single-parent families, etc. are more likely to be bullied. Zhong Ming happened to occupy two, so Xiang Nan had to make plans in advance.


A year later, after unremitting training, Xiang Nan successfully obtained the airline transport driver's license.

There are three types of pilot licenses. One is a private aircraft driver's license, which cannot fly for profit. One is a commercial driver's license, which allows you to fly some helicopters, small jets.

The last one, which is also the most difficult to obtain, is the airline transport driver's license. After you get it, you can go to the airline to apply for a job.

What Xiang Nan got was the highest level of driver's license. In the future, if he buys a private jet, he can fly by himself and soar into the blue sky.

After getting his airplane license, Xiang Nan took two language courses, Japanese and Spanish.

In Hawaii, Japanese are the largest minority, followed by Latinos. The proportion of African Americans is not much, less than 3%.

Xiang Nan's language class is also for the convenience of future communication.

At this time, three-year-old Zhong Ming was also sent to kindergarten by him.

He now has no problems talking, running, eating, going to the toilet, etc. Xiang Nan hopes that he can get in touch with more children. This is not only conducive to cultivating his self-care ability, but also conducive to cultivating his social skills.

Of course, learning knowledge in kindergarten is also very important for his mental development.

In order to avoid his son's anxiety when he changed to a new environment, Xiang Nan personally took him to and from school every day.

However, his worries are obviously unnecessary. The little guy has only been in kindergarten for three days, and he has already fallen in love with it, and he is very adaptable.

There is no need for Xiang Nan to urge him to go to school on time every day, even if he goes late.

Seeing his son so eager to learn, Xiang Nan was very happy.


Two years later, my son was five years old and officially entered the first grade.

Xiang Nan chose the best private school in Honolulu for him, with an annual tuition fee of $80,000. Add registration fees, school uniform fees, activity fees, insurance fees, etc., and you'll pay $100,000 a year.

In comparison, public primary schools have free annual tuition. Counting tuition and miscellaneous fees, meals, clothing, stationery, etc., it is only five or six thousand dollars, which is an order of magnitude worse.

But then again, you get what you pay for.

Public schools charge cheap, but the quality of teaching is relatively poor. Generally speaking, there are twenty or thirty students in a class, and the teacher cannot fully take care of it.

Moreover, in public schools, teachers receive government funding, and it is the same whether they teach well or not, so the quality of teaching is relatively poor. The students are also good and bad, so the order in the school is relatively chaotic.

In comparison, private schools teach in small classes, with a maximum of ten students in each class. Teachers have more energy and time to take care of each student.

The school relies on student tuition fees and parent donations to survive, so it naturally has higher requirements for teaching quality. Moreover, private schools have thresholds for admission. Not only are the fees high, but they usually take tests before entering the school. Therefore, students are usually children of wealthy families, and their IQ and EQ are guaranteed.

In addition, public schools also strictly follow the syllabus. Some schools with relatively large financial allocations will open some interest classes, but not too many.

In comparison, private school teaching is relatively flexible. And because the fees are high and the finances are sufficient, the courses are more colorful.

These are the advantages of private schools.

Xiang Nan wants to give his son the best, of course he chooses a private school.

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