Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3160 3162 [Naturalized in the United States]

Xiang Nan filmed "Iron Man" from April to October.

In December, "Shu Laibao" starring him was officially released.

The film invested US$60 million and was released during the Christmas period in December. It was originally going to be at a disadvantage against competition from blockbusters such as "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," "The Prestige," and "Night at the Museum." of.

But what I didn't expect was that this live-action and animated film for children actually achieved a counterattack. The box office in North America alone reached US$210 million, and the global box office exceeded US$400 million.

This movie is also the first time that Xiang Nan has a box office of over 400 million, which can be said to be another great achievement.

The film has achieved such high results, which once again proves Xiang Nan's amazing box office appeal and excellent vision for film selection.

Since his debut, the movies he has chosen have basically won both box office and word-of-mouth success. He has become a film superstar step by step. He is really lucky.

The success of "Shu Laibao" has also allowed the outside world to see Xiang Nan's comedy talent and more possibilities.

Therefore, the crew of "The Hangover" also found him and asked him to play the protagonist Phil, who took his best friend to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, but ended up losing his best friend...

In addition, due to the huge success of "Rat Boy", the producer Fox Pictures also immediately put "Rat Boy 2" on the schedule.

Entering 2007, Xiang Nan began to prepare a new album for Ariana.

The new album still follows the path of pure love, and the songs are all provided by Xiang Nan, such as "you belong with me", "love story", "I LOVE YOU LIKE A LOVE SONG", "Fearless" and so on.

In comparison, Xiang Nan has not made a new album for the time being because he has to film "The Hangover". He has only released a few singles, such as the dance song "where is love" that calls for peace, the R\u0026B style "telling the world", and Hip-hop dance song "hall of fame".

The standard is still there, so the title of the King of Music is still maintained perfectly.

In 2007, Xiang Nan also exposed the CIA's hourglass plan.

This plan is a latent plan specifically targeting foreign countries, and many of its agents have already reached high-level and key departments.

They steal the country's confidential information and develop and broaden the country's intelligence lines, which can be said to be extremely harmful.

The exposure of the Hourglass Project almost wiped out all the CIA's latent agents.

Naturally, all countries will not be polite to these exposed spies. They will arrest them, imprison them, and kill them. This has caused extremely heavy losses to the CIA.

Even the director of the CIA was forced to resign as a result.

After all, once hundreds of hidden agents are captured, someone must take responsibility.

Moreover, they still have to find ways to rescue those agents, which requires a huge amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

In March 2008, "The Hangover" was officially released.

This is a low-budget R-rated comedy film with a total cost of only $30 million.

But because the plot is very cleverly arranged, not only is it full of suspense, but the process of solving the puzzle also bursts out with countless jokes.

Therefore, it became very popular after its launch.

The final North American box office was US$270 million, breaking the box office record for an R-rated movie. The global box office is 560 million US dollars, which is even more successful than many major productions with over 100 million US dollars.

It is worth mentioning that Xiang Nan did not receive a salary for this movie, but received a share instead. Otherwise, the total investment in this film would have been only 30 million US dollars, and Xiang Nan's own salary would have been 15 million.

If he wants to receive enough salary, then the movie will not be made. So he took his salary in exchange for a share. Now that "The Hangover" is a hit, Xiang Nanguang Fen has earned less than 100 million US dollars.

In May 2008, "Iron Man" was officially released.

This is the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and tells the story of Tony Stark's rise from swinger to superhero.

Because the story is brilliantly arranged, the characters’ growth arcs are perfect, and the special effects are amazing. Coupled with the mecha plot that both boys have, "Iron Man" became an instant hit once it was released.

In the end, the North American box office was US$320 million, and the global box office was close to US$600 million. As a result, Xiang Nan received a salary of US$30 million.

And because the box office of three consecutive movies exceeded 400 million US dollars, and each movie still doubled the revenue. Xiang Nan has also officially become one of the top Hollywood stars.

The salary has soared from 15 million before to 30 million now, which is a huge increase.

And more importantly, with the box office success of "Iron Man", the Marvel Cinematic Universe has officially launched. Iron Man played by Xiang Nan, as the core of the Avengers, is equivalent to an iron rice bowl.

Next, he will star in "Iron Man 2 and 3", "Captain America 3", "Avengers 1, 2, 3, 4" and so on. One film a year can last for one to five years. This is A good business with guaranteed profit and no loss.

In the following years, Xiang Nan went on to film "Sherlock 2", "The Hangover 2", "Sherlock Holmes 1 and 2", "Source Code", "Gone Girl", "Now You See Me" ,2》etc.

Not only did he make a lot of money, but he also gained great fame and reputation.

In 15 years, Xiang Nan officially went through the procedures for naturalization in the United States and became a legal citizen of the United States.

The reason for naturalizing in the United States is to reduce the chance of exposure. The St. Kitts and Nevis passport in his hand is really eye-catching. Now that he has changed it to an American passport, he can come and go much more freely.

Secondly, U.S. intelligence agencies still have concerns about their own citizens. The Stumbling Block Project only targeted foreigners, and later the Black Heather Project began to target Chinese.

After naturalization, Xiang Nan later revealed the bottom line plan, which was designed to monitor suspected dangerous elements in the United States.

Among them are American citizens, as well as many foreign nationals, among whom Chinese, Middle Eastern, and some African-American human rights activists are the most numerous.

They are all suspected of having the potential to cause harm to the United States. Therefore, their phones, computers, emails and even bank accounts are all under surveillance.

And once possible clues are discovered, they will be immediately arrested, tortured, and deported, which can be said to be quite cruel.

After this intelligence broke out, the CIA received another round of condemnation.

In the United States, people take privacy very seriously. They don't want anyone to interfere in their lives and invade their privacy. Now the CIA is monitoring their phone calls and checking their computers, emails, and bank accounts. This is a huge offense to them.

Therefore, they protested one after another and even jointly hired lawyers to file a lawsuit with the CIA, demanding an apology and compensation.

For a time, the CIA was troubled again.

The director, who had only taken over for two years, was about to be replaced again. The person in charge of the bottom line plan and the entire project team were also laid off.

The newly appointed CIA director is none other than Robert Dewey, who appeared in "The Bourne Supremacy V".

Xiang Nan knew that this was also a ruthless character.

Not only did he notice the value of big data as early as the early days of the Internet's popularity, but he also used funds to support Internet giants and let them become his own information sources, which can be said to be scheming.

Moreover, when he senses that they are rebellious, he will immediately order them to be eliminated, which is also quite cruel.

The rise of such a ruthless figure also shows that the CIA has no signs of changing at all, and they will continue to act and do the same evil things.

Just like Project Treadstone was followed by Project Black Heather, Project Deep Dream was followed by Project Iron Hand, Project Emerald Lake was followed by Project Harvest and Project Lux.

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