Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3162 3164 [The fish is dead and the net is broken]

In recent years, the CIA has been constantly exposed. Project Black Heather, Project Nasky, Project Tripstone, Project Bottom Line, Project Hourglass...

The public has long lost confidence in this intelligence agency and is extremely disgusted.

Therefore, after hearing Alan Carroll's revelations, they immediately targeted CIA Director Robert Dewey on the stage.

Robert Dewey's face naturally darkened when asked.

"Pull that damn trigger, what are you doing?" He gritted his teeth and asked the killer Esther, "Kill Alan Carroll, kill him~"

"He is..." Alan Carroll looked at Dewey.

If he doesn't let go and continues to threaten her, Carol will be ready to die.

He has already made backup copies of the records of his previous meetings with Dewey, records of phone calls, contracts signed, etc.

If Dewey really forced him, he would rather die than die. Otherwise, his end will be very tragic. He could only be forced by Dewey to fall step by step and eventually become his slave.

Dewey laughed at this time, "The United States is a place of law, and our CIA must also do things under the supervision of law."

"You mean, the CIA didn't ask for user data from DeepDream?"

"What about the Black Heather Project? You have indeed committed illegal acts before."

"Just say who those people are, Allen~"

people said one after another.

"They..." Alan Carroll didn't dare to say it yet.

After all, once you say it, you will never stop.

At this moment, a harsh noise was suddenly heard from the speakers in the hall, which shocked everyone.

Then I heard a person say, "This bastard is going to bring us down, deal with Carol now~", "Essette, what are you waiting for, do it now!", "Pull that damn trigger, you What are you doing?", "Kill Alan Carroll, kill him~"

The voice was recorded so clearly that everyone could recognize it as the voice of Robert Dewey who had just spoken.

For a moment, the whole place was in an uproar.

Alan Carroll looked at Dewey in surprise. He didn't expect that he was so vicious that he would send a killer to assassinate him.

Robert Dewey had a dark look on his face. He did not expect that the phone call between him and the killer would be exposed.

Whether the killer betrayed him or someone was behind it, he really didn't know.

However, he has been exposed now and is not suitable to stay any longer. He got up and left immediately.

At this moment, Alan Carroll finally couldn't bear it anymore and immediately said loudly, "The person who threatened me was Robert Dewey. He wanted me to open a backdoor to the CIA on the new platform so that they could collect user data at any time.

If I refuse, he will use Sifa to suppress me. Now they want to send a killer to kill me. If I die, it must be Dewey. It must be him. Please help me bear witness! "

He knew that he had been on Dewey's hit list.

If he still wants to hide it, he won't have the chance to speak again when the time comes.

So he had to speak out now. In this way, it is equivalent to giving yourself insurance.

After all, hundreds of people present heard that the CIA director wanted to assassinate him, and many people even recorded it on their mobile phones and broadcast it live.

As a result, if the CIA wants to kill him again, it will have to think carefully about how to deal with public opinion.

After hearing Carol's words, everyone was in an uproar and asked loudly about Dewey.

"Director Dewey, what is your response to Alan Carroll's words?"

"Is what Mr. Carroll said true?"

"Director Dewey, how do you explain what you just said?"

Robert Dewey stood up to leave with a livid face, without saying a word.

At this moment, Xiang Nan deflected the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and then pressed the killer's finger on the trigger.

There was a loud bang, and Robert Dewey on the stage was shot in the head.

Dewey was the one who co-initiated the Treadstone Project with Richard Webber and ordered the murder of Richard Webber after discovering signs of betrayal.

In this way, Xiang Nan avenged Richard Webber, and was avenged by Bourne for killing his father.

Xiang Nan then quickly left the venue.

At this time, the scene was in chaos due to the sudden assassination of Robert Dewey.

Dewey's bodyguards immediately searched in the direction of the shooting, while everyone present was frightened and fled in all directions.

Xiang Nan took the opportunity to follow the crowd and left the scene safely.

That night, the news that the CIA director ordered the assassination of Alan Carroll, but ended up being shot in the head, became a hot topic in the major media.

News stations such as CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, social platforms such as Yahoo, Google, Twitter, and Facebook, and video platforms such as YouTube...the discussion about this news is extremely hot.

It not only caused a sensation in the United States, but also caused a sensation all over the world.

In particular, Alan Carroll broke the news that DeepDream was threatened by the CIA to hand over user data, which shocked DeepDream users even more.

Although the CIA tried every means to quibble about this, believing that it was just one-sided words of Alan Carroll, Robert Dewey had ordered a killer to assassinate him after all, and Deep Dream Corporation was indeed beaten by the U.S. Department of Defense, threatening to use the Sherman case to bring serious consequences. Check its monopolistic behavior.

Therefore, the people did not want to believe its sophistry and still shouted against it.

And people can no longer tolerate the CIA's lawless and despicable behavior.

From the Treadstone Project to the Black Heather Project, the Nasky Files, the Hourglass Project, the Bottom Line Project, and now the Deep Dream Project...

One scandal after another, more than ten years later, they are still so lawless and show no signs of improvement. People's privacy and lives have been seriously threatened.

How can they endure it any longer?

Therefore, protests came one after another, almost giving the CIA a bad name.

Alan Carroll also took the opportunity to expose his meeting records, call records, and agreement contents with Robert Dewey.

He no longer wants to save the company, he just wants to save his own life.

After all, the director of the CIA dared to send someone to assassinate him in public, which meant that his life could be threatened anytime and anywhere.

In this case, he had no choice but to publicize the matter and reveal all the secrets.

In this way, everyone around the world will know about it. If he was killed, it would have been the CIA.

Moreover, the CIA's purpose of killing him was to cover his mouth, so he simply told everything. In this case, covering his mouth was useless.

By then, the CIA would be too busy cleaning up the mess, and it would be impossible to take his life again.

The CIA naturally denied this and placed all the blame on Robert Dewey.

They claimed that investing in Shenmeng and requesting Shenmeng's data were purely his personal actions. He misappropriated public funds from the CIA and did these things in the name of the CIA. They had nothing to do with the CIA.

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