Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3401 3403 [The Covenant of Life and Death]

Then, the woman was seen crying and hugging the child back.

The child was also covering his hands and crying terribly. The hands he covered were dripping with blood. The children in the troupe were stunned.

But after the child was brought in, he still struggled hard, broke away from the woman's arms, and hid under the altar table.

"Little Shitou'er, catch him quickly." Master Guan shouted.

Xiang Nan immediately led his junior brothers to grab Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi was so frightened that he screamed and ran around the courtyard. However, there were more than ten children present, chasing and intercepting him. No matter how dexterous his movement was, he was not a martial artist after all, so he was quickly held down by the others and forced back to the main hall.

He was forced to kneel in front of the ancestor, kowtow and pay homage to his master, and then pressed the bloody fingerprints to sign the contract between life and death.

"Li Guan Shuren is Yan Hong. Today, Xiao Douzi, who is five years old, volunteers to join Guan Jinfa as a disciple to learn the livelihood of the pear garden. It is stated that at the end of ten years, all money earned within the time limit will be returned to the society as income.

You are not allowed to go home without any reason, and you are not allowed to drop out of school midway. If there is a natural disaster or disease, it will be determined by the fate of each one. If there is an escape, etc., the two families must search for it. I will thank my teacher when I am old, but I will rely on my conscience. Empty words are baseless, and words are used as evidence..."

After signing the life-and-death contract, Yanhong took one last look at her son, wrapped a leather jacket around her son, and then ran out without looking back.

"Mom~" Xiaodouzi shouted helplessly, and when he looked back, he could no longer see his mother's shadow.

Seeing this situation, Xiang Nan couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

The poor pity the poor. If it weren't for this damn world, how could such a tragic thing happen?

In the evening, after practicing the evening exercises, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

A dozen children all slept on a big kang, and Xiaodouzi was no exception.

"Come up and sleep." Xiang Nan greeted him.

The children couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Xiaodouzi, and they were all a little curious about this new junior brother.

At this moment, the little leper cursed loudly, "Where did he come from the brothel? Go away!"

One sentence made all the children in the room scream.

Although they are still children and don't know what a brothel is, they also know that it is not a good place. Moreover, it is instinct to bully students. Seeing the little leper scolding him like this, he naturally started to boo.

When Xiaodouzi was scolded by him, he was stunned on the spot and filled his chest with anger.

"Shut up! Whoever scolds him again, I'll beat him up!" Xiang Nan cursed when he saw this, "He came from a brothel, where did you come from? Don't you think it's all about father and mother? My love, the miserable children sent to this class, Dutama is a low-class child, who can look down on the other?"

After being scolded by him, all the children did not dare to say a word.

Firstly, he is the eldest brother, and he usually disciplines them for the master; secondly, he is older and stronger, so they are not the same size if they really want to fight; thirdly, Xiang Nan is telling the truth.

The children who enter the theater troupe are all poor children who have been left behind by their parents. As long as there is a way to survive, who would want the child to become a first-rate actor?

"Come on, make some room for the new junior brother~" Xiang Nan said again.

The children hurriedly squeezed together to make room for one person's bed.

"Come up, are you still planning to stand on the ground all night?" Xiang Nan looked at Xiaodouzi and said.

Xiaodouzi looked at Xiang Nan blankly, his eyes full of vigilance.

"I don't want to sleep with those from the brothel." The little leper shouted again at this time.

As soon as Xiang Nan heard this, he slapped the little leper in the face, causing the little leper to stagger and bleed from the corner of his mouth. All the children in the room were immediately stunned.

Xiaodouzi suddenly threw the leather jacket that his mother had left for him into the charcoal basin in the house, and the fire started raging in an instant.

This was the last thought his mother left for him, and it would be completely gone if it was burned.

Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, with his skill, he can completely save this leather jacket, but what will happen if he saves it.

This leather jacket is a thorn in Xiaodouzi's heart. Keeping it will always remind him that he came from a brothel and was the child of a brothel sister.

When the other children saw Xiaodouzi burning such a fur coat, they couldn't help but be shocked. Their eyes looking at him changed from contempt, rejection, and disgust to admiration and horror.

After all, children are both cruel and innocent. They feel great if they can do things they cannot do.

"Little leper, go and sleep with the monk." Xiang Nan scolded him immediately.

The little leper was dizzy and frightened to death by Xiang Nan's slap. He didn't dare to resist. He got up obediently and slept on the same bed as the monk.

Xiang Nan then threw Xiao Douzi's quilt to Xiao Douzi, "Just cover it up, otherwise I will freeze you."

It's snowing heavily outside now and it's freezing cold. And the house they lived in was not only riddled with holes, but it was also ventilated everywhere.

Thanks to the children sleeping together, they were able to stay warm. If you were left alone, you would freeze to death.

Xiaodouzi looked at Xiang Nan, his eyes still full of vigilance, obviously he didn't dare to believe him easily.

When Xiang Nan saw this, he didn't force it. He blew out the oil lamp in one breath and fell asleep.

Xiang Nan did not leave Xifucheng immediately, he thought of taking Xiaodouzi away with him.

After all, if Xiaodouzi stayed in the troupe, he would either be beaten to death sooner or later, or he would be forced to develop a gender disorder again.

Because he is a very strong-willed person, no matter how many times he was beaten, he still could not change his tune and sing "I am a female Jiao'e"; no matter how much he was arrested by the court and sentenced, he still refused to change his tune. He was forced to sing opera by the Japanese; this can be seen from the fact that he was obsessed with opera for half his life and only woke up in his old age.

Duan Xiaolou puts it clearly when it comes to the so-called "it's easy to break when you're too strong", "It's true that you're crazy when you sing, but you also have to be crazy when you're alive. How can you survive in this world, among this pile of mortals?"

And if he wanted Xiaodouzi to follow him willingly, he had to find another chance.

That night, Xiaodouzi still didn't dare to sleep on the kang. He wrapped himself in a quilt next to the fire pot and slept on the ground.

Xiang Nan faintly heard his sobs, thinking that he was cruelly abandoned by his mother and thrown into the theater, which made him feel infinitely sad.

Early in the morning, the children were summoned to practice morning exercises.

Before practicing the early exercises, the disciples recited the "Discipline" as usual, "It is passed down to our disciples, and all living beings should listen carefully: Since ancient times, people in this world must have the ability to plan. Since we are engaged in this industry, we should concentrate on our studies. . From now on, he will become famous all over the world, based on his youth.

What's more, all of you boys are not stupid and ignorant, and the lessons you are taught are not done reluctantly? If you don’t do your job right now, you will be unsuccessful in the future. If you listen to the instigation of outsiders, your life will be wasted for a long time..."

Just like insurance companies and real estate agencies doing the "Money Dance" before opening their doors, they are all used to cheer themselves up.

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