Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3513 3515 [Following the clues]

"Master Li, where are you going to investigate the case today?" Sun Xiaohong asked.

"I'm going to go to the Prince Consort's Mansion and ask about the Prince Consort's followers to see who he always associates with." Xiang Nan explained, "By investigating these people, we may be able to find clues."

"You're right, I'll go with you." Sun Xiaohong nodded immediately.

"Miss Xiaohong, your grandfather is right. This case is not simple. It may involve very powerful people in the capital." Xiang Nan advised after seeing this, "I think it's better to be careful. I really don't want to implicate you." .”

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid." Sun Xiaohong waved her hand and said, "And I am willing to be with you, no matter what happens, we will never separate."

"How am I worthy of you doing this?" Xiang Nan said with emotion after hearing this.

Sun Xiaohong came from a well-known family and was so beautiful. It was hard to find young talents who came from a well-known family, had strong martial arts skills, and were handsome and wealthy.

Why should you be so devoted to this uncle who is over thirty years old?

"Whether it's worth it or not, I have the final say." Sun Xiaohong insisted.

She liked Xiang Nan, and she had fallen in love with him at first sight since she was six years old, when she first saw Xiang Nan in a restaurant and restrained the two brothers who killed tigers and dragons.

In her opinion, Xiang Nan is not only handsome and handsome, but also has superb martial arts skills, he is also chivalrous and courageous, and has unmatched benevolence and justice.

In order to marry his cousin, he is willing to be the enemy of the world. Even if he is criticized by a thousand people, he never flinches, which is really manly.

Therefore, as time went by, she became more and more obsessed with Xiang Nan. She was like a senior crush, and she fell in love with Xiang Nan to her core.

When Xiang Nan saw what she said, he didn't say anything more, and then went to the Prince Consort's Mansion with Xiao Hong to investigate.

At this moment, Myolie has also found out the origins of the four killers.

Through her contacts in the Money Gang, she obtained the clothes worn by the four killers, and then searched all the silk clothing and tailor shops in the city based on the fabric and stitching used in the clothes.

It was finally discovered that these clothes were customized by a major customer a month ago. Although this customer did not leave his name, surname, or address, he was riding in a free-wheeling car when he arrived.

Myolie then went through the car rental records of the ride-hailing company and finally found out that this important customer had taken a car out of the city and visited the Hongye Temple in Xishan. Xing'er rushed to Xishan Hongye Temple to take a look, and saw a group of killers in the back monastery.

She continued to investigate and found out that these killers were actually raised by Shangguan Fei, the young leader of the Money Gang.

"It's actually him?" Fairy Jinghong couldn't help but be a little surprised after hearing Xing'er's report.

"Miss, I don't understand why Shangguan Fei wants to raise dead soldiers. Who does he want to deal with? Does he want to take over in advance?" Xing'er asked in confusion.

"No, it's impossible. Shangguan Jinhong is just such a son, and he loves him so much. It's impossible for Shangguan Fei to have such a stupid idea," Fairy Jinghong waved her hand, "There are rumors in the world that he and Jing Wuming are not at odds. He cultivated A group of killers should be deliberately trying to prevent Jing Wuming from becoming more powerful in the gang."

"It makes sense." Xing'er nodded, "Then, what was his intention in assassinating his father's distinguished guest last night?"

"The banquet last night must have been arranged by Jing Wuming." Fairy Jinghong analyzed, "If those four killers in black were really sent by Shangguan Fei, he might just want to embarrass Jing Wuming."

"Just for this reason, go to assassinate the imperial official?" Xing'er said in surprise, "Don't he think about how bad this matter will be for his father and the money gang? It seems that this kid, What a foolhardy idiot."

"No, you misjudged Shangguan Fei." Fairy Jinghong waved her hand, "He is smart and calculating. He is not weak in martial arts and swordsmanship, but because of his strong jealousy, he is inevitably a little irritable. I will meet him in the future. ,must be careful."

"Yes, miss." Xing'er nodded.

"By the way, help me send another message..." Fairy Jinghong said again.

Xiang Nan and Sun Xiaohong came to the Prince Consort's Mansion.

The people in the Prince Consort's Mansion now knew that he had been ordered by the Queen Mother to search for the Prince Consort's whereabouts, so they naturally cooperated very well. Soon the four personal attendants and four porters who had been following the Prince Consort came to find him.

"Li Tanhua, we have told Dongchang, Xichang and Jinyiwei everything about the Prince Consort. There is really nothing more to say." Changsui Ping'an said to Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan nodded, "I know. However, although I have been ordered by the Queen Mother to investigate the case, I am not qualified to access the files of the East and West Second Factory and Jinyiwei. I can only trouble you to tell you again."

Ping An could only nod, "Then please ask Mr. Li."

Xiang Nan then asked the golden consort in detail about his daily life in the past six months, such as where he went in addition to the yamen and the consort's house, who he had close contact with, who he had had grudges with, and so on.

Ping An answered Xiang Nan's questions one by one.

"Our Prince Consort is introverted by nature and doesn't like to socialize, so we don't have close contact with people. Except for the Prince Consort's Mansion and the Hubu Yamen, we basically don't go to other places, and we have never made any enmity with anyone." Ping An replied. .

"How is his relationship with the princess? Are they still loving and happy?" Xiang Nan asked again.

"That's natural. The prince-in-law and the princess are naturally very affectionate and mutually supportive." Ping An replied immediately.

"Did the consort do anything weird before he disappeared?" Xiang Nan continued to ask.

"No, really not. It's the same as before, working in the Yamen and going home to rest." Ping An explained.

"Is everything you said true?" Xiang Nan asked again.

"Everything is true, I hope Li Tanhua will understand clearly." Ping An said quickly.

"Okay, please step back first, and I will ask others. If there is any discrepancy, I will ask you again." Xiang Nan nodded.

Ping An nodded quickly and retreated.

"Master Li, this man didn't tell the truth at all." Sun Xiaohong said to Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan nodded.

He knew that Jin Ziguang was not as simple as Ping An said.

Jin Ziguang colluded with Yun Wang Zhu Rui to recruit troops and usurp the throne. But when things came to pass, he felt regretful, so he was imprisoned by King Yun.

Therefore, Jin Ziguang would never go to the Prince Consort's Mansion and the Hubu Yamen on weekdays. He would definitely have something to do with King Yun, so he knew that Ping An was lying.

But it's not time to expose his lies just yet.

Xiang Nan then called the other chief attendants and bearers for questioning.

Sure enough, those people all said the same thing, and there was basically no difference.

It seems that everything must have been discussed beforehand.

"Master Li, they all spoke the same thing. They clearly confessed in collusion." Sun Xiaohong became angrier as she listened, and couldn't help complaining to Xiang Nan, "I can't bear the punishment. They don't tell the truth at all, so I'd better give them a beating."

Upon hearing this, Xiang Nan waved his hand, "It doesn't have to be like this. You forgot, I know [Mind-Taking Technique]. I didn't use it just now. Let's see how good I am later."

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