Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3568 3570 [Silence]

"Hey, it's already September, are you still reading?" Qu Bo asked Xiang Nan.

"No more. I'm different from you. We're not the ones who went to school." Upon hearing this, Xiang Nan waved his hands.

For him, there is no point in going to school if it is not necessary. After all, with his knowledge base, even the highest-level academicians may not be able to match him.

Moreover, the purpose of going to college is mainly to find a good job after graduation. But with Xiang Nan's ability, it would not be difficult to make a fortune even if he didn't go to school.

In this case, why bother?

"Then what do you want to do?" Qu Bo asked curiously.

"If you don't go to school, just go to work. My dad is helping me with the recruitment process and wants me to join our steel factory." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said, "However, our factory's performance has not been good in recent years, and we haven't hired workers for several years. I don’t know when it will be done.”

Hualin Iron and Steel No. 1 General Plant was originally the pride of Hualin City, a state-owned enterprise and a pillar industry. However, the performance has not been very good in recent years.

First, state-owned enterprises have rigid systems that cannot keep up with the needs of the market economy; second, a group of middle and high-level officials led by factory director Song Yukun are corrupt, enrich themselves, and embezzle state-owned assets.

Over the years, Hualin Iron and Steel Plant has been in turmoil, suffering losses year after year, which has greatly affected employee wages and benefits.

Wang Yang's mother, Russell Lan, had a heart stent installed, so the factory should reimburse her. But after three years of delay, there is still no news.

And because of poor profitability, the factory has not recruited new people in recent years, making it difficult for employees' children to find jobs. It’s not just Wang Yang who can’t get into the factory, there are also a lot of young people who can’t get into the factory.

In the play, Xiaofeng and others who fight with Fu Weijun and Sui Dong are all unable to work in the factory. The five spines and six beasts who have no time all day can only gather together to fight, brawl, steal, etc. They have wandered around. The edge of the law.

"Then since you want to go to work, I have an idea." Seeing this, Qu Bo persuaded, "My cousin's karaoke club is hiring waiters recently. You have nothing to do now, so why not go and do it?" Just make some pocket money."

"Let me think about it." Xiang Nan nodded.

Knowing that Qu Bo's cousin drove the Victoria Entertainment City, he would go to Victoria's to play the piano after two days of silence. This was an opportunity.

"Hey, hey, hey, that girl is pretty~" Qu Bo suddenly pushed Xiang Nan and nuzzled at a simple-looking girl.

"What's that look like? Isn't that good?" Xiang Nan couldn't help complaining when he saw this.

This girl got a perfect score of 10 out of 10 for him. She could only get 4 points at most. She was too ordinary and belonged to a lot of people.

"I just like this style." Qu Bo said, then threw the tape recorder to Xiang Nan and walked over to the girl, "Classmate, which department are you in?"

"Department of Pharmacy." The girl was stunned and replied.

"Over there, I'll take you there." Qu Bo smiled.

"Thank you." The girl nodded.

"Come on, let me carry it for you." Qu Bo said again, then took the girl's luggage and took her to the Department of Pharmacy.

Xiang Nan couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

After all, he is a new student, entering society for the first time, so he is naive and innocent.

Seeing them reminded him of when he was in college. When I was eighteen years old and traveling for the first time, I was like a little fool. I didn’t know anything and everything I saw was new. I can sum it up in two words - "youthful".

Just when Xiang Nan fell into memories, a girl walked up to him and called softly, "Classmate~"

Seeing that Xiang Nan didn't respond, the girl stretched out her hand, waved it in front of him, and then shouted, "Classmate~"

Xiang Nan woke up and looked at the girl.

The delicate face, pure temperament, and restrained smile were exactly the silence he was waiting for.

Xiang Nan stood up slowly, smiled at her and said, "Siren, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Silence was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, "How do you know my name? Do you know me?"

"We don't know each other yet, but soon, we will get to know each other." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

Silence became more and more confused as she listened, not understanding what Xiang Nan meant.

At this moment, the teacher in charge of welcoming new students came over and asked Shen Mo, "Hey, classmate, is he harassing you?"

Wang Yang and Qu Bo had been sitting on this step since half an hour ago. Whenever a good-looking girl passed by, they would go up to chat with her and get close to her. The teacher had already spotted her.

But Qu Bo is better. He wears glasses, is polite and looks like a good student.

Wang Yang, on the other hand, was dressed in jeans, with disheveled hair, and looked arrogant. Therefore, he had long been defined as a "little hooligan" by his teacher, who naturally disliked him.

"No, I'm asking him for directions." Shen Mo looked at the teacher and explained quickly.

"Hey, are you..." The teacher was about to ask Xiang Nan again, but was surprised to find that he was missing.

In just such a moment, the person who was standing next to him suddenly disappeared, which shocked the teacher.

Shen Mo herself was also surprised. She just glanced at the teacher, and as soon as she turned around, Xiang Nan was gone.

She looked around in confusion, but there was no trace of Xiang Nan at all. He was like a ghost, and he disappeared out of thin air.

Thinking about his strange words just now, she became more and more confused, "Who is he, what does he mean by what he said, why did he suddenly disappear..."

Xiang Nan took advantage of the silence and the teacher's words to leave the scene without leaving a trace.

First, it deliberately creates a sense of mystery. Curiosity is the beginning of love, and he wants to arouse Shen Mo's curiosity about him, in order to speed up the progress of their relationship.

Otherwise, judging from the timeline shown in the play, Wang Yangzhui started dating Silence in September 1997, but it was not until April 1998 that the two held hands for the first time, which took more than half a year.

This kind of progress is not too fast for Xiang Nan.

Secondly, it was to avoid being arrested by the teacher and sent to the school security office to write an inspection. Xiang Nan had no time to wait for him.

After leaving the scene, Xiang Nan found Qu Bo and returned the recorder to him.

I saw him queuing up with the girl to register for new students. The two were talking and laughing, and it seemed that the progress was going well.

After returning the tape recorder to Qu Bo, Xiang Nan immediately returned home.

Wang Yang lives in Building 6, District 1, Family Area, Hualin Iron and Steel Factory. Wang Yang’s father Wang Xiang and mother Luo Meisu are both employees of the steel factory. His grandfather was even one of the first employees of the steel factory.

Wang Xiang succeeded his father to work in the factory at the age of eighteen. He has worked in the factory for twenty-seven years now. It can be said that he has dedicated most of his life to the factory.

The same goes for my mother, Luo Meisu, who has worked in a steel factory for half her life. It wasn't until two years ago that a stent was installed in his heart and he was unable to do the heavy work in the steel plant, so he had to apply for medical retirement.

But she couldn't stay idle, so she recently took over the job of knitting sweaters for others. She knitted sweaters with her head down at home every day, earning about ten yuan per piece, which was very hard work.

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