Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3682 3684 [Kill the rich and give to the poor]

"There are not many women as smart as you. There are not many women as luxurious as you. Thank you for caring so much about me." Xiang Nan sighed.

"I just care about you. At worst, this can keep you a little longer." Rui Xiaodan snuggled into his arms and said with attachment.

"Okay, this can be done, but it is destined to be a mistake." Xiang Nan nodded.

"Why?" Rui Xiaodan asked doubtfully.

"No matter how you help them get rich, wealth is not unlimited. As they increase their wealth, some people are bound to decrease their wealth.

The essence of the myth is to kill the rich and give to the poor with force. This may raise two questions: first, whether killing the rich is destructive exploitation of market resources; second, let the people at the bottom of the well take a look at the edge of the well before falling in. Will he suffer from terminal mental illness? Xiang Nan explained.

The rise of China's economy is also accompanied by the decline of other countries.

Originally, foreign countries had developed science and technology and firmly occupied the upper reaches of the manufacturing industry with the highest profit margins, so people in their countries could enjoy a very good life.

For example, in the United States, in the 1970s, a pound of beef cost only one dollar, a gallon of gasoline cost thirty-six cents, and a car cost about three thousand dollars.

At that time, the annual salary of ordinary people was about US$10,000. The income of a blue-collar worker could enable a family of four to live a life without worries about food and clothing, so it was hailed as a golden age.

In the early days of China's reform and opening up, it could only create foreign exchange through low-end manufacturing, such as the famous "800 million shirts in exchange for airplanes" incident at the time.

With the advancement of science and technology, China's high-end manufacturing industry is becoming more and more developed. Cars, home appliances, ships, mobile phones, chips, airplanes...are occupying more and more markets, greatly compressing the profits of other countries.

Nowadays, unemployed blue-collar workers are everywhere in the United States. Traditional manufacturing areas such as Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Milwaukee have now become rust belts.

The reason behind this is that neither the market nor wealth is infinite. If you take one more bite, others will have to take one less bite. The prosperity of the people in Wangmiao Village is likely to harm the interests of other people.

"This matter is essentially poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation is not a bad thing, right?" Rui Xiaodan said in confusion. "As for market competition, I think as long as it is reasonable and legal, it should be accepted and allowed to exist. I don't think there should be any psychological burden. "

"Okay, let me understand the situation first." After Xiang Nan pondered for a moment, he finally nodded.

Seeing that he agreed, Rui Xiaodan felt a surge of joy in her heart, but then she fell into deep contemplation.

What Xiang Nan said about "terminal mental illness" and "killing the rich and giving to the poor" has a cold air of "calling for blood and sealing throats with swords". It seems that poverty alleviation in Wangmiao Village is far more complicated than she imagined.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing for her to drag Xiang Nan into trouble like this? She can't tell clearly now.

Suddenly, Rui Xiaodan found Feng Shijie and told him Xiang Nan's new home address, "If you are still interested in Wangmiao Village, you can go and have a talk with Yuanying."

Feng Shijie was deeply surprised by Rui Xiaodan's return, and then he was greatly inspired. He originally thought that asking Xiang Nan to point out a clear path was over, and he had no hope.

Unexpectedly, things turned out unexpectedly. What a surprise.

He then contacted Ye Xiaoming and wanted to invite him to meet Xiang Nan.

Because Ye Xiaoming is smart, eloquent, and has more ideas than him. The so-called three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. One more person has more power.

Ye Xiaoming is moving the store with Liu Bing. Because the ancient city is only a small city, there is not much market for high-consumer products such as HiFi speakers. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the ancient city, but there are only a few dozen people who play audio, one in a million.

Therefore, Ye Xiaoming's Yafeng audio business could only manage to maintain it. In the end, it could not survive and had to announce its transfer. Before closing the store, there were still some goods that were not sold at all, so Liu Bing was invited to help move the goods.

Liu Bing is the owner of Gudao Record Store, and Xiang Nan's records were sold to him before.

He collected fifty-one pieces from Xiang Nan, and then sold out one hundred-one pieces, making double the profit. I have to say, it's still a bit dark.

Because they are both audio enthusiasts, he knows Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie, and they are so-called "audiophiles". He couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard that Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming were looking for Xiang Nan to learn from them.

"That man is so poor that he sells records, how can he be considered an expert?" he asked in confusion.

"A set of speakers costs at least 400,000 yuan. Not to mention our ancient city, how many sets can there be in the whole of China? This person must have a special background." Ye Xiaoming explained.

Liu Bing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Xiang Nan looked ordinary, but he was actually a grass-covered pearl, so awesome!

And he has always liked to take advantage of others. As soon as he sees an advantage, he immediately wants to get involved.

In this way, if Xiang Nan is really an expert, he can take the opportunity to make a fortune. If Xiang Nan was not an expert, he would not be able to withstand any big thunder with Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming carrying him.

"You two go ahead, I'll wait in the store to hear your message, and I'll treat you to a supper tonight." He smiled at Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming.

"What the hell, I haven't even written my horoscope yet." Ye Xiaoming was so smart that he naturally saw through his thoughts and immediately smiled.

Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming then came to the downstairs where Xiang Nan rented.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw the Beijing-branded BMW 730, and we were all shocked.

Feng Shijie owns a car repair shop, so he naturally knows how much this BMW is worth. It can be said that among the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire ancient city, few can afford to drive such a car.

As for this car, it should be Xiang Nan's car.

A set of stereos worth at least 400,000 yuan, a BMW car worth more than one million... These two items alone have demonstrated Xiang Nan's financial resources. He is truly a rich man.

The two then went to the third floor and knocked on Xiang Nan's door.

After Xiang Nan heard the knock on the door, he walked over and opened the door, letting Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie in, "Please sit down~"

Afterwards, they made tea, poured water, lit cigarettes, and exchanged a few pleasantries. Xiang Nan got straight to the point, "I'm a foreigner, and we met by chance because of audiophiles. In the local parlance, we are both audiophiles."

If I can still be of some use, that's great. Let’s not talk about clichés. Just say what you have to say without any restraint. "

Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie looked at each other, then smiled awkwardly, "Brother Ding is so straightforward, which makes us embarrassed. We just looked around and found a restaurant and wanted to treat Brother Ding to a meal."

"I was rude last time in Xiaoming's store. I wanted to invite Brother Ding to dinner. Unexpectedly, not only was the invitation not accepted, but the meal was in vain, so today Brother Ding must give face no matter what." Feng Shijie He also quickly echoed.

"Don't be in a hurry to eat." Xiang Nan waved his hand, "Let's talk about the matter first. I need to know the depth of this matter."

The biggest taboo when helping others is not to trick yourself. Many people just overestimate their capabilities, so Xiang Nan would not be that stupid.

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