Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3715 3717 [The lawsuit opens in court]

On August 5, the day after Rui Xiaodan resigned, the lawsuit between Ge Lu Shi and Le Sheng Company officially opened.

This case has attracted widespread public attention due to the media's early hype and many hot topics such as business ethics, audio price trends, the high-priced acquisition of Piaget Company, and jumping off a building after losing the case. This also resulted in the court's auditorium area being packed.

The legal channel of Yanjing TV also broadcast the lawsuit live.

"Yuanying, will there be any accident?" Rui Xiaodan said worriedly.

"Nothing in the world is 100% guaranteed. If you have more than 60% chance of winning, you can try it." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "And in this lawsuit, I am 90% certain that I will win."

Rui Xiaodan nodded after hearing this.

Sure enough, in the subsequent rounds of evidence presentation, witness questioning, and court debate, Lesheng Company's lawyers did almost nothing effective.

Because after the evidence was exposed, everyone could see that the Metric No. 1 speaker was not sold at a price lower than the cost price, so it naturally did not constitute unfair competition.

Therefore, Lesheng Company’s lawsuit is definitely lost.

However, they did not sit still and wait for death, but pointed their fingers at Xiang Nan.

He was accused of inducing Lesheng Company to fall into a trap through a series of calculations.

At this moment, the only way out of the predicament for Lesheng Company is to cooperate with Metric Poetry. Make use of Lesheng's kits and sales network, and Wangmiaocun's cabinets and production base to get rich together.

But what he did was no different from a robber who killed the rich and gave to the poor, causing Le Sheng to lose at least six million.

Moreover, he also used this to open Pandora's box, which will have a huge impact on the domestic manufacturing industry.

Because he has modified the rules of business competition, he no longer relies on technology, patents, marketing, etc. to win, but relies on extreme compression of manufacturing costs.

Under such involution, if the domestic manufacturing industry follows the same example, there will be no one to engage in R\u0026D, marketing, or technology, and everything will become a price-roller. When the time comes, how will we compete with our foreign counterparts?

"Trouble, they are targeting you." Rui Xiaodan said worriedly.

With Lesheng Company's approach, even if Metrics wins the lawsuit, the public opinion brought about by Lesheng will make Xiang Nan a target of public criticism, and he will be ruined and infamous from then on.

After all, his move of "killing the rich and giving to the poor" was too cruel, too cruel, and too damaging.

No one will be wary of any business boss. Anyone who is an expert in the economic field will not dislike it.

And the power of speech these people have is enough to make money with everyone, destroy all the bones, and send Xiang Nan to the eighteenth level of hell.

Therefore, in this lawsuit, only metrical poetry will be the biggest winner, and both Xiang Nan and Le Sheng will be the losers.

"It doesn't matter." Xiang Nan waved his hands and smiled.

As a person who has lived for several lives, he doesn't care about these external names at all.

And he knows that in today's society, any hot spot will not last more than half a month.

Now he has gained a certain amount of attention through the lawsuits involving Lesheng and Metrical Poems. After half a month and the heat of the lawsuit subsides, who cares who he is.

By then, he had already left for Germany with Rui Xiaodan. Even if the mainland becomes a pot of porridge, it has nothing to do with him.

"Anyway, I hurt you this time." Rui Xiaodan apologized.

If she hadn't insisted at the beginning, Xiang Nan wouldn't have interfered with Wangmiao Village's business, so naturally he wouldn't have earned such a reputation.

"It's not harmful, it's my own choice." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Even if this incident hadn't happened, my reputation wouldn't have been good. With this incident, at least I helped some people."

When Ding Yuanying opened a private equity fund and made money in the stock market, she had already become a "traitor" and a "traitor." Nowadays, these insults are relatively mild compared to "traitor" and "traitor".

"Yuan Ying, I want to ask you three questions." Rui Xiaodan suddenly said again.

"Ask." Xiang Nan nodded.

"I don't want to be a lawyer anymore. I suddenly have the urge to write, write novels, write scripts, and reveal the life destinies of different cultural attributes. What do you think of this? Hasty? On a whim?" Rui Xiaodan asked.

After experiencing poverty alleviation in Wangmiao Village, she gained a deeper understanding of the "cultural attributes" mentioned by Xiang Nan.

It can be said that Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie are not smart people, they cannot be said to be incompetent and brainless, but why do they admit defeat immediately when facing a lawsuit instead of trying to argue with their arguments?

Why did Xiao Yawen make the opposite decision, choosing not to hesitate to borrow money but also to hold a controlling stake before filing a lawsuit?

Lesheng Company is full of talents and has been famous for a long time. Why did it fall into the trap dug by Xiang Nan so easily?

How did Xiang Nan design it to treat Le Sheng like a monkey and let him do whatever he wanted?

These things may sound miraculous, but in the final analysis, they are all due to "cultural attributes."

Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie belong to a weak cultural group and habitually rely on the strong without wanting to take any risks. So when something happens, their first thought is to hide, without any determination to resist.

In comparison, although Xiao Yawen is a woman and looks weak, she dares to take risks and seizes the opportunity in time. As expected, she is now successful.

Although Lesheng Company is the leader in HiFi audio in China, its company slogan is even more powerful and domineering, claiming "Only a spear and no shield, attack, attack, attack!"

It seems very strong, but in fact, shopping malls are like battlefields, and there is no victorious general.

Le Sheng only attacks but does not defend, which completely violates objective laws. Therefore, it is actually a vulnerable cultural group, so it is calculated step by step by Xiang Nan and led into the trap step by step.

Therefore, after understanding these truths through these things, Rui Xiaodan no longer wants to learn to be a lawyer, or to devote himself to helping villagers alleviate poverty.

In her opinion, even if she became a well-known lawyer, it would be difficult to make any impact.

Just like the professional lawyer hired by Le Sheng, he is so sharp-tongued and very familiar with the law, but he is still no match for Xiao Yawen, a non-professional lawyer.

And helping villagers to alleviate poverty will not yield any results.

If the villagers' thinking does not change and they are still habitually dependent on others, then even if the wealth is put to their lips, they will not be able to eat it in the end.

Just like Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie, they had the opportunity to make a fortune and completely escape the fate of poverty. But because of the influence of cultural attributes, they pushed away all the wealth they got.

Therefore, whether being a lawyer or helping the poor will not change the fundamental problem, only by awakening the people and letting them learn to be self-reliant and work hard can they have a better life and future.

Just like Mr. Lu Xun's choice back then, studying medicine cannot save the people. Only writing articles can wake them up.

"I think your idea is very good." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "The mainland should have one more strong cultural communication company registered by you.

You should integrate your social relationship resources, study and work for a few years, absorb and integrate scattered energy, starting from your first book, first script, and first TV series.

Use the image thinking of novels and the language of film and television art to reveal the causal relationship between cultural attributes and destiny, and to spread the logic, morality, and values ​​of strong culture. "

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