Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3721 3723 [Optimistic about the success]

In October, after three rounds of negotiations, Metrics officially decided to cooperate with Lesheng Company.

Because the conditions offered by Le Sheng are the best.

After the cooperation, the audio rack products of Rhythm Company have fully entered the sales network of Lesheng Company.

Lesheng Company exclusively uses the Metrics brand and speaker design patents for a fee, and exclusively operates two-component speakers. The Lesheng flagship two-component speaker to be launched in the future will be named: Lesheng-Rhythmic Poetry.

Lesheng Company has established Wangmiao Village as the production base of "Lesheng - Metrics" and "Lesheng Flagship" and other high-end speaker cabinets. Metrics Company provides paid guarantee for the quality of the cabinets.

Lesheng Company dismantled the production line of high-end speaker cabinets, broke down the equipment according to the process, converted the price, and loaned it to Wangmiao Village's production professionals in the form of processing fees to repay the debt, and the Glyph Company assumed the debt risk guarantee.

This kind of cooperation can no longer be said to be Lesheng's acquisition of Metrics, but that the two companies have completely merged together, and even Metrics still holds a dominant position.

This has much more potential than the acquisition proposed by the count.

After all, the acquisition is just a one-time deal. Even if it costs a whopping 10 million, it can only make Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue make money once.

Now after merging with Le Sheng, although in the short term, they have lost a lot of income, they have a more brilliant future.

According to estimates by industry insiders, the combination of Metrics' brand and Lesheng's sales network will be able to leverage a market benefit of at least 140 million. This is obviously more cost-effective than selling the company.

Before signing the contract with Lesheng, Metrics also re-absorbed Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming back into the company.

The purpose of absorbing Feng Shijie back into the company is to strengthen the connection between Metrics and Wangmiao Village. There is no affiliation between the two parties, just a loose alliance of interests. Without Feng Shijie as a link, this alliance would easily fall apart.

As for taking Ye Xiaoming back to the company, it was out of sympathy and pity.

Although Ouyang Xue was angry with him for running away from the battle that day and abandoning her, she once did not want to cooperate with him, and it was best not to meet him again in this life.

But since winning the lawsuit, Metrics' popularity has greatly increased, and her performance has been booming. Even her, the major shareholder, has become the target of the news media, who want to ask her why she helped poverty-stricken Wangmiao Village in the first place.

The so-called forgiveness is the privilege of the strong. She is now famous and profitable, has status and status, and looking at Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming, she is much more tolerant.

Under the circumstances at that time, facing Le Sheng's high-profile prosecution, even she was frightened. People like Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie did not dare to take risks, and it was not a mistake to choose to withdraw.

After all, they are not familiar with Xiang Nan and don't know how good he is in the private equity field. Little did he know that Xiang Nan could make dozens or millions of dollars with just a casual word.

Therefore, it is the most normal reaction for them to doubt Xiang Nan's ability.

Don't be too harsh on them.

And the success of metrical poetry is inseparable from their hard work.

Therefore, both she and Xiao Yawen decided to give them a chance to return to rhythmic poetry and continue to shine.

After Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming received the invitation, they naturally felt guilty and grateful.

The two of them had no shame in returning to the company. After all, they were so determined to leave in the first place, and if they come back now, it would be difficult for them both in terms of face and morality.

Fortunately, Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue were not ordinary people. They visited the thatched cottage three times and invited them back. Their sincerity and enthusiasm finally made Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming let go of their hearts and return to metrical poetry.

Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming subsequently shared 20% of Metric Poetry's shares equally through advance capital investment. The so-called advance capital investment means that Ge Lushi advanced capital to give them shares, so they each owed the company 650,000 yuan.

In this way, their annual dividends will be deducted first, and they can only receive the dividends after paying off the 650,000 yuan. This is both an incentive and a constraint for them.

If they want to pay off their debts as soon as possible, they must help the company work hard to make money. The better the company's performance, the more dividends they pay and the harder they work.

After Xiang Nan learned about Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue's approach, he was very satisfied with their approach.

In fact, he also sympathized with Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie.

The two of them are the fathers of metrical poetry. Without their efforts, there would be no metrical poetry today.

Although Xiang Nan gave them a lot of ideas, in the end he only played and guided the chess from behind, but the specific work was still completed by the two of them.

And everyone who works knows that it is easier to talk than to do it.

He just opened his mouth, but Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie were about to break their legs.

Moreover, Feng Shijie is not only a shareholder, but also bears the hopes of the whole village. The pressure is also very high.

Due to lack of vision, ability, and character, they quit before the final victory. It was a pity that their past hard work was in vain, and they also suffered from severe mental illness.

If they are not recruited back, Xiang Nan believes that they will not survive for long.

Because according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, all diseases are caused by qi. Anger damages the liver, happiness damages the heart, sadness damages the lungs, thoughts damages the spleen, fear damages the kidneys, and shock damages the gallbladder.

After the two of them suffered from terminal mental illness, even if they did not go to a dead end like Liu Bing, they would still feel suffocated, angry, and regretful. Moreover, the more prosperous the rhyme poems became, the more uncomfortable they became, and in the end they had to die.

Now that they can return to the rhythmic poems and enjoy the fruits of victory, they can be considered as relieved of their worries. This is a good thing for them, and it is also a good thing for metrical poetry.

After all, they are the founders of Metric Poetry and have the deepest understanding of the company and Wangmiao Village. With their presence, communication costs can be minimized and effective communication between Metrics and Wangmiao Village can be ensured.

Therefore, the return of the two is a good thing for themselves, the Metrics Company, and the villagers of Wangmiao Village, and Xiang Nan is also optimistic about the success.

After Metrics and Lesheng reached a cooperation, Xiang Nan stopped paying attention to this matter.

First, this company now has nothing to do with him, and he can no longer afford to work hard for it;

Secondly, the general will not be affected by his fate. He is far away in Germany and far away from the mainland. He does not have a deep understanding of the market environment, industry trends and company business in the mainland, and it is difficult for him to blindly guide the game.

So for the next time, he would live in seclusion in Dawan Lake with peace of mind.

I usually listen to music in the house, tidy up flowers and trees in the garden, or go fishing at Wanhu Lake, etc. My life is leisurely and comfortable.

Rui Xiaodan would come back to see him every week. While relieving his lovesickness, he would also get a book list from Xiang Nan to learn knowledge and expand his horizons.

Although she is studying law now, in the future she plans to be a screenwriter, writer, write novels, scripts, and shoot film and television dramas, so she still needs to accumulate more knowledge.

Fortunately, Xiang Nan is considered an expert in writers, screenwriters, and the film and television industry, so he always makes a list of books for her so that she can read them in her free time and recharge herself.

So the life of the two is sweet and happy.

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