Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3765 3767 [Death of shame and ruthlessness]

Xiang Nan had a huge headache for a while.

He gave the Wangchuan water to Liu Ruosong and asked him to give it to Qin Keqing to drink, thinking that he had ended this bad relationship.

Unexpectedly, Qin Keqing would still appear here, still so infatuated with her that she would even sell herself into slavery.

"Liu Ruosong didn't give you Wangchuan water to drink?" he asked doubtfully.

"He gave it to me, but I didn't drink it because I didn't want to forget you." Qin Keqing shook her head and said, "Brother Ding, it was once difficult to find water in the sea. Except Wushan is not a cloud, where can I find such a good man like you? How can I forget you?"

"Brother Peng~" At this time, Qingqing also came over, with a bit of panic on his face.

Because she realized that Xiang Nan's relationship with that woman was not simple, and even in her opinion, that woman was extremely beautiful and beautiful, so this gave her a deep sense of crisis.

"It's pathetic, I'm really sorry. I know you are sincere to me, but I already have Qingqing by my side." Xiang Nan shook his head and held Qingqing's hand, "We are officially married and we love each other."

"I know, but I don't care. Brother Ding, I just want to be by your side. I don't ask for any status. I can be a slave or a maid." Qin Keqing still insisted.

"I'm sorry." Xiang Nan still shook his head, "You don't have to care, but I have to care about Qingqing's feelings. No woman would like an infatuated woman next to her husband. Likewise, no man would like having his wife next to him. One more infatuated man.”

Qingqing was immediately moved when she heard what he said.

Qin Keqing was greatly shocked, "Brother Ding, I didn't expect that you would be so heartless towards me. In this case, my life is meaningless."

With that said, she rushed out of the house.

Yuanyue Villa is built on the top of Jiulong Mountain, and there are steep cliffs beyond the mansion.

Qin Keqing jumped up and jumped off the cliff.

"What a pity~" Xiang Nan was shocked when he saw this, and jumped down without even thinking about it.

"Ouch~" Qingqing screamed in fright.

She didn't expect that Qin Keqing would be so strong-willed that she would jump off the cliff without even thinking; she didn't expect that Xiang Nan would jump after her.

She was so frightened that she hurried to the edge of the cliff and looked down, only to see steaming clouds and mist under the cliff, and no one could be seen at all.

"Brother Peng~Brother Peng~" Qingqing immediately panicked, clasped her hands together quickly, knelt down and prayed, "Goddess bless me, nothing will happen to Brother Peng, nothing will happen~"

While she was praying devoutly, she finally heard a voice she had dreamed of, "Qingqing~"

"Brother Peng~" Qingqing opened her eyes immediately, and sure enough she saw Xiang Nan standing in front of her with Qin Keqing on her back, "Brother Peng, great, you're okay~"

"Fortunately, I'm pretty good at Qinggong." Xiang Nan nodded.

When he saw Qin Keqing jumping off the cliff, he jumped along with her without even thinking about it.

After all, he and Qin Keqing had such a passionate period, and he was sincere to her, so naturally he couldn't bear her dying in front of him.

Fortunately, he was good at Qinggong and finally rescued Qin Keqing. Otherwise, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Brother Peng, I've decided to let her stay." Qingqing looked at Xiang Nan and said.

"What did you say?" Xiang Nan was stunned.

"Brother Peng, I hope she stays." Qingqing looked at Qin Keqing and said, "I can see that you still have her in your heart, and she also loves you.

If I let her go, both you and her will be sad. If I let her stay, both you and her will be happy. Brother Peng, as long as you are happy, I will be happy too. So let her stay, so that the three of us can be happy. "

Seeing her say this, Xiang Nan was speechless for a moment.

With such a self-sacrificing and considerate girl who loves herself wholeheartedly, there is nothing more I could ask for.

"Qingqing, you are so kind. And the better you are to me, the less I can hurt you." So he shook his head and then looked at Qin Keqing, "Keqing, I can only talk to you. Say I'm sorry. If I have a chance in my next life, let me repay you."

As he spoke, he took out some Wangchuan water again, which he condensed into a water ball with his inner strength, and was about to be put into Qin Keqing's mouth.

In his opinion, it was the best way to let Qin Keqing drink Wangchuan water and forget about him from then on.

"If you dare to let me drink, I will bite my tongue and kill myself." Qin Kerqing shouted.

"Here with me, you have no control over whether you want to live or die." Xiang Nan clicked on her acupuncture point, and then controlled the water ball and put it into her mouth.

Qin Keqing struggled hard, but she couldn't move. Seeing this, her eyes showed despair.

Just as she was about to put the water ball into her mouth, a hand suddenly shot out quickly and knocked the water ball to the ground.

"Qingqing~" Xiang Nan couldn't help but be startled when he saw this, because the person who took action was Qingqing.

"Brother Peng, don't treat her like this. I can see that she really loves you. You can't be so cruel to her." Qingqing explained, "If it were me, I wouldn't want to be treated like this. Please. Please, accept her as if it’s for me.”

Xiang Nan hesitated for a moment and finally untied Qin Keqing's acupuncture points, "Okay, Keqing, you can stay. But I hope you understand that the reason why I kept you is entirely because of Qingqing. I hope you don't move. It’s time to think about it.”

Although his old love for Qin Keqing is still there, he feels even deeper guilt for Qingqing. Therefore, he didn't want Qin Keqing to think too much, not to try to occupy the magpie's nest, and to become a guest.

"I know." Qin Keqing nodded, then looked at Qingqing, "Mrs. Ding, thank you."

After dealing with Qin Keqing, Xiang Nan and Qingqing returned to the mansion, checked the remaining servants and maids, and then began to assign work.

Housekeepers, porters, grooms, coachmen, bookboys, gardeners, cooks, embroiderers, purchasers, night watchmen, warehouse managers... all positions began to be assigned.

This is not the first time for Xiang Nan to be a big boss. He has been a big shot in many worlds such as "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng", "Wulin Gaiden", "Yitian Sword of the Dragon", "Xiao Li Fei Dao", "Ni Shui Han", etc., and even Been a king and an emperor.

Therefore, it is natural to know how to manage a large house and it is a piece of cake. Soon, the two hundred servants and maids were arranged properly, each performing their duties and responsibilities without any omissions.

"From now on, I am your master, call me Master. This is your mistress, call her Madam." Xiang Nan looked at the crowd and said, "If you do your job well, Master, I will have a lot of money." As a reward, it is not impossible for you to be forgiven your slavery and set you free in the future.

But if you are cheating, shirk-passing, cheating, and being ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude. That big tree is your example. "

Xiang Nan said, and struck a big tree outside the village with a palm in the air.

There was a loud crack, like thunder exploding in mid-air, and the big tree was severed from the middle, and the crown fell to the ground.

Seeing this, all the slaves and maids turned pale, and they all knelt down and kowtowed, thinking they had seen a living god.

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