SCP Life Diary of a D-class Personnel

Chapter 27: : Your uncle is still your uncle

Before going to assist in the containment of SCP-682, Gaia first made two things clear:

The first point: Grandpa can’t kill me.

The second point: I can't impress the uncle.

This is probably the case. Uncle 682’s self-healing speed is extremely fast. Although Gaia’s strength and speed will be greatly improved as long as he is in the time-stop state, he can’t use his fist to punch the uncle. Hit him, and this big lizard with a strong self-healing ability and being beaten by the Foundation every day may not only feel no pain, but also feel itchy!

You say use a weapon? It would be better if I hit the bullet with my fist! The foundation can't kill Mr. 682 with a nuclear bomb, let alone other weapons! So they have always tricked Mr. 682 into a trap and then caught him. However, it is worth mentioning that although the Foundation of Mr. 682 has no ability to kill him, there are many ways to disable him. First, remove his four legs and then discount him. The neck and the bones of the whole body were broken, and then the jaw was broken, the teeth were smashed, and the eyes were blown. In short, the uncle was beaten without any ability to move.

Imagine that kind of picture... This **** is really miserable... How painful is that! ...But I think I'm used to being beaten every day by my uncle, which makes me suddenly feel that my uncle is not so miserable anymore, he is not afraid of pain at all, how bad is it? ! Uncle, this is also a blessing in disguise (probably)!

The number of times Uncle 682 has escaped from containment has already broken double digits. Although he has to be caught every time, after so many repeated escapes, Uncle 682's jailbreak skills have reached MAX, which can be said to be very proficient. Even so, he would be caught by the foundation every time he couldn't run very far, maybe this is the stubbornness of a strong man... After all, he is the only Li Aotian designated by the foundation...

ha? What is Li Aotian? To put it simply: "I'll beat you up if you're upset, no more BBs."

"I can destroy the world, and you can't kill me."

And one last point: "I'm your godfather, always will be, I don't accept any rebuttals! What? You don't like it?... (Chewing)... Heh-bah, dead fat house ,Unappetizing."


In any case, Master 682 broke through containment again. Although he could still be caught without the Gaia Foundation, it would be a pain in the **** to kill more than a dozen people every time, unless all the dead were D-class. If you feed Master 682 If D-class can allow Mr. 682 to accept containment, then the foundation will probably lose D-class personnel to him every day, a few a day, set a small goal first, and lose him 100 million!

Ah, the cold and heartless Foundation... But anyway, the D-class's death is not in vain, they have contributed to the safety of mankind! Right? Although I have been busy working and finally threw my life away, there is no benefit in the end, a better ending is probably to die sooner, not so painful... As for the bad ending? Then you can try to imagine that you are forcibly torn in half by 096 and you are still alive, but this is not over yet, and then 096 will [data delete] you.

This is probably the case, D-class has no human rights, and the result of their better life is that they die easier and more decently. However, other doctors of the Foundation are different. D-levels are miserable, because these guys' death skills are simply MAX! Gaia heard that one of them was Dr. Bright, because of certain events he gained the ability of immortality and immortality (possessed by other people to resurrect him), and now he dies every day. It is said that he Dead Hiccup's corpse could circle the globe.

Yegor is now driving the car. Although this guy drives the car very fast, he is unusually stable. He also looks like an old driver.

Gaia was about to speak, but suddenly, as if realizing something, he shut up.

The ancients were right, **** can be messed up, but words can't be messed up! Gaiya also finally realized this, so he chose to remain silent, and it would be embarrassing if the car suddenly blew out after he said the words.

It is also thanks to the foundation spending money to ensure that there is no one living within 50 kilometers of the containment site, otherwise I don’t know what will happen. Although the foundation can perform amnestics on people, but aside from the cost and potential danger of amnesiacs, let Uncle 682 caused unprovoked civilian casualties after all, it is very troublesome.

The three of Gaia quickly returned to the vicinity of the containment site. Although Mr. 682 hadn't come out of the containment site yet, he was coming soon. I heard that he was making a fuss this time.

Uncle 682's containment breach was too sudden this time, and everyone in the containment station was caught off guard. At first, he took a good bath in hydrochloric acid, but then suddenly became irritable and broke containment again. I don't know who provoked him the...

Well, people from the foundation have to take action now. In order to prevent 682 from going out to retaliate against the society, the troops at the entire containment site have been dispatched. Helicopters and tanks are continuously bombing Mr. 682, but the effect is minimal. I think It is far from enough to knock down 682 with this level of damage.

Gaia got off the car and immediately went to the place where Master 682 went berserk. He was trying to break through the foundation's blockade, but at this time Gaia was thinking about another thing...

"Does 682 have a little JJ? If there is no little JJ, then does 682..."

Cough, thinking about it this way is really a bit hardcore. After all, there is only one 682 in the world. Since there is only one, he doesn't need to breed offspring. But then again... 682 has no parents and no parents. How were you born? It can't be that it jumped out of the cracks in the rocks, right?

Gaia couldn't help but fell into thinking, and didn't notice that the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, and the seriousness of the situation.

Grandpa 682 has come to the ground, but even the foundation’s underground base has laid down layers of defenses to prevent SCPs from breaching containment. Generally speaking, even if Grandpa himself is a lizard and wants to rush out from here, it will take a long time to dismantle it. , not to mention the obstruction of the Foundation here.

In order to counter the uncle’s self-healing ability, the Foundation has specially made bullets. Gaia does not know what it is made of, but it is extremely corrosive after hitting an object, which can ensure that the uncle will lose regeneration in a short time Immediately afterwards, the foundation only needs to blow up the legs of the 682 uncle, smash his eyes, blind him and break his jaw, and then he can take the playful old man home to take a bath in hydrochloric acid.

Gaia finally arrived at the location of 682, only to see Uncle 682 let out a wild roar, attacking the wall and blowing up several Foundation gunships.

After fighting for so long, the Foundation has already suffered heavy losses. However, Master 682 was also seriously injured, and he was not far from being paralyzed. Gaiya didn't understand why he was doing this. If he ran out, he would be caught sooner or later. Moreover, he was paralyzed and brought back after he was beaten directly. Anyway, Gaia can't stand this. If he is the 682 uncle, then he will probably choose to stay in the shelter as the mascot of the Foundation, taking a hydrochloric acid bath and guarding himself The guys tell cold jokes, in short, they bow their heads to the Foundation forces and show cuteness along the way...

However, the current genuine 682 uncle can't stand that kind of anger... His violent temper will kill everyone when he sees him!

Gaia picked up a gun from a soldier's corpse, and he didn't intend to aim it. After all, Mr. 682 is so big that a blind man can hit it just by listening to the sound! So Gaiya shot out according to the fate and hit the 682 uncle, but just like other soldiers who were fighting, they couldn't cause much damage at all.

If I knew it earlier, I would have applied for more high-end swords with the foundation's black technology from the foundation...

Gaia curled his lips, and he pulled out the saber tied to his leg. He didn't know if it could hurt the eyes of 682. After all, the 682 he saw with his own eyes is much taller than he imagined. It was like an ant to him.

It is not difficult to guess that Gaia wanted to kick on the nose of 682 to climb to the face of 682 and stab 682 in the eyes, but before he took a few steps, 682 suddenly turned around, and the huge tail swept down He got off a helicopter, his eyes collided with Gaia's, and Gaia froze for a moment, he could clearly see the almost overflowing anger in 682's eyes, which was getting hotter and hotter.


Uncle 682 let out a roar and rushed towards Gaia directly. This action made Gaia confused. How did he provoke 682? Why does he look at himself like he looks at his enemy? It's as if this breach of containment was all about finding myself...

Gaia frowned. Although Master 682 was huge, his speed was astonishingly fast. He arrived in front of Gaia in an instant, and the huge claws directly slapped Gaia's position, but Gaia did not panic. , after all he will...

What, Varudo!

Gaia looked at the huge claw and curled his lips in disdain, but soon he realized that something was wrong—why did the claw keep falling! ?

Gaia was taken aback, he who was calm like water suddenly became like an old His ability has failed? ! However, he soon discovered that this was not the case, it was not the failure of the ability, but the time suspension turned into a time slowdown!

Gaiya's pupils shrank, and he immediately kicked Yegor behind him out of 682's attack range, and at the same time he grabbed Xi Liya and jumped out, and the two escaped together Uncle 682's attack, but this is already the limit. Except for the two of them, the other soldiers who stood with Gaiya were directly trampled to death by 682.

It was too late to be surprised, Gaia ignored Xi Liya's complicated expression and walked away from the crowd. As he expected, Master 682 chased him directly.

"Disgusting bug!  ….No one can laugh at me!"

682 actually spoke. He roared and rushed towards Gaia, as if he would not go home if he could not kill you, but Gaia was very puzzled by this, laughed at? Why should I provoke a giant killer lizard if I have nothing to do? Besides, the Foundation won't let me have any contact with other SCPs! We even met for the first time when we met, why did you act like I burned down your house?

"Fire! Fire quickly!"

The soldiers held guns and poured all the bullets on 682, but 682 rushed towards Gaia as if he couldn't feel them.

"Come and fight me! Poor bastard, you will pay for your provocation!"

"Fuck, are you **** sick? Did you provoke you? I've never seen you before! Did you recognize the wrong person!?"

Gaia yelled while dodging 682's attack. Although he didn't know why the "time pause" turned into time slowing down, Gaia didn't have time to think about it now, because if he made a mistake, he would really be stepped on by 682. Into a meat paste!

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