Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 130 Talent Suppression and Sharing (Part 1)

"This, this is the talent suppression sharing between the master knight and the retinue knight. No way." Han Qian looked at Long Haochen with wide eyes, as if he were looking at a monster, and the incredible shock in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Taking a deep breath, Han Qian turned his gaze to his grandson. His expression suddenly became solemn, and he pointed his right hand at Han Qian. In just a moment, Long Haochen saw Han Qian's fingers turn into crystal clear Golden, shining body, this is the seventh level skill of the knight.

Han Qian's palms trembled, his five fingers moved rhythmically, and light patterns filled with mysterious trajectories rippled in his palms. In an instant, it turned into a complex light pattern and was directly imprinted on Han Yu's chest.

Suddenly, Han Yu's body trembled, and a golden light spurted out from his chest, slowly rising into the air and becoming a golden light pillar. The light beam slowly rose.

Han Qian's eyes were fixed on the rising speed of the light beam, and the expression on his face became more and more excited.

Ye Hua and Long Haochen were both confused. They didn't recognize the ability that Han Qian had just used, and they didn't understand what happened.

After a while, the golden light pillar finally stopped and stopped climbing upwards. But Han Yu's hands clenched into fists unconsciously at this time.

"Really, it's really like this. Eighty, eighty!"

Looking back, Han Qian's eyes when he looked at Long Haochen had become extremely weird, looking him up and down as if looking at a rare treasure.

Long Haochen felt a little uncomfortable when he saw him and couldn't help but ask: "Master Paladin, what happened?"

Han Qian took a deep breath, waved his right hand, and a golden light curtain enveloped everything in the room, including their feet. His next words shocked Master and Disciple Ye Hua and Long Haochen.

"Little Haochen, little Haochen, you really shock me beyond measure. Innate inner spiritual power is ninety-seven, the son of light. Unexpectedly, after six thousand years of the dark age, our Knight Temple finally gave birth to a son of light. . Haha, hahahaha.”

Long Haochen and Ye Hua both stared at him dumbfounded. If it were someone else who said this, perhaps the master and apprentice were already preparing to fight. However, the person in front of them was the Knight Templar Commander. That was a super strong man who could easily destroy them with just a single move. Moreover, they did not think that Han Qian would be detrimental to them.

"You, how did you know?" Long Haochen asked blankly. Everyone has already given the specific figures, so there is no point in hiding it anymore, so I just ask about the doubts in my heart.

Han Qian couldn't calm down at all, and the fire of excitement was burning in his eyes, "You exposed a flaw in the squire knight contract. There is a close relationship between the squire knight and the main knight. Signing the contract requires the blood of both parties to stay connected. That's why you are needed. A drop of blood. When the squire knight contract is completed, if the master knight's talent far exceeds that of the squire knight, then the squire knight's talent will be improved along with the master knight's talent. When the contract ends, this talent improvement will Then disappear.”

"The so-called far exceeding has a certain amount, which is the talent suppression sharing I just mentioned. And this amount is the difference in innate inner spiritual power of more than thirty. In other words, the innate inner spiritual power of the main knight is greater than that of the retinue knight. When the level is higher than thirty, the Servant Knight's talent will increase accordingly. The extent of this improvement is that the gap in innate spiritual power between the two parties will be halved."

"Xiaoyu's innate internal spiritual power is sixty-three, which is pretty good. But his current innate internal spiritual power is as high as eighty. In other words, it has increased by a full seventeen points. Seventeen has doubled. That's thirty-four, plus sixty-three, I can naturally calculate your innate inner spiritual power. Ninety-seven, this is ninety-seven points of innate inner spiritual power! I didn't expect that in my lifetime, We can also see strong men with the physique of a son of light.”

Long Haochen was dumbfounded, Ye Hua was dumbfounded, and Han Yu was just grinning...

Ye Hua murmured: "I, how come I have never heard that knight knights can have such benefits?"

Han Qian said: "There are not many retinue knights. Moreover, there are several types of retinue knight contracts. The only one that can produce this kind of talent suppression sharing can only be done by the runes I have studied from ancient elven texts. Don't do it. Even if you haven’t heard of it, not many people even know about it, even Templar-level knights. Moreover, it is of no use to most people, so our temple naturally has no need to publicize it.”

Ye Hua's body suddenly trembled uncontrollably, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Master Paladin, how many followers can this contracted master knight have?"

Han Qian said without hesitation: "You two. Because this contract will create a certain spiritual connection, if there are too many followers, it will affect the main knight's own mental strength, which will be disadvantageous. Therefore, we generally believe that the main knight It is more appropriate for a knight to have at most two retinues.”

With a pop, Long Haochen knelt down on one knee, "Master Paladin, I beg you to win a contract rune for the teacher. The teacher is the real genius!"

Han Qian was a little stunned by what he said.

Ye Hua looked at Long Haochen with excitement, "No, Haochen, this will make it impossible for you to have any knights."

Long Haochen shook his head slightly, "Teacher, the most important thing is that you are strong. I have Brother Han as my support. It is my duty as a disciple to help you with your talent."

"Wait, wait, why don't I understand what you mean?" Han Qian looked at the master and apprentice in confusion.

Ye Hua sighed, lowered his head and said, "Master Paladin, my innate spiritual power is only eight points."

"What?" Han Qian exclaimed in surprise, the sound was so loud that it made the ears of master and disciple Long Haochen buzz. Fortunately, the sacred light he arranged was blocked by the spiritual power, so he was not afraid of the sound spreading out.

Han Qian's surprise was truly extraordinary, no less than when he found out that Long Haochen's innate spiritual power was as high as ninety-seven. What does eight points of innate inner spiritual power mean? This means that it should never be possible to break through the second level. But, but not only did he break through, he was also an Earth Knight!

At this moment, Han Qian understood why Long Haochen said that Ye Hua was the real genius. Genius doesn't just mean talent. A person with only eight points of innate spiritual power can cultivate to the level of an earth knight. How can this persistence, perseverance and wisdom be explained by the word genius?

Taking a deep breath, Han Qian stared at Ye Hua, "How could you have reported this to the superiors earlier?"

Ye Hua smiled bitterly and said: "Having eight points of innate spiritual power is not a glorious thing, it will only make people laugh."

"What a joke! Idiot. Have you ever thought about how many people among us humans have less than ten points of innate spiritual power? That accounts for the vast majority. If they can all cultivate to the fifth level like you Strong man, what does that mean to us humans?" Han Qian almost shouted.

At this moment, Ye Hua was shocked. Throughout his life, he has been working hard to fight against the sky. The ridicule from the outside world has gradually developed his withdrawn character. To put it mildly, he is self-centered and completely immersed in his own world.

After listening to Han Qian's words, he suddenly understood that his decades of painstaking cultivation had not only helped him. Although the cultivation methods he had researched were not suitable for the little monster Long Haochen, they were suitable for him. The vast majority of those who are not talented enough!

Han Qian raised his hand, and a golden light lifted Long Haochen up from the ground, "I agree to your request. Now I want to see what kind of miracles can happen from your teacher even more than you do. Ye Hua , stretch out your left hand."

"Yes." Ye Hua was as excited as when he was his disciple, Long Haochen. The talent that has troubled him all his life can finally be changed!

Ten minutes later, a rune exactly like the one in Han Qian's palm appeared in Ye Hua's palm.

Ye Hua and Long Haochen didn't discuss the issue of the Servant Knight Contract at all. They are master and apprentice, as close as father and son. So what if Ye Hua becomes Long Haochen's knight? Would Long Haochen ask him to do anything? The absolute trust between master and disciple allows them to make decisions without any communication at all.

Another drop of blood fell.

Ye Hua's feeling was almost ten times stronger than Han Qian's. When the golden halo appeared on him, his body stretched out and convulsed due to excessive relaxation, and he almost passed out.

The spiritual power gap between him and Long Haochen is as high as eighty-nine points. After receiving talent suppression and sharing, his own innate spiritual power has increased from eight points to fifty-two points. Although he is still not a genius, for For Ye Hua, this improvement in talent is enough to change his future destiny!

Feeling his perception of the light element being enhanced dozens of times, and feeling the changes in the spiritual power within his body due to his talent changes, Ye Hua couldn't help but shed tears. He hugged Long Haochen and cried loudly.

For decades, he endured endless ridicule, endured the pain of being expelled from his teacher, and endured everything. It was an unyielding spirit that supported him step by step. At this moment, the biggest problem that had troubled him for decades, and was the biggest problem he had been fighting for for decades, was finally solved. The suppressed emotions in his heart suddenly burst out like a river bursting its banks.

Seeing Ye Hua crying loudly, Han Qian stood aside and did not stop him. With his sophistication, how could he not see that Ye Hua had suppressed his emotions for many years? Letting him out at this point is the best option. The inner clarity will be of great benefit to his future cultivation. Although he is not young anymore, his methods of cultivation will make his future achievements immeasurable.


Some readers asked me, I didn’t mention the Hibiscus of Light for everyone to guess before! Then everyone should read the previous chapters carefully. Starting from the chapter of Cai'er's Wrath, we enter the sixth episode of this book, which is called Lotus of Light. Everyone, hurry up and guess. The answer will be revealed in a day or two at most.

It’s a new week, and I really hope that our Divine Seal can still be at the top of the recommendation list. I hope to have more essences for everyone on the weekend. Therefore, I also ask all brothers and sisters to give me generous gifts. Thanks.

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