Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 827 Killing God Thorn (Part 1)

The sharp knife army led by Long Haochen only had more than 14,000 people. That's right, more than fourteen thousand. Because he only brought all the professionals from the two legions, but not ordinary soldiers.

The composition of the first and second federal legions is the same, consisting of four thousand warriors, one thousand knights, and five hundred assassins, magicians, summoners, and priests. Each legion plus more than 40,000 soldiers of various arms formed two complete legions of 50,000 each.

As sharp knives used to fight deep into the demon clan, the role of ordinary soldiers is far from enough. And it will greatly affect the speed of the entire team. Therefore, the only real participants in this operation were the more than 14,000 professionals from the six major temples. These professionals are all equipped with mounts, no matter what profession they are.

There are not many magicians, summoners, and priests who are at minimum, but they are professionals after all, and their physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. They can ride with a little adaptation.

Initially, because this was the first legion formed after the establishment of the New Federation, the six temples selected elites when forming the legion. Among them were some members of the Knights of the Radiant Angels whom Long Haochen had met before.

The warriors' cultivation levels are all above the fourth level, and the powerful men in the other five temples are all above the sixth level. Although the total number is only more than 10,000, and warriors account for the majority, these people are the elites among the elites of the six temples.

As night fell, the army came out from behind Yulong Pass, then made a circle and slowly approached the demon army camp from a southerly direction.

The role of the strong in war was fully revealed at this time. There are more than 14,000 people, all riding mounts, and the area is quite large. However, Long Haochen alone could cover all of these people with his powerful mental power. No detection magic could detect any movement due to his mental interference. Unless this exploratory magic caster can surpass Long Haochen in terms of mental power.

Xiao Huo was following Long Haochen. He was also riding a tall horse, and Long Haochen was riding on the sacred unicorn Star King. On Long Haochen's left is Cai'er, and behind him is Yating. In order to cover up the strong spiritual power fluctuations of the Light Elf King, Yating had to wear a magic robe that could cover the elements.

She is different from Long Haochen. Not only is her own light element pure, but she is also an elf body that is closer to nature, so she is naturally closer to the light element. Therefore, no matter what time, her body will emit a soft golden light on its own, which even she cannot control. Unless it is in an environment without light elements, otherwise, Yating is an eternal immortal. illuminator.

The other members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group are also nearby, but each of them has an eternal hero beside them.

Undoubtedly, vision and cultivation are directly proportional. The members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group selected as inheritors are all eternal heroes of level nine and level five or above.

At this time, the happiest person is Lin Xin. Because beside him, there was a heroic female knight riding a rose unicorn.

When the First and Second Federation Legions were established, Li Xin was sent there by the Knights Temple. This time the two armies went to the front line, so naturally she came too. Li Xin is only about thirty years old this year, and she looks like a twenty-year-old. Naturally, she is the one chosen by the Eternal Heroes, and the one who chooses her is also a female knight. At this time, he walked alongside her, joking with Li Xin from time to time. If he hadn't known about it in advance, he would never have guessed that she was an undead knight.

After the return of the Eternal Heroes, Long Haochen admired these ancestors more and more. None of the problems that worried the federal parliament arose. Since the Eternal Heroes proposed to pass on their unique skills, selecting inheritors in the six major temples instantly shortened the distance between them and the six major temples. Coupled with their strong strength, they were scattered around the other five temples. Not only will the disciples of the inheritance be able to be selected after the unified deployment of manpower in the six major temples, but they will also be greatly welcomed by the senior officials of all six major temples and treated as honored guests.

No temple can gather nine strong men above level 9 and level 3! Having these ancestors sitting in charge is equivalent to giving them a reassurance. The Eternal Heroes were also perfectly integrated into the Temple Federation system.

"Cai'er." Shu Yongxiao said to Cai'er beside her.

"Sister Shu." Cai'er looked at her with a smile. In comparison, Cai'er was not as restrained and respectful as Long Haochen in front of these ancestors. On the contrary, she is more natural. Apart from the color of her eyes and the aura on her body, Shu Yongxiao is a stunning beauty. Although the power of purification in Cai'er's body would surge from time to time because she felt the aura of the undead around her, her cultivation level had greatly improved in that black and red world, and her ability to control herself was now quite strong. Xiao Huo taught Long Haochen the ability to control the domain for me, and Shu Yongxiao has also given it to her. In terms of attack, she is better than Long Haochen.

"When the battle starts later, you will follow me and be my shadow. You don't need to take action, you just need to pay attention to the process when I take action." Shu Yongxiao's voice was very gentle when talking to Cai'er. Even the other Eternal Heroes are a little uncomfortable with it. Based on their familiarity with the first master of the Assassin Temple, they all understood that Shu Yongxiao was extremely in love with Cai'er.

"Okay." Cai'er agreed immediately. Of course she could feel Shu Yongxiao's affection for her, and she also liked her ancestor Sister Shu very much. Although they had only been in contact with her for seven or eight days, Shu Yongxiao had already taught her many useful things. Cai'er's combat effectiveness was further enhanced.

As they were getting closer to the demon camp, Long Haochen raised his hand and signaled the entire army to stop.

"Give me the order to dismount everyone, leaving five hundred soldiers here to guard the horses. The others maintain their formation and follow me to attack."

As expected of all professionals, Long Haochen's order was quickly conveyed to the entire army. Except for the knights, all other professions dismounted quietly, and the horses stayed in place without making any unnecessary noise. After all, except for knights, other professions are not good at fighting on horseback. Horses are only used for them to travel. When it comes to real fighting, they are more familiar with walking.

Two thousand knights are in front, priests are behind them, and magicians and summoners are further back. The left, right and rear directions were all surrounded by soldiers. The assassin is wandering outside. Keeping the formation intact and moving forward slowly.

Long Haochen deliberately kept Han Yu here, not to let him guard the horses, but to use the evil eye tyrant's mental power to interfere with the demon's detection magic and prevent the horses and remaining warriors from being exposed. At the same time, with Han Yu staying here, accidents can be avoided.

The army of demons stationed outside Yulong Pass has exceeded 200,000 all year round. During the Holy War five years ago, the number reached over one million at most. Just because of the harsh environment here, only high-level demons were left to fight, and it was difficult for low-level demons to survive here.

Therefore, the demon garrison outside Yulong Pass can be said to be the strongest outside all six major fortresses. They are all demons of level four or above.

This shows how powerful the demon clan is. Only the entire Temple Federation combined can come up with such a number of 200,000 level 4 and above experts. This is also an important reason why the Temple Federation has always been afraid of fighting the demons head-on.

However, with the addition of the Eternal Heroes, the Temple Federation is no longer inferior to the Demons in terms of high-level strength. This time, it was calculated without intention, and they were led by top powerhouses such as Long Haochen. Confidence used more than 10,000 people to target the demon army of more than 200,000 people.

The demon defenders were getting closer and closer, and the demon army's camp could already be seen in the distance.

They can't get any closer. Although the weather here at Yulong Pass is extremely cold and the visibility at night is very poor, if they continue forward, the demon clan's watchtower will be able to see their approach with the naked eye.

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: "Stop advancing and order all personnel to prepare for battle. Lin Xin."

"Boss." Lin Xin quickly came to Long Haochen's side.

Long Haochen asked: "With the overall strength of our magicians, how close do we need to be to exert our combat effectiveness?"

Lin Xin immediately replied: "We are still about eight miles away from the demons. We have to be at least within three miles before the magician's range magic can work. If you want to have the greatest killing effect, you have to get close to one mile. "

Long Haochen nodded and said, "Okay. I understand. Everyone, come here."

The members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group are the commanders of the sharp knife army this time, and they are in charge of the armies of each profession according to their professions. They quickly gathered around Long Haochen. Of course, a total of eighteen eternal heroes also gathered together.

Long Haochen lowered his voice and said: "There are approximately more than 200,000 enemy troops. According to the information from Yulong Pass, there is currently only one demon god stationed among the enemy troops, which is the 20th Pillar Demon God Bu Song. He can enter the top 20 , his cultivation level must be not low, and his Demon God Pillar is also here. Originally there were three Demon Gods guarding here, but according to our information, except for Bu Song who stayed, the other two were transferred back to the Demon City."

None of the Eternal Heroes had any input. As early as when they came to Yulong Pass, Shu Yongxiao and Xiao Huo stated that they would not participate in any command input in the war with the demons. Completely obey the instructions. Just responsible for fighting.

Their decision is undoubtedly the wisest, because after all, they have been sleeping for thousands of years and do not understand the situation in the outside world, and the current war between humans and demons certainly cannot be faced in the same way as thousands of years ago. Moreover, their seniority is so high. If they really want to participate in the command, who dares not to listen to them?


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