Seized by the System

Chapter 313: Big waist and round waist, just hold the sky

Above the battlefield, the giant bear Mishan just took a rest and supported the silver armor.

It suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere had cooled down, and countless icy eyes intertwined with itself, which reminded it of the familiar Arctic glacier.

After "Bang" it blocked the next attack, he asked his possessor doubtfully.

"Xie Liaosha, did you feel cold all over? The fight was too intense just now, what the eagle said, I didn't hear it."

"Neither am I, I'm boiling blood! Mishan, you played so well! Don't stop, if we continue this way, we can win!"

The possessed object of the giant bear Mishan, the Raksha man Xie Liaosha, had a fever in his head, so he would not care about history or the world.

He only knows that this is called fighting now, and it's cool to punch the meat!

Just like before, being killed by a sword, the killer is happy, but this victim, he is dead, not knowing how to lose!

That's not a fight, it's a giveaway!

"Oh, is that right? Then I will continue." Mi Shan touched his head with a huge white bear's paw, and then tried to pat Qinglong with a slap.

As before, he was evaded by the other party gorgeously.

But it is not in a hurry, just as others think, it does have a real big move that has not been issued.

Before that, it will try to use its original body to defeat this abominable green dragon and get revenge!

Unfortunately, it has been working hard for a long time, or it can only be beaten passively ...

At that moment, the green dragon suddenly flicked its tail and jumped out of the circle.

Then it stopped subconsciously ...

It doesn't stop without stopping. It knows that although it is extremely powerful, it still can't keep up with others.

It then heard that Qinglongkou uttering words, which made it envious.

Because of being matured, it has never spoken human words, and can only communicate with its own possessors. It had not communicated with those pastors before.

"All of you are slow, listen to this one first."

When the people around the audience were about to shoot together, they heard Qinglong stop.

Tianying was very puzzled.

It thought to himself that the Venerable Dragon of the Dragon used to work with himself in the land of inheritance. He used a magical spell that can combine all the moves to defeat the powerful viper with a single victory.

This time, it is said that the same defeat can be achieved.

Although this white bear is strong, its Shinto foundation is not stable, its strength has increased too fast, and it lacks careful polishing of its strength.

There are three weaknesses in the bear skin armor that it condensed. Others may not find it, but they all see the eyes of their own eagle.

As long as the Venerable is guided to attack one of the weaknesses, it may be able to defeat it in one fell swoop.

But according to Qinglong's instructions, he put down two huge wings and stopped his attack.

Others are as puzzled as they are, but they just stop by words.

Everyone could only hear Qinglong say: "This white bear, born in a hurry, has not been educated. I am not in a position to observe his words and deeds today. I am afraid there is no Internet connection ... Some. "


Everyone thinks that their ears are wrong?

When did the knightly armor, who has always been clean and neat, also want to teach his opponent?

He has always been, can not be stunned on the spot, can be killed on the spot, there are special, and then caught in that "dragon prison"?

Why now, instead of teaching this white bear.

The white bear, stunned by Yan Yanmu, had countless doubts in its huge bear eyes.

This abominable opponent said to teach himself, what should he teach himself?

"Mishan, this guy is scared!"

Xie Liaosha hurriedly stopped his companions from thinking. He knew that although Mishan was a totem, the birth process was very problematic, and it was born out of impotence. After several months of cultivation, it gradually became complete.

But it can't be like a normal person, with a normal IQ. To put it bluntly, it is easy to be influenced by others.

"This green dragon cannot be overwhelmed by force, so we want to use words to soften our fighting spirit. This is their special skill!"

"Oh, but I still want to hear what this big dragon said ... Don't be afraid, now I can fight it anyway." Mi Shan refused.

Xie Liaosha was horrified, but Xiong Ling didn't listen to her?

He would never know. Totem Bear Spirit, in fact, does not regard him as a kind. In the eyes of Bear Spirit, he is only the object of shelter, just like the protection of kittens and puppies.

The green dragon, Totem Bear Spirit Rice Mountain, can sense the same kind of breath that has just left from the other party. Coupled with the same image of the two, only one is a large green dragon and the other is a small green dragon.

This makes it instinctively think that this is its own kind, but it is just an abominable, bullying its own kind.

Even so, it still wants to communicate with this class.

Just like in childhood, a child who was bullied still wanted to integrate into the group of children who bullied him.

As Qinglong spoke, Xie Liaosha got online ...

"The true dragon of Shenzhou has been investigated. At this time next year, the moon will return to the earth, and the world is facing a catastrophe ..."

what? This Rakshasa man is blinded!

No longer dealing with the Shenzhou people, that is also a matter within humanity, and now the entire humanity is facing desperation ...

He wondered: "Mishan and Shenzhou Totem can all know this. Why didn't you inform us?"

Mi Shan touched his head and embarrassedly said: "Oh, maybe I was sleeping at the time ... No, no, that was the characteristic attack of my hibernation ... This missed the will that the guy passed on.

"That guy, but I won't answer any questions. I also felt afterwards, as if I missed something important in my sleep. When I woke up and wanted to ask it again, it didn't respond, so I'm sorry to inform you."

Xie Liaosha heard the words and vomited blood, and he realized why Raksha with the first totem and why he was a totem possessor became a person who finally knew the truth ...

Otherwise, how could he throw himself an oolong, and at this time, challenge the dragon?

No matter how stupid he was, he knew he had to change his time, at least he had to wait for the situation to settle down, and then ...

Then he was very puzzled. Why didn't he say that?

They at least knew about the world crisis. When they were out of the customs just a few hours ago, they just ordered that they could not provoke Shenzhou. They didn't know the crisis facing the world?

With his mind, he couldn't understand the complicated games and calculations in it. He just understood one thing. This fight can't be played now.

Just when Xie Liaosha was thinking about his head, he suddenly found his partner, Totem Bear Spirit, starting to get excited.

Upon closer inspection, he knew the reason, and he was shocked.

It turned out that at this moment, the green dragon in front of him, covered with golden light and radiance, was like a sacred fairy Buddha, whose tongue was a lotus flower, and reprimanded on it.

"Luosha Xiongling, you were born for Heavenly Dao, and the hearts of the people are gathered together. At this time, mankind is in a common disaster, but it is still obsessed!"

"You don't know where the great righteousness is, Shenzhou Zhenlong, save the world by the moon, you only want to be strong and fight, fight hard and fight hard!"

"You know that you have sinned so much, even if you quench the iron of the six states, you cannot make this mistake!"

"Do you really think this seat can't help you?" Qinglong sneered. "You are wrong, this seat is looking at you with a big waist and a round top, just heaven!"

"His!" Everyone around the audience heard this and took a breath.

Chivalrous A, so horrible! !

Everyone thought he couldn't break the defense just now, but he never thought that he was actually testing the bear's tenacity. Can he trust the sky!

Xiong Ling was horrified at once, and its huge head was doubt and fear.

It pointed at the other party with a bear paw, and for the first time in his life made a speech.

"Original, it turns out, you actually know my details !!"

"Actually I still can't beat you ... you, you are playing me again ..."

Mi Shan did not doubt what Qinglong said, because the opponent pointed directly at the talents it gained after this advancement. If it is not stronger than himself, it is impossible to discover!

You know, it hasn't been exposed since just now, and I want to wait for the other party to think it is right.

Speaking of which, it bowed down defiantly, and looked like a slaughter, lying on the ground again, holding his head, ostrich gesture.

"Stand up and you are also one of the human totems. At this time, it is time to show your ability and realize your true bear life value!"

Qinglong's majestic words came out, and a golden light suddenly shrouded the huge bear body of Mishan.

It was very shocking.

At this moment, Mi Shan ’s young mind was full of scenes after birth ...

After being rushed to maturity, he has been used as a weapon, and he has been scouted everywhere.

But, but, the purpose of its birth is actually not to kill people, but to save people ...

Thinking of this, it straightened up slowly. This green dragon didn't deceive it. It was sober, and he didn't have any magic tricks!

The other party just awakened its original meaning.

That's right, I am Xiongling Mishan!

I'm born, it's going to be heaven!

This time, no one can confuse me anymore, I speak for myself!


Seeing this scene, everyone in China, the secretly-observed knight rival, Black Cat Tom, etc ... all looked horrified.

Venerable Dragon Dragon has already reached such a level? !

Sunzi has a cloud, a hundred battles and victories, and those who are not good are also good; soldiers who surrender without fighting, so are the good and good.

The Venerable Dragon has evolved from a hundred battles to a victory! ! !

No wonder he didn't kill Xiong Ling in seconds, it turned out that he saw through everything early!

Fang Ning in the system space looked at the system prompt very silently.

system hint:(

The system consumes all anger troughs. One hundred positive troughs use the legendary "ghost eye pupil". The system sees through Xiong Lingxi.

The system discovered that the talent of Xiong Ling was "giant bear".

The system activates the Bodhichitta Sutra, uses legendary discourse skills, and persuades the successful Neihai-level powerhouse.

The system gained 1.3 billion worth of experience.

The system obtains the name of astronomical figures. The system's world legendary degree rose to 35 points.

The system obtains the astronomical digital positive energy value. At present, the speed of all the entourages practicing "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Formula" is doubled again, and the duration is extended to five years ...)

Is this okay? The combat operations of the systematic gods are really getting more and more irritating ...

It is a pity that a certain learning **** said: "Ah ~ ~ It really can't do it now; otherwise, if you kill it, you can actually double the experience value by ten times, and you can brush it a few more times ...

"Fortunately, the host, you reminded me just now that the object of holding the sky is far away from the horizon and close at hand. Otherwise, I really can't think of this trick, so I can only draw a tie with this bear, I can't get any experience, or The wealthy host is smart. "

Fang Ning was very ashamed of what he said. He really wanted to say that in fact the object I chose to hold the sky was not this bear at all.

But after thinking about it, he decided to shamelessly take credit for himself, so he said indifferently: "Hum, now it's time to be convinced? Or remember? You have to listen to everything in the future."

The uncle of the system said: "Yes, yes, the tycoon's host, wise and powerful."

Fang Ning wondered: "Why don't you keep calling me great emperor?"

The system reminded: "The sacrifice to the sky is over, and the dragons have all gone home to sleep. The emperor's dream of the rich man should of course wake up."

Fang Ning: "..."

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