Seized by the System

Chapter 316: The sky won't fall, and you have to work overtime

Fang Ning has been staying in the third floor of the Dragon's Mysterious Land for two days.

There are rows of trees here, the garden is full of medicinal materials, and the aroma is pungent.

All the crops are pure natural green without pollution. Staying here, his whole soul is relaxed and happy.

It was just that after making a few calls, he began to look at the hard-working Baishi people from time to time, and occasionally showed a look of silence, which made the uncle of the system look very strange.

The uncle finally couldn't help saying: "The richest host, you have made a great contribution this time, and you have been shopping here for two days. I didn't care about you. But now I should have enough rest, it's time to go to work ..."

Fang Ning was a little guilty when he heard the words. Before the matter of the sky, he used to pretend again, showing his pre-existing style.

But he can't be seen through by the uncle, how much money would he have to lose to smooth it out?

So he pretended to be pretending to be nothing, "Oh, I'm doing something right, but I'm not just fooling around ... I've thought about it for the past two days, only looking for a giant bear to support the sky, it's not very safe, but Find another honest and reliable person as a backup.

"You know, I have a programmer background and always understand the importance of backup."

The uncle of the system is affirmed at the moment: "The heroes see the same. I thought the same way last year. Have you forgotten? You still have some important organs in the fresh-keeping area of ​​my system ..."

"I haven't forgotten ..." Fang Ning quickly changed the subject and pointed to a Baishi person. "I will not mention it in advance. Do you remember what the dragon carp said at the time?"

System: "What the **** do you want to say? Don't go around, I get stuck easily ..."

Fang Ning said: "The simple point is that the dragon carp said that the Baishi people have great ancestors and once destroyed a continent on the upper boundary. The upper boundary is extremely vast and it is a real heavenly place. I am afraid that a continent must be one of us. Planet ... "

System: "I understand, no wonder you will hesitate. You guys have always been soft-hearted. At that time, the dragon carp said that these guys can call out their ancestors to save lives if they go to a dead end and encounter a major crisis. , It ’s too hard to hang a lot first. "

Fang Ning said repeatedly: "The system of knowing me also. I think their ancestors are the last insurance, they can summon broken stars if they can't.

"But they don't have the obligation to sacrifice. The moon is swallowed by the earth, and the environment has changed greatly. They can still live very well.

"So I don't want to mention this. If I mention it, with the honest energy of the stone patriarch, I will definitely agree. How can I make this group of honest people pay a painful price to save humans who have nothing to do with them? "

The uncle of the system was immediately proud of the words: "Without the painful price they paid ... You forgot, I just learned" The Bodhi Mantra "and can be brought back to life."

Fang Ning waited here long ago and heard the words immediately followed up and said: "Uncle is wise, I know that Uncle is a good system with a good heart. Then we are certain, if they hang up because they called the ancestor to save the world, Uncle is responsible for the resurrection. "

"Uh ..." The uncle of the system was blocked here, and said after a while: "No, you still find the ghost king Bodhisattva. He is free there, and I am too expensive here."

Fang Ning said silently: "Of course I looked for him first, haven't you heard me calling on these two days?"

The uncle of the system refused repeatedly: "I did n’t listen, I did n’t listen. I have been catching the sinners who have gathered in the desert for the past two days, and I have accumulated tens of millions of experience in bits and pieces, which is not enough to resurrect a few people ... they have 250 Pcs. "

Fang Ning had to patiently explain: "The Bodhisattva said that his mana is far from being restored, and he can summon dead souls, regenerate insect spirits, or condense into heroic spirits. But he can't do the dead, flesh and bones.

"You said that people's hard work to save the world, but people can only be a ghost or a bug, my conscience is very difficult ..."

The uncle of the system immediately said: "It's very decent, anyway, it's not really dead ... When a ghost does not smash the ground, but when it is a worm, it's good. You see the worm Daqing, every day has no heart and no lungs. Suddenly, sing when it ’s okay. How comfortable is it to live?

"By the way, I think I still owe it four meals, but it is not good at math, and it is estimated that it is not clear how many times ... I will ask for it once."

In the trough, Fang Ning is speechless. As long as it involves real profits, don't think of fooling it out, fortunately, he has already filed.

So he changed his tone: "Let's put it this way. As the leader of the League of Orderers, I will notify the major powers of this matter, which is of interest to them.

"When the time comes, set up a bailout ... a salvation fund, and hire interracial Baishi people to save the planet. If they hang up, the resurrection fund will leave the fund."

The uncle of the system hurriedly asked: "How much can this fund have?"

Fang Ning said: "Thinking about the scale of GDP of major countries, such a major event affecting the world, it is not an exaggeration to produce 10% of GDP per country. In this way, the scale of capital can be several trillion dollars or even ten. Hundreds of trillions ... Of course it ca n’t be paid in cash, and it will definitely be cashed with the corresponding human and resources. "

"His" Uncle was shocked and happy. "So, wouldn't it be that after finishing this game, I wouldn't have to borrow money from the rich, and be subject to you? Well, in that case, I agreed."

Fang Ning heard the words, only "hummed" a few laughs, and did not speak.

The uncle of the system is only dumb as the host, and continues to be motivated to accumulate experience.


Shenzhou Truth Office Headquarters Base. The sun is slanting west, already at five or six in the afternoon. The sun shone on the base and pulled out many long figures.

"Hey, although Zhuge is a god, the sky is deeper."

At this time, Ren Ruofeng was sitting in the office of the senior consultant of the Truth Office, shaking the folding fan, looking down at a document, and spit out such a sentence casually.

A year later, whether or not the moon can be prevented from returning to earth, the environment will inevitably undergo drastic changes.

Human beings, like the dinosaurs that once dominated the earth, have to face a rapidly changing environment.

One of the basic characteristics of this changed environment is its strong vitality, which is convenient for cultivation.

Here we need to understand the fact that the vitality itself is not harmless. Think of the magical energy, the vitality of these attributes of yinqi will be known.

This is an extreme example, and only practitioners have the ability to resist, and can even use it to enhance themselves.

However, the strength of ordinary nature is as harmful to ordinary people as the concentration is high.

The concentration of vitality is relatively thin now. For practitioners, the entry into the territory is not fast, which is far less than that in the mysterious realm. Many strong men have successfully broken through in the mysterious realm.

But this concentration is just right for most ordinary people, and even beneficial, it can slowly strengthen the body.

Ordinary people who have a high concentration and do not understand the method of cultivation, but they will not make up for it. They eat ginseng every day, and it is no wonder that there is no problem ...

Therefore, all those who can live in the mysterious environment for a long time, no matter the Tianqing Mountain or the inherited mysterious environment of the truth, are all cultivators, but the cultivation level is different, and there are very few ordinary people.

This forces the human country to spread the exercises among ordinary people on a large scale, and can no longer be strictly controlled as before ...

This obviously broke the plan that Ren Ruofeng had first formulated.

He envisaged controlling the supernatural power through the mind-reading robot, not spreading the cultivation skills, and only teaching the basic skills of spiritual cultivation to prevent the situation that is difficult to control.

In the previous era, there was no extraordinary power, and all kinds of affairs concerning the people were already extremely difficult to deal with.

At present, only a very small number of people have abilities and cultivation methods, which have caused many difficult public security problems.

If you don't have the Chivalrous Armor, the efficiency is extraordinary. It is estimated that most remote places have been paralyzed because of manpower problems.

If everyone has extraordinary power, you can imagine the scene: not to mention how much competition for interests, just the daily trivial things can cause a lot of problems.

It is not enough to expand the Truth and Special Affairs Office a hundredfold.

Years are quiet because someone is carrying a load.

However, this time, the pressure was too heavy, and I was really immobile.

After Ren Ruofeng sighed infrequently, he felt that someone was pushing the door straight in.

He didn't look up, avoiding seeing that person.

"What's the matter?"

"There is an important piece of information. A group of strange marine creatures came from the Bohai Bay. They named and wanted to hire Xie Dong." A man's voice sounded, it was the new head of the think tank, Hong Yunqiao.

That's right, the twelve claws certainly don't work in the world, but whether it is the black cat Tom or the black and white dolphin, they all understand the rules of human behavior.

Is this companion just looking for it?

Do people not eat, sleep or spend money?

So they spent two days working hard, and came to the Bohai Bay near the core of Shenzhou, they stopped there, and did not rush to the door.

The twelve claws are quite shadowy to this country, and it comes from here, as well as the guys whose people have beaten.

Black and white dolphins are not easy to go ashore to do things, this matter naturally falls on the accompanying black cat.

In these two days, the black cat Tom naturally found that the loyal servant Huang Rui suddenly disappeared, and it immediately guessed where the other party went ...

But in the face of the great temptation of the Heavenly Book, it decided to let the old Huangtou endure for a period of time, before there was no way for Longwei God Prison.

The seventh messenger of the Great Brahma King is contained in it.

It didn't know the details before, but now it is very confident that it can get out of it, so it's not anxious.

Anyway, there are acquaintances there to take care of, the old yellow head should not have to pick up soap.

Huang Rui and Anderson are quite familiar.

It also had some other defeated soldiers in Shenzhou, so it notified a legitimate man to let them pass the channel to tell the truth that they wanted to hire Xie Dong heavily.

At this time, Ren Ruofeng was overjoyed after hearing this information.

What is Xie Dong?

An important member of the Truth Office, he just personally recommended the leader of the outreach team. Can he be hired by several sea monsters?

Of course.

He smiled slightly, two birds with one stone, just in time.

"The consultant smiled so brilliantly, I don't know what you think about this information? Please also talk earlier, we have to hurry to make plans, unlike some people, you can relax all day." Road.

Ren Ruofeng smiled halfway and was blocked back, holding back uncomfortably, but he still did n’t look up, he just coughed twice, "Plan 201, you know, based on that, I will work overtime today and improve it. , You go back first. "

That's right, he went back to the Truth Office to serve as a consultant. After a few days of getting along, he had already seen through Hong Yunqiao's true colors.

However, after seeing through, it was even more uncomfortable. Ren Ruofeng thought, waiting for this period, he still had to go back to his home.

In contrast, there is still a place where you do n’t have to work overtime every day. In the evening, you can have Long Li brother to accompany drinking and bragging, which is a great enjoyment in life.


At the same time, not far from the office of the outreach team, Xie Dong finished the affairs at hand, looked at the time, and was already off duty, and walked out of the team leader's office.

After coming to the office area, he said to the people at work, "It is not too urgent, everyone will take care of it tomorrow, I will go first, and you will go early."

After talking, he secretly punched away the first.

Then he heard cheers from the office area.

"I can finally get off work, long live the new leader!"

Xie Dong heard the words and smiled comfortably.

The previous team leader is a pervert. I have to be busy until nine o'clock in the evening when I'm off work. I'll make a bright light and show the truth to others. If the leader doesn't leave, who is willing to leave?

You ca n’t do it yourself.

Behind these cheers, but it really can't be true ...


Everyone in the outreach group talked and laughed ~ ~ and they packed up their bags and started to retreat.

Not long after, Ren Ruofeng knocked on the door and came in. Seeing this scene, he was puzzled.

"What time is it? The sun to the west is still high. I haven't long left for Ren Ruofeng to leave the truth? When did your outreach team get off work so early?"

what? A group of people looked at each other. Did n’t Team Leader Xie personally recommend it?

Don't you know his working style?

Someone whispered: "The new team leader Xie told us to leave early."

"Ran playing the piano, what time is it now? I really thought there was a real dragon-spirit appearance, and there was a dragon with respect to it.

"Call him back, there is an important situation, accompany me all night today." Ren Ruofeng glared.

"Yes, yes." An officer should be there, and then get up and immediately ran outside, making Xie Dong's call while running.

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