Seized by the System

Chapter 319: Necropolis

Hearing this, the twelve claws quickly waved their arms and feet, refusing to say: "Bleeding is not good, you can't fight if you don't move. Seven claws, this new leader, you can't be the best. It's better to give it to the peace-loving one-eyed octopus. The warrior is ready, the tribe is in danger and you will be dispatched again. "

The seven-clawed octopus opened its mouth wide, and its face looked round in disbelief.

It wanted to oppose it, but after comparing the body shapes of the two sides, it decisively withered.

The one-eyed man was overjoyed, and was happy now: "Or the twelve-claw brothers are fair. Yes, how many octopuses will die if the seven-claw is the leader? Or my ideal, as long as each octopus has a jar, it can be Peace in the sea. "

"Oh, it's really naive. Squatting in a jar every day, when the moon falls, you have no place to hide ..." Black Cat Tom shook his head, pretending to worry.

"What moon has fallen?" The twelve paws sounded inexplicably, and some palpitations.

The black and white dolphins glanced at each other.

The Black Dolphin hesitated and said: "Twelve-claw brothers, I can capture the radio waves of human beings and listen to their news. At this time next year, the moon will fall into the sea, but this matter has always been a human concern. Didn't tell you. "

It ’s useless to tell you, this is what the black dolphin did n’t say.

The twelve claws were shocked, and the moon would fall, and the sea would disappear. Your own ideals and destiny must also disappear.

It immediately engendered a sense of responsibility and said: "No, things on land, humans worry, but things in the sea, we have to take care of ourselves."

Xie Dong took the opportunity to affirm: "This brother of twelve claws, is right. The ancients said it well. The world rises and falls, and the fish" fish "is responsible. Although you are strictly not a fish, let's call it that.

"The moon is indeed likely to fall. Although our human race is prepared, the more people who contribute, the better. After all, this earth is not just our own."

The black cat watched with cold eyes, and he saw through what Xie Dong wanted to do.

It's just that it won't stop the other party. The fixed amount of unshakable power will tell the other party that Shenma calls "the wheel of history and can't stop it!"

The more the other party does, the more intensified the internal disputes among the Hai people will be. At that time, it was Uncle Tom's time to fish in the water.

The black cat just wanted to say something, and suddenly received a call.

It ran to a distant place, answered the phone, and then came back: "Several, I have a small matter to deal with."


Xie Dong immediately heightened his vigilance that the other party had major issues to deal with, so what was bigger than fighting for an emerging Hai nationality?

Although the twelve paws didn't want to see the annoying cat, they asked politely, "Where are you going, Mr. Tom? Can't you come back?"

Black Cat Tom "Uh" whispered, casually said: "I'm not far away, it's always on the earth anyway. I'll be back in a few days, you are waiting for me on the previous island. I believe you are planning to build The new tribe still has a lot of things to do. I can help you one or two. "

The twelve claws are honest people, and since the other party said so, it nodded: "Well, Mr. Tom has been on the go."

Black Cat Tom smiled "hey", then his face changed, and his eyes suddenly stared hard at Xie Dong.

Forget it, Uncle Tom, never moves his claws, what about the truth?

Forgive him for not guessing what treasure the uncle is going to.

Thinking of this, Tom smiled, and then jumped into the air, the whole cat disappeared into the ripples in space.

"Mr. Tom, it's really magical, and he's out of his mind ..." A few large marine creatures admired it.

They are struggling to survive in nature, and they understand the power of this kind of space ability most.

Xie Dong hid aside quietly and began to secretly send the message back to the truth.

"Balancing will host Tom Cat. He is going to do a big thing. The place he went to is not on the earth. It should be a secret place. The specific is unknown and needs to be investigated."

Let the old man continue to work overtime ...

After sending this news, Xie Dong had a sense of fandom.


Office of the General Counsel of the Truth Office Headquarters Base.

Ren Ruofeng stayed up all night and was lying in the office to whistle to make up for it. He was not as scrupulous as before.

Suddenly a phone call woke him up ...

"What, even the black cat Tom cares about the appearance of the secret realm?" He was agitated, turned over from the recliner, and quickly turned on the computer to check the detailed information.

The news related to the secret realm is big news. You can reach for it if you can, and it is best to get it. This is a principle recognized by everyone.

You see that if the moon really falls this time, the situation in China is far better than others.

The secret area of ​​at least 160,000 square kilometers is jammed, and it is no problem to install a billion people.

The density of 10,000 people per square kilometer is more common in such places on earth.

Just pretend to be able to support, but not support. It can only serve as a temporary refuge, relying on the grain depots stored in advance, etc., for a few days.

But this is also a great advantage. In a few days, you can avoid the most dangerous time and gain time.

Therefore, many core institutions that know their inner affair do not panic, and if they have a way back, they can act step by step.

If the skeleton is stable, the organization can be exerted.

When Fang Ningtai pretended to be the emperor's sacrifice to the sky, these people in the organization were maintaining order, and it was very hard.

These institutions can continue to work with peace of mind precisely because of the last retreat of inherited secrets.

The more secrets, the better. This is common sense.

Ren Ruofeng thought about it, the news was too simple, then Tom was going to the secret realm, but the specific location was not known at all, so there was no way to start.

You have to analyze and analyze, and see if there is a new intelligence big data center, can you give some tips ...

It's just damn, I have to work overtime again today ...

Ren Ruofeng had a terrible headache, and knew early on that he should not be so easy to promise the old man to come back.


System space.

In the past two days, Fang Ning and the Patriarch Patriarch of Shishi finally found out what he meant.

The honest man is the honest man, Shi Gan promised down.

He said this, since the Baishi people will also live on earth in the future, they have the same obligation.

As for how to summon the ancestors of the Baishiren, he honestly said that it could be done, but this is the top secret of the family and cannot be told to outsiders.

Except for him, only the elder Bai Shiren who remains in the upper realm knows.

Fang Ning understands it very well, and of course will not force it, but just repeatedly guarantees that if there is a life problem, all will be handed over to this seat, and the hero will never bleed and cry.

Knowing this, Shi Qian summoned all the tribes, so that the herbs in the Dragon Mystery were left unattended for a while.

For this reason, Fang Ning said that it would be okay to stop working for a few days. He would go to the truth-seeking medicine farmers to come over and deal with them for a few days.

Fang Ning called Ren Ruofeng and wanted to second a group of people; the other party also called and wanted to second the Venerable Dragon ...

Fang Ning couldn't laugh or cry, okay, everyone didn't have to pay, just exchange humans.

The uncle of the system was dissatisfied, and Fang Ning calmed it down. For the current knightly armor, human relations are far more important than money.

It may be that the other party leaks a piece of information at random, and they can get great benefits, which can not be bought with money.

Xia Kejia followed Ren Ruofeng's instructions to patrol around the world at high speed.

Of these five places, one is located on the west coast of Australia, one is located in the hinterland of the Pacific Ocean, two are in the territory of the United States, and the last is on a wasteland.

The uncle seems to be reluctant to fly away with the little money, intentionally or unintentionally: "What big data analysis? Can it be comparable to my system map? What are the surprises of these places? In vain, or a few thieves. Affordable. "

Fang Ning also frowned: "Senior Ren said that in these five places, there are a lot of strong people's breath concentrated and disappeared. It should be Tom Cat's old cloth, and only one of them is true."

"You let me think about it," Fang Ning said here and suddenly summoned the game book baby.

"What did you call that broken book? It's just a doll, and it doesn't understand anything." Uncle wondered.

"Stronger than you," Fang Ning replied and asked the baby to turn the pages.

"Tom: Gender male, female-like, unknown age. Identity: Black cat, behind the scenes of the World Power Balance Conference, spokesperson for the **** of death."

"Good and evil tendencies: neutral evil."

"Strength evaluation: Lake level powerhouse. Detailed size: A medium lake with extremely low risk, strong escape ability, and high survivability."

Fang Ning thought about it, he then said to the uncle of the system: "Look at the following five places, which places are the most angry?"

Despite the doubts, the uncle of the system replied honestly: "A place called the Lobit Canyon in the rice country, where there is an old railway passing through. The most irritating atmosphere, there are still many corpses buried under the railway.

Fang Ning couldn't help but shivered, but said, "Let's go to that place. I think the secret realm that Tom Cat wants to go to is actually there."

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "How do you analyze it? Ren Ruofeng can't do it, won't you be blinded again?"

Fang Ning said silently: "Since Tom is the spokesperson of the **** of death, the secret realm he wants must be related to the undead. The most favorite place for the undead to be is the place with heavy temper. It ’s logically smooth to come out of a secret atmosphere. "

The uncle of the system does not say: "You are fooling me again, and you must be a place where you want to be. The magical secret realm of the last time, did you see the magical aspect on the island?"

Fang Ning criticized: "You are stupid, really ... That small island was originally covered by a military base. I deduced that the destroyed military base must be purifying the evil spirit and covering people's eyes and ears.

"Ren Ruofeng certainly can't analyze it because he has insufficient information. Lei Tian said in the comprehensive report he gave after he went to prison ~ ~ He could perceive the magical secret realm precisely because the other party could not completely purify , He was spotted with magical energy. Did you not read the report again ... "

System: "I'm not as lazy as you are. I have read all the reports. It's just that I'm not as cunning as the richest host. This can make you discover."

With one person and one system talking nonchalantly, Chivalrous A has arrived in a quiet and far-reaching grand canyon in the western part of the country.

The canyon twists and turns, going all the way to the west, the rocks on both sides are steep, layer by layer, looking down, the valley is very quiet, a little strange.

Fortunately, it is summer in the northern hemisphere. The valley is lush, green, and various vines are climbing around.

As the uncle said, there is an old railway covered with vines, which is running through the middle of the canyon, but it is no longer possible to run the train on it.

It is said that it is an old railway. In fact, judging from the oldness of the rails occasionally exposed among the vines, it has just been abandoned for less than a year.

It's just that there is enough rain here. If there is no maintenance, countless plants will climb onto the railway and cover it in one year. It will become an old look.

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