Seized by the System

Chapter 357: You should understand


In the southeast of China, under the unnamed mountain, outside the verdant forest, a young man with long sleeves and long robes suddenly appeared.

After appearing, he looked around subconsciously, his face slightly relaxed.

Then he habitually looked up at the cloud, and then his face changed, his brows clenched.

I saw a picture of the future in the Baiyun.

But this time, there was no such abominable dog skin plaster and everything returned to normal.

In the future pictures, there is a scene where the knight goes home without expression, there is a scene where he eats and drinks, there is a scene where he meditates 24 hours a day.

There was a black dog mixed with a group of black butterfly bees. It seemed to be instructing them to move the hive, and Ren Ruofeng was watching.

It seems that the truth has new actions. In the end, it is backed by a big tree to cool off. The upper limit of resources that can be mobilized is too large for individual organizations.

Later, the picture displayed by Bai Yun suddenly changed and became a replay, and the past scenes related to the knights were presented one by one.

"How is it possible? He turned out to be the debilitating master?"

"Also, the ancestors' fortune-telling and the bodhisattva's jade words have all hinted at this, everything is God's will. It is impossible to defeat the devil's main character with the strength of the knight, even if the strengths of both sides are now equal.

Gu didn't murmur, looking for the real reason why the knight fighter could "stand and win", but he was still full of shock.

He didn't use wrong words. During the entire replay of the picture, the knight was standing still. When Hualong attacked, he actually had a victory or defeat.

In any case, after all, it is the knight who defeated the devil!

That's a character from the Devil's Majesty!

No matter what he used!

The result is the most important!

Gu Buwei is not the kind of person who "I knew I could do that"

He understands the difficulty of it, as strong as the Bodhisattva and the ancestors say that they can only solve their opponents with "Heaven's Will".

No wonder Qi Mei and Chen Tianxiao have successively fallen on his hands, not wronged at all!

It's a glory to think of it this way, at least not like the defeated generals who died in the hands of an unknown villager.

Gu didn't think of this, he let out a long sigh of relief, and moved away from his body.

At this time, a middle-aged man in black robe appeared in front of him expressionlessly.

"You, wits, dare to show up?"

In front of his opponent, Gu Bu was forced to suppress his inner surprise and kept his indifferent look.

He is not wondering why the other party did not die.

"Hum, but it's just ruining a body of Ben Sheng. What is the fear of Ben Sheng?"

Zhi Nan no longer had the former cleverness in mind, and the cool and chic style was replaced by a cold breath.

Gu Bu calmed down and said lightly: "The devil is really supernatural. I don't know what happened to find someone in Gu this time?"

"I want you to be the first demon god, are you willing?"


"It's really stubborn ... Since you also saw the previous picture. Then let's be clear, this Saint hasn't punished you badly, just don't want to touch the hidden trouble, but he didn't expect him to be still." , But sandwiched with hardness that makes people irrefutable.

Gu Bu felt a great danger looming over his heart for faintly, and he would immediately use the method of dislocation and try to walk away from the heart.

However, as expected, the surrounding space is like a copper wall and iron wall, and it can't be displayed at all.

"Well, does this saint still make you run away? You can run as long as you want, as long as you can summon the righteousness of heaven and earth!"

The black robe was difficult to learn, and once the robe was displayed, the black mist suddenly spread out and shrouded the surroundings.

Gu Weiwei only felt a haze over his heart, is he really forced to become a demon today?

He is well aware of the dangers of becoming a demon, and can make you completely another person without knowing it.

Don't think that being a demon is very majestic and cool, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and die fast!

Enthusiasts are often deeply obsessed, and encounter some barriers, it is difficult to think rationally.

To give a chestnut, just like War Demon Thunder Sky, it is obviously very powerful and has many advantages, but it is disturbed by the obsession of fighting and caught in the net of others. It has become the captain of playing gold.

After going down the mountain, Gu Weiwei naturally traced back to the events of the past few months, and speculated to this point.

Always indifferent, he often looked up at the sky, and his face was dignified.

He finally realized how those mortals felt in front of him ...

Deeply powerless, knowing the future is miserable, but has no other choice ...

Even free death is impossible, and the end may be even worse.

He smiled bitterly. Perhaps he is stronger than mortals, because he still has the freedom to die ...

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed.

Zhi Nan just looked at him coldly, without a word, seemed to be waiting for him to make his final decision.

Eternal hardship and only death ...

In an instant, Gu Bu replayed his decades-long career.

In less than forty, he has become a lake-level master and learned the rare technique of "cloud computing" in the world.

The Xeon mysterious hidden sects Tianqing Mountain, three generations of Xi Da disciples, everyone awe.

Ha ha, what is this?

When death comes, it ’s all gray, maybe it ’s still possible to be reborn, but who will it be after the rebirth?

He closed his eyes and swam through the body's meridians, he had to rush away ...

At this moment, a sound of natural sound rang in the distance.

"Huh, you sure will show up ..." A familiar voice seemed to be excited.

"Huh, you really have the eyes of the sky," Zhi Nan looked at the sky, and a sword light was coming down from above.

He shook his black robe, and all the black mist was put away, and the whole person disappeared suddenly.

Gu Weiwei was stunned for a while, and then the tastes were mixed.

Jianguang flew into the air, and a person floated from above.

Chivalrous Armor didn't talk to Gu Weiwei, but stared at the place where Zhi Nan just disappeared, and seemed to want to use the sight to pull the opponent back from the void ...

It's just that the uncle of the system hasn't practiced such profound eyes and kung fu, and replaced it with the truth, that brother Haicheng, who is famous for his eyes, may have some hope.

Chivalrous A watched for a while, then immediately flew away again.

Gu Buwei bowed deeply to leave the other side.

He knew it well, and had already calculated that the existence of Chivalrous A would be of great benefit to himself, and even to Tianqing Mountain, so he never really collided with each other.

Some people think that it is good to do whatever they want. It is good to be able to bully others. It is best to knock down those who maintain justice.

But they forgot that if a stronger man bullied him, no one would come forward for him.

The place where beggars cannot be protected and the emperor cannot be protected. This is a historical story that has been repeatedly said, but some people have been pretending not to understand.

The emergence of a new era has given these people a chance to remain emperors, which makes them more repulsive to those who maintain basic justice, seeing them as nails and thorns in the flesh.

They have forgotten that the ups and downs are the norm. The moon is full of yin and qing, the state is strong or weak, and there are people born and sick.

How cool it is to bully others when you are strong, and you will be embarrassed when you are weak.

In the flood of thoughts, if the ancient body does not move, it will disappear.

This time, there was no copper wall or iron wall in front of him.

"and many more……"

The familiar voice came again, and then the Knight Knight appeared again in front of him.

Gu Buwei stopped immediately, with a hint of gratitude: "What do you don't know?"

The knight looked at him expressionlessly and said, "You should understand."

"Yeah, I should understand." Gu Bu smiled bitterly, and then took off one ring and one bracelet, pushed towards the other side, and floated past.

"It's good to deal with smart people, at least don't waste time." Chivalrous One waved his hands, the two pieces disappeared, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, this WeChat xxxxx is left for you, and then meet that guy to remember ca11 me." Xia Kejia left such a sentence, and finally disappeared.

Gu Bu looked at the other person's back and smiled lightly, but there was an inexplicable warmth passing by ~ ~ How long has no one made himself feel safe like this?

How many people in this world can make them face each other with confidence?

Ha ha, it seems that since I was born, I left my parents and went up to practice in the mountains.

But just now, it seems to find a familiar feeling again.

He took a deep breath, his face calmed down again, and he returned to Gu Jing's state of mind, and then he walked toward the predetermined place.

Chivalry A is walking his way, and he must continue to walk his own way.

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