Seized by the System

Chapter 362: Everyone knows all over the world

Yuelang is scarce and it is already 8pm.

Qiao Zishan, goodbye to competitors and friends, walked out of the auditorium dizzy.

For an honest guy like him, it is too hard for him to listen to the two guys talking continuously.

Especially Venerable, there are too many allusions in the words-"terriers", many of them do not understand ...

He couldn't think of it. How can people talk so much in one breath ...

Yes, His Holiness is actually not a human ...

Fortunately, Ren Renren is still a human being, and he can't be so mourning if he can't be His Holiness ...

Qiao Zishan thought of this, his body was running right, his body was shocked, his heart was cold, and he immediately stopped these disrespectful thoughts.

Okay, this kind of thing is very common, but for a person like him who has a lot of energy, he can't think about many things ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

A gentleman must be sincere in heart and in deeds.

Qiao Zishan walked through several corridors and returned to his new home at the Truth Office headquarters.

Pushing the door in, he saw the light in the study in the adjacent courtyard.

The light struck the sister's petite figure on the window, and a child bowed his head to write.

He knew that this was the only pro-disciple Zizi was tutoring, and Huang Xiaoming was doing his homework.

Because of the tense situation, although Xiaoming is only a six-year-old child, he has to work overtime ...

This child has been learning "Qiao Jia Zheng Qi Jue" with himself for nearly a year and has made rapid progress.

Seeing that the official entry is coming recently, I just don't know why, but I have stagnated or even stepped back in the past half a month. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He was still anxious about this, so he said a few words to Huang, the leader of the logistics team, and Xiao Ming ’s uncle, and asked Xiao Ming to come over to study at night.

Hard work is hard work, but is there any way?

Children of elites, who are not doting, will learn far more than ordinary children.

Happy learning is all about listening to ordinary people. Most of the time, learning is a kind of hardship to overcome your inertia and fight against yourself.

There are very few people who can learn happily.

For most teenagers who study hard, there is joy in learning, but the joy lies in studying hard, getting a high score, showing off in front of their peers, getting approval from their parents, and getting various rewards ...

Qiao Zishan walked into the lighted study and stood at the door for a while, very pleased. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Such a peaceful and stable life scene is one of the main motivations for his desperate struggle.

"Brother, you finally finished the meeting, but at last you didn't stay up late, but you seemed more tired than staying up late. Is there anything difficult?" Qiao Zijiang asked with concern.

Qiao Zishan has now broken through to the pond-level pinnacle of powerhouses, and his righteousness is completely shocking.

At the moment, he looked dizzy, just went out and sat for a day, but he was more tired than running around for half a month ...

No wonder Qiao Zi Jiang asked specifically.

"Well, it's no big deal. It's just that Venerable and Grandpa Ren speak very well ... well, especially Venerable, the tongue blooms lotus, quotes from the scriptures, and it is really shocking. Unfortunately, my brother was born awkward and read too little Many allusions are not understood, so it is really tiring to hear. "

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Qiao Zishan frankly told the truth.

Such a refined character like him is not a necessary occasion and will not lie.

"It turns out that, brother, you need to read more. You see Xiaoming, now I'm teaching him the core **** ... let him learn how to be a useful person for society." Qiao Zi Jiang said proudly.

Qiao Zishan heard interest, he thought of the meeting during the day.

His Holiness made a long speech, and the ultimate goal is also the same, that is, to make everyone a useful person for the human race, not to drag the back, or even play a negative role ...

So he bowed his head and said to Xiaoming kindly, "Xiaoming, since this is the case, my brother will ask you now, what kind of person do you want to be in the future?"

Xiao Ming's big eyes flashed innocently and authentically: "Be a patient."

Qiao Zishan froze and asked: "Who wants to be sick? Have you been too tired to study recently and want to rest?" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Xiao Ming shook his head and continued innocently, "Then be a doctor."

Qiao Zishan nodded and said, "Well, it's good to be a doctor, it can cure people and save people. What if you can't be a doctor?"

Xiao Ming shook his head and reached out: "Then repair the pipes."

Qiao Zishan was even more puzzled, and at first he felt a little puzzled, but he still said affirmatively: "It's not bad to repair pipes, at least self-reliance ... but you should have higher goals."

Xiao Ming hesitated and said: "Why not send the courier or take away?"

However, at this time, Qiao Zijiang, who was dumbfounded, had reacted.

She was so angry that she twitched Xiao Ming's ear: "You're **** me, are you going to play your dad's computer secretly after returning home?"

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and said quickly, "Aunt Zi Jiang, I'm wrong ... I must study hard in the future, please ask me a tutor, be gentle." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Dare to call auntie, and want to ask for tutoring, it's really against you." Qiao Zi Jiang Wenyan, Xing Xing's eyes stared, will do.

Seeing this, Qiao Zishan quickly stepped forward.

Although he is an honest man, he is not stupid, and now he smiles bitterly and is helpless.

He had already vaguely guessed something, so he persuaded: "Forget it, the child is small, let him go. Let me mention it to his father, Mr. Huang, when I send him home tomorrow."

He seems to have an instinct. Recently, Xiao Ming's "Qiao Jia Zheng Qi Jue" is not going backwards and forwards, and it should have a lot to do with his sister's turning face.

What a headache, what should I do?

He knows very well that there are many live video broadcasts on the Internet, various kinds of pop-up advertisements, and many are unsightly, regardless of audience.

In the kindergarten, finding girlfriends is not uncommon ... Why does this make single dogs feel so good? ! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This is very different from the environment when he was young, when the environment was much simpler.

The little children at that time had no additional needs, and watching a cartoon every day would be very satisfying.

In this environment, it is difficult for you to let your parents stare for 24 hours.

People who are close to Zhu Zhechi and those who are close to Mexico are black. Don't overestimate people's self-control, let alone children.

Who can correct Xiaoming who is starting to make a detour?

At this moment, he subconsciously remembered a person in his mind, and the other party's endless preaching still murmured in his ear ...

It is a pity that His Holiness has every reason, is it right to wait for a while to talk about it?

Thinking of this, Qiao Zishan noticed that Xiao Ming suddenly shivered.

After this point, he was very pleased. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This child really has a very high level of qualifications, and the intuition in the world is already there. Can't we let this rare wonderful work of the Shenzhou practitioners continue to be poisoned by the environment ...

So one night without words, the next day, Qiao Zishan personally sent Xiaoming home.

Xiao Ming ’s father, the middle-aged man named Huang, pleasedly said: “Team Qiao, Xiao Ming has not caused you too much trouble these days?”

Qiao Zishan thought for a while and hinted: "The other is okay, that is, the child may have browsed a lot of unhealthy content recently, so you need to pay attention to it in the future."

Mr. Huang's face turned red, and then he gave Xiao Ming a hard look, and then said to Qiao Zishan: "Well, this is because I am busy with work and not disciplined. You can rest assured that I must teach him well."

Qiao Zishan nodded and left.

Then he heard a flying dog jumping in the Huangjia yard in the back. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He shook his head helplessly, but did not stop the lively domestic violence.

Because he knew that after a year of study, this Xiaoming would not really be pushed by Mr. Huang, a middle-aged man who lacked exercise.

"Stop for me, get down from the roof, have you secretly used my computer again?" Director Huang's voice came from afar.

"Ah, it's you who created a folder where" the sky has wells will go out of the sky. "I thought it was a secret recipe for magical skills. This is the only one that you can't hit me.

Alas, it seems that I really can't wait any longer. Qiao Zishan understands that his sister still works as always.

He was very worried.


Over the night, Fang Ning now found that his "Fo Yin Demon Singing" magical skill has been introduced and can be used.

He could n’t wait to run to Longwei God Prison and sing a verse with Buddhist sounds. The effect was really shocking, and weeping ghosts ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

On the same day, after taking the panacea, and then rushing to work, the sin and soul, the work efficiency was increased to 120% ...

After Fang Ning returned from the experiment, he raised his ambitions and proudly said, "How is it, how is my uncle?"

"It's amazing, I know that you can at least get twice the result with half the effort, but I never expected that you can achieve ten times more with half the effort ..." The uncle of the system was really surprised.

Uncle did not make a wrong judgment in fact. With Fang Ning's lazy and procrastination habits, no matter how good he puts it in his hands, the degree of progress is at most one-third of that under normal circumstances.

However, this "Fo Yin Demon Sing" is different, Fang Ning turned it over, and it's wonderful.

As long as you learn to perform, others will enter a special state after listening to your own singing, grateful for your tears, worship and admire, all kinds of wonderful things, not yet fully known ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the future, I will sing my own voice, that is, I will do my best at home, and I will live next door to each other.

Of course, if the strength is higher than that of the knight, it has its own resistance and can resist his singing.

However, in today's world, Fang Ning's brains were overwhelmed by Fang Ning's brain, and a stick was turned over. Under internal and external troubles, he dropped a demon body and fled in embarrassment.

Others, there are several people who can be better than Chivalry A?

Therefore, it is destined that all beings will suffer from Fang Ning's poison ... No, it is education, education of "love and justice".

"Oh, my Buddha is compassionate, all sentient beings ..." Fang Ning was proud of himself at this time, pretending to be folded his hands together, the treasure phase was solemn, sang a fat promise, just like a monk.

"Big rich, you can grow a snack ... It doesn't matter if you pretend here. If you put it outside and let the ghost king Bodhisattva see it, you will definitely be drawn to be his close disciple, true disciple." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Your current qualifications are too high. In order to learn" The Bodhisattva ", I have improved a lot of conformity with the Buddhist system. In other words, in fact, you have a great affinity with the Buddhist."

The uncle of the system reminded him kindly.

"His ..." Fang Ning heard the words and took a breath.

Sure enough, things in the world have both pros and cons.

Although I like "Fo Yin Demon Singing", but I can't just go out and pretend to avoid those real monks.

At this moment, a message prompt sound was uploaded from the computer WeChat of the Internet cafe. Fang Ning opened it and it turned out that it was Qiao Zi Jiang.

"Purify the mind of an elementary school student? Have the flowers of the motherland been polluted to such an extent by this dirty world?"

Fang Ning suddenly felt heavy responsibility, he sighed deeply: "Hey, I can't show it, why is Nai Cangsheng? This is God's will ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The uncle of the system definitely affirmed: "You are right, whether you will come sooner or later, it will appear when you learn this" Buddha Singing ". It seems that this is a task that Heavenly Dad specially arranged for you. You ’re fine, if you ca n’t make it, you can get some merit. If you accumulate a hundred points, we have another life-saving big card. "

Hearing this, Fang Ning immediately recalled the last time he gained the value of the merits of Heavenly Dao, and immediately frowned.

He asked the uncle of the system and said, "Now that we have the merits of Heavenly Dao, we can summon Heavenly Dad to take action. What is the favorability of the true Dragon and God?"


When Fang Ning heard it, he immediately looked dignified, and thought about it: "Sure enough, I felt wrong when I saw the system prompt last time. It is worth 1 point for the merits of Heavenly Dao, why is the favorability of the true dragon and gods not obtained? Among them There must be something wrong! "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He waved his hand vigorously and said firmly, "Heaven's father is to maintain a balance, telling us that fish and bear paws can't have both. You need to pay extra attention to your grandfather, don't always be so greedy and easy to overturn."

"Shenma Tiandao balance? Can't have both, Shenma must have a slant, easy to overturn the boat? You have forgotten, your ancestor dragon was too much tossed by you last time, and has decided to go home to sleep." The uncle of the system is very disdainful.

"It should be sleeping soundly now, so we can't sense anything we have done. We have to wait until it wakes up before adding it, so the favorability is still o. It's that simple. How can Heavenly Dad deduct my reward?"

"Ah ... Ah ... Ah," three crows flew over Fang Ning, a "conspiracy theorist", and he was hit by 10,000 points.

Uh, I have recently turned my mind through a wide-open brain, and the tail is a little bit crooked, which is too bloated.

I subconsciously forgot this simple answer and thought deeply in my heart.

It is embarrassing to be despised by these two strokes now ...

Fang Ning is now at the root of his mistakes, and sort out his emotions.

Then he pretended to find a step for himself ~ ~ pretended to be calm and said: "Oh, there is a good man who said well, the wise man will worry about it, there will be a loss; the fool will think about it, there will be a gain. It ’s a little shallow, and mistakes are inevitable. "

"You are belittle me again and again, but I'm too lazy to care about you." The uncle of the system didn't care.

System prompt: (The system sees through the host ’s words and decides to ignore it.)

Lying trough? These two strokes have really evolved, can they all touch the rule tips?

"Okay, don't talk to you too much, hurry to Qiao Zi Jiang's house. I'm curious, what the **** is this kid, need this person to teach himself?" Fang Ning quickly changed the subject.

As soon as his words fell, the Knight Knight turned to Feijian and flew towards the headquarters of the Truth Office.

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