Seized by the System

Chapter 383: The evil is finally here

Over the Pacific Ocean, the Tianmen Gate is located.

Everyone waited and waited for the second batch of people to go to Tianmen.

Time passed.

After a few hours passed, 6 people or monsters appeared and flew towards the gate of Tianmen.

It seems that after the Apocalypse appeared, everyone's mood was very urgent.

Just from the perspective of the strength of the first batch of comers, they are not like the regular members of the ascent, they should just come to investigate the situation.

China is not surprised, but just sent people to receive one by one, and registered by the way.

The people who came here cooperated honestly, presumably because they saw a person standing in front of the Tianmen without expression.

After registering, they immediately dispersed, occupying a good position.

All eyes stared at the sky gate where the golden light was scattered, and the sky ladder behind the sky gate.

Just looking back, no one tried to walk into Tianmen.

They are only through various means to detect the details of the road of the ladder in the induction gate.

In response, no one in Shenzhou stopped their investigation.

In comparison, Shenzhou has been prepared for more than two months, even if you give the person two or three hours of exploration time?

There was no one to get started for a while, and everyone in Shenzhou also did not enter Tianmen, but just maintained order.

Of course, everyone did not wait, after all, cultivator time is precious.

The time limit for the opening of the ladder road is one month, and there is plenty of time.

So a "Tianmen Conference" was held in place, no, it was "just empty".

Some people exchange ideas about cultivation, others simply communicate with each other to start trading.

I really want to bring out the rare things that I don't know, and I can also ask someone to identify them by the way, and I won't sell the price of cabbage.

After all, there are so many big guys here, and there is a hero who has always stood upright.

And that big man, looking at the distance at this time, with a deep face, made people look respectfully.

This Mr. Beacon must be worried about the world's major events ... the world is in danger.

Everyone thought about it in this way, so they could communicate or do business with peace of mind.

With this person in place, there is no need to worry about injustice.

"Positive, positive, positive ..."

The uncle of the system looked at the person coming and murmured from time to time.

Fang Ning listened to the weirdness and asked the uncle of the system: "How many people are you marking with the word"? "

"No, I'm waiting for the appearance of" evil "..." said the uncle of the system, "you are stupid".

"Oh, you only get disappointment." Fang Ning countered.


"Uncle, you don't want to think about how many cows you have, the demon sages are all laid down, and the evil people dare to come to the heavenly gate?" Fang Ning explained.

"Originally you said that, we opened the door in the City of Righteousness, and then guarded the Tianbei to collect tickets. They also said that the dragon carp should keep the gate, good people let go, and the wicked people brushed off," the uncle of the system was very dissatisfied. He also said that he ca n’t brush evil people, that is to say, I ’m here to accompany you to drink the high-altitude wind for a month? "

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to catch the thief ...)

Uh, Fang Ning saw the system prompt and suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

In such a big scene, thousands of people from all over the world in the practice circle gathered here.

Under the eyes of everyone, the big guy responsible for opening the Tianmen Gate was going to catch a few thieves ...

After this scene is born, do you want to see the image of the knight armor ...

Hey, really ... it needs to be more entrenched.

Fang Ning hurriedly exhibited Dafa: "Can't go, if you leave, what will happen if someone is stolen this day?"

"I'm afraid no one will steal!" The uncle of the system cut the railway.

Then everyone saw the knights suddenly evoked flying swords, and the faction was about to leave.

Ren Ruofeng hurriedly stopped: "A hero, where are you going?"

The knight said with a blank expression: "There are evil people who want to make trouble, this seat is going to suppress it."

After listening to everyone, suddenly awe.

On such an important occasion, the hero still does not forget his original intention. It is really a role model among the chivalrous men and a role model in the lighthouse.

Ren Ruofeng heard that he almost spit out blood.

He has a very high IQ, and the key is still living in the knighthood for a month. He is very clear about the hero's temperament.

Needless to say, the hero must have been irritable waiting, it felt better to catch two thieves.

When he was about to persuade, he heard a strange voice coming from somewhere in the sky.

"Evil people are making trouble? Huh, Xia Ke Jia, you really are getting stronger and stronger, the sky is stronger, and this Saint can't hide from you now."

I saw a man in a suit and leather shoes suddenly appeared not far from Tianmen.

He has a long head, sharp eyes, and a plain look.

Behind him, there is a black robe male and white female.

Caucasian female holding a tom cat in her arms.

The black-robed man led a little girl of twelve or three years old, who was looking at Chivalrous Arm with curiosity and longing.

She knew this was the original dragon.

"Eh, the rich, the 'evil' is finally here ..." Uncle System excitedly said.

"Wait slowly, this intellectual difficulty has been avoiding us recently, and now I dare to appear in front of us in a fair and honest way. There must be some strangeness in it. Ask him first."

So the knightly knight said lightly: "Demon Lord, how can he hide his head and hide his head?"

"Oh, don't bother talking. We are going to go in this Demon Race."

After he finished speaking, he first walked towards Tianmen.

"Demons are outside, they must not enter this gate." Xia Kejia immediately stood in front of him, and said solemnly.

"Heavenly Dao will not distinguish this."

Zhi Nan said lightly.

At this time, countless powerful people around have focused their eyes instantly.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the air became tense.

Everyone clearly saw that at this time, the knightly armor was lingering in a real way, showing a dragon shape, hovering around.

The sounds of dragons sounded like thunder, which rang through the air.

Obviously this is a precursor to explosion.

However, the difficult mind is motionless, and has not made any defensive moves.

Fang Ning suddenly thought nervously, suddenly he woke up suddenly and stopped saying: "Can't brush now."


The **** of combat, the uncle of the system has already prepared a series of ninety-eighth series of moves. To reap the difficult gift of experience, I am very dissatisfied.

"He is cheating! He wants to induce us to go against God's will and go against the sky!" Fang Ning decisively said.

"Uh?" The uncle of the system hesitated. "Are you saying that Heavenly Dad allowed him to go to heaven?"

"If he doesn't allow it, he won't come here, but he is the one who personally experiences the power of heaven."

"Damn it, let him go ..."

"Of course, you can't let him go like this. He said that he would enter, and that would have no face." Fang Ning considered it differently from his uncle.

"What should I do now?"

"Let him line up, such a simple thing." Fang Ning said rightfully.

When it comes to hacking tricks, Fang Ning, who is used to watching the Internet, is experienced.

"The rich man is smart, if he is difficult to take the initiative, then he will not complain to me, he is self-inflicted and cannot live." The uncle of the system said fiercely.

Everyone then heard the knightly armour said lightly: "You can also enter, but you have to line up behind the rules. Humans, demon, ghosts, demons, and an unknown third race, you must at least rank fifth Enter. "


Everyone was surprised.

Originally they wanted to watch a big show duel, but what is this called now?

This has become the scene to handle the queue-cutting affairs?

Zhi Nan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly laughed again: "Sure enough, you know God, let's go."

So the demons and his party led by him were stationed in the corner southwest of Tianmen.

Everyone was appalled, but they didn't expect to be as strong as the Demon Sect of the Demon Race.


At this time, a young man hiding in a crowd of spectators saw his eyes roll around and then pulled out a mobile phone, as if sending a message.

Soon, the giant rat is underground.

Nie Yuan is drinking wine one after another.

Suddenly, the screen of the phone next to him turned on, and he immediately grabbed it and slid it away.

"Xia Kejia is forced by God's will, and will not prevent the evil people from entering the Tianmen to climb the ladder. The Devil has entered the Tianmen and is waiting in line to climb the ladder.

"Sure enough." He threw the glass hard and slammed the fragments.

Very good, Master, you are really smart, even guessing the old man's mind completely.

Hugging his son's thigh in advance, a golden standard was thrown out at the meeting, clearly to directly exclude opponents from other races and cater to the old man.

Unexpectedly, he had made some calculation mistakes earlier, and thought that the old man wanted to see who might collude with his son to seize his power in advance, and then he made a decisive cut with Nacang son.

Unexpectedly, he really wanted to let go of worldly power and concentrate on the great cause of God.

What's so good about being a god? Can it be comparable to the taste of power, beauty, and wine?

When it comes to longevity, living in the world, there is also a way to live forever.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, his eyes fluttered with black air, and made a decision.

I go by my own!

After Nie Yuan made this decision ~ ~ No hesitation anymore, his figure flickered into an ordinary young man's appearance, and then quietly left the underground king city.

He did not know that the ancestor of the Bai family flashed over the Wangcheng city, revealing a strange smile.

It turned out that this old mouse had the ability to resemble a system map!

All the places where giant rats live and where the family ethos sprouts are in his field of vision, as if they have divine power.

What happened in the giant rat can't escape his eyes.

No wonder he is not afraid of any rat monster.

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