Seized by the System

Chapter 386: The horrible road to the ladder

Beside the Tianmen, Fang Ning was bored, so he went online in the system space and played stand-alone games. & 1t; /

Among all the people present, such a leisurely guy is the only one. & 1t; /

The uncle of the system is very busy. People are sorting into categories, marking each evil thing, making records, and definitely not letting one run away. & 1t; /

Because Fang Ning said, this is probably a hammer trade, and these guys will not come to death next time. & 1t; /

It ’s just not to come. If we continue this way, we will only die in the right way and the evil will die. & 1t; /

When Fang Ning was fighting, the uncle suddenly reminded him: "That stupid bear is here." & 1t; /

"You're welcome, people have to ask for help next year ..." Fang Ning said that he was stuck here. He repeatedly looked through the system perspective and couldn't set a channel. "This guy hasn't seen it for a few months. Why is he so fat? ? "& 1t; /

I saw a fat and fat white bear running in the distance, with a thick waist like a mountain, running and breathing in the air. & 1t; /

The four familiar little white clouds that stepped on my feet now seem to be overwhelmed. From time to time, they must fall down to make the white bear run up and down, which is extremely funny, and there is no more powerful than before. & 1t; /

"This guy, want to hold up next year? It's good if it can hold itself up." Fang Ning wondered. & 1t; /

"I don't know. It is said on the Internet that bears must store fat before the winter, probably it is to reserve energy in advance for next year's daycare ..." The uncle of the system speculated. & 1t; /

"No, uncle, you are really naive. It's just eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, and not exercising properly." Fang Ning is very certain, hating iron can't be a steel way, "This stupid bear, it's been before I swear to eat all the food, and eat fat! I owe high hopes to it! "& 1t; /

"How can you be so sure?" The uncle of the system suddenly wondered. & 1t; /

"Uh," Fang Ning said about Gu and others. "I'm a detective Fang Ning. What's so strange about seeing this at first glance?" & 1t; /

"No, I think this is because of your experience. You must have never had this kind of personal experience before." The uncle of the system is also very sure. & 1t; /

System prompt: & 1t; /

Fang Ning was speechless and the system prompts all came out. How can this be refuted? & 1t; /

He had to quickly change the subject: "It seems that this bear cannot be allowed to practice on its own, and the bear is lazy, so he has to find a teacher to stare at him." & 1t; /

"Who can supervise this bear? It's Neihai-level strength. First of all, I have no time to be a teacher." The uncle asked. & 1t; /

"Let me think about it," Fang Ning thought about it again. "Yes, let Huang Gouzi go. The bear is very afraid of the dog. Huang Gouzi has dealt with it once. Being knowledgeable and knowledgeable will surely help it establish a correct view of Xiongsheng and values. "& 1t; /

"That's fine too," the uncle of the system affirmed. & 1t; /

When talking one person at a time, under the eyes of everyone, the tall fat bear had already run to the front of the Tianmen. & 1t; /

Below its thousand-meter height, the original ten-meter-high sky gate suddenly became insignificant. & 1t; /

Mi Shan touched his head and looked down as if looking for something in the air. & 1t; /

Soon, the Raksha representative, a man nearly two meters high, came out of the crowd and floated to the front of his head, shouting loudly at it: "Mishan, it's me, I'm Lovesky, you come Here, listen to my arrangement. "& 1t; /

"Oh, what do you want me to do?" & 1t; /

"Enter the door below, and climb nine steps, and you can go home to sleep." Lovesky said gently, like coaxing a puppy. & 1t; /

At this time, where he still had the momentum of roaring when he called, in front of such a giant, he should also be gentle like a sheep. & 1t; /

From the attitude of the representative of Raksha, we can know why Mi Shan became so fat. Few people have the guts to face it. & 1t; /

Mi Shan nodded, then lay on the ground looking at the ten-meter-tall sky gate, and suddenly came with a frown on his face. & 1t; /

"This door is so small, how do I get in?" & 1t; /

Lovesky was also worried, and turned to ask the organizers of the Divine State. & 1t; /

At this time, a loud voice came. & 1t; /

"For so long, haven't you learned the skill of wishful change?" There was a hint of rebuke in the tone. & 1t; /

Mi Shan's head shrank, and then looked at a huge green dragon that appeared in mid-air. & 1t; /

It supports us: "I'm busy gaining weight so I can go to the next day and have no time to learn these spells." & 1t; /

"Well, this seat looks like you have eaten and slept, you have eaten and slept, you are so fat, and you want to complete the day-to-day career. It will be nice to support yourself in the future!" Qinglong accused seriously. & 1t; /

After listening, Fang Ning was very dissatisfied: "Stealing my lines again ... & 1t; /

Xiong Ling Mishan heard the words, and suddenly the face was astonished, and he was very ashamed: "I worked hard for three days at first, but later I felt a little tired, so I wanted to sleep and practice again ..." & 1t; /

"Sure enough," Qinglong said, and then a golden light emerged from the dragon head, and then covered Xiong Ling. & 1t; /

system hint:. & 1t; /

Later, everyone saw that Xiong Ling's body suddenly changed from a kilometer to a mini bear, only two or three meters high. & 1t; /

"In the future, this seat will find you a teacher to supervise you. Remember not to be so lazy in the future, now you can go in." & 1t; /

Xiong Ling Mi Shan immediately went to the Tianmen honestly. & 1t; /

Everyone's eyes projected on the bear in an instant. & 1t; /

What will happen? & 1t; /

Can this bear enter Tianmen? & 1t; /

How many steps can I climb after entering? & 1t; /

All these answers, as long as you wait a few seconds, all will be revealed. & 1t; /

The representative of Raksha closed his eyes and prayed. He dared not go to see him. He wanted to pray for his own bear to be able to successfully complete the task. Do n’t make jokes. & 1t; /

The representatives of the three major forces of Tianzhu, rice and Europa are in a mixed mood. They both want this bear to fail, and they think that in the event of failure, the human race's momentum will inevitably be hit. This is really complicated. & 1t; /

At the next moment, Xiongling Mishan walked in ... & 1t; /

The next moment, it fell asleep on the first step ... & 1t; /

Falling asleep ... & 1t; /

Falling asleep ... & 1t; /

"Hahaha," the representative of Tianzhu Kingdom laughed forward and backward, "This is your Raksha family's bear spirit totem, the most powerful human race representative? What's the use of it, it didn't climb up a step, in vain We are wasting a place for our race. "& 1t; /

Raksha was speechless and blushing, and Tianzhu people were right. & 1t; /

At that time, a golden light shone above the huge sky gate. & 1t; /

A line of text is mapped in the golden light, and everyone can see the score clearly. & 1t; /

"Human race, enter one, remaining nine. Progress of climbing ladder o." & 1t; /

The rice people and the Europa people didn't laugh, and they suddenly became nervous. & 1t; /

As strong as Xiong Ling, can't even climb a step? ! & 1t; /

Is this a conspiracy created by China, or is this the road of the ladder? & 1t; /

They subconsciously lean towards the latter. After all, China is unlikely to do this, but this is a joke about the destiny of all mankind. & 1t; /

"Unfortunately, we have already transferred a place, but you have wasted it," Ren Ruofeng said lightly. "Now, do you still want to try again? If you don't, you can still enjoy the average treatment of the human race, and send representatives to climb again If it fails, the share of cultivation resources will be reduced in the region where it represents. "& 1t; /

The other three forces looked at each other, and finally the Tianzhu people were not convinced. & 1t; /

The representative gritted his teeth and said, "We have the protection of the great gods, and we certainly will not be afraid of this difficulty. We will try again." & 1t; /

"Then this is the last chance. You need to know that there are no more than three things. If you still fail, don't say we won't give you another chance." & 1t; /

Ren Ruofeng had already calculated well. In fact, it is difficult for them to accept only one quota for so many other clan forces. After all, China has not yet established enough prestige. & 1t; /

Doing that in the past was just the most basic bargaining method. At the beginning, they only insisted on giving them one. When they tried their best to win three, they would feel that they won a big victory and were more acceptable. & 1t; /

The Tianzhu people thought for a while, instead of making a decision immediately, they walked aside and discussed with a group of Tianzhu people. & 1t; /

Among the group of Tianzhu people, two were the spokesmen for the three gods of Tianzhu, one man and one woman. They were once captured by Shenzhou, and later they were released after reaching an agreement with the Truth Office. & 1t; /

The spokesperson of the God of Creation, the one named Myram, was not among them. & 1t; /

He has a heavy responsibility in the system cell, so there is no need to go back. & 1t; /

"Who's going?" Kamal, the young man's spokesperson, frowned. & 1t; /

"Let me go, the first step should be aggressive. If you have a defective personality, you must be trapped." The spokesperson of the patron saint, wearing Sari, said. & 1t; /

Kamal blushed, then said hardly: "Well, we can't fail, let you go in." & 1t; /

Everyone saw Sina's second face dignified and walked in. & 1t; /

At the next moment, people saw her on the first huge ladder step, kneeled down, and seemed to be praying ... & 1t; /

What is this, this? & 1t; /

And at this time, above the heavenly gate with the golden light, text updates appeared again. & 1t; /

"Human race, enter second, eight remaining. Progress of climbing ladder o." & 1t; /

"His!" All living beings, regardless of the demons and demons, took a breath. & 1t; /

The Road to the Ladder ~ ~ Such a horror! & 1t; /

The two outstanding human figures before and after, can't even climb a step? ! & 1t; /

How is this good? & 1t; /

How can I climb a step? & 1t; /

Suddenly everyone turned their eyes to the direction of everyone in Shenzhou, specifically, the blue dragon lying across the sky. & 1t; /

This door was opened by him, presumably he should be confident? & 1t; /

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