Sequence Player

Chapter 872 Encounter

If Li Changhe is forced into a desperate situation, he can trigger the desperate will.

At that time, his consciousness will not be disturbed or affected by anything.

If in that case, drinking the Immortal Brew of Ten Thousand Tribulations, would it be possible to avoid getting drunk?

In order to drink more wine and obtain a higher level of regeneration ability?

Unfortunately, the only difficulty is that it is difficult for Li Changhe to activate the Will of Desperation.

Now he is already the strongest among the demigods. As his strength becomes stronger, it becomes very difficult for him to trigger the Will of Despair.

At present, Li Changhe has triggered it only a handful of times. On Yuezhou City, after fighting through the blood tide, he faced Xue Shen, the god of the blood river. Trigger the first desperate will.

In the disaster, he faced the three meeting terrors and the crying hero. Trigger the second and third desperate will respectively.

In the Hundred Generals Sword Test, after Li Changhe killed a large number of Chaos troops, he faced the incarnation of the evil god. Trigger the fourth desperate will.

Even when facing the blood knight, he never triggered it. Because he and the blood knight have the same combat power, it is not considered a desperate situation.

Li Changhe thought deeply and said: "It seems that the ancestor's plan to suppress it has to be put on hold first. I have to try to trigger the desperate will in this mission or the next mission. Obtain a regeneration level higher than the biomass level. "

"Are you sure you're not afraid that our ancestor will take the opportunity to beat you up?" He Feng complained: "He is still here, and you claim to be the world's military leader. He must have tolerated you for a long time."

"Haha, ancestor shouldn't care about this." Li Changhe chuckled.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Li Changhe's thinking. If he wants to change the future, he must become stronger than his future self.

Since you already know that your future self can heal at the biomass level, then go beyond that level!

This is also equivalent to changing one's future.

"Actually, after obtaining future information, the officials will naturally intentionally avoid the island trap. This is the information advantage. But since the other party can build an island to wipe out all the high-end human combat power, they will naturally use other methods." Li Luoling responded: "I think what you have to face is actually to preserve enough strength. Even if there is an unavoidable accident and a large number of high-end human combat forces are lost. Then you have to preserve a little bit of background and backup skills. ”

In the future, before humanity loses contact with its high-end combat capabilities.

The overall strength of human beings is extremely strong, and there are always more than a dozen strong demigods guarding the void, leaving no chance for Chaos or Annihilation to interfere.

In that case, if Nirvana forcibly unfolds the dark side of the abyss, there may be many demigods surrounding and killing Lord Nirvana. Still showing? Show your fart!

In fact, after the loss of high-end combat power, China still retains a strong force.

That is Chen Tianjiao and Wuji.

If these two demigods were more selfish, they would not fight Nirvana to the death, but rather conserve their strength.

Perhaps it can also prevent the Great Wall in the dark side from being suppressed and humiliated by any force.

No force is willing to be enemies with two demigods, let alone Wuji who is the master of Xuanyuan Sword.

However, if it weren't for their deadly battle, more than 40% of the human race would have died. Those humans who were thrown to the third and fourth levels basically had difficulty surviving.

And the young Li Luoling, who was thrown to the fourth level of the dark side, would die in that ice and snow as expected.

It was their sacrifice that gave mankind a glimmer of hope, allowing those surviving humans to hide in the upper areas.

It can be said that Chen Tianjiao and Wuji saved that world.

However, the two heroes who saved so many humans did not receive any respect.

The Great Wall of Darkness was suppressed by all major forces, and many surviving forces began to target the Great Wall of Darkness.

In the end, even Chen Tianjiao's biological sister, Chen Yu, was brutally killed.

If at that time, there was still a demigod in the Great Wall, no, even there was a demigod who was the strongest. It won't be so difficult. Those people don't dare to be so presumptuous!

"If there is really a plot that is difficult to avoid, then I hope that the Great Wall can at least keep a few more strong men. At least the future will not be so desperate." Li Luoling responded, with exhaustion and sadness in his eyes.

She is very tired.

Although, she is the strongest among the demigods holding the Xuanyuan Sword, and has even killed a demigod with peerless ruthlessness.

He was a strong man who suppressed an era!

It's a pity that she is only one person, and there is really nothing she can do against more demigods.

She could only hold on and hope that she would become a demigod at some point.

"Actually, based on the future situation you mentioned, niece, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good thing for you to rashly become a demigod." He Feng said.

Li Changhe also nodded silently.

Indeed, Li Luoling, the strongest among demigods, can already kill demigods. If he became a true demigod, his strength would probably be even more terrifying.

At that time, other forces will have to look at the face of the Great Wall before making any decisions.

But this also means that those forces will never let Li Luoling become a demigod.

Becoming a demigod will unite the throne. At the same time, disasters will also occur.

In the parlance of extraordinary people, it is the so-called ‘Heavenly Tribulation’!

In fact, the ‘Heavenly Tribulation’ refers to the time when the demigod throne is gathered together.

You will encounter attacks from some special void creatures or ‘demons’.

Guiguzi failed to ascend to the demigods because his zombies and demons jointly attacked. The road to heaven is cut off. Thus the damn Three Corpse Gods appeared.

If Li Luoling really has reached the time to become a demigod. She had to suppress the demon and gather the throne at the same time.

Will those forces and demigods watch Li Luoling succeed in becoming a demigod?

No, they wouldn't want a powerful enemy to appear.

Instead, while Li Luoling was under siege by the 'Devils', he swarmed up and killed Li Luoling!

Even if Li Luoling could become a demigod immediately, he wouldn't dare.

If she succeeds, everyone will be happy. The Great Wall will regain its glory and protect mankind again.

But if she fails and dies. Then everything will be over.

"It seems that before you consider me becoming a demigod, you still have to consider whether you can become a demigod now." Li Changhe said: "In that future, you will be alone, but it is different now. Even if you are a demigod in the real world, God, no one will dare to intervene! I will become a demigod now and paint all those guys on the wall!"

Yes, Li Luoling in the future will encounter interference from other beings when he becomes a demigod. That was because the Great Wall side at that time did not have the high-end combat power to match the demigods. Unable to protect Li Luoling

But this problem does not exist now!

The ancestor is still there, Li Changhe is still there, and the human demigods are all defending in the void. Who dares to move?

"How can it be so easy to become a demigod? Moreover, I am not sure what my current state is." Li Luoling said: "I am the person in the mirror. Maybe I am just a projection copied in the future? Even if I become a demigod, God has no influence on me in the future, and the real me will not even have the memory of the present.”

Indeed, no one can be sure whether Li Luoling really came to this world physically, or whether it was simply a projection from the future.

If it's the latter, even if she becomes a demigod now, there won't be any change in her future.

"Don't give up any hope, at least you did it." As Li Changhe said, he saw a message from Wuji in [Friends]: "General, I am almost arriving in Yanyun, please give me a welcome, please give me a welcome! "

Immediately following was a message from [Moon God]: "Uncle, Ancestor and I just got off the plane. Let's make arrangements. It seems that Ancestor has a lot of opinions about you."

Hiss, these two groups of people came together?

The ancestor still has opinions about himself, but wait until Brother Jian comes too! Well done!

Li Changhe suddenly relaxed and smiled at Li Luoling and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the elders."

"Dad, why are you smiling evilly? Are you going to do something bad?"

"No." Li Changhe responded with a smile: "I'm just looking forward to the encounter between the two mythical beings."

(Just finished setting off firecrackers to celebrate this day)


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