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Chapter 878: There shouldn’t be such a stupid person, right?

According to the ancestor's plan, Xiao Nan independently divided his divinity and downgraded his level as a divine creature. Google search reading

Xiao Nan's Glacier Heavenly Road in the void was also split into two because of this action.

This is an extremely risky step. A divine creature cutting its own way to heaven is tantamount to expending martial arts at its own expense.

What can be done is to let Xiao Nan subdivide the scarlet divinity and try to analyze or gradually eliminate it.

In Li Luoling's future, Xiao Nan also relied on this method to not only restore his physical disabilities, but even master a magical skill.

When Xiao Nan cut off her path to heaven, her void level also dropped directly. The upper limit of divinity is less than one-fifth of the previous level.

That's all in normal times. Even if her divinity is reduced, she is still a celestial being and a divine creature.

The so-called divination and deduction cannot calculate this kind of existence.

But what was extremely unfortunate or just too much luck was that the three corpse gods happened to peek into the secret.

Among the towns near the suburbs of Yanyun.

The Three Corpse Gods have just arranged the formation for the secret deduction.

The so-called secrets cannot be leaked because there is a terrible price to pay for peeking into the secrets.

It can range from loss of life, to severe death on the spot. Especially for spying on the powerful or the general trend of the world, the price is not even one person can bear, and it will also affect the people around him.

This is also the reason why Taoist extraordinary people deduced that inheritance is lonely. They are really useless.

The Three Corpse Gods are not too worried about this.

He knows all kinds of magic, as long as he sets up a calamity array and someone is willing to pay the price for him.

He can peek into the secret of heaven without paying the price.

Now, he is using several of his companions with different eyes who failed to withstand the transformation of the three corpses and fell into coma as scapegoats. Start to peek into the secret.

Want to find the girl who will kill the alien-eyed person in the future, or her parents.

If the girl is already born, just kill her while she is weak.

If she is not born yet, kill her parents. Let her have no chance of being born.

Solve all problems at their root cause.

In the first act, he saw nothing because Li Luoling in this era was not born yet.

Even her mother was not pregnant, otherwise the Three Corpse Gods would have seen her mother.

This made the Three Corpse Gods laugh. This was much better than nineteen years ago.

Since the girl hasn't appeared yet, killing either of her parents can change the fate. The difficulty is greatly reduced.

So he fine-tuned his calculations and began to spy on his mother.

In the second picture, he saw a girl with a baby face, about twelve or thirteen years old.

She was sitting on the back of an old bicycle, her arms around some boy's waist. The picture is very blurry.

At this time, the two deceased victims suddenly bleed from their orifices and were completely lifeless. The screen also disappeared.

"Is it possible that the girl's mother was a heavenly being? She actually had to pay such a high price. That's right, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to give birth to such a powerful daughter." The three corpse gods were unmoved by the death of the deceased and continued to deduce.

In an instant, the three deceased victims exploded at the same time, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere!

And the Three Corpse Gods finally succeeded in seeing the disabled girl in the wheelchair in the third picture.

Although the picture is still blurry, the three corpse gods can also see the difference in their state.

And calculated that she was less than a hundred miles away from him!

"Ha, she's actually another physically disabled girl?" The Three Corpse Gods sneered.

This made him feel familiar. The woman nineteen years ago was also physically disabled and unable to speak.

But he tried his best to protect that evil bastard, and actually succeeded in letting that evil bastard run away. And in the end, he ended up being brutally killed.

But this time, the Three Corpse Gods believed that there would be no more mistakes.

At that time, he was fighting alone and there were too many problems that he had not considered. But now the support from Tianyan Society is about to arrive.

And whether it's her father or her mother, just kill one.

She would not have been born, and her destiny would have changed that day.

This level of difficulty is much lower than before.

However, the only trouble is that the other party is a heavenly being. Although physically disabled, he still has a certain fighting ability.

"It would be more troublesome to kill her mother. How about trying to figure out the future girl's father?" The Three Corpse Gods hesitated. Since her mother is difficult to deal with, it might be more convenient to start with her father.

It can't be that her father is also a heavenly being, right? Even if there is an evolution game, celestial beings are not cabbages.

But after seeing the few substitutes left, the Three Corpse Gods gave up on the idea of ​​calculating the future girl's father.

He had to save some combat power for future battles.

"Forget it, maybe her parents live together now, and you can kill one of them at will." The Three Corpse Gods thought to themselves. His three zombie transformations are the nemesis of almost everyone. As long as he clicks on one of his three zombie transformations, the battle should be over. Even if the other party is a heavenly being.

Afterwards, the Three Corpse Gods began to wait for the opportunity to take action. He planned to wait for support from the Tianyan Society to arrive before launching an attack. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to go alone.

From a certain perspective, the Three Corpse Gods were right. Li Changhe and Xiao Nan now live together.

Since he wanted to buy some new clothes for Li Luoling, Chen Yu took Li Luoling to the mall.

Xiao Nan, who returned to the family apartment, sat on Li Changhe's lap and hugged Li Changhe's body with her right hand.

He buried his little face in Li Changhe's neck, nuzzling Li Changhe's neck like a kitten licking sweets.

Li Changhe felt the wetness and softness of his neck.

The girl kissed Li Changhe's neck intentionally or unintentionally. And left marks on it.

However, Li Changhe knew that this was not a coquettish or flirting, otherwise the two would not be on the sofa now.

Xiao Nan was relieving the pain from her body and wanted to distract herself.

When she analyzed the scarlet divinity, she would experience the pain of being cut off her arm by the blood rider and being almost cut in half again and again.

No medicine can block this pain.

Only by hugging Li Changhe tightly can she barely relieve it.

Of course, this is actually just a psychological effect. It's just that when she is experiencing pain, she feels more at ease by her lover's side.

She was still sweating from the pain, with tears in her eyes. Her body couldn't help shaking.

"My husband is in so much pain." Xiao Nan murmured with a trembling voice. Her voice was weaker than ever before, which made Li Changhe feel extremely heartbroken.

He wanted Xiao Nan to stop analyzing first, but the stubborn girl wanted to recover as soon as possible and fight side by side with him again.

Li Changhe could only hug the girl in his arms tightly, kissing her trembling lips and her slender white neck. Trying to relieve her pain.

Perhaps analyzing the divinity was too physically demanding, or perhaps Li Changhe's caress made her feel comfortable.

She fell asleep in Li Changhe's arms. And Li Changhe kept moving, so that she would suffer less pain in her sleep.

A few minutes later, Yun Ting emerged silently and covered the two with a thin blanket.

Looking at the miserable face of Li Changhe.

Yun Ting knew that if someone came to provoke her brother at this time, he would probably die miserably.

After reaching out and touching Li Changhe and Xiao Nan's heads, Yun Ting thought: "There shouldn't be such a stupid person, right?"

(Everyone should get a good diploma, otherwise, it's really hard to find a job. Lao Lang is now in a dead cycle of no stable job = others look down on him = can't find a wife)

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