Sequence Player

Chapter 888 Attraction

After Li Changhe killed the Spider Mountain God, the people in the old temple could not help but feel fear when they were surprised. Google search reading

They were afraid of the man-eating spider mountain god, and even more afraid of Li Changhe who was used as a sacrifice by them.

When Brother Sheng took action, no one of them stopped him, and some of them were even secretly happy.

Therefore, after Li Changhe showed his strength as a player, basically everyone huddled in the corner and shivered, fearing that Li Changhe would retaliate against them.

Now that the evolutionary game is exposed. The presence of players has naturally become a hot topic.

But in fact, there are often player cases in society that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Players who have gained extraordinary powers often do violent things after being treated unfairly.

Not to mention, not long ago, someone falsely accused a certain workplace employee of sexual assault, causing that employee to lose his job and lose his reputation. Even if the court finds him not guilty, he is still completely dead. His wife and daughter were also criticized when they were working and going to school. Extremely stressful.

But the false accusers reaped huge benefits without paying the price, and even made a lot of money. She became the so-called representative of female boxing and visited high-end places every day.

In the end, the employee who was falsely accused couldn't bear it anymore, so he rushed into the home of the false accuser and tore off his skin. By the way, I found a few trolls who exposed his wife and daughter on the Internet, and cut them into pieces.

He was later arrested and it was discovered that he was a player.

Therefore, offending a player is a fatal thing.

They will punish certain people regardless of the rules. The so-called use of force to disrupt the ban.

At this moment, they have offended a powerful player, and they are still in this disorderly environment. If he really killed someone, no one would know about it.

The men in vests who were blocking the door before fled the old temple in a panic.

Their leader had been beaten to death, and they did not dare to stay in the old temple. Even if there are countless spirits outside, they don't dare to stay in the old temple. They begged for mercy and ran out.

In fact, Li Changhe didn't want to do anything to them.

He just blew the so-called Brother Sheng's head off. He was the thorn in the side of this small shelter, and the mastermind who planned to make Li Changhe a sacrifice.

Moreover, he actually dared to look at the girl with that kind of eyes. A shot in the head would be an advantage for him.

Some people may say that as a high-level player, Li Changhe has superior combat power, so why should he be like an ordinary person?

But Li Changhe thought clearly. This has to do with having power.

Because you have the power, you have the power to change everything.

What if I were an unarmed ordinary person?

The result would be that he would be eaten as a sacrifice to the Spider Mountain God, and the girl he loved most would fall into the most tragic fate.

Since the other party wants to drag Li Changhe into this tragic fate, why should Li Changhe be polite to him?

What? To protect the remaining people?

ridiculous. There are always people who like to put an upright name on the dirty things they do, as if this way they become famous.

Just like the Blood Riders, just like the Tianyan Society, they wanted Li Changhe to die for the sake of mankind.

Wasn't he killed by Li Changhe?

What a bullshit! Why don't they die themselves?

By the same token, why doesn’t Brother Sheng himself become a sacrifice?

Later, Li Changhe noticed that after the death of Spider Mountain God, some kind of power overflowed from the body of Spider Mountain God.

Li Changhe, Xiao Nan and Yunting all felt a sense of comfort.

Li Changhe's body seemed to be baptized by warm water, making Li Changhe feel particularly refreshed.

"Is this luck?" Li Changhe looked at his palms, and something invisible and intangible was flowing past him.

"Yes, it was canonized as a mountain god by someone with great luck, and it protects one side. With good luck, it can condense the incense of believers. In other words, it can gain some divine power. If it is worshiped for a long enough time, the person who worships it will Enough. It will become a divine creature." Xiao Nan responded to Li Changhe in [Friends]: "After it dies, its luck will become ownerless and will gradually spread back to the world. "

"Is luck good for us?" Li Changhe asked in [Friends]: "Is it good for your injury?"

"It doesn't have much effect on me." Xiao Nan shook his head slightly: "However, it can speed up the recovery of divinity. What about Brother Ting? As a symbiote, this kind of luck should be a great tonic for her."

Yunting said: "I do feel that my strength is gradually increasing, and I even denied my brother."

After Li Changhe heard this, he glanced at his player panel in his mind.

Indeed, I found that my energy and physical strength recovered much faster than before.

Just between breathing, about 3% of the energy value was restored.

If this resilience can be maintained, the player's combat power will increase rapidly.

Unfortunately, with the passage of Spider Mountain God's luck, the effect of rapid recovery disappeared.

Although Yunting is also a demon, there is a possibility of being canonized as a mountain god. But she, who had not been canonized, could not keep her luck and could only watch it disappear.

"If I can get this ability of destiny canonization, can I canonize Brother Ting as a mountain god? I don't know if there are any learning restrictions for this ability." Li Changhe thought. Very interested in this ability.

"Hehehe, then I have to call myself the Mountain God of General Mountain from now on?" Yunting complained: "I don't know if your Tiance General can be named."

I guess Brother Jian has some clues about the luck seal. She is Xuanyuan Sword and knows more about luck.

Then, he said to those huddled in the corner: "Did the mountain god say anything to you before I came?"

In the corner, a middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said: "It said that at night, the monsters in the mountain will look for food everywhere, and it can protect us from threats. And its price is a sacrifice."

As he said that, the middle-aged man showed a sad smile: "We have no choice, please don't take your anger out on us. Once I remind you, I may be the one who becomes the sacrifice. Not everyone can protect themselves like you."

He was the one who wanted to remind Li Changhe not to get close to the old temple. After being stopped by his companions, he stopped talking.

If Li Changhe escapes because of his reminder, then he will be regarded as the next sacrifice.

"Okay." Li Changhe responded: "Go and light a bonfire in front of the old temple and wait for rescue."

"That might attract other monsters." The middle-aged man said hesitantly.

"Ha, is there such a good thing?" Li Changhe chuckled in his heart. He really wanted to see what the other party could do. Give them a chance to sneak in.

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