Sequence Player

Chapter 930 Hymn


With his unique perception ability, Crazy Dragon Killer sensed that the nearest place where humans gathered should be a refuge for humans, and that there were a large number of human beings living inside.

That will be the best sacrifice for him to improve his strength!

Once he crosses the threshold of the demigod posture, he will kill Li Ba to prove his strength. So, he gave up all his teammates

He is originally a foreign player from more than 20 years in the future. Cooperating with these guys who will be rivals in the future is nothing more than the general trend.

Nowadays, they are of no use

The killing mad dragon is hidden in a sewer. He is more than two meters tall but has no sluggishness. As a dragon man, he has far superior perception than humans. He can clearly hear the roar of tanks on the road and the roar of guns. There are a lot of them. The aliens are wailing everywhere

Humanity has gained the upper hand on the battlefield. Even the Chosen of Chaos and the Prince of Annihilation are unable to resist this terrifying rage.

The contempt of the aliens for human beings has now disappeared. Now there is only fear and despair. Killing the Mad Dragon was indifferent to this and continued to move forward. After passing through several battlefield positions silently, he found the target location.

It was a large shelter about twenty meters underground, located in a university air-raid shelter.

There are so many humans inside

I'm afraid they would never have thought that there would be enemies traveling dozens of kilometers to their rear areas.

"Then let me give you a surprise!" The killing mad dragon showed a ferocious smile. He closed his eyes and sensed the heartbeats of humans around him. Are those the human soldiers protecting the shelter?

But these guys can't stop themselves! The awareness of players and ordinary people is huge, let alone the strongest among the strongest, the strongest among demigods!

The killing mad dragon hides his aura

Quietly came to a corner in the shadows, where a soldier was on guard duty.

The Crazy Dragon Killer plans to clear out all these hidden sentries and enter the shelter without the human players noticing.

Although, with his strength, he can completely cut through those tanks and forcefully enter the shelter, it will waste a lot of precious time.

With this thought in mind, the Crazy Killing Dragon had already used his skills to pass through many warning devices and successfully arrived behind the human soldier.

He stretched out his hands instantly and broke the soldier's neck.

The soldier noticed at the last moment and wanted to fire a warning shot, but in the end he lowered his hands feebly.

"Don't worry, your compatriots will come to see you soon, and they will all become my sacrifices!" It feels so good to kill the crazy dragon with a ferocious smile. It feels like life is gradually passing by, and the feeling of filling one's hunger is really great. It's so wonderful

Then, he saw a grenade falling on the ground

At the last moment, the soldier pulled the safety catch of the grenade and raised his middle finger, which seemed to be a mockery of killing the crazy dragon.

The next second, a violent explosion submerged the bodies of the killing mad dragon and the soldiers. This alarmed all the soldiers and a large number of players.

In the family's apartment, the disabled girl put on a magic costume and the troops guarding the position all set off.

Countless strong men were alerted by it and rushed over

In the flames of the explosion, the killing mad dragon roared furiously. With the strength of his body, this grenade could not hurt him.

He has thick mysterious scales all over his body, which are defensive passives comparable to regenerated metal.

Even if it is directly hit by artillery, it will only drop a few fragments, and it can be quickly replenished. The defense is extremely strong.

But he was still angry. He actually failed in the first step of infiltration and injured an ordinary human soldier. This made him extremely angry!

The soldiers who were even angrier than him vented their furious firepower at his position.

The tank rotated the turret as fast as possible, aiming to kill the crazy dragon and firing the shells.

The soldiers built a dense firepower network and fired bullets accurately on the body of the killing mad dragon.

I want to avenge that soldier who died!

"Before the players arrive, stop him at all costs!" The soldiers were fearless and chanted the war song of human courage!

This made the Crazy Killing Dragon feel humiliated once again. No matter what race they were, civilians would flee from him in fear when they discovered him.

Even alien players have to avoid themselves. Ordinary humans like them actually dare to attack themselves?

How dare they?

"Watch me kill you all!" The killing mad dragon roared and rose. The scales on his body fell off, but they grew rapidly. He attacked the position under the gunfire and slashed into the tank with his sword, shaking the soldiers in the tank with all his strength. Momentarily bloody and bloody

But the soldiers were still unafraid, roaring and shooting at the Crazy Killing Dragon, making the Crazy Killing Dragon even more angry.

He moved quickly and brutally wielded his sword to cut off several soldiers.

But the soldier who was cut off screamed and grabbed his calf, and pulled out all the grenades.

The explosion at close range shattered the scales on the crazy dragon and caused a trace of blood to flow from the crazy dragon.

"Damn!!!" The crazy dragon was completely furious and rushed towards the soldiers at extremely fast speeds, but the soldiers still had high fighting spirit and did not retreat at all!

Behind them are their compatriots, their relatives. As Chinese soldiers and the Great Wall task force, how could they retreat!

Even before the killing mad dragon rushed into the last defensive door of the underground shelter,

The soldiers who were forced into the corner fired their chainsaws without fear and launched a charge against the Crazy Killing Dragon!

What a weird scene this is for the crazy dragon?

It's ridiculous that a group of humans are even crazier than themselves, and they actually launched a charge against themselves. It's ridiculous! Who do you think you are?

The killing mad dragon roared and swung his sword, but his body was left with many wounds by these mortals he looked down upon.

Countless chain saws even broke through the crazy dragon's scales, leaving deep wounds on his body. Even if he sacrificed his life, they would still leave wounds on his body.

Even, the door of the shelter was opened, and the people inside rushed out frantically. Instead of fleeing, they picked up the weapons of the sacrificed soldiers and attacked the killing mad dragon. Their faces were horrified, but they did not hesitate. to stand in front of the mad dragon

This made the killing mad dragon completely lose its mind. These damn sacrifices should actually resist themselves!

However, the terrifying low temperature came instantly, and countless amounts of water gathered into a ferocious frost dragon. It swung its tail and directly sent it flying into the air dozens of meters away.

And a girl who looked like the girl next door appeared behind the mad dragon in an instant. The big sword in her hand suddenly slammed down, and she was so powerful that she directly smashed the mad dragon into the ground several meters deep.

At the same time, angry figures appeared around the mad dragon and around the wounded who were in urgent need of treatment.

And a dying warrior looked at the beautiful girl who turned on the magic costume and asked: "Are we protecting her?"

"Of course, you did a good job. You are our pride and heroes." Xiao Nan responded in a low voice. After a few seconds of silence, he reached out and closed the soldier's lost eyes.

The strongest demigod from that era was held back by hundreds of warriors for five minutes at the cost of their lives until the players' support arrived.

This is a hymn to mankind and a hymn to courage! "Next, it's up to us to take revenge!" He Feng dragged the blood-oozing spear

Looking at the killing mad dragon: "Believe me, your death will be ugly!"


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