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Chapter 935: Somewhat troublesome

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In the void, many sleeping beings were disturbed by terrifying fluctuations. "Is the Nine Infants dead?"

"No, that's not me in this time and space!" A void projection quickly responded that he was the Nine Infant Demigod in this time and space.

He heard his own wails and screams, was awakened in advance, woke up, and immediately released the projection into the void.

"Have humans been promoted to true gods?" Some beings screamed: "How many years have they been promoted? And they actually became true gods?"

"It can't be a true god. No matter how powerful human talent is, it's impossible for a true god to appear in just two earth years!" Someone roared. Human beings had a demigod within two years of the emergence of the evolution game, which already frightened them. If there is a true God, they will be beaten to death even if they don’t believe it!

At this time, Jiuying responded: "It is true that the demigod is just the peak human emperor!" "In the period of human mythology, the only human ancestor who has not left the human world?"

"No need to worry, that Human Emperor girl also does not belong to today's time and space. She comes from the not-too-distant future, from the most declining future of mankind." A voice came from the depths of the void: "She does not come from a future that was nearly extinct by us. If you stay in this time and space for too long, you will soon be sent back to the future world. Of course, even if she does not appear, mankind will usher in its peak human emperor in a year."

"Are you the Great Lord of Annihilation?" Someone frowned and looked at the projection emerging in the void, his words full of vigilance: "How dare you come here?"

Obviously, the two parties are not friends

"You mean, in addition to this Human Emperor, there will be another Human Emperor born? In one year?" Someone asked.

"Yes, in order to kill him, we in the future will waste a lot of effort," the projection responded.

"We? Do you want to say that not only did you obtain information about the future, but we also joined forces in the future?" A huge god sneered: "It is really difficult for you to join forces with us primitive gods."

"In the future, all our parties will join forces to deal with humans, and achieve staged success and even kill another peak human emperor." The projection did not care about the ridicule of the gods, but continued: "Now, humans have obtained The plan that was supposed to be completed in the future due to future intelligence, something unexpected happened, so why don’t we join forces in advance?”

When the girl on the Void Avenue sat on the golden throne, the terrifying coercion shocked the entire Void in an instant.

Also an accomplished demigod, Li Luoling's movements at this moment are much scarier than those of the Three Corpse Gods. A large number of powerful figures flashed in front of the golden throne, as if they were meeting the Human Emperor.

The projection of a human demigod also appeared beside the girl for a time, as if protecting her.

As the peak human emperor, Li Luoling can use almost all human power at this moment to be so powerful that even demigods feel suffocated.

On the battlefields of several void defense lines, the Annihilation fleets launched jumps one after another and quickly left the battlefield.

The demons who were attracted uttered angry and unwilling words and disappeared into the void.

The Human Emperor has come out, everything is over!

Ji Mie doesn't want to face a true god, and demons, they never do anything too dangerous

In the real world, a large amount of divinity gathered from all around, quickly repairing Li Luoling's broken dragon robe. With the supplement of golden divinity, the dragon robe gradually became perfect and became more and more coercive.

At the same time, golden divine rings condensed behind Li Luoling, overwhelming the world.

Under the colorful crown, those beautiful eyes slowly opened and endless divine power bloomed.

All the disastrous things in Yanyun territory were screaming and real pressure came, and a large number of aliens were crushed instantly.

"When humans are strong, the Human Emperor is strong." Li Luoling chuckled: "When you killed Brother Wuji, you took advantage of the fact that humans were injured and the Human Emperor's power was greatly reduced. Now, you don't have this chance."

After hearing this, Wuji felt that his generation was instantly lowered by a generation. Li Changhe continued to beat Yuanli violently.

The Lord of Annihilation, who was being watched by the Human Emperor, felt extremely terrible pressure.

He is very aware of the terrifying strength of the Human Emperor. In the future, Wuji will kill through the fleet without any increase, kill him in front of him, and die together with him.

Now that his fleet has left, facing a human emperor who has shown no signs of decay, he has no choice but to die!

He let out a desperate roar and waved the dark matter blade at the girl, trying to cause her as much damage as possible.

But the next second, the girl raised her hand and punched

The ultimate violent punch directly shattered the blade and knocked the Lord of Annihilation away. His huge body rolled on the ground until it hit the Great Wall on the other side.

With just one punch, a demigod was beaten across the northern suburbs! He was beaten back for more than ten kilometers!

This is the power of the Human Emperor!

At that moment, it seemed as if several human demigods took action together, directly crushing all Biluo's resistance.

Biluo Khan struggled to get up. His body had been horribly destroyed. The armor on his body had been completely destroyed. Whether it was regenerative metal or dark matter shield, it was completely destroyed under that punch.

This is still far from being the full strength of the Human Emperor!

And the Chaos Demigod, Yuan Li, whose body was mutilated and ignited by Li Changhe,

He was wailing in pain in the flames. Under Li Changhe's Flame Fist Ora, his throne also began to collapse into large pieces.

As Wuji transformed into a human-headed dog and chopped off his head, the throne of the void instantly collapsed. Another demigod died, and terrifying fluctuations echoed in the void.

It was only then that Li Changhe realized what he was doing and looked at Yuan Li who had been burned to ashes. He felt a little regretful and felt that he had been hasty.

On the other side, Bi Luo felt the death of his ally Yuan Li. He was not sad because he knew that his own death had come.

Looking at the young human emperor walking slowly

"Don't think that you win if you kill me!" Biluo Khan roared: "It won't change. It will be the same this time if we can push you humans into the abyss in the future!"

This is his greatest relief. The future information has been transmitted to the fleet.

Although I don’t know what happened to the brave king in the end, he was actually killed by his melt gun misfiring, resulting in the failure of all future technologies to be uploaded.

But luckily among the misfortunes, at least the information has been uploaded to the great kings of Annihilation. In this time and space, I will definitely bring human beings back again.

"I know, I know you are going to say some cruel words before you die," the young human emperor responded with a smile, raised her foot and kicked Bi Luo in the chest.

It completely shattered his Titan engine, causing him to completely lose his mobility.

Then, the Bronze Demon God crossed over, and the bell-like sound echoed on the ruins: "I'll come, I'll come, you haven't learned enough yet."

"I thought you were already Tu Yuanli," the Young Human Emperor responded.

"Oh, I didn't pay attention, it was burned to ashes." The devil's tone was full of regret, and then he laughed again.

"Fortunately, there is another wall painter here."

"Wait! Give me a pleasure! You" Bi Luo shouted in horror. This was Bi Luo Khan's final nightmare. On this day, the void front was filled with the remains of the Annihilation Fleet and the Demon.

On this day, above the northern suburbs of Yanyun, three alien demigods died tragically one after another. On this day, the father and daughter had another parent-child interaction. It was good, but it was a bit troublesome.

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