Sequence Player

Chapter 974 The top brother on the list is Blood River

The deep-water port on the side of Tianshan's giant city is among the dictator's main warships.

An overly tall figure quickly shuttled among the ships.

She is nearly three meters tall, but has the beautiful curves a woman should have. Purple armor wrapped around her body. A python-like tail twists and turns, possessing a certain kind of charm.

She is the only surviving Chaos Demon in the giant city, the Happy Demon, Fas.

As a pleasure demon, she is not interested in the Glory Arena.

After discovering that humans were launching a counterattack, Fasi, who was reveling in the giant city, immediately reacted and led his demon generals and soldiers to defend the port first. And forcibly took over the fleet capital ship stationed by the Blood River believers. Dictator.

This giant battleship was originally the vehicle of the demigod projection and the battleship of the Blood River believers. She took over forcefully regardless.

This would actually break out into a battle between the two god believers, but Fas was too late to do anything about it. Once humans steal the dictator's battleship, it will be a disaster. The dictator's main gun has huge firepower. If it hits head-on, the demon will die. This weapon must not fall into human hands.

It would be better for him to hold on to the battleship first and wait until the other Chaos Demons come back before he can tell what is right or wrong.

But now, this big demon's face is very ugly and frightened.

It had been more than an hour since the human counterattack began, but none of the Chaos Demons had rushed back to the fleet, not even the demigod projection. What came into view were an increasing number of human soldiers. They drove fighter planes and tanks from the Chaos side and launched an attack on the port. Even the big demon can't maintain the battle line. The human players among them keep trying to surround and kill him, which makes Faas can only passively defend himself in the battleship.

If support does not appear within a short period of time, it can still be said to be delayed. After all, human players have taken action.

But it has been so long, how can the human counterattack alone hold them back for so long? Eight great demons, several chosen gods, a champion demon general, as well as a large number of chaos soldiers and demon generals, and even a demigod projection. Is there any strong person who can hold them back? Human army? Or is the Huangquan retrograde fleet showing off?

Isn't it impossible for them? If the situation is critical, the demigod projection should be able to burn the divinity to suppress the psychic storm and recall the true body.

But Fasi didn’t feel the storm weakening.

"Damn it, can't the battleship be started yet? Fly out of Tianshan City quickly!" Fasi commanded the land troops to hold back the human army while ordering his followers and demon generals to start the battleship.

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If even the projection of the demigod didn't have time to issue a warning, then the combat power of this existence must be extremely terrifying. You are no match, you must escape immediately!

"Sir, our numbers are no less than theirs." A blood river demon general said: "Let us charge again, we will definitely defeat them. It's just a human resistance force."

Before the demon general finished speaking, he was kicked away by Fasi.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Guard the battleship for me, order the land troops to hold the humans, and the battleship will take off immediately! Now is not the time for you to show off your glory!" Face cursed, thinking that these believers are still thinking about killing at this time. It's simply irrational. Your big demon and demigod projections haven't responded yet, so they are probably gone. Still thinking about charging?

As a Chaos Demon, she is very effective in suppressing the Demon Generals.

The other demon generals also stopped talking.

Soon, the Dictator's main battleship finally started successfully. Huge flames rose from the bottom of the battleship, and the terrifying battleship several kilometers long began to gradually climb up.

The human army tried their best to bombard the warships, but the firepower of their tanks and fighter planes could not penetrate the defensive armor of the warships.

Instead, they were counterattacked by firepower from the battleship and suffered heavy losses. When the opponent does not have intensive anti-aircraft firepower and a battleship main gun of the same level, the dictator-class battleship is invincible!

It's a pity for those other warships parked in the port.

Seeing that the battleship has taken off and is flying away from the giant city of Tianshan. Happy Magicus breathed a sigh of relief.

At least she was safe in this battleship. Just rely on the warships to rush out of the giant city of Tianshan, and use main guns to bomb the giant city. Let’s see what happens then.

"Sure enough, it is a wise choice to defend the Dictator's battleship first." Fass sat in the control room of the battleship, stretching his tall and beautiful body.

Then, his tail stretched out and curled up a handsome disciple of joy, hugged him hard, and kissed him.

This was a fragrant and fatal kiss. The believer's body twitched and then became distorted. In the end, there was no reaction.

The big devil also withdrew his fifty centimeter long tongue from the believer's mouth. The tongue was covered in blood.

She was still a little unfinished and wanted to find a demon to try it out. An alarm suddenly sounded in the control room.

Fasi was stunned and immediately asked: "What happened? The enemy fleet caught up?"

She always thought it was the Underworld Fleet that launched this attack.

"No, they discovered the enemy Blood Ax-class landing ship!" A believer shouted: "They are passing through our anti-aircraft firepower!"

In the control room screen, a screen immediately popped up.

Among them, five landing ships were rapidly approaching the Dictator. Two of them were hit by auxiliary artillery and were unable to pursue them and forced to land back on the ground.

But the other three ships quickly dodged the Dictator's auxiliary artillery. And after approaching the Dictator, a large number of landing pods were fired.

The room-sized landing module hit the Dictator's armor heavily, and the laser drill at the front of the landing module quickly drilled holes. Allowing the landing module to penetrate into the battleship.

This is a typical gang-hopping tactic. Tactics for decapitating enemy flagships or command ships!

"Jumping into a gang?" Fass frowned: "How dare humans jump into a dictatorship?"

It's not that humans can't jump gangs, but that the human body can hardly withstand the impact of the landing module. Unless you are a high-level transcendent, you will be shocked to death if you fail to join the gang.

I didn’t expect that humans would be so desperate!

"Get rid of them! Those Chaos Demon Generals, it's time for you to charge!" Although Fasi was surprised, she was not worried.

There are not many humans who can join gangs, but there are still a large number of Chaos soldiers and demon generals in the battleships. A battleship several kilometers long, with tens of thousands of Chaos believers inside. If fully loaded, it can hold more than 500,000 people.

How many people can be put into these landing ships? Want to blacken an entire lake with just one drop of ink?

However, what she didn't expect was that more alarms would suddenly sound.

Various areas of the battleship were lost one after another. Moreover, according to the report, the other party is also a demon general. But he is a demon general who does not believe in any gods!

"Human Demon General? It's interesting that he can actually remain rational. Is this the source of the commotion?" Fasi threw away the believer who was toyed with by her to death and stood up suddenly.

She was going to take matters into her own hands to eliminate the intruders. Even if he is a demon general, it is just a matter of meeting him in front of her.

However, at this time.

A demon general rushed into the command room in panic and shouted: "Sir, please abandon the ship and flee immediately. There are already humans coming here. We can't stop him!"

"It's ridiculous. How could a mere human scare you like this?" Fasi couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the familiar demon general. Isn't this the Demon General who was planning to charge before? What scared him like this? Even if the human demon army appears, there is nothing to worry about. How many times more powerful is your opponent than your opponent?

Faas looked deep into the passage.

With her physical abilities, she can see extremely far distances. Soon, at the corner hundreds of meters away, the bodies of several demon generals collapsed. And more Chaos soldiers ran for their lives. It's clearly broken.

At this time, a figure walked out of the corner stepping on the demon general's body.

It was an ordinary human soldier without any magic armor on him. Instead, he was wearing the equipment of a big-headed soldier, like cannon fodder that could be seen everywhere on the battlefield.

The cannon fodder also had extremely strong eyesight and instantly noticed Faas in the command room at the end of the road.

"I'm here to kill you." The human soldier laughed, his voice echoing in the passage.

"It's just you." Fasti knife moved forward and was about to taunt, but his expression changed.

Because, behind the human soldier, armored warriors with green flames all over their bodies walked out of the corner.

That is the Tang Expeditionary Army!

The Tang Expeditionary Force did not reach this world. They are too far away from this world, and no one has been here for thousands of years.

Since it's not the expeditionary force, we saw the expeditionary force again. Doesn't that mean that this human being is

"Li Ba!

! "Fasi shouted out the taboo name in horror.

All Chaos followers were in panic.

Even believers in evil gods are afraid of death.

And Li Ba is the source of this fear.

Li Changhe laughed loudly: "Everyone, charge!"

The warriors of the Immortal Cavalry raised their chain axes and massacred all the Chaos believers within sight!

Li Changhe was naturally happy. This battleship suited his taste very well. It's simply a man's dream.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

When I came to this world, I could only use scavengers to hide my identity at first, but later I became a messenger team.

Later he became the Underworld Retrograde Marine, then the Champion Demon General of the Blood River, and finally became a battleship captain.

I have to say, it’s so cool!

As for jumping gangs? Li Changhe is the most suitable person in the world to join a gang!

His strong physique completely ignored the vibrations of the landing module.

And as long as he lands on the enemy warship alone, the enemy will face the Datang Expeditionary Force!

Moreover, he has a riding EX, so he doesn't have to worry about whether he can control the battleship after grabbing it.

"This is really a great gift, Blood River, Blood River. I'll let you be the number one on the list." After Li Changhe confirmed his top brother, he smiled and walked through the corridor where a large number of chaotic corpses were dumped.

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