Sequence Player

Chapter 981 The long night is coming (4K)

Now that the deal has been settled, Chen Yu won't say anything more. Instead, he squatted down and put the black mud back into his backpack. She has the power to control Teardrop, so she doesn't need to care about the black mud divinity in Teardrop.

As the teardrops entered the backpack, the murderous aura in the corridor gradually disappeared.

The faces of the Huangquan Marines looked a little better. The black mud mass posed a complete danger to them.

Even the Marine Corps, which is known as the strongest fleet in the world, is extremely vigilant. They knew very well that if a battle broke out, it would be difficult for them to protect the target in the hands of Mu Tuan.

The Minister of Military Industry who was the target of the escort said curiously: "What kind of weapon is this piece of mud? It seems to be very strong."

As the Minister of Military Industry, Chen Yu of Huangquan World is very sensitive to weapons. Seeing the tension that soil brought to extraordinary people, they became interested in researching it.

"My friend's clone or clone." After Chen Yu put on her small bag, she took out a peaked cap from her [backpack] and put it on her head, so that the outside world could not see her face clearly. The voice also became neutral: "This is the protection he gave me."

"Clone? It would be interesting if it could be mass-produced." The Minister of Military Industry thought: "Do you have the manufacturing technology for this clone? We can provide exchange."

Chen Yu shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, this is a god-killing biological weapon from a certain world. That world is very far away from the mysterious side. At present, I am afraid that neither your world nor mine can reproduce this kind of imitation. Moreover, The strength of the clone depends on the strength of the host."

"It's a pity, it would be great if there was a clone." The Minister of Military Industry murmured.

The extraordinary warriors of the Marine Corps turned their heads to look at the murals on the wall, seeming to be very interested.

Later, Chen Yu, the Minister of Military Industry and a team of Marines walked out of the city lord's palace.

The City Lord's Mansion is actually the high-rise office area of ​​Giant City, located in the center of Giant City.

At this moment, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the city lord's mansion. There were a large number of people watching, as well as a large convoy of escort soldiers.

They are the people and soldiers who are ready to accept the fleet.

At the head were several military officers.

One of the young male officers immediately put on a smile after seeing the Minister of Military Industry. His handsome face and hearty smile will probably capture the hearts of many girls.

Chen Yu felt that it was a bit coquettish. Whose soldier had a specially designed hairstyle that couldn't even suppress his military cap? This kind of soldier mostly appears in idol dramas. This time I saw it for real.

The officer glanced at Chen Yu and said to the Minister of Military Industry: "Xiao Yu, I will escort you next. Take my car? We can also talk about the next weapons development issue. I am also prepared The red wine you like to drink is shipped from Kunlun City."

The Minister of Military Industry interrupted with a smile: "No need, my allies and I still need to understand something."

"That's it." The officer once again glanced at Chen Yu, who was next to the Minister of Military Industry. Chen Yu, who was wearing civilian clothes, hid his figure very well. Coupled with the peaked cap that hid his face, the officer could not see anything. So, with a hint of regret in his tone: "That's such a pity."

He behaved like a gentleman, which made the onlookers feel very sorry. Each was mumbling something.

After getting on the armored vehicle of the Minister of Military Industry, Chen Yu shivered and then complained: "Damn it, that 'Xiao Yu' cry made my skin crawl. Who is he? Want to chase you?"

The Minister of Military Industry also nodded slightly: "I'm also confused. He is Ye Yi, the guardian of the Western Gate of the Defense Force. At the same time, he is also the son of the previous generation of city lord."

The previous generation of city lords was the first generation of city lords who felt that they could not resist the corruption of chaos and committed suicide.

That city lord is indeed an admirable person. His decisiveness prevented the giant city from being ruled by chaos. Otherwise, a city lord corrupted by Chaos will inevitably have disastrous consequences.

But he died too suddenly, and he didn't find a good successor. This caused chaos in the giant city.

The giant city built after the disaster is like a small country. With the death of the top leader, the battles between the various factions have also been brought to the fore. Chaos also took advantage of the situation, and the top leaders of certain factions were corrupted by Chaos. The huge city is in danger.

At that time, Ye Yi was still a pampered and wealthy young man in the city lord's palace, and could not suppress the chaotic situation at all.

Chen Tianjiao, who was still a sentry officer, took action decisively, gathered all the sentries, and decisively returned to the city to kill Chaos and suppress the rebellion.

Ye Yi later joined the army to serve, perhaps taking into account the achievements of the previous city lord. His promotion was rapid. At the same time, he also showed his pursuit of the Minister of Military Industry.

"If my brother wasn't the border city lord, he wouldn't be so enthusiastic. If I wasn't the best candidate for city lord, he wouldn't be so flattering to me." The Minister of Military Industry said with a smile on his face: "It's just a character set. Do you want to know what the old city lord's attitude was towards me and my brother when he was still there? You have investigated Jucheng and know what the position of a sentinel is, right?"

Chen Yu understood somewhat: "Then his acting skills are indeed good. People will only see an infatuated man being rejected by women again and again."

The Minister of Military Industry spread his hands, and then the motorcade set off.

Groups of armored vehicles and personnel carriers drove through neighborhoods densely populated with high-rise buildings.

Chen Yu, on the other hand, let go of his energy perception to listen to the whispers.

Sure enough, many onlookers felt sorry for Ye Yi.

"After so many years, General Ye still hasn't succeeded."

"The Minister of Military Industry is really ignorant."

"However, she is really beautiful. I saw her figure when she was jogging in the morning."

"Pretty? What's the use? She's a woman who came out of the Yanyun disaster area. How clean do you think she will be?"

"Huh? What do you say?"

"Hey, more than ten years ago, Yanyun was bombarded by foreign armies, and even the troops on top were defeated. Millions of victims in surrounding cities were displaced. It was not until giant cities began to be built that the victims settled down. That time period , you don’t think there is any law among the victims, do you?”

"A beautiful woman like her is having fun in a group of disaster victims without any order."

"In other words, how dare she be so arrogant with her worn-out shoes?"

"I also heard that the reason why she worked so hard to assist the Underworld Fleet was because a certain transcendent in the fleet rescued her from being almost killed among the victims. She gave the money to her for hush money. So much help. I just don’t want others to know how messy and dirty she was.”

"You said exactly what you said. Where did you get the news?"

"It's been circulated from within the National Defense Forces. It's very reliable. Many of them are also victims of the original disaster. They may have passed through it."

Chen Yu's blood pressure rose a little as he listened to the filthy words. He wanted to directly use mental shock to blast those people's brains.

Chen Yu himself is an extreme mental player, and the sound he detected was only a few hundred meters away. It is not difficult to directly blast their brains.

She looked at the Minister of Military Industry aside: "How do you usually deal with rumors?"

"It seems that you have sensed something." The Minister of Military Industry glanced at her and said, "You are so angry, obviously you have heard disgusting words. Just get used to it. There are tens of millions of people in this huge city, and it is normal for a few fools to appear."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

At this moment, Chen Yu suddenly frowned. When her energy spread to the extreme, she suddenly found a figure feeling spiritual perception. He quickly escaped from the perception range.

"A foreign player? Sure enough, they have already sneaked into the giant city." Chen Yu's heart sank. This is to be expected.

On the other side, in a certain villa in the giant city.

A shirtless middle-aged man looked at the girl in costume in front of him with fascination. He doesn't seem to care about the girl's ear fins.

"I have given you the underwater pipeline map as you requested. It's time for you to give me what I want." The middle-aged man looked obsessed. It was obvious that he had been possessed by some kind of confusing skill. And approached the girl step by step.

The girl in ancient costume looked at the map in front of her, then smiled softly: "Okay, come here."

The middle-aged man looked excited.

The next second, a huge shark suddenly appeared and swallowed the middle-aged man who was approaching. Blood and stumps dripped. The middle-aged man always maintained a happy smile on his face.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared. Kneel down on one knee in front of the girl.

"Princess, the map is real. The sentries of the Deep Marine Corps have entered Port No. 2 on the edge of the giant city through the map. But I discovered that some human players may have arrived at the border city."

"Isn't this a good thing? The more we come, the better, and we will bury all the strong human beings in this prepared cage." The girl smiled even brighter: "This is the best time for us, the Sea Clan, to avenge our shame! They They destroyed Hualong Pond in front of us, and we also destroyed this border city in front of them!"

"The power of the green-skinned orcs has been destroyed by 70%. It will be difficult to make any difference after this operation. Then other forces are not qualified to compete with us for the huge city." Hai Qing said with a cold laugh. "Whether it's Yang Dong or Li Ba. This time, I'm going to make him feel heartbroken!"

If Li Changhe were here, he would definitely recognize her identity. The players of the Sea Clan who had encountered them during the Sea Clan invasion. At the same time, she is also the princess of the Haijun Hailingshan in the world of the Hai Clan, Hai Qing!

Even after becoming the princess of the Sea Clan, she could not forget the humiliation on that battlefield. This time, she will get her money back with interest!

Whenever he thinks of that figure, Hai Qing becomes extremely angry. Now, she can finally take revenge!

On the other side, the escort convoy drove out of the gate of the giant city. We arrived at the training site of the 'Human Champion', which is Port No. 3 located more than 20 kilometers away from the giant city.

When I saw the huge Chaos main ship of the 'Human Champion' fleet and the massive Orcs and Chaos tanks.

The defense forces were shocked and vigilant.

Those human demonic armies repairing and moving around in the port. It even made the defense forces almost shoot.

The Minister of Military Industry stepped out of the armored vehicle with Chen Yu and looked at all this without being too surprised.

On the way, Chen Yu had already told the Minister of Military Industry how this fleet was established.

The soldiers and civilians in the fleet were not surprised either. They had learned in advance from the higher-ups that the giant city was coming back to receive them. The handover has been prepared for a long time.

The old, weak, women and children who were to be sent to the giant city had been waiting for a long time.

"Where is your captain?" Ye Yi struggled to look away from the battleship and the human demon army, and asked Colonel Jiang Qi who came to greet them.

"The captain is still on the main ship, fellow compatriots from the border city. Please come with me." Colonel Jiang Qi invited.

"Why doesn't he come to greet us?" Ye Yi asked.

This sentence silenced the scene, and even the Underworld Marine Corps frowned. The status of a fleet captain is equivalent to that of a giant city lord. How could there be any reason to come and greet him in person? It is not a fleet established in the border city, so there is no reason for the captain to greet his subordinates.

The human demon army officers following Colonel Jiang Qi sneered: "If the Border King comes, our captain will naturally greet him personally. Make no mistake, we are here to cooperate, not to protect you!"

It’s just like, ‘Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of being greeted personally? ’ The words came out.

The human demon army are all survivors who followed Li Changhe to charge into the Chaos Army Formation. Their worship of Li Changhe cannot be blasphemed by those guys.

Ye Yi's face looked a little ugly, but he quickly returned to normal. Apologizing to the human demon army: "Sorry, I have never received a fleet. Please forgive me."

"That's just a misunderstanding." Jiang Qi also reduced his anger: "Please, everyone."

In the team, the Minister of Military Industry said to Chen Yu: "It seems that this captain is very respected by his subordinates, right?"

"Take the lead in charging the Chaos army, take the lead in joining the Chaos warships, and kill the Chaos demon alone." Chen Yu, who had taken off his disguise, smiled and said, "You would admire such a heroic figure in your place."

"My vision is still very high." The Minister of Military Industry spread his hands: "Our world is different after all, and maybe our vision is also different."

After seeing Chen Yu's face, the officers were shocked for a while. But now is not the time for them to speak.

Under the leadership of Jiang Qi, the team entered the battleship, walked through the long corridor, and arrived at the bridge.

Saw the captain.

Dozens of human demon troops stood on both sides of the bridge.

And the man wearing a captain's coat and a military cap was sitting on the captain's throne. Looking down at the visitors below.

The strong sense of oppression made the people in the border city feel suffocated.

It was a feeling of oppression, a pressure unimaginable for flowers in a greenhouse.

"Okay, can I move?" the captain asked. Li Changhe felt that it was very tiring to sit so stiffly.

"Damn it, you ruined the good atmosphere!" Luna, huddled in the corner, complained helplessly.

The Minister of Military Industry stared blankly at the captain on his seat, his beautiful eyes full of surprise and love.

"It's him, young man." The Minister of Military Industry looked at Chen Yu and seemed to understand something. With regret in his eyes, he whispered: "I really shouldn't have quarreled with her back then."

Chen Yu knew what she was talking about. When she was a child, she and Xiaonan had a conflict over a trivial matter. She had a strong personality, so she lost her temper and refused to go to Yanyun to study. It wasn't until college that I returned to my hometown of Yanyun. And all that has been missed.

"However, I'm still a little better than you." The Minister of Military Industry licked his lips and chuckled.

Chen Yu was stunned: "?!"

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