Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 530: Are you a bad guy who likes to seduce other wives?

Chapter 0530 Are you a hot villain who likes to seduce other people's wives? ↓(Page 1/1)

Over the past half month or so, many extraordinary events have occurred in Britain, so that many kingdoms, large and small, and various lords that have been dominating the Western Roman Empire after the withdrawal of troops are worried!

First of all, this world seems to be undergoing some very mysterious and subtle changes, even the dull kings or lords are vaguely aware... Those fantasy species that would only become fewer and rarer. Creatures, don’t even know why, it suddenly became more and more gradually? Moreover, they also invaded the surrounding areas of their territories from time to time, infringed upon their villages and farmers, making them gradually tired to cope. Seeing the kingdom and territories begin to become panic, they almost began to have a bad feeling that they could no longer resist feel.

They can never imagine that there are still so many monsters in this world...

Countless fantasy species, those ogres, harpies, elf, centaur, earth dwarves, tree demons, cyclops, vampires, even evil undead and demons, etc. monsters or foreign objects that are usually extremely rare , They were all discovered during this period of time... and there are even terrifying rumors that some small territories were directly attacked and slaughtered by powerful monsters!

If it’s the situation in the south of Britain, it’s okay. The frequency of the fantasies here is still relatively low. After all, this is the inherent territory of humans, and it has been fully developed. The lands of various kingdoms and lords are also It's very dense, there are relatively many soldiers, and basically it can barely handle it.

It's just that the beaches near the sea and the shallow waters of the continental shelf have gradually been completely invaded by various powerful ocean fantasy species or mythical sea monsters! Countries or cities with wharves have embarrassedly discovered these days: their ships are sailing at sea, and there is no guarantee of safety in the past! ! Even after many ships went to sea, there was no more news...

But if it is to the north, for example, the northern part of the Second British Administrative Region that was divided during the Roman Empire, the two border towns near the abandoned Hadrian’s Wall and Lugu Anding and Korsdelin, then Not so good!

According to reliable information, there, as well as the lord and most of the residents, were slaughtered and occupied by evil spirits who did not know where they came from... This news is probably true! Because the Ebolaque leader not far from the northern border is panic-stricken. Many people simply fled south with their families, hoping to stay farther away from the evil monsters?

And the south, of course, will not be too peaceful!

Except for the beaches along the southern coast that no one dared to go anywhere, there is enough evidence that a huge white dragon once appeared in the area east of Camelot!

At that time, it had been fighting with a blue-robed knight riding a white griffin from central and southern Britain directly to the east, and finally disappeared into the depths of the sea...

However, this news is not actually the most explosive, it was quickly replaced by the latest news!

Because, what makes people in all the countries of Britain feel even more inexplicable: It is said that the queen of Camelot, that Altria

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