Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 571: Protoss secret research base commission

Almost all the elite marines of Normandy II, including Shepard and others, were seated on the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft lined up in a row. There were more than 100 people, divided into ten. This team took a full ten landing crafts, and almost all the landing crafts of Normandy II were used!

They are really fast approaching the ground now, ready to airborne to the largest Turian military base on the Menel satellite, to inquire about the whereabouts of the other patriarch and to consult about cooperation... This is also something that can’t be helped. Some major events, God The Turian ambassador of the Fort could not be the master, and the one who did the master has lost contact due to the war. This is the real reason Shepard and the others need to come here.

They can clearly see through the Xuan window: the large and small turrets, machine gun bunkers, fixed guard robots, floating machine guns, and a large number of sentry cannons and Turians in the Turian military base below are as endless as those. The reaper monster monsters shot at each other.



   Cannonballs, missiles, flying thunders, pulses, red particle beams, and roaring cannonballs blasted fiercely between the offensive and defensive teams!

Da da da!

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The powerful turrets of those Turians are focusing on attacking the giant Reaper Spider war machine in the distance, while the smaller Sentry Cannons are also frantically shooting and suppressing those Reapers with thick power barriers. The monster soldiers, the mass effect rifle bullets and energy pulses of both sides hit the front line fortifications...

   As for the corpse puppets who are also rushing up frantically and don't know which hapless race they were used to make, they can only let those Turic soldiers hiding behind sandbags or metal barriers use guns to suppress and shoot them.

However, it is possible that there are not too many Turian soldiers in this base, or it may be almost dead...So now countless corpse puppets are swarming up the cliffs that were originally easy to defend, and constantly rushing in. In the base of the Turians, they fought with the scattered soldiers of the Turians and the sentry guns inside the base.

  ‘Report sir! ’

  ‘The Turians found us and they sent an inquiry. Would you please reply? ’

   At this time, a certain driver's voice in the cab came from the battle channel.


   "Tell them: We are coming from the fortress of God, ready to have an important conversation with their patriarch, and will land on the flat ground outside the northwest corner of their base, so that they don't hit it by mistake!

   Shepard watched the situation outside the window for a while, then spoke calmly on the channel.

Just now, through the Xuan window of the landing craft’s door, she also saw that several large-caliber turrets had turned their muzzles towards them, but fortunately, she might have seen the conspicuous Star Union badge spewing out of the landing craft. Mark, so the Turians quickly turned their guns back to deal with the army of Reapers who couldn't finish fighting.

  The landing craft of theirs is much easier to recognize than the monster aircraft flying around in the air and throwing at the Reaper soldiers!

   "It really scared me, I thought they might shoot down us just now!"

Of course, Miranda had also seen those twin-mounted defensive turrets turned towards the landing craft that they were heading, and she almost kicked the hatch and jumped off the plane... Fortunately, The Turians were finally blind, and in this chaotic battlefield, they barely recognized their Star Alliance badges and logos. If the opponent bombarded them, they would really not be able to reason.

   "What nonsense are you talking about!"

   "Our Star Alliance and the Turians are still allies now, and they are also members of the four major members of the Divine Fortress race. How could the Turians attack us at this time?"

   Shepard first checked the C-14 Gauss rifle in her hand and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the loaded bullets and the mounted light grenade launcher, and then she gave a dumbfounded look at the Miranda who was talking crazy.

   also shot down...I'm sorry the other party can say it!

   They are here to reinforce the Turians. Although they have not notified in advance, it is impossible for anyone to fire at them after seeing the blue and white signs on the sides and bottom of their landing craft? Those Turians, they are not color blind or color weak races!

Moreover, their Star Alliance’s UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft is so highly recognizable, and the strange semi-biological aircraft of the Reaper monsters flying in the sky are exactly two looks. How could it be possible for the Turks? Will admit mistakes casually?

   "Ha! That's not necessarily true!"

   "We were in the castle a few days ago, and you also saw that the hostile attitude of those Turic soldiers at that time, if they are strong in revenge, what's so strange about taking the opportunity to give us a shot?"

   Miranda shrugged and checked the P-45 rapid-fire Gauss pistol in her own hand by the way.

   This is the second main weapon she is equipped with. It is also from the arsenal of the Hero Federation, and it uses the frantic U-238 ‘Hot Gun’ bullet!

Basically, it only takes two rounds to get a Reaper soldier with a shield or barrier, instead of a mass effect pistol pinned to her waist, at least one bullet can be used to destroy the enemy's shield. , And then make up several rounds to successfully eliminate an enemy completely.

However, this P-45 rapid-fire Gauss pistol also has a big shortcoming, that is: can not carry too much ammunition, because it will seriously affect her agility and fast running ability...So, except for this P- In addition to 45, she doesn’t have an X-5E “Phalanx” heavy pistol around her waist. When necessary, when the high-speed pistol in her hand runs out of ammunition, she will throw it away and replace it with a ready-to-use pistol. This is a universal tool to supplement ammunition.


   "Everyone, get ready to log in!"

   Shepard turned his head and continued to tell everyone to check their weapons and equipment for the last time.

   She didn't want to entangle too much about something about the castle, it was just a misunderstanding after all! Therefore, she firmly believes that as long as they can successfully save Turion's home star this time, they will definitely change their views on the Star Alliance, humans, and Shepard and be grateful!

  ‘Report sir! ’

  ‘A large number of enemies have been found at the scheduled landing point. Do I need to temporarily change the landing place? ’

   At this time, in the cockpit with a wider view, the pilots found something wrong with the landing site. A group of Reaper soldiers in the gathering place below has affected the safety of their landing site.

However, before the landing crafts with the conspicuous Star Alliance logo approached the ground and successfully landed, the Reaper soldiers underneath suddenly raised their muzzles and fired into the air, and the pulse energy beam hit the shell of the landing craft. Let their landing craft begin to tremble and shake...then, the pilot manipulating the spacecraft reported aloud in a flustered manner.

Fortunately, the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft "Kodiak" and "Battle Roach" of the Star Alliance have always had thicker armor. The sporadic Reaper ground forces' shooting did not succeed in taking down ten of them. Any one! Otherwise, if one is actually beaten down, the fourteen elite Marines squeezed on each landing craft will be more fortunate!

   "Don't pay attention to them!"

   "Open the hatches on both sides of the landing craft and prepare to forcibly land. We will help suppress them!"


   Shepard loaded his rifle, then put on his helmet with a cold face, stood up and walked to the front of the hatch, slapped the button of the hatch directly, and made the landing craft's hatch slowly rise from both sides. The landing craft has no weapons, but it does not mean that their crews have no weapons!

   What I said, the dozens of Reapers below are actually not a problem for the elite Marines who are more than a hundred people.

Da da! Da da da! ! !

With just one shot, Shepard easily beat the several Reaper soldiers gathered below to pieces. Then, when the landing was about to land, when the members of the other landing craft were shooting at the ground, she took the lead. Jumped down from a height of several meters.

   "Alright! Everyone, follow me, go in and find the patriarch of the Turians!"

   "Remember! Don't fall in love with war. We are not here to fight with the Reapers. Our task is to find the patriarch of the Turian and let him accept the terms we negotiated with the castle!"

Of course, Shepard, as the commander, has not forgotten their mission until now. She also knows that with their hundreds of people, they will definitely not be able to control the battle on this satellite. Therefore, she jumped down at the same time. , While rushing forward, loudly reaffirmed on the channel the main mission that they came here to fight this time.

Da da da! !

A large number of elite Star Alliance N7, S1 and other elite Marines rushed out of the hatches opened by the landing craft. They were armed with various weapons and fired fiercely at the surrounding Reaper monsters. Forgetting to be in a battle formation, she pushed forward surrounded by Shepard.


  唆! instigate! !

   The two of Miranda and Little Annie who finally jumped from the landing craft had just landed on their feet, and three ferocious corpse puppets of Reaper rushed towards them with teeth and claws! Then, Miranda raised his hand with two shots. After the pistol made two low sounds, the two monsters rushing towards her instantly lost their heads, and the headless semi-mechanical ugly body rolled directly over to the rocks. Planet above the ground.

   And the other one rushed towards Little Annie, but she didn't care...

  Because, she really wanted to see how this little guy's marksmanship was at close range, would she be frightened and confused? She did it on purpose. Who would let the other party carry that long 20mm sniper gun? She has said many times that she asked that little guy to bring a short gun to defend herself, but that girl is too heavy?

   Speaking of it, the two pistols she carried by Miranda, together with the ammunition, are probably not heavier than the exaggerated long weapon that the kid is carrying on his shoulder, right? Seeing that the other party is not struggling at all, what's the point of bringing another weapon? Besides, she knew that the little devil had some kind of magical magic method to hide things, no worse than their universal tool!

  ‘Wow~Howl! ! ’

   The ugly cyborg skeleton monster, like a walking corpse, rushed towards the little human who was facing it with his back! It intends to use its strong and powerful hands to directly shred the opponent, just like the Turk soldier it shredded before.


  唰! !

A red light blade about half a meter long lit up on the armguards of Annie's ghost suit, and then she didn't even look at the corpse puppet monster that leaped towards her from behind. It was just a short-body movement and a bright light Flashing and extinguishing, the corpse puppet was directly cut into two diagonal halves by her diagonally upward attack with her head.


   "Why is this kind of monster again, can't their reapers change another trick?"


Seeing that the monster that was neatly cut in half was still unwilling to pull the ground with one arm, and wanted to get to her feet and bite herself with her teeth, Annie curled her lips angrily and stepped forward. With his foot, he directly kicked off the opponent's skull head, making it like a ball, and flew far away...

   She thinks that it is meaningless to fight this kind of mobs. If you really want to fight, you should find a bigger one?

   In the distance, there was a giant spider reaper like that. It was at least a dozen stories tall and it was almost the same as the one she had killed on earth! However, it is a pity that the opponent was suppressed by the Turians' turrets in the distance, and could not be relied on for a short time, and the weapon in her hand was a bit out of reach of the opponent.

   "Not this kind of monster, what else do you want to encounter?"

The Reaper’s arms, Miranda, are almost known, and they come and go. They are nothing more than the ones: the corpse puppets that run fast, the corpse puppets that can explode, and the fierce and powerful Asari girl Demon, ordinary Reaper soldiers who can shoot, giant monsters who can charge, pioneers who can open shields, and troublesome guys who can breathe abilities, etc.!

   Of course, there are the huge steel spiders in the distance and those bigger octopus ships! !

   "By the way, Little Annie!"

   "What is the weapon you just handed? It looks like it is very powerful?"

The universal tool on the left hand of Miranda and Shepard and others can also inspire light yellow or golden mass effect energy blades. In close combat, it can easily break through the enemy's ability barrier or mass at low speed. Effect shield, so as to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy easily!

   But, until forced, they would not choose to do that...

  Because, those who like to do that, those with abilities known as pioneers, they have the highest rate of death in the entire galaxy, none of them! Therefore, if they can use the gun to solve the enemy at a long distance, they will never choose to go to close combat, just like the war blade in her hand, it is just the last self-defense tool.

   "I want to fight that kind of powerful, ferocious, and big monster, like the one over there!!!"


   Annie stretched out her hand and pointed directly at the farthest point!

There, a huge Reaper Spider Monster was under the bombardment of the Turians, constantly firing red eye prismatic particle beams, violently bombarding the front line of the Turians’ position. It was very lively!


   "Forget it, I would rather it stay over there forever!!"

   A big guy like that is terrible when it comes to fighting power!

   Anyway, Miranda is absolutely unwilling to face their kind of horror stuff that will kill people if they are targeted! She would rather fight a hundred or even a thousand corpse puppets than confront that kind of giant strategic war machine.

  The red laser beam on the opponent's head can be shot down even if the main battleship is close. How can she, an ordinary infantry with a little ability, dare to die and approach easily?

  ‘Miranda! Annie! ’

  ‘You two guys, hurry up and keep up, don’t fall behind! ! ’

   At this time, without waiting for the two to continue talking for a while, Shepard roared from the battle channel.

It turned out that at this time, their group of people had already rushed to the front, and they were almost reaching the gate of the Turian's core position. Now there are only two people, Annie and Miranda, standing alone at the end Talking.

"I'm coming!"


Hearing that Big Sister Shepard in front had begun to urge angrily, and then to see if there were no people around, there were only a few empty landing crafts that were parked on the ground. Little Annie hurriedly threw her legs and yelled. Run forward quickly.

   If she fights alone, then she may be invisible and awkwardly developed, so she won't get together with their stupid guys who only cheat others and drag themselves down!

   She, the most powerful ADC in the Valoran world, is actually more suitable for junglers and alone, so she doesn't like laning and team fights! Of course, she doesn't like making up soldiers or anything, she likes to grab the head of that kind of monster that looks very powerful!

"Roger that!"

   "Sorry, didn't I want to take care of this kid...or else, how could I be the last?"

  唆! instigate!

   Miranda also smiled and walked behind the little guy. From time to time, she raised her hand and shot and killed the ugly corpses who dared to approach them forever.

   She can see that those corpses... seem to be a little bit of a sharp person?

   That must have been made by the reapers directly from the corpses of Turian soldiers according to local conditions. For example, the spike transformation tool that Jies had used before they had seen it?

Although she did not see those weird spikes on the battlefield, it is conceivable that since Jies’ technology comes from the Reapers, then the Reaper’s own original transformation technology will definitely be better than Jies’s. More efficient!

  Thinking about it, those reapers, when they transform corpses into corpse puppets, they don’t need too troublesome transformation procedures or those spikes?

   "I don't need you to look after, I'm much better than all of you!"


   "You kid, fortunately, I killed several monsters for you just now!"

   Miranda raised his hand and killed another corpse puppet who wanted to rush over to block the way, so that the two could easily cross each other's corpse and chase after Shepard and others in the distance.

   "You are obviously robbing blame!"


   As a support, is it reasonable to rob her as an ADC soldier? Just now, she clearly let them come here weird and planned to use a knife to solve it, otherwise, her Master Anne would have already shot past them.

   "What robs?"

  ‘You two guys, stop making trouble, get out of here! ! ’

   Shepard's voice roared again on the channel, scared Miranda hurriedly speeded up the pace, and used the free left hand to hold the little guy's arm and ran forward...


The Protoss Golden Fleet in the Kepulu region finally reached the orbit between the mass effect world, Earth and Mars, and a huge golden or blue giant ship leaped through the space gate into the pitch-black universe. .

   The number of this fleet is about 50,000 large and small warships. If we add up to more than 30,000 battleships, it can be called a combined fleet of 100,000 ships!

  The Golden Fleet is the main fleet of the Protoss Land, and the ones that came here even occupied half of the Protoss forces! It can be said that this time the Hero Federation expedition to the alien planes, the protagonists contributed the most, and the next thing is that they are about to be summoned directly by a little guy to the homes of various races in the fortress, ready to harm the reapers and aliens Groups.

The reason why the Golden Fleet has such a title is that this huge fleet was formed by the Protoss Archbishop Atanis with the El faction. Its main battleships are composed of Protoss motherships and aircraft carriers with a golden appearance. , So, a long time ago, their appearance was praised and feared by the humans in the stellar area, and they have been used today.

   Actually, in the Protoss' own name, it is not the name "Golden Fleet", but when the Protoss and humans established diplomatic relations and exchanged languages, the name of the fleet was translated into this way.

In fact, the Golden Fleet is not all the golden giant ships. In addition to the Protoss carrier, the Protoss Mother ship, the storm battleship, the folding prism and the large Phoenix fighters that are golden or have a golden shell, they also have a large number of them. Void glow ship, restricted battleship, storm battleship, etc...

  Although their color is not all golden, after the Brood War, humans and Zergs are used to calling the Protoss fleet, knowing that the Hero Federation was established, this statement has always been this way, and has never changed.

   And now, the flagship of this golden fleet is a giant ship with a 74.547 kilometers long cosmic fortress-like golden shell and blue light!

   Its length is longer than the 44.7 kilometers in length of the God Castle Space Station, which is the largest and longest in Mass Effect, and wider than the God Castle’s 12.8 kilometers in diameter! Rather than saying that it is a battleship, it is more appropriate to say that it is a giant space station? However, it is indeed a battleship, a spaceship that can fight, move and flex at will!

   Its name is called-Spear of Arden! ! !

   Spear of Adun (Spear of Adun) is the flagship of the Protoss Archbishop Atanis. It can be said that it is a great masterpiece created by the Calli engineers in the most glorious period of the Protoss! Of course, the energy required by this huge ship is also terrifying! In fact, Calle engineers installed an artificial star in the core of this huge ship and used it as an energy source.


   "I can't imagine..."

   "Archbishop Atanis, are you really sure that it is really a spaceship of your Protoss, not a space station?"

Accompanied by Admiral Galen of the Federal Marines, Archbishop Atanis of Calli Protoss, and Senior Executive Officer of Calli Prosthetics Cerlandis, Admiral Anderson of the Earth Star Alliance is like Grandma Liu who has entered the Grand View Garden. , I almost didn't fall off my eyes!

   Originally, he felt that the human super battleships of the Hero Federation were already strong enough, and any one could be stronger than the Asari’s Destiny! But now, after seeing the golden fleet of the Protoss, seeing the aircraft carriers, the Madonna ships, and the terrifying Spear of Arden, he didn't know what words to use to describe it...

   If it were to build a space station orbiting a star or a planet, this behemoth would have worked hard for more than ten years in the Star Alliance, and regardless of the cost, they could barely make it! But... just like the other side, it can directly act as the flagship of the fleet, and can also follow the fleet to fly and fight and make leaps... Then they humans will do their best, and it may not be possible for a hundred years!

   "Of course, humans..."

"The Spear of Arden is the pride of our Protoss. It was in the glorious era at the beginning of the civilization of the Protoss. It was approved and built by the Supreme Council of our Kalai Protoss to build this majestic and magnificent Ark... these ships, They are self-sufficient, can support the Protoss through the most difficult times, and carry legendary warriors and vast knowledge. It is the most powerful battleship in our Kepulu zone!"

   "Even the Leviathan with the largest swarm, their length is only five kilometers at most!"

   At this time, the Kalai Protoss high-ranking executive Serandice who followed him proudly spoke first.

   She was very satisfied with this human being's amazement at their Protoss manufacturing technology and powerful strength, and she brought back the sense of superiority that she hadn't achieved among the humans in the star area for a long time! Therefore, she is happy to explain a few more words for this human being.

   "A five-kilometer swarm warship?"

   "Sorry... Even if it's only five kilometers, our Star Alliance is far behind..."

   If Admiral Anderson remembers correctly, the length of the largest dreadnought ship in their Star Alliance seems to be 1880 meters? Yes, it is true, the unit is really only ‘meter’, not kilometer...

   "You don't need to feel hesitant..."

   "Human Anderson...The Spear of Arden is a masterpiece of our Protoss. There are only three ships like it. Even if we recreate it, it would be powerless..."

   Seeing the expression on the general of the Human Star Alliance seemed a little depressed, Archbishop Atanis gave a word of comfort.

   "Three ships!!!"

   " actually have three?!"

   A violent spirit, Anderson almost jumped up!

He thought that this kind of thing must be in time for this assassin called the Protoss Race. It would be great to have one, and it would definitely not be mass-produced like the aircraft carriers and Madonna ships outside. But how can he think that the other party actually has a real quantity. Are there three more? !

"of course!"

   "However, currently only the Spear of Arden can fight..."

   At this point, Atanis also thanked him, because he remembered the heroic templars and tribesmen who had fallen on El.

   "Why is this again?!"

   Anderson could not see the expression of Archbishop Atanis Protoss, he still asked.

In fact, no non-Protoss race can judge the emotions of a Protoss from the expression, because most of their faces and mouths are covered by armor, except for a pair of eyes that emit blue light. He could not recognize anything.


   "Originally, our Kalai Protoss did have three Ark ships..."

"The names of the three arks are the Spear of Arden, the Pride of Ottaris, and Memories of Nesin... Among them, the Pride of Ottaris and the Memories of Neshin invaded our home planet Ai. When I was here, I was shot down by a Zerg because of a hasty takeoff..."

   "Until a few years ago, we started to fix them..."

   "Even with the resources of the entire Federation, it will not be able to be launched and put into use within the next few years."

   At this point, even Archbishop Atanis couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

At the beginning, if the Spear of Arden failed to take off because the conditions were not met, I am afraid that now, the Ark mothership of their Protoss can only be as good as the Pride of Ottaris and the Memories of Neshin, and continue to lie down. On the ground of Al, waiting for a long repair, right?

   "Sorry, I don't know about this, I hope you don't mind my offense?"

   Anderson also heard that the other party's emotions were not very good, so he hurriedly expressed his consolation.

   "Actually, this is nothing..."

   "Peace must have a price...It is the past disputes and sacrifices that can better reflect the nobleness of peace and unity in our star area..."

   With a sigh, Archbishop Artanis said something that Anderson agreed with.


   "Atanis! Is there anything weird here? Why do I seem to feel a faintly evil and chaotic power fluctuation inside?!"

When the four of them were walking and chatting inside this extremely large Spear of Arden, Galen suddenly stood still and pointed to a gate that was blocked by an energy crystal, and several templars were enthusiastic. Asked the cabin guarded.

   The Spear of Arden, this is not the first time Galen has come!

At the beginning, when fighting with the UED’s expeditionary forces, he was swaying on this spacecraft. Although he didn’t dare to say that he had been to every area on the spacecraft, he believed that in those years In, he knew most of the main areas above this huge ship, especially this military zone!

   However, he was sure that before, this place should have been a material warehouse...

But first, why was it transformed into this place? Not only was it heavily defended, it was guarded by a team of the most elite templars, but it also faintly reported that something was obviously different from the Kalai Protoss or Nerazim Protoss. Of abnormal energy fluctuations?


   "It seems that Zeratul is right, your strength has improved again, and you are one step closer to breaking through the peak of mortals..."

   The archbishop did not explain for the first time, but began to look at Galen up and down.

   Even, together with the high-ranking Archon Serrandis next to the Archbishop, he is also staring at the Admiral of the Star Alliance Marines with envy.

   "Breakthrough or something, it's too early! You should talk about it quickly, what good things are you hiding in it?"

  Gailen is not the kind of person who is fooled by the praise of others. He just wants to know what the **** is in this tightly guarded warehouse?


   "That is our Protoss Research Base handed over to us, let us bring the purpose to the head of State Anne..."

   "Forget it, this matter is very troublesome to explain, just let you all come in and have a look...With us here, the guy in it won't be famous."

Archbishop Atanis, who wanted to patiently explain something, glanced at Galen, and then thinking about the power of himself and Serandius, he simply stepped forward and waved his hand to let the guards open the crystal and aspect A static prison cell woven by the crystal and energy net.

   After the gate composed of the golden alloy and blue energy crystal partition wall was opened by the guards with complicated procedures, secret orders and energy, they walked into this not too big barn.


   "What kind of ghost is this? It's dangerous. How did you catch it?!"

When I walked inside, I looked at the half-man and half-fish on the left who was still holding a cold weapon spear, and was locked in a static force field cage. Galen ignored it, but instead looked at the same monster on the right. Locked in a static position cage motionless, but the energy emitted is extremely powerful, a fiery red monster!

"They...were all captured by our Protoss Secret Biological Research Base on a turbulent planet in time and space. Catch it but hurt many of our elite Templars until we dispatched the Madonna ship. Then we threw it down...We don't know where they came from, because these two creatures shouldn't exist on that planet..."

   "Originally We, Protoss, wanted to dissect them after the study, but..."

Looking at the ferocious red monster, with the red light on the forehead, with bloodthirsty eyes, and seeming to have been staring at his monster, Archbishop Atanis guided Galen to the one on the left. A smaller half-man, half-fish monster.

   "But this guy..."

   "It accidentally saw the holographic portrait of our head of state, and the reaction was fierce, and it kept saying some languages ​​that we could not translate..."

   "So, our Secret Biological Research Institute entrusted us to bring them to this plane together, intending to show us the head of state who has not been back for many years?"

   "I think she might recognize them?"

   That's right, this is probably the case!

   If this murloc-like guy hadn't reacted abnormally to the image of Lord Anne of their Hero Federation, they would have been dissected by the Protoss Research Base.

   "Then you have to wait for a while, our head of state is not easy to see..."

   shook his head, Galen, who couldn't see anything, thought about it, and still didn't comment.



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