Shadow Hack

Chapter 424 Shadow Demon King

The fourth type of Shadow Demon is called Shadow Demon.

There is nothing to say about this kind of shadow demon. The shadow itself is good at hiding in darkness and shadows, but if this kind of shadow demon is condensed, then the shadow demon will be better at hiding body shape and existence than shadows.

It is a kind of shadow demon that is absolutely inclined to ambush and assassinate. The shadow demon also has exactly the same strength as the shadow, but it has another ability that the shadow does not have.

Then "stab".

As long as it hides its body and gets close to the assassination hit, it will even detonate itself, achieving huge assassination damage in an instant.

Li Yunmu looked and looked again, but in the end he found to his surprise that the final stabbing damage of this shadow demon was already close to one and a half times that of the shadow's full-strength blow.

Although it only increased the attack damage intensity by half compared with the shadow, but this small increase, if it is based on the shadow's own impressive strength, it would be quite terrifying.

You know, this is an assassination, followed by an explosion with 1.5 times the power.

That is to say, the current Li Yunmu, once he dispatches this kind of shadow demon, is probably a string warrior in the consummation stage, and he probably cannot escape its assassination and death.

Generally speaking, the existence of this shadow demon lies in its decapitation action. Whether it is to assassinate an enemy opponent or the leader of a monster, it will use its assassination ability to the extreme.

At this moment, Li Yunmu was extremely moved.

Among the four types of shadow demons, almost none of them are useless, and all of them have their own characteristics and functions.

The fifth category of shadow demons is called light and shadow demons. There are shadow demons in front of them, and now there will be light and shadow demons. The combat effectiveness of light and shadow demons is average.

It has neither strong vitality nor superior defense, nor does it have strong combat power. It only has one specialty, and that is light.

Just like its name, the existence of the Light and Shadow Demon can only emit light, and the whole body exudes a strange aura, a special light, but this kind of light will illuminate everything around it, and under the vision of the Light and Shadow Demon, it will see everything true vision.

All the various abilities of invisibility, concealment, and concealment will be invisible under the illumination of the light and shadow demon.

Of course, all of the above are actually not absolute, they can only be regarded as relative. After all, there is no real absolute in the world, but since the system can be filled with all the words that are close to absolute, it can be proved that, This light and shadow demon can indeed see through most of the illusions in the world.

As for the comprehensive combat ability of the Light and Shadow Demon, it is naturally synchronized with the shadow and has not been strengthened. Compared with the first four Shadow Demons, this can only be said to be average.

However, this is no longer important, because it can see through all reality, and this special ability alone is enough to make up for everything.

"Okay, okay, this new shadow technique is really much more powerful than imagined."

After checking the five major types of shadow demons in a row, Li Yunmu expressed his feelings. To be precise, it seems that none of the shadow arts is useless and tasteless.

Even the first shadow art "Shadow Shell" that Li Yun comprehended, it could hide from the detection of the real light of the boundary marker and the perception of the toad guard.

But now this shadow magic shadow technique is even more powerful.

Li Yunmu wanted to have all five types of shadow demons, and he did have the selection condition. You must know that there are eleven shadows in total.

In other words, Li Yunmu can completely order the shadows to condense all the five shadow demons introduced above twice.

But it is a pity that Li Yunmu is very contradictory here, because in his mind, the direction of development of ability he chose was not this.

If he chooses to bestow this shadow technique on the shadows, it also means that he will lose an opportunity to point to the evolution of the system.

"Host, don't be anxious. In fact, there is the last type of Shadow Demon. After you finish watching the last type of Shadow Demon, you can continue to think about it." At this time, the voice of the system sounded calmly.

"There are more? Didn't you say that there are five types of shadow demons? Why is there a sixth type?" Li Yunmu was curious, but he didn't ask any more questions, and looked directly at the newly formed sixth type of shadow demons.

However, the system continued: "Originally there were only five types, but after the host checked the first five types of shadow demons, the sixth type was born."

Without saying anything, Li Yunmu immediately turned his attention to this last type of shadow demon, but immediately after, his thoughts were seized, and his breathing became a little short.

I thought that the first five types of shadow demons had their own characteristics and were already very powerful, but it was not until Li Yunmu saw the sixth type of shadow demons that he realized that he was completely wrong.

The fifth type of Shadow Fiend completely breaks the conventionality of all the above mentioned Shadow Fiends. Preparingly speaking, it is not a single, single entity, but needs to condense one of the first five types of Shadow Fiends, and finally combine them into one unit.

Its name is "Shadow Demon King".

Needless to say, just looking at its name, it can be seen that it is powerful enough.

Sure enough, after checking further, when all the abilities and specialties of the Shadow Demon King were displayed in front of Li Yunmu's eyes, he still couldn't hold back a long breath.

Shadow Demon King!

To be precise, the Shadow Demon King does not possess more powerful and powerful special abilities than imagined, but it is a solid comprehensive combination.

In other words, its formation and appearance is actually the comprehensive specialty of the first five shadow demons.

First, it has the blood thickness of the Blood Shadow Demon, and it can also be used as a substitute for injury and death.

Second, it has also mastered the Shield Shadow Demon's damage-resistant shield, that is to say, it also has the special ability of high defense and damage resistance.

Thirdly, it also possesses the combat power and super high combat awareness of War Shadow Demon, and its combat power is stronger than the ability of the shadow itself.

Fourth, it also has the ability of the Shadow Demon to be better at concealment and stabbing and assassination.

Fifth, it also has the ability of light and shadow demons to see all false truths.

All in all, this collection basically combined all the strengths of the first five types of shadow demons. Is this an exaggeration? Perverted? Against the sky?

Absolutely against the sky, I understand it.

When the above five types of shadow demons are all concentrated in one body, it can no longer be simply described with enhanced and stronger adjectives, but must be greatly improved to evaluate the existence of this shadow demon king.

Just think about it, a person who is twice as powerful as Li Yunmu in both attack power and combat awareness, and this person, in addition to strong combat power, also has super high vitality to transfer damage.

It even supports extremely high damage defense, but in the end it has super high assassination expertise and damage, and can see through all falsehoods. It is just a word short of omnipotent.

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