Shadow of great britain

Chapter 108 France’s No. 1 Aggressiveness

Amidst the smoke and dust, Arthur helped the expensive French fat man walk up the stairs to the deck step by step.

And in Arthur's coat pocket, there was a white and clean receipt, which was the deposit that Fred received when he kidnapped someone - a five hundred pound bearer check from Rothschild Bank.

As Arthur helped the fat man walk up, he asked, "You are really not cheap. The deposit required to bind you is five hundred pounds. If I take you back to Paris, the reward I will get will probably be tempting even for me. Who is this fat French guy? Why is he worth so much money?"

When the fat French man heard this, he couldn't help but glare at Arthur next to him: "Although I am very polite, if you call me that derogatory name again, I will refuse to answer any questions!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I really shouldn't have used that derogatory prefix. It really lacks basic courtesy and respect."

Arthur realized that he had been rude, and he smiled apologetically: "So, fat man, what is your identity?"

When the fat French man heard this, his face turned red with anger, and he yelled: "So in the British dictionary, 'France' is more insulting than 'fat man'!"

Arthur nodded sheepishly and said: "How can you reveal this secret? Well, since you don't like this title, then I will call you by your pseudonym. Do you like me to call you 'Friday' or 'Robin'?" Xun'? I have to say that your pseudonym is really strange. Only those who have not read "Robinson Crusoe" don't know that you are making fun of them."

After hearing this, the fat French man just squeezed out a breath from his nose. He snorted and tugged on his collar.

"You don't understand. There is a meaning to my pseudonym."

"Oh? Can I hear the detailed reason?"

The fat man glanced at Arthur and said, "Because my fate is the same as Robinson Crusoe. Due to unfortunate encounters, we both stayed away from the civilized world and came to a barbaric island where no civilization can be seen."

When Arthur heard this, he couldn't help but stop and stared at the Frenchman seriously.

He pursed his lips and smiled: "What you said, it seems that you did not read carefully. Don't you know that Robinson Crusoe was a British sailor? "Robinson Crusoe" is the representative work of the British writer Daniel Defoe. ah!"

"Oh! Really? It seems that Robinson is more unlucky than me. At least I have seen civilization!"

After saying this, the Frenchman glared at Arthur angrily, then threw away Arthur's arm, not letting him help him, but limping up as if he was angry.

Arthur grabbed the hair that was scattered in front of his forehead and pushed it back. He laughed dumbly and said: "It was just a joke, why are you really angry? The French really can't afford it."

Agares sat on the edge of the stairs, the Red Devil slapping his legs and laughing until tears came out.

"Arthur, you don't understand, this inconspicuous fat man has the highest aggression in France for hundreds of years."

"Really?" Arthur shook his head and said, "Then if he wants to live in England, he'd better change his bad temper. But I must also admit that in some aspects he is even stronger than Napoleon, who is deeply loved by the French people. Great Emperor."

The Red Devil raised his eyebrows and said, "Which aspects can you give me an example of?"

"Give me an example?"

Arthur smoothed his wrinkled gloves and said calmly: "For example, Napoleon was unable to set foot on the soil of Great Britain until his death, but this fat man did it. From this perspective, his attack was indeed worse than Napoleon's Sharper."

As soon as Arthur finished saying this, he chased after him with light steps, leaving behind him the sound of the red devil rolling on the ground laughing.

"Arthur, you are the most aggressive person in the 19th century! If that fat man hears this, he will probably jump on you and strangle you to death!"

When Arthur heard this, his steps suddenly stopped. He felt something was wrong from Agares's words.

He pondered: "You mean, this person has something to do with Napoleon? Could it be that he is a relative? But if he is a relative, isn't the deposit of five hundred pounds given by the Frenchman a little too low to kidnap someone?"

Agares looked at Arthur's suspicious expression and said triumphantly: "Just guess, I tell you, his relationship with Napoleon is not particularly far but not particularly close. Anyway, he is not very close to Napoleon. No blood relationship. If you want to know, just kill a few more pirates for me."

Arthur stood in front of the hatch and glanced back at the Red Devil: "You are really all about business. Agares, where are your promises? Where are your abilities? Can't you answer all the riddles in the world? Just How dare you ask me for a few more lives for such a trivial matter?"

Just as Arthur has become immune to the red devil's words, the red devil now does not take Arthur's excitement either.

He pushed up his glasses, flipped through the heavy book in his hand, and said, "Arthur, you'd better save your efforts. You have already killed more people today, including Fred just now. You are on the Black Thorn." A total of thirteen lives were taken from top to bottom. These three who are rich, just give me the identity information of the Frenchman I told you, do you think that's okay?"

Arthur ignored the Red Devil's invitation to trade. He opened the hatch and said, "Forget it, if you don't want to tell me, I'll ask him myself. The extra three will be deposited with you first, and remember to calculate the interest for me."

When the red devil heard this, he quickly closed the book, pointed at Arthur's back and cursed angrily.

"Arthur, Arthur! The strongest voice of Scotland Yard! Hastings, the master of electromagnetism! The most aggressive force in the 19th century! Hey! Damn you, I'm calling you! You will be the Messiah in the future Why do people like you act so disrespectfully?!"

Arthur walked out of the hatch, and everywhere he could see were the sailors of the Blackthorn who had surrendered with guns to their heads by the Marines.

The fat French man, holding his sore waist, leaned against the half-broken mast.

When the Marine Corps commander saw Arthur coming, he smiled and twitched the corner of his mouth, and even the winding scar on his right face twitched along with it.

He stepped forward, took out the pipe from his pocket and handed it to Arthur.

He nodded, motioned for Arthur to hold it, and then took out a match from his pocket and lit it for him himself.

The commander smiled and put his hand on Arthur's shoulder: "Well done, brother! I haven't had such a hearty boarding battle in a long time. The last time I had such a good fight was when I followed the 'Black Clown' on the coast of West Africa. No. 1 when attacking slave ships."

Arthur blew out the smoke ring and breathed a sigh of relief, then handed the pipe back and motioned for the commander to take a sip as well.

He asked: "Is the slave trade rampant in West Africa?"

The commander took a few sips and nodded: "Isn't that right? There are Portuguese, Spanish, and everyone. There is no way, both South America and North America need slaves. As long as there is demand, there will be trade."

But thanks to these slave traders, those of us sailors who have served in the slave fleet can usually make a few bucks from them. In addition to paying attention to infectious diseases such as malaria, the income is much higher than working in the domestic fleet. "

Having said this, the commander raised his head again at the fat French man beside him: "So, this is the person you want to take back? As soon as he came out of the cabin, he cursed France on the deck. I didn't say Watch out and almost kick him into the sea."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and asked: "You can kick him down, but do you know how to rescue a Frenchman who falls into the water?"

The commander shook his head with regret and said, "Sorry, I really don't know."

When the Marines walking by heard this, they couldn't help but whistle: "Don't know? It would be great if you don't know!"

As soon as the few people finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter on the ship. Even the crew of the Black Thorn, who had surrendered, couldn't help but grin.

The fat French man blushed and pointed at a boatload of people and cursed: "Be polite when you speak! I will not allow you to insult a noble French artilleryman like this!"

"Oh?" Arthur and the commander smiled side by side: "Artillery? Are you still a French artillery second lieutenant? Graduated from the Paris Military Academy?"

Other Marines also cheered.


"Call Napoleon?"

The fat man glanced at them disdainfully, then smoothed his clothes, put his hands behind his back and proudly announced loudly with his head held high.

"Hmph! I am honored to inform you that the person standing in front of you is:

Honor the upright citizens of France,

Former Scribe in the Secretariat of the Duke of Orleans,

The republican fighters who accompanied the army to attack the Illery Palace during the July Revolution,

The fighting hero who was ordered to open the arsenals of Soissons and Lafer when the rebel army was short of ammunition, thus laying the foundation for the victory of the revolution.

The great example of the French Republic, received personally and commended by General Lafayette,

He served as a librarian in Paris and a captain in the French Army.

He also serves as deputy commander of the 4th Artillery Company of the French National Guard.

A heroic exile who was persecuted for inciting a second revolution because he insisted on republican views, spread republican speeches, and refused to recognize the status of the tyrant King Louis Philippe.

Unyielding, tenacious and indomitable, His Excellency Alexandre Dumas! "

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