Shadow of great britain

Chapter 340 Everyone is laughing, who is crying?

"Members of the new parliament are sworn in collectively at Westminster"

"Prime Minister Earl Gray asks the House of Commons to speed up discussion of the Parliamentary Reform Bill"

"The Whig Party attempts to pass the third reading of the Reform Bill in the House of Commons as quickly as possible"

"The cholera epidemic and food shortages have led to the intensification of the Swain riots in rural areas of southern England. The Foreign Secretary, Viscount Palmerston, suggested in a cabinet meeting that the Prime Minister send troops to the riot areas to maintain order."

Viscount Palmerston: "To deal with the rioters, a certain degree of force is necessary."

"Sir Robert Peel, leader of the Tory Party and former Home Secretary, slammed Viscount Palmerston's inappropriate remarks in the House of Commons and reiterated the Tory Party's position: We oppose the deployment of the military to suppress riots"

Sir Peel: "The Cato Street Conspiracy that occurred after the Peterloo incident tells us that blindly resorting to force will not only fail to solve problems, but will continue to intensify conflicts. Solving problems with the lowest degree of violence is what the government should do, and this is what I Years of work dedicated to repealing the Bloody Acts and establishing Scotland Yard.”

"The taciturn Home Secretary, Viscount Melbourne, decided to support the Tory position on the Sven riots after an afternoon of discussions with Lord Peel"

Viscount Melbourne: "Feedback reports from various places show that the current riot situation is still under control. Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not currently considering transferring any troops to riot areas for armed suppression."

"Viscount Melbourne's extramarital affair lawsuit continues to rage, Judge George Norton denounces the Home Secretary's hypocrisy"

Judge Norton: "As we all know, His Excellency the Viscount does not even know where his own home is, so he often gets lost in my wife's bed. Therefore, I think it is not that he does not want to mobilize the army to suppress the riots, but because his sense of direction has always been poor, he is afraid of Send the Army across the English Channel."

"Viscount Melbourne went to 10 Downing Street and successfully persuaded Prime Minister Earl Gray to accept the Tory plan for the Swain riots"

"The Ministry of Home Affairs promulgated new regulations in response to the Swain riots. Viscount Melbourne promised the rioters light sentences and called on them to surrender"

Under the temporary regulations, all peace officers who capture rioters will receive cash rewards and honorary commendations.

After consultation between the Home Office and the Chancery, Lord Brougham QC agreed that domestic common law would not apply to proceedings against all rioters. Captured rioters will not be handed over to court, but will be tried by a special committee temporarily established by the Ministry of Interior.

In order to ensure that the trial is fair, impartial and open, the special committee will add a grand jury from citizen groups.

As for the prosecution of rioters, it will be handed over to the London District Prosecutor's Office, which is under preparation.

According to sources, in order to gain public trust, the Ministry of Home Affairs is likely to hand over the prosecution work to the most trusted police officer of London citizens - Scotland Yard Senior Superintendent Arthur Hasting, who will also serve as Deputy Chief of Public Prosecutions of the London District Attorney's Office. Mr. Si.

"Shocking!" The London Commissioner was attacked at Liverpool Dock, and the Ministry of Home Affairs re-examined local security management issues"

Quoting from the "Liverpool Candide": The afternoon before yesterday, Arthur Hastings, the special anti-smuggling inspector appointed by the four departments of the Home Office, Chancery Hall, Customs Service and the Central Health Commission, was attacked by three Polish men at the Golden Lion Hotel in the Old Pier of Liverpool. American thugs attacked with guns.

The gun battle between the two sides lasted for about half a minute. After realizing that they were outmatched, the three thugs took the initiative to detonate the explosives that had been buried in the horse trough. Three Liverpool citizens who unfortunately passed by were injured. Two gunmen died on the spot, and the last gunman died. He died of his injuries on the way to the hospital for rescue.

Fortunately, Mr. Hastings was far away when the explosive detonated, so he was only narrowed by a stone. According to our reporter's on-site observation, it can be confirmed that Mr. Hastings has no abnormality after six stitches, except for some hanging eyes.

Liverpool City Council immediately stepped up security near the Golden Lion Hotel after Mr Hastings was attacked. Members of the Liverpool Association, led by Secretary General Mr. John Gladstone, went to the Golden Lion Hotel to express their condolences to Mr. Hastings and his entourage.

At an impromptu municipal meeting that afternoon, Mayor Mr. Karak severely reprimanded the city's Sheriff and urged him to resign as soon as possible.

At present, London has expressed great concern about this case, and Whitehall Street has begun to fill the air with dissatisfaction with Liverpool. It is believed that No. 10 Downing Street has sent a letter to Liverpool City Council to inquire about the assassination of Mr. Hastings.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has lost confidence in Liverpool's abysmal security force. In order to ensure that such incidents will not continue to occur, the Viscount of Melbourne ordered Scotland Yard to select elite operatives to go to Liverpool to take charge of the security work of the commissioner's team.

According to a source, the Ministry of Home Affairs is currently considering extending the successful experience of the 1829 Greater London Police Act to all parts of the country. A yet-to-be-finalized bill is already in the drafting stage which, if passed, would empower magistrates to establish police forces and establish regular police forces based on Scotland Yard in each of the country's 56 counties.

"Seeing from afar!" Chaos and poor municipal management are the important reasons why the East India Company located its shipping center in London instead of Liverpool.

"Director of the East India Company: My grandfather's grandfather had long seen that Liverpool had no development potential"

Linus Yale, a member of the East India Company's board of directors: "The company actually had the idea of ​​building a second local transshipment center besides London as early as the last century. Compared with London, Liverpool is closer to the Atlantic Ocean and also has good waters. , land conditions, backed by domestic industrial and agricultural centers such as Lancashire and Yorkshire.

If you put aside the human factor, this is indeed a good place. But unfortunately, poor municipal management and security conditions have become important reasons that discourage directors. For this reason, companies have been very cautious in investing in Liverpool for nearly a century.

Unfortunately, even a hundred years have passed, and to this day, the Liverpool authorities still have not reflected on themselves, let alone improved the local business environment. To be honest, I’m not surprised at all that Superintendent Hastings was assassinated in Liverpool.

If the Liverpool authorities and businessmen had not always been so arrogant and unruly, perhaps the university sponsored by my ancestor Elihu Yale would not have been the Yale University of Connecticut in North America, but the Yale University of Liverpool. .

do you know? A big city like Liverpool, to this day, does not have a university. This shows what? This shows that they don’t care about education at all! A city full of illiterate people, and they think they are quite knowledgeable.

There was no elegant music or rhythmic poetry in the Liverpool Society; all you could hear were the strange Liverpudlian accents. They don't even speak English well, so I can forgive their rudeness to a certain extent. "

"London Merchants Association suggests: Parliament may consider strengthening the management of local government, especially in places like Liverpool"

"Liverpool Association Fights Back: Mind Yourselves First!" Is London strictly enforcing port quarantine? 》

"The Polish killer assassinated the special commissioner, London's open management policy towards foreigners will eventually lead to negative consequences"

"Foreign Secretary Viscount Palmerston summoned the Russian Ambassador Count Leven and held an in-depth discussion on the jurisdiction of the assassination incident"

Earl Leven confirmed to Viscount Palmerston face to face that the current Governor-General of the Kingdom of Poland is concurrently served by Tsar Nicholas I himself. Therefore, on the question of the jurisdiction of Polish citizens, the opinion of Russia is the opinion of Poland.

Earl Leven expressed regret for the occurrence of the assassination, severely condemned the irresponsible behavior of these Polish anti-government exiles, and expressed condolences to Superintendent Hastings who was unfortunately attacked.

Count Leven emphasized: "The St. Petersburg authorities absolutely respect the British government's power to handle territorial cases. Russia and the current legitimate Polish government have no intention of infringing on the sovereignty of friendly countries. The trial of these Polish lawbreakers should be severe. If Britain finally expels these anti-government elements Leave the country, then the legitimate government of Poland is willing to accept these traitors."

"His Majesty the King has decided to suspend the appointment of Frédéric Chopin as Royal Chief Pianist due to the impact of the assassination of Hastings"

"Viscount Palmerston instructs the Foreign Office to submit a Polish Exile Management Bill to the House of Commons, with a view to giving justice to Superintendent Hastings as soon as possible"

Viscount Palmerston shouted in the House of Commons: "Whether it is from the standpoint of a friend, or from the standpoint of a loyal minister of the King and a servant of the British people, I will never allow those lawless Poles to put their interests above those of the British people. On top of their lives! Those Westminster Union gentlemen who petitioned for the Poles, have you seen it? This is a living story of the farmer and the snake! If such an outstanding young man as Superintendent Hastings If a person is gone one day, then he will die because of your connivance towards the Poles!"

"Westminster Union's stance on Poland wavered after assassination"

Representative of the Westminster Union, Mr. Hunter, member of the House of Commons: "I suggest that the House of Commons set up a committee of inquiry to review the case that occurred in Liverpool. Perhaps we do have problems with our current management of foreign refugees, but It would not be consistent with Britain's liberal tradition to rudely exclude everyone."

"The assassination of Superintendent Hastings, the port quarantine policy may be an inducement"

"Forty days is an unbearable burden!" Chambers of commerce from all over the country jointly petitioned the king to request an relaxation of the quarantine period.

The representative of the London Dockers Association gave a speech: "We, the most ordinary workers, are not like those high-ranking bankers and nobles. If we don't work for a day, we will have no income. At this point, we are not even as good as those gangs who are rioting. For farmers, they just don’t have enough to eat at most. But for workers, if they don’t work for a week or two, they will starve to death. The result is far more terrible than cholera!”

"Due to the turbulent domestic situation, No. 10 Downing Street decided to postpone the issue of parliamentary reform and instead prioritize cholera prevention and resolution of the civil riots"

"Prime Minister Earl Gray wrote to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Brougham, requesting the Lord Chancellor's Chamber to convene a meeting in conjunction with the General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Central Health Commission to study changes to the prevention and control plan, shorten the quarantine period, and ensure the normal operation of port flights"

Arthur leaned back in his chair and flipped through the newspapers of the past few days one after another. The variety of confusing information almost overwhelmed his brain.

Just as Chief Field had guessed before, not many people actually cared whether Hastings died or not. On the contrary, everyone was like a fly in the toilet and took a fancy to the news effect caused by this incident.

The East India Company took the opportunity to discredit Liverpool's chaotic management in order to obtain more favorable policies from Parliament.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering using this incident to further expand its power and consolidate all security forces nationwide into its own hands.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seized on the identity of the killer, and Viscount Palmerston turned to the offensive on the Polish issue and began to seize the moral high ground and accuse those who sympathized with the Poles of ignoring the issue of national sovereignty.

The Russians are naturally happy to see this happen. If those Polish exiles are sent back, the trial they receive will probably be much harsher than that of the peasants who participated in the Sven Rebellion.

As for those businessmen who are dissatisfied with the quarantine policy, it is naturally a big surprise that the cabinet is willing to consider shortening the quarantine period.

After all, no matter how forgetful the cabinet is, they will never forget the Gunpowder Plot, the Westminster shootings, the Catu Street Conspiracy and a series of interesting anecdotes.

Although the British do not have the tradition of capturing Paris and killing a large area like the French, on this small island, some fantastic ideas of assassinating the prime minister, demolishing the parliament and overthrowing the cabinet will pop up every now and then.

If you can kill the commissioner in London today, you can go to Luo and American Iai with a knife the next day.

Therefore, British politicians, who have always been flexible and flexible, naturally know how to deal with these things.

On the one hand, the murderer must be severely punished.

On the other hand, you will never hold on when it’s time to give in.

After all, no matter how many sabers the Army has, and no matter how fast the Royal Navy fires, when the assassin's gun barrel is pressed against his chest, distant water cannot save the close fire.

Hastings's head can fall off, can't my head fall off?

It has been thousands of years, and in the final analysis, the only one who can be resurrected is Jesus.

Arthur put down the newspaper and just rubbed his face.

But he apparently forgot about the corner of his eye where he needed stitches, and accidentally almost rubbed the blood from his hand.

Just as he inhaled with a grin to relieve the pain, he heard the unrestrained and heroic laughter of Alexandre Dumas coming from beside him.


Arthur curled his lips slightly and took a sip of tea: "Alexander, are you so happy to see me suffer?"

Alexandre Dumas held his cigar in his mouth and laughed so hard: "Who... who the hell is laughing at you? Am I not laughing at our Mr. Disraeli? Ah... Arthur, look at this quickly. Want to The British system is indeed unique! I still don’t understand how Benjamin, the boy, got elected as a member of Parliament.”

Arthur took the newspaper from Alexandre Dumas's hand and glanced at it. He frowned after reading just a headline.

"The worst maiden speech in the House of Commons in this century, but I have to admit it was entertaining"

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please allow this newspaper to introduce to you: Mr. Benjamin Disraeli, the royal clown born in King Street, London.

"The House of Commons fell into a terrible silence for three minutes, and MPs stood in awe"

"Mr. Disraeli probably felt that he was no longer a member of Parliament from a country constituency, but that he had become the ruler of all Britain"

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should think carefully about how to deal with these Jews while considering deporting the Poles"

According to our daily parliamentary correspondent, at the opening of the new parliament, the first-time elected members also delivered their first speeches as usual.

Mr. Benjamin Disraeli, from the Kent constituency of Maidstone, received a lot of boos when he came on stage because of his Jewish heritage.

In retaliation, Disraeli stood silent at first after standing on the podium, and then snorted softly: "I am a Jew, but so what? I am standing here as a member of the British Parliament. Even if you want I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of when it comes to criticizing my bloodline. Because when my ancestors were already the Jewish rabbis holding the ceremonial flag in Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, your ancestors were still in a certain They are living a life of eating hair and drinking blood on an unknown island."

When Agares saw this, he just slapped his thigh and laughed loudly: "Good boy! Now I begin to believe that he can be the prime minister in the future! Such courage is not something ordinary people can possess."

Arthur just shook his head slightly when he saw it: "Benjamin... I can only say that it's lucky that he was born in England."

Heine also nodded slightly and said: "If it were in Prussia, he would have been beaten to death long ago. The booing, to a certain extent, is indeed a sign of civilization. Although... the degree of civilization is not much."

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