Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 112 22. Bad Master

The dead palace of Hades became "lively" the moment Bwonsamdi appeared.

The light of the blood moon shines on this dark land. Wherever the moonlight shines, those screaming evil souls are restrained and hung in the air to accept the punishment they deserve.

Souls that can be judged as good will be guided into the depths of the Hades under the light of the blood moon and continue to move forward along the ancient soul path.

They will enter Bwonsamdi's sea of ​​death, from where they will escape from the material world and be transported to the realm of the dead.

That world is called the Shadow Realm.

It is the other side that is associated with the material world. It is the destination of all souls. Not only trolls will go there after death, but humans and all intelligent life will go there after death.

It is a world as vast as the physical world, but with different rules.

No one can go there and come back.

Except Blake.

He had been there in another gaming career, he knew the scenery there, he knew the rules there, and he also knew the secrets there.

Secrets that are countless worlds away from Azeroth, but are closely related to this world.

"Well, that's really a shame."

In the bustling hall, Blake looked at the troll souls walking into death next to him.

He shrugged. Throwing away the soul-inducing lamp in his hand, he said to Bwonsamdi, who was akimbo in front of him and laughing with infinite arrogance:

"I've messed with Hela. That lunatic wants to crush me to ashes, and now I'm rejected by the 'noble' Bwonsamdi. Oh my god, holy light, what should I do?"

Blake's voice was weird, like it was elongated.

Revealing a pretentious panic and panic, he took a few steps back and said with a very good look of despair:

"I don't want to die, so I can only walk a long way to find the next trading partner. Well, although Muezala is more violent and manic, it might swallow me in one bite.

But I had no choice. Isn't it? "

The pirate glanced at the troll Death, then put the soul-inducing lamp on his waist and turned around to leave.

"What are you doing?"

Bwonsamdi, who was suspended on the Sea of ​​Death, put his hands on his hips and watched Black turn around and leave. He said in a tone that was so deserving of a beating that the listener couldn't help but go up and give it a punch:

"Are you threatening old Bwonsamdi? Little human, pay attention to the tone of your words! The barrier on your soul can only protect you while you are alive!

Once you die here with me.

Your soul will also be sent back to Hela's underworld.

Say it again.

How much time do you have left to find Mu'ezala's shrine in Azeroth? "

Having said this, the Troll Death made a weird laugh and said:

"I don't know where you learned Mu'ezala's name, and how you knew its relationship with old Bwonsamdi, but do you want me to tell you a secret?"


Blake stopped.

He looked back at the expression on Bwonsamdi's skeletal face.

He very much suspected that the reason why Bwonsamdi wanted to leave a rotten chin on his bone cheeks was just to show that smile that deserved a beating at this time.

He looked at the troll Death. The pirate made an expression pretending to think. He rubbed his chin and said:

"Don't tell me yet, let me guess.

I like to guess riddles and I will definitely guess them! You don't want to tell me that there are no more followers of Mu'ezara in the material world of Azeroth, right?

Although the most ancient god Loa is your adoptive father.

But the relationship between you two as father and son is not good.

So for more than ten thousand years, you have been quietly destroying the clans that believe in Muezala.

What you did was so successful.

So much so that the powerful Ancient Loa, which claimed to devour the entire Azeroth, had already lost all its believers by the time it reacted.

Without the living believers as a guide, no matter how powerful it is, it will no longer be able to project its power from the Shadow Realm into Azeroth.

You used cunning methods to expel your father from the material world, thereby preserving Azeroth.

What a loving father and filial son, my friend.

But what you didn't expect was that your seemingly stupid and arrogant old father was smarter than you thought, and he had left a backup plan in advance. Hela, Hades, Kingdom of Shadows

Your old father has left you with a difficult opponent. "

Black's words caused a deathly silence in the Hades Palace. Bwonsamdi's ungrateful smile disappeared little by little, and it began to look at Black with another look.

After several minutes, it said suspiciously:

"Well, you have successfully aroused old Bwonsamdi's interest. Where did you know this? Could it be that you are a bronze dragon with excellent disguise?"

"I do have bronze dragon friends, but I am a human, a pure kind."

Blake gave a thumbs up and pointed at himself.

He said softly again:

"But Azeroth is so wonderful that it can always give birth to some abnormal aliens. For example, in the material world, it's not just you Loas who have been to the Shadow Realm and come back."

"Stop lying! You bullshit king."

Bwonsamdi sneered with disbelief:

"The curtain between life and death is so solid. Even Muezala and those nasty Titans can't break the rules of life and death. You are a mere human being."

"Opolis, Fortress of Ascension, Maw, Queen of Winter, Warden Zoval."

Black said a few nouns. He raised his head, looked at the shocked Bwonsamdi, and said:

"Do you want me to continue?

I can say that I didn’t feel tired all day long.

I am also a person who enjoys sharing.

For example, how Mu'ezara surrendered to the Warden, and how the vampires of Revendreth plotted to start a war among the stars of the entire material world.

In case you're curious, my dear Bwonsamdi.

I can even tell you the relationship between the dark gods of the Burning Legion, the fall of the Bronze Titan Sargeras, and the masterminds behind the Shadow Realm.

Do you want to know?

You want to know, right!

Look at the fire of the soul in your eyes, beating so beautifully, shining with ignorance and foolishness.

Don't worry, of course I will tell you, we are already friends, as long as you do me a small favor, I will tell you all this. "

Blake raised the soul-inducing lamp in his hand.

He handed the thing to Bwonsamdi and said in a seductive tone:

"Smell it, how fragrant this dark and sinister soul is. Its whole body exudes the hopeless breath of depravity. It has been soaked in the soup of conspiracy and malice.

It has absorbed enough of the delicacy of desire and madness. Take a bite and slurp, juices splashing everywhere.

You really don't want it?

Such a delicious soul is an extremely rare delicacy for a god of death like you, right? I've already given this gift to you, why are you hesitating? "

The pirate emphasized his tone and said:

"Help me get rid of Hela's hell curse, friend. It's just a piece of cake for you. I can be freed and you can get a treasure.

You still get those secrets.

Everyone gets what they need.

Everyone will be happy! "

Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death suspended in the hall of Hades, would tilt his head and stare at the human pirates in front of him who were trying to seduce him with a strange look.

The soul fire in half of its skull was beating strangely.

Perhaps it was also shocked and surprised.


Times may have really changed.

In the past, Bwonsamdi was the only one who could seduce others into making deals. How come there is now a living person who comes to the temple of Death and speaks such deceitful words?

However, old Bwonsamdi was really interested in what he said.

And, that soul.

The troll Death lowered his head and took a strong sniff at the soul-inducing lamp held up by Blake, as if he wanted to inhale the delicious taste of the vicious soul into his lungs.

"Do you really want to make a deal with old Bwonsamdi?"

The figure of the troll Death, who was dressed in a heavy metal wild style, flashed in front of him and appeared next to Blake like a real ghost.

It waved its hand, and the Death Sword Guards around it immediately dissipated as quietly as they had appeared, leaving only a few worn-out masks falling to the ground.

Bwonsamdi really likes this troll-style voodoo mask.

Its Hades palace is surrounded by such things.

Bwonsamdi stretched out his hand and took Black's shoulder enthusiastically, as if they were brothers. Three of his fingers, which had turned into bones, rested on Black's shoulder for a moment.

The coldness that seeped into his soul made the pirate shiver.

It's not painful.

On the contrary, it was as refreshing as drinking a large glass of ice water on a hot day. Most of the fatigue and pressure in his soul due to carrying the soul barrier dissipated in an instant.

The pirate shrugged comfortably.

"You are a polite scoundrel, and old Bwonsamdi is pleased with the gifts you have brought."

The troll Death stretched out his other hand and placed it on the soul-inducing lamp in Blake's hand. It touched the thing, and its death power collided with Hela's remaining divine power on the soul-inducing lamp.

Then there was a trace of blue cracks, like lightning jumping, shattering at Bwonsamdi's fingertips.

"Well, the crazy Her Majesty Hela still has the same personality as before. She is such a hot girl. Well... she is just a little bit ugly and does not fit in with old Bwonsamdi's aesthetic sense."

The troll Death let out a very ungrateful laugh.

It grabbed the soul-inducing lamp in Blake's hand, but failed to completely remove it.

It turned its head and looked around. The pirate was grabbing the hem of the soul-inducing lamp. He stretched out his other hand and made a small universal gesture.

This means that gifts cannot be given for nothing.

"You are really a bold little human, but old Bwonsamdi likes bad guys like you with character. I can't always refuse your deal, although I know that this bad habit may one day Kill me.

But what the heck! "

Bwonsamdi laughed.

Its body was suspended in the air again, and it sat there in a cross-legged posture. It shook its head, rubbed its forehead playfully, and said:

“But old Bwonsamdi really can’t give you what you want.

I am just a weak, helpless and pitiful, humble troll death. Even among the pure Loa gods, I cannot be ranked high. "

It stretched out its little finger and made a "weak" gesture, then spread its hands and said to Blake:

"Once I have a head-on conflict with Hela, whether I live or die is a trivial matter. I cannot interfere with the balance of life and death of the troll civilization. As you said, it is very difficult to block the arrival of Muezala's will in this world. .

Old Bwonsamdi can't give you too many magic spirits.


It’s not like we can’t talk about it. "

A cunning light shone in the eyes of the Troll Death. It pointed to the southwest and said:

"Old Bwonsamdi is a Loa. Although I am smarter than those idiots, old Bwonsamdi also has the little problems of Loa. For example, when I was young.

Well. In those beautiful, stupid and impulsive years.

I would do business with a lot of weird people without any screening.

Not every transaction will make people feel satisfied. There are always some bastards trying to default on the debt with Lao Bangsundi. At that time, I was more impulsive and would use my own method.

Haha, go punish them.

If old Bwonsamdi doesn't have Alzheimer's disease yet, I remember that in that direction, somewhere in the Vodun Desert, there are also the magic spirits left behind after a stupid failed transaction I made back then.

That's a very fine magic spirit.

If you can get that thing, you can break the curse Hela imposed on you without the help of old Bwonsamdi."

Having said this, the troll Death stretched out his hand, hooked his fingers, and Blake put the soul-inducing lamp into its hand.

With a strange laugh from Bwonsamdi, the three fingers closed together for a moment, and the soul-inducing lamp shattered.

Gul'dan's soul was about to flee.

But when Bwonsamdi pinched two fingers, it was like magic. The gathering of the divine power of death reduced the extremely evil soul to the size of a puppy and was held in his hand.

"go Go."

Bwonsamdi looked at Black who turned around and walked out of the temple. He waved goodbye very friendly and said:

"The person who made the deal with old Bwonsamdi that time was also a pirate. Maybe I really have a fate with you stinky pirates.

Oh, by the way, if Hela asks

Don't tell her that it was old Bwonsamdi who helped you.

I think a smart little human like you knows how miserable it would be to offend two gods of death at the same time.

Have a safe journey to the Great Desert of Wharton, and I hope the never-ending desert wind buries you, or is eaten by the snake people as food.

Annoying friend. "

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