Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 131 39. Zemlan Port. Place of eternal damnation [1/15]--Please subscribe!

Chapter 131 39. Zemlan Port. Place of Eternal Damnation【115】--Please subscribe!

Zemlan Port, an inaccessible place in the Vodun Desert.

It is located in the southwest corner of the Wharton Desert. It was originally supposed to be huge, but now it has been mostly swallowed up by the desert, and the remaining buildings have become miserable ruins.

It's like the most direct proof that time has passed through this desolate land.

It should be as desolate and desolate as it is in front of you. After all, the pirate king Zemlan was an active figure nearly seven thousand years ago. He and his story have long been forgotten by the world.

Just like this desert, no one cares.

In this desert, there are many ancient ruins like Zemlan Port, such as the ruins of Atu Aman where cannon fodder was captured before. No one can tell what kind of glorious history this desert had before.

But what is basically certain is that this desert was once one of the gathering places for trolls, but a disaster occurred thousands of years ago, causing the place to be turned upside down.

"So, Master, what did you and Akunda talk about?"

Outside Zemlan Port, on a sand dune, in the evening, it is when the desert turns from hot to cool.

Blake, wearing a turban, held a monocular in his hand and looked into the abandoned port.

Next to him, the old mage Meili Dongfeng still looked the same as before. He was old and hunched, with only a few rotten hair left. He looked like a non-threatening person at first glance.

Facing Blake's inquiry, a trace of heaviness flashed through the old mage's rotten eyes, and he whispered:

"I talked a lot with the Loa about the past and future lives of this desert.

About how the powerful Loa god Setaris, whom the snake people believed in, sacrificed himself thousands of years ago without anyone knowing, repelling the darkness and saving the world.

I also know what you wanted me to know, Blake.

But the more I know, the heavier my heart becomes. I am like an ignorant mortal, fearlessly walking into the fog of history that should not have come.

The knowledge I shouldn't know makes me mentally exhausted.

Maybe it was a wrong decision to follow you on this journey. "

"Haha, but you already know that, Master, so you can't pretend that you have never heard of these dark stories."

Blake grinned.

He put away the monocular, patted the old mage meaningfully on the shoulder, and said:

“I know many cowards who, when they know danger is coming, will choose to bury their heads in the sand, pretend everything is fine, and pretend they don’t hear the trumpet sound coming from the abyss.

However, I also know that you are not such a person, Master.

You have learned of the existence of the Old and Ancient Gods.

You have stepped into the shadows behind this history, and you already know how many malicious eyes are coveting our order in the shadows of this world.

I know you will choose to cooperate with me.

Even if I am about to become a heinous guy. "

"I don't care about this, Black. I already know the reason why you asked little Aegwynn to let me come with you here."

The old mage raised his head and looked at the pirate.

On the sand dune where there were only two of them, he asked in a deep voice:

"I just want to know, will you, like me, regard the dormant darkness as the enemy and eradicate it on the road you will take?"

"Of course, that's why I'm here."

The pirate smiled hypocritically, acting like a fearless hero at this moment.

He said:

"Master, don't be impatient. After I complete my journey, I will tell you where to start our first step in our career.

I guarantee that you, and the entire human world, will be in for a surprise.


You see, Master, I am about to take my people deep into this cursed land in front of me. Master, you have been standing by and watching me fight alone.

On the last leg of this journey, would I have the honor to receive fire support from a demilich? "

He extended an invitation to Merry Dongfeng.

The demilich looked at Black with a scrutinizing gaze, as if he had known this troubled pirate for a day. After more than ten seconds of silence, the old mage stretched out his cold hand and shook it with Black.

He said in his rotten voice:

"I will do my best to help you in return for your help in the future."

"Let me ask first."

This answer made Blake blink, and he asked:

"The 'we' the master talks about, does he mean Dalaran? Or is it the Parliament of Tirisfal? Or maybe it's a small secret group that is about to be established."

"Dalaran has become too involved in politics. Antonidas is a good leader and a powerful spellcaster, but he cannot remain as pure as he was in his youth."

The demilich sighed and said:

"The same goes for Dalaran under his leadership.

The mages of the Kirin Tor are limited in their knowledge of the ongoing war, and past history proves that their experience is not sufficient to support them in understanding the difficulty and greatness of what I am about to do.

And the existence of those dark things cannot be known to most people at present.

That will scare them.

An orc war has exhausted the Alliance to this point. I really can't ask those warriors who have just stepped off the battlefield to follow me into another more terrifying battlefield.

What's more, I need to find evidence to convince them.

Therefore, I will first look for heroes and warriors who are credible and have enough willpower to intervene in the darkness.

Such as little Aegwynn, such as Medivh she tried her best to resurrect, such as Alonsos Faol, such as..."

"Anduin Lothar!"

Blake snapped his fingers and said:

"For Mr. Lothar to join in, it requires some skills. I will take care of this, so you don't have to worry. Next, let us focus on the matter at hand."

Blake pointed to Zemlan Port not far away and said:

“I didn’t even have to go into that place to know that there was a huge curse blessing there, and the wind blowing from there carried the aura of decay and depravity.

There are a large number of cursed undead active in it, and letting everyone enter will only cause unnecessary trouble.

Garona and I will go in first, and after we find the key location, you will send the rest of the people to where we are. This is the plan, are there any questions? "


The demilich narrowed his eyes, his gaze swept across the dead harbor in front of him, and looked further out to the sea. He said:

"During the last battle with the Naqfar, I left an arcane mark on that ship. It is now approaching here quickly, and the spirit attractor has noticed that you are approaching the sea.

At its speed, the time left for you is less than half an hour. "

"That's enough. The Pirate King is actually not as difficult to deal with as you think."

The pirate nodded to the old mage, and made a follow gesture to the shadow behind him. He took a step forward, and the shadows scattered around him enveloped his body.

Under the cover of the shadow, Blake jumped down from the sand dune, like a light sand fox, without leaving a single footprint on the sand, and quickly entered the ruined harbor shrouded in curses.

As soon as he set foot in this dead land, several negative states appeared on the pirate's character card:

Eternal Curse: Defense reduced. Healing effect reduced. Phantom of Death

Under that eternal damnation, there is another line of explanation:

He's watching you! If you dare to get close to his treasure, you are doomed.

This explanation made Black couldn't help but laugh, and he almost laughed out loud while sneaking in the shadows. He was indeed a legendary pirate, and the greed and stinginess in his heart was really amazing.

"Lahnka took us to this place. He originally wanted to open the Golden Teeth Hotel here, but we all hated the place, so we left after a short stay."

The two troll ghosts suspended behind Blake started complaining mode after entering the harbor.

Executioner Warnie said to Blake:

"This place has Bwonsamdi's power, and he can see you."

"I know."

Blake looked around for specific targets. In his field of vision, he could see many troll skeletons wandering aimlessly in the ruins.

These guys have no flesh and blood on their bodies. The long curse has kept them in the state of bones. They are still wearing tattered pirate clothes and holding weathered weapons in their hands.

They seem to be unconscious, wandering around here, patrolling the territory for their leader as they did in life.

There are a very large number of these cursed bones, at least two to three thousand, and among them, there are also some bones that do not belong to trolls, and there are all kinds of them.

Blake even saw the remains of a group of human pirates in action.

It seems that he is not the first human pirate to search for Zemlan's treasure. There are also forerunners who have come here. Unfortunately, they have received nothing but eternal death.

"Since you have been here, have you ever seen a skeleton with a knife stuck on a pillar? It should still be rational and trying to save itself."

Blake asked.

"Yes, I remember it very well."

Manzoor on the other side immediately replied:

"The undead pirate under Zemlan's command has something wrong with his mind. The last time we came here, he was still encouraging Launka to join its so-called rebellion.

Fortunately Larnka was a lunatic and ignored it.

Otherwise, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. "

"Take me to it."

Blake said and Manzur shrugged.

He didn't know what the new member of the Gold Teeth Gang wanted to do, but Black looked confident, so he decided to help his new brother.

"Go east! He was nailed to the center stone pillar of the pier, as if it was a punishment, to let other undead souls see the consequences of his betrayal.

By the way, Black, my brother, do you really think Zemlan is still alive?

That was already a person from seven thousand years ago. "

"Look here, my brother, the Pirate King never died."

As Blake headed in the direction indicated by Manzur, he said to two ghosts invisible to others:

"Zemlan has always been alive, and the curse here was placed by him. The purpose is probably to protect his endless treasure and expand his undead fleet.

I even suspect that the legend about the Pirate King's treasure was leaked by the bastard himself.

He needs these greedy people to keep coming to this place of death so that the power of his subordinates can continue to increase. "

"But who is he trying to deal with by constantly expanding his power?"

Manzur asked in confusion:

"Are you trying to conquer Wharton? What is there to conquer in this damn place?"


Blake replied from the shadows:

"In order to protect his treasure, and to prevent Bwonsamdi from breaking the contract, he can protect himself a little. That guy is really a qualified pirate, and I still have a lot to learn from him.

Well, found it! "

The pirate soon discovered what he was looking for, an undead man nailed to a stone pillar with a pirate waist knife decorated with gold and gems.

That guy was really conspicuous, all his flesh and blood had been weathered, leaving only his bones.

There is also a shabby blood-red pirate hat on its head, the clothes on its body are not weathered, and there are large pure gold bracelets on its arms.

He looks like a big shot.

And here, it clearly looks like a display of execution platform.

Obviously someone wants to use this method to warn others about the price of betrayal.

But considering that the people wandering here are a group of brainless undead skeletons, the person who came up with this punishment probably has a very bad mind.


Blake appeared in the shadows, waved his hand and pulled out the sword that had killed the troll's bones. At this moment, a roar sounded from the distant sea, as if coming from hell.

The pirate king Zemran discovered the invaders.

The entire abandoned and terrible Zemlan Port seemed to come alive at this moment, and the skeletons wandering aimlessly among the ruins roared.

They seemed to be guided and rushed towards Blake's direction.

That formation was so amazing.

"I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see a natural disaster of the undead in the Dark Portal for six years. It's a pity that you don't have Frostmourne or a Banshee King.

You can't stop me. "

The pirate laughed, picked up the skeleton, and jumped into the sea.

The hunt begins.

It’s unclear who the hunter is, but Blake can be sure that he is definitely not the prey along the way.

Today, on this cursed sea, he will truly begin his story.

Just like a certain Sylvanas who will inevitably be whitewashed in the future declared.

He will never serve anyone.

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