Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 1894 22. Something seems to be broken

Walking on the Yin Iron Bridge inside the Palace of the Sanctuary, Fenner, who was holding the little fish-man in her arms, looked around at the silent and busy Abyssworn warriors.

She was very interested in the Demonic Abyss Colossi lining the hall waiting for energy injection.

Being sensitive to war, she can realize that those steel giants made of heavy spiritual steel are very powerful weapons. Instead, they have claw weapons made of chains, and they have lantern-like spikes on their heads. The crown, and the wailing souls will be sent into it to make the core.

The cold, powerful and rough aura made Fenna a little uncomfortable. She could imagine the brutal killings these Abyss Colossi would cause once they appeared on the battlefield.

Not to mention the scorched beasts placed throughout the sanctuary as guards.

Any one of those guys is as tall as a Titan's thundercast colossus, and the viciousness and ruthlessness flashing in their little heads shaped like steel skeletons demonstrate their near-invincible brute strength.

There is also a cold aura of death in the strong steel body, which shows that these war colossi can also control complex and dangerous death magic.

Such troops are spread throughout the Dominion Sanctuary, and every steel fortress built by Zoval in the Maw is full of holes. This proves that his brother's vigilance against the force of death is not groundless.

At least from what Fenna has seen, the realm of death, which has always received little attention, is indeed ready for war. The undead natural disasters are only their vanguard, and their real army of destruction is still being triggered.

This is a formidable group of enemies.

But Fenner has other things to complain about, such as:

"Why do every type of soldier have symbols like 'chains' and 'spikes' on their bodies?"

The stupid warrior walked forward and Blake, who didn't care much about everything around him, complained:

"Why does the gloomy Zoval like these two things so much? Is it because he has been imprisoned by his brothers and sisters for too long, so he fell in love with the chains that imprisoned him?

Hey, this King of the Abyss is really a pervert. "

"I advise you to speak less."

The pirate whispered:

"This is people's territory."

"But I'm telling the truth."

Fenner didn't care.

Although these Abyssworn looked fierce and terrifying, she had proven in previous battles that demigod warriors strengthened by the power of sin could still easily destroy them.

In Fenner's simple thinking, things that can be destroyed are never worth fearing by warriors.

"Well, regarding this point, I think the warden's magic eyes floating behind your head, ready to perform a 'craniotomy' on you at any time, seem to have a different view."

The pirate shook the chain of control in his hand and said casually.

Fenna turned around suddenly and saw three gloomy warden eyes quietly emerging from the shadow of death. The eyeballs of those strange creatures were shining with cold and ruthless light, and black energy was gathering in the eyeballs. With.

"What are you looking at? Those big, uncomfortable eyes."

The warrior held the Titan Killer at his waist and scolded in a cold voice:

"Do you believe it or not?"

Cursing, she followed Blake through the increasingly uncomfortable sanctuary hall, and finally entered the room prepared by the warden for the guests under the cold gaze of several evil eyes.

It must be said that although Zoval is an idealistic and cold villain, his understanding of enjoyment is still very high after experiencing betrayal and exile.

At least the furnishings and layout of the room in front of me reflect the first-class luxury and comfort of the Kingdom of Death, and there is even a bathroom for the guests.

I don’t know how he got these things in this lifeless place like the Maw Abyss.

"Go take a shower."

The pirate looked at the bright room in front of him. He nodded with satisfaction, played with the chain of control in his hand, and said something to Fenna behind him.


The elf warrior who was eager for rewards finally stopped complaining about this uncomfortable abyss. She threw the little fish man in her hand out, hummed a song and walked into the bathroom. Soon the sound of water flow could be heard.

"By the way, brother, I just saw that nagging guy give you something? Is it a good thing?"

Fenner's voice sounded from the bathroom. Blake, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the chain of dominance in his hand and nodded and said:

"It's a good thing, but it's a pity that you can't use it. This is a truly evil thing. It can be used to do some truly evil things. Never be curious about these things."

"I know, I'll be out in a minute."

Fenner's voice was filled with expectation, but Blake's attention was entirely focused on the black chain in his hand:

Name: Chain of Dominance [Incomplete]

Quality: Death Artifact·Godhead Infusion [Psychic, Blight, Sin, Promotion, Judgment]

Equipment owned by: Black Shaw the Silent One

Equipment special effects:

1. Chain of bondage:

The Chain of Dominance was specially created by the Death Eternal Master to bind the exiled Zoval. The divine infusion from the Eternals gave it the most advanced [Binding] rules in the field of Force.

Any life bound by the chain of dominance will enter the [weakened] state. This effect ignores all power interference, and the duration depends on the target's divine power.

The Chain of Dominance has the mandatory effect of immunity resistance for people with lives below [god].


The Chain of Dominance was incomplete, and became less effective against the Death Eternal after Zoval broke free.

2. Chain of Judgment:

Zoval was once the arbiter among the Eternals of Death. He was responsible for judging all souls that fell into the Shadow Realm. As an artifact that has coexisted with Zoval for countless epochs, the Chain of Dominance also has the same power.

All souls bound by the Chain of Dominance will suffer the [Judgment] effect. The user can use the pull of the Chain of Dominance to pull the target soul out of the body, and impose varying degrees of punishment on the target to achieve the purpose of judgment.

The duration of this [Judgment] effect only depends on the user's will. Since the chain of dominance is incomplete, the duration of this effect will be reduced when targeting [God].

The Chain of Dominance has the mandatory effect of immunity resistance for people with lives below [god].

The current number of targets that can be tried simultaneously is: [20/20]

3. Chain of torture:

The Chain of Dominance is a torture weapon. Any target bound by the Chain of Dominance will feel pain. The residual power derived from the sinful godhead can enable the user to impose [Soul Torture] on the target.

The pain caused by this punishment cannot be exempted, and can be gradually intensified according to the user's will until the soul is shattered.

Item Description:

The Chain of Domination is the highest-grade artifact that can be born in the Shadow Realm. It is an extension of Zoval's power of domination. The Warden giving it to you represents his importance and goodwill to you.


This item can be regarded as a forging material. Applying the power of different gods and supplementing it with other materials can create artifacts exclusive to the gods.

"Compared to your generosity, Emperor Denathrius is really a petty miser."

On the sofa, Blake grabbed the chain of control in his hand with a satisfied and happy expression, put it in front of his eyes and shook it like a toy.

His eyes were full of satisfaction.

I also had a very good impression of the gloomy god Zoval. Among other things, his generosity was enough to crush all the people Blake had served before.

Well, it's almost as generous as Bai Fumei's boss, Ms. Elune.

Give artifacts as gifts when you meet.

If possible, Black would very much like to devote his fiery loyalty to the Warden without reservation, but unfortunately the gloomy bald man may not necessarily accept it.

Guys who are immersed in ideals are so difficult to deal with. They may not be very smart, but most of them are not very willing to take advantage, which makes it difficult for many of the evil gods' methods to be effective.

"Brother, why are you giggling?"

The bathroom door was pushed open, and Miss Fenner, who was wearing a black nightgown stolen from Xalatas, stuck her head out and looked at her smelly brother who was laughing weirdly like an idiot on the sofa.

She doesn't hide anything. For a straightforward warrior, you should get the reward you deserve for what you do.

"I was just thinking about how to cause some trouble for Mr. Zoval. You know, a bad guy like me is either harming people or on the way to harming others."

Blake replied, not resisting Fenna's approach. He raised his head and looked at her. Unlike other beauties who maintained abnormal male-female relationships with pirates, the skin of the Elf Warrior was not perfect.

There are always scars like this on her body, the marks left by the battle.

Fenna never cared about maintaining her skin. She felt that these scars were proof of glory. All warriors thought so, and Blake was also a prodigal who could appreciate all kinds of beauty.

He also felt that this Fenna had a unique charm, just like a black panther queen walking in the forest. She did not use her frailty to win the admiration of the males, her strength was enough to show her The temptation of heroic appearance.

From this point of view, Fenner is definitely not a stupid girl who doesn't know her taste.

She is actually very smart. She knows the difference between herself and other women, and uses this difference as her sharpest weapon to show it to her stinky brother.


Blake was pushed onto the couch by the Warrior Queen's feet.

The war-hungry lady looked at him condescendingly like a hungry leopard. She liked to take the initiative in any battlefield, and was the only one who regarded conquering the evil god as her goal and achieved it.

Today is another duel between warriors, and Fenna is as confident as a warrior who never surrenders.

"Where's my reward?"

The Warrior Queen asked.

The suppressed pirate shrugged, and with a slight shake of his left hand, the chain of control he had just obtained was wrapped around the confident Fenner's strong thigh like a snake.

Fenna let out a weak cry as soon as this thing came into contact.

The momentum she had just accumulated suddenly collapsed like a castle on the beach. The irresistible curse of weakness broke out, leaving her unable to even lift her fingers. She could only fall down like a doll, falling awkwardly on the ground. On the carpet before the pirate's eyes.

"Evil thing!"

She cursed, obviously not liking this feeling.

But the evil god liked it.

Evil guys like to watch stories like this where a powerful queen falls into a weak and desperate situation. It has the same sense of taboo as the fall of the holy priestess.

The cold evil god will never show mercy to the brave warriors who overestimate their capabilities and want to conquer the evil god.

With the help of the powerful effect of the Chain of Dominance, he did not even move a finger to make the confident warriors who came to conquer the evil encounter an unexpected failure. Under the weak pressure of the evil artifact, Fenna was quickly defeated. Into a ball of mud.

"Bang, bang"

The knock on the door sounded at this moment, saving the miserable warrior from completely falling into the despair of the evil god's power.

Blake, who was neatly dressed and did not move his hands or feet, curled his lips and glanced at the weak fool whose eyes were as if they were broken. He shrugged, put away the "Taifenna Noble Phantasm" wrapped around his wrist, and strode to the room. in front of the door.

Standing outside the door was a lich-like Deepsworn Archmage, who was holding a weapon that Black was very familiar with.

"Ah, I love her new look, it's so cool!"

The Evil God nodded with satisfaction, reached out and took the Salamani Divine Sword from the Yuansworn's hand, which had been away from him for a long time. He took it into the room and admired it carefully.

After the strengthening of the power of domination was completed, Salamani still retained its scorching and distinctive appearance, with two sharp blades, one long and one short, perfectly integrated into the same sword body.

There are shining death runes on its double blades, which are almost the same as the inscriptions on the Frostmourne sword. It is probably to show the sincerity of the King of the Maw. The control runes of this Sorrow Blade are larger than Frostmourne has a few more.

The once smooth blade has been reshaped with shark-like serrations that are more ferocious and destructive on both sides, giving the once elegant Elven Divine Sword a more brutal sense of power.

The sword hilt guard was also reshaped into the style of the Maw, and the dark spikes shone with a gloomy light, making her look even more indifferent.

The entire sword exudes a faint blue light in Blake's hand, and the cold wind blows into the soul without having to wave it. When Blake injects the power of the Silent One's godhead into the finally completed divine sword, those governing talismans Wen also lit up with a faint purple light. Obviously, she retained the perfect adaptation to her power.

The pirate held the cold Blade of Sorrow with both hands. As a ball of purple light emerged from the indentation in the center of the sword, he used his hands to gently split the Blade of Sorrow into two with a slight clicking sound.

It's still the same feeling, it's still the same taste.

Blake became more and more satisfied with this sword. He let go of his hands and let the swords float beside him, and then said:

"Why so silent? My dear sword girls, shouldn't the reunion with the master be more enthusiastic?"

"We're sad, bad master!"

The naughty Eremeni said in a dull tone:

"You left us in this hellish place and let the undead do something to us."

"Hey, don't say something so outrageous."

Blake rubbed his forehead with a headache and said:

"Besides here, I can't find any other place for you to become complete, right? Besides, you are weapons. Isn't contact in forging very common?"

"But there were other women around you during the reunion!"

The always well-behaved Sharathol also lost her temper. She made a sharp sound in the air, her cold sword hovered near Blake's ear, and said in a cold voice:

"Maybe we sisters should kill that shameless woman to ensure our status in your heart. We are not bragging, dear master, even ancient gods like Xalatath can no longer resist our sisters. The sharp blade."

"You're right."

The Black Sword Sword Girl let out a piercing scream, and she shouted:

"The master belongs to us. According to the strange talisman carver, as long as we kill enough powerful souls and devour all their hearts, one day we will also have perfect spiritual bodies.

Once we have a body, we can do some shameful things with our master. You no longer need other women, we can meet all your needs. "

"Hey! You two!"

Blake grabbed the hilts of the shaking swords with both hands, frowned and said:

"Did the Talisman Engraver instill some strange power into you when he completed the final work on you? Why would you have such a crazy idea?"

"No, that's what we are, Master."

Sharathol said softly in a soft voice that made Black tremble:

"Only when the weapon and the user truly become one can we explore all our potential and destructive power. We only understand 'love' and by the way understand the beautiful emotion of 'jealousy'."

"We know what heartbreak feels like."

Eremeni's sword edge was close to Black's neck, and the second sword girl seemed to turn into a sad artistic young woman, saying softly:

"We long to be by your side, and we don't want to share your glory with other souls. Please use us as much as you can, Master. You will eventually know that all the emotions in the world are no match for the company of weapons.

Only we are 100% loyal to you. "

"Frankly, your changes scare me."

Blake combined the two blades in his hands into one, wore it behind his back, and hid it with the Lunar Arms. He looked at Fenna who got up from the sofa and tried to escape. The chain of control in his hand hung down and clattered. Sound.

He rubbed his chin and said:

"It seems that I have to talk to the talisman carver. Of course, where are you going after punishing the less docile warrior? My Fenner, don't you want a 'reward'?

I was about to talk to you about this, about you being more and more indulgent lately

come over! "

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