Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 1948 76. Driving a Gundam has always been the tradition of the Fortress.

Judging from the appearance alone, the Ascension Fortress under the rule of the eldest daughter is undoubtedly the most gorgeous and beautiful place in the shadow kingdom of the other side of death. The suspended towns and saint temples that are shaped in the sky are brilliant and majestic, and they are extremely resembling. She read the descriptions of "heaven" in various religious classics, as well as the Gryon angels she created.

In addition to the blue skin that looks a bit weird, the holy wings grown by these angels, their handsome men and women, their slender appearance, and the weapons and armor that are quite sacred and religious in appearance and detail. , these all reflect the eldest daughter Gristia’s expectations for her own field.

She really hopes that the promotion fortress will become the perfect destination for the souls of good people, and the promotion rules she formulated are also based on this point. The eldest daughter is extremely stubborn about the 'right path of promotion' she designed, and the five major principles she selected Saint Jie represents the five virtues and also enforces the eldest daughter's rule over the promotion fortress in a very harsh manner.

An ideal leader plus a group of managers who abide by their duties but rarely adapt to changes, and then a group of "pure" promotions created by forgetting the past and themselves serve the system.

Blake didn't even have to come to this place himself to guess how rigid and dogmatic this land of death was.

It may be a beautiful and indeed spiritually cleansing place, but it is also definitely a frenetic, boring and empty place.

It does not use violence but the glory and hope of "promotion" to bind the detached soul, making the entire country's construction revolve around this theme that is not fun and has no profound meaning.

If the souls of good people in the material world know that they have done good deeds throughout their lives and stayed away from evil temptations, but will come to such a place after death and undergo promotions that are inhumane even in the eyes of evil gods, then based on Blake's evil thoughts In conclusion, the crime rate in the material world will definitely increase a lot.

"She longed for a beautiful goal but used the wrong method. She also thought her own rules were perfect and never wanted to listen to the thoughts and opinions of the souls who were tortured by the rules she set.

This is the eldest daughter Gristia.

She may indeed be kind and benevolent, but she is really not a qualified leader, let alone an excellent one. You know, like the kind of 'second generation god' who comes from a noble family.

I admit she did want to do something good.

But her ambition and wishful thinking made her help to the souls a disaster.

Rather than this empty and gorgeous Fortress of Ascension, I would rather be a sword fighter in Maldraxxus or a mud servant in Revendreth when I die."

On the platform of the Creation Floating City, protected by the structures, Lord Evil God was looking down with his servants from high in the sky.

He expressed his views on the promotion of the fortress and the eldest daughter to General Draven and Lady Moonberry beside him. The two commanders from other countries did not express any opinions on this.

They don't know much about the rules of the promotion fortress, but based on what they have seen so far, they are more inclined to think that Black's harsh evaluation may have some truth.

"Please don't be so optimistic, my Lord Evil God."

Hearing Black's complaints, General Draven curled his lips. The stone-born general, who had an increasingly active personality, complained in a low voice:

"Based on what you are doing now, I don't think you will have a chance to go to Revendreth or Maldraxxus after your death. The Maw is your eternal home."

"But I think Yan Yuan is actually too conservative."

Lady Moonberry put a pirate eyepatch on her eyes for fun, and whispered:

"If the Firstborn had known that the material world would degenerate to this extent, they might have worked overnight to create a 'purgatory' or something under the abyss to provide space for a powerful and evil soul like Mr. Black. Making a nest."

"Hey, it's almost done."

The evil god grabbed a bottle of wine, bit the cork and took a sip, and said grumblingly:

"You can't make such nasty jokes on me just because I treat people well. You have seen with your own eyes how I deal with those who annoy me.

Trust me, you guys don't want to taste the wrath of an evil god. I mean, why don't you become a circus clown if you are so good at complaining?

I should be the one saying these things about myself, asshole! "

Blake complained a bit.

He glanced down.

In the temple fortresses of the Loyal Saints, Ms. Devos, flapping her black wings, preached the Forsworn ideals to her loyal hands and followers like a sermon.

But the Forsworn actually have no ideas at all.

At least not before they met Black Shaw. It was just a group of confused and marginalized people who were excluded from the promotion fortress.

However, after the kind and generous Lord Evil God spent almost ten minutes strategizing and thinking, the Forsworn finally came up with their own plan of action.

"There are terrible flaws in the road to promotion. The eldest daughter is using her rules to shape servants in batches that look bright but are actually brainless. The magnificent promotion fortress has become rotten under the gorgeous coat.

We need to take back the agency and choice of our souls, my brothers and sisters!

We must keep our eyes open, find our own thinking, and no longer dictate our lives according to the will of our eldest daughter. "

In front of the large platform of the Loyalty Fortress, which had been breached by the Sharp-Eyed Chamber for one-third of the time and was filled with ruins of walls, Ms. DeVos, holding the Corrupted War Spear, was suspended in front of her followers.

She called out in a voice full of emotion:

“We should believe that when we cross the curtain of life and death and come to this country, we are definitely not just to become believers dominated by fanaticism!

We have our own emotions while we are alive, and our past determines our present. We should have the right to enjoy a new life after death, instead of being forced to participate in a promotion path that obliterates emotions.

We can swear to be Ascendants, and we are willing to dedicate ourselves to the Ascension Bastion and the order of the Shadow Realm, but that should not be mandatory!

At the very least, we should be able to decide for ourselves whether we want to forget our past and turn it into a blank sheet of paper for others to draw on.

This is our demand and the reason for our fight.

We are not trying to overthrow the eldest daughter's rule over the promotion fortress, but we can no longer allow this cruel selection and promotion to continue! "

DeVos flapped his dark wings and shouted to the Grimens in front of him:

"I will now take you to the Ascension Fortress and tell the noble eldest daughter our prayers. If she is as kind to souls as she claims, then I believe she will be willing to accept our suggestions."

In the sky behind Devos, the Forsworn Black Angels who had been summoned were very excited. They had just learned from the Forerunners the ultimate answer to the question they had been wondering about.

A noble man with supreme wisdom just told them that it was not their fault that they were unwilling to forget the past and give up promotion, but that there was something wrong with the concept of the promotion fortress.

They come to the Fortress of Promotion to pursue soul detachment and peace, but "promotion" is not the only way.

The Forsworn who finally got the answer quickly united around Ms. DeVos. No matter what the Kyrians of the loyal fortress in front of them would choose, they, the fallen who were outside the mainstream of the Ascension Fortress, would definitely Devotion to follow DeVos to the death to demand the power they deserve from their eldest daughter.

"Wow! Look at those wings! It's like they're infected."

At the edge of the platform of the Creation Floating City, the sharp-eyed elf elder Lord Moonberry let out a cry of surprise. She saw that the wings of many of the Kylian angels beside Devos began to change from holy white to fallen black. .

This seemed to indicate that DeVos's preaching had an incredible effect.

But General Draven just turned his head and glanced at Lord Evil God. General Stoneman keenly noticed that Evil God's left hand behind his back was beating slightly like playing music.


What is the real miracle in front of me? It is simply Mr. Black "moving forward with a heavy load".

"Brother! The counterattack of the Ascension Fortress has arrived. Kargas sent back the news that a large army of Kyrian Hundred Hearts is marching towards the Loyalty Fortress area where you are.

Leading them was Saint Jessenius, the Wisdom of Kyrian. "

While Blake was admiring the scene of the Fall of the Forsworn that he directed, a slender undead construct who was good at using psychic magic quickly stepped forward.

It stretched out its weirdly twisted third arm, letting the power of psychic magic project the image of Fenna, Queen of Creation, around its fingers.

She is still sitting in the Temple of Courage and directing the stitching masters to create a new structure army. During the video communication, Fenner reminded Black with a serious expression:

“Kargath’s scouts discovered that the Kyrians not only activated the Winged Adjudicator for high-altitude sneak attacks and the Goliath Giant for frontal attack, but also used their most powerful war weapons.

A colossus of the eternal defender named 'Herax' is advancing with the army. You should be able to easily see it from your current position.

It was huge, almost the biggest thing a creature from the Shadowlands could create, and it reminded me of the scorched beast lords the Warden had fashioned in his own Maw.

Psychic veterans who have fought with the anima colossi of Ascension Bastion told me that those Eternal Guardian colossi use concentrated anima energy. Not only can they drive the colossi to launch destructive melee attacks, but their reloaded anima The giant cannon can also easily shoot down our floating city.

Once the Kyrians activate this Eternal Colossus at the same time, our troops deployed in the Loyal Fortress may be at risk of failure, but I know they will not be able to do anything to you.

I also don’t want to see my floating city turn into a burning ruin across the sky.”

"I understand what you mean."

The evil god curled his lips and said:

"You want me to dismantle the robot by hand when necessary? But I don't really want to do it myself today, because I think you psychic lords may not be able to afford to hire me to do it."

"But that's a stupid giant bipedal robot, brother!"

Fenner winked at Blake in the video and said:

"I remember you said to me more than once, that stupid bipedal robot is the dream of all boys. Who can refuse two big toys that come to their doorstep?

Azeroth's engineering standards aren't yet ready to make the big treasures you want, but now the generous Kyrians have delivered them to your doorstep.

If you don't want it anymore, it won't make sense.


You are only responsible for dealing with the Eternal Colossus, and leave the rest to the warriors of the Creation Academy and the Sharp-Eye Academy. If they can't even deal with the ordinary Hundred Hearts Legion, then we will accept this humiliating defeat.

In addition, Laohou has personally led a team to attack the Temple of Modesty, and the Marquis of Withering volunteered to lead her pharmacists to set up a plague front line between the Temple of Purity and the Eternal Vestibule.

If everything goes well, tomorrow afternoon we can attack the promotion tower of Paradise Castle where the eldest daughter is.

I know you are impatient to play this kind of war game of siege and land siege with the Eternals anymore. I assure you, brother, you will soon be able to get the last mark and open the door to the Holy Tomb of the First Born. Passage, obtain the eternal container for Maiev, completely solve the mess in the Shadow Realm, and then take us to travel among the stars without restraint.

Rounding this up, it’s the final battle. "

"Emmmm, I'm not sure if your other abilities have improved since you became the Queen of Creation, but the strength of this painting is really rising."

Blake glanced at Fenner in the communication image with a strange look. He rubbed his chin and said with a bit of pride and pride:

"It seems that I have taught you well, and you dare to start promising the future to the evil god. Okay, I will stay here to receive the big toys sent to you by the Kyrians, but you'd better hurry up.

It would be too long for me to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

Does a mere promotion fortress require Maldraxxus to waste three days with all his troops? With such speed, is he worthy of calling himself the sword of the master of arms?

Tomorrow morning!

When the first ray of sunshine rises in the Sky Palace of Paradise Castle after surviving the long night, I want to see my eldest daughter Gristia! This empty and weak land is not worth spending any more time on. "

"Well, Laohou will jump on his feet and curse."

Fenner grinned and said:

"You are forcing him to not leave any reserve team, and the entire army will press forward.

But if you include the wise Saint Jesusenius who has been attracted over there, you alone have solved three of the five saints for us. Laohou really can't ask for more.

If he wanted all the undead in Maldraxxus to obey him as they obey their master, then he must achieve such a miracle.

It seems that I can't waste time sitting in the rear. My dear brother, for the victory you desire, I have to join this war. "

After saying that, Fenner stood up in the image and put her psychic marquis war helmet on her head, grabbed the conqueror's battle flag at hand, blew a kiss to her brother, and said in a sonorous tone:

"Then we will see you at the top of the Ascension Fortress tomorrow morning, my brother."

Fenna gave a graceful goodbye, but Blake no longer paid attention to Fenna who was about to embark on the battlefield. His attention had turned to the mountains and valleys outside the Loyalty Fortress. He could see an army of Kyrians. Marching in the suspended mountains and rivers covered with blue light, it was a rare mechanical army.

The powerful Goliath giant walked in the front row, and the unified steps made the earth shake, and there were bird-like judges in the sky, who were assassins and scouts in the Kyrian Hundred Hearts Legion.

And those mechanical leopards.

These mechanical beasts imbued with anima are running in the mountain passages like a real herd. Under the leadership of their respective commanders, they attack everywhere to clear all obstacles for the Hundred Hearts Army.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing must be the tallest one in this mechanical army, the super colossus guarded by countless machines. Every step it takes forward will bring about the power of shaking the earth.

What's even better is that this guy's outer armor design is very cool, full of technological style and at the same time it has a mysterious atmosphere brought by religious flavor.


It is undoubtedly boys' favorite "toy".

"Let Devos and her Corrupted Wings take off! I don't want to see the Kyrians interfering with the battle on the ground."

Blake snapped his fingers, pointed at the approaching Anima Colossus, and said to everyone around him:

"I want this! I want it now! And by the way, help me ask those great master craftsmen of the Stewards if I can order a 'Pirates' Hundred-Hearted Colossus from them."

Well, I'd even pay for it. "

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