Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 1957 85. In this case, please call me Abyss Walker, thank you

"Buzz buzz"

The low propellers whirled like a disturbed swarm of bees. In the kingdom of death far away from the material world, there was little elemental power, which prevented the Death from flying as lightly as usual. But fortunately, the ship was already in Mechagon. The second round of modifications has been completed in the mechanical dock. The high-energy propellers and weakened gravity wells installed in the hull can allow it to climb quickly.

But amidst the curses in the ugly ancient troll language of Captain Gaboa, Duke of Storms, the hull of the ship, which was rapidly climbing up the Styx, was still shaken by the lava fireballs smashed by the scorched beasts on both sides of the Styx.

Fortunately, his ship was not one of those crudely built boats and had a certain degree of defense against such magical attacks. This allowed the flying pirate ship to escape the misfortune of being destroyed before it could fully take off.

"Left string! Target is above the Styx River! Volley!"

Gaboa's first mate, the Amani troll god warrior Harraz, has now transformed into the "leopard man" form of the lynx god. While leading the zombie mummy sailors to clean up the Abyssworn vanguard that rushed onto the deck, he also attacked the god of death. The gunners of the USS gave the order.

The large and small caliber naval guns arranged on the three decks of the ship were fired one after another within a few seconds, creating a blazing barrage in the gloomy airspace above the entire left chord of the ship, killing the soul-devouring souls howling down from the clouds. The flying dragons and the cavalry behind them were caught off guard.

Several undead flying dragons covered in the shadow of death shattered their bodies in the bombardment of high-explosive ammunition, turning into a smelly rain of blood and falling into the foggy Gorgia Soul-Gathering River below.

The sprinkling of fresh flesh and blood immediately stimulated the tens of thousands of suppressed remnant souls in the River Styx. All kinds of howling undead souls rushed out of the misty water, fighting to tear at the insignificant flesh and blood.

But the next moment, these remnants that emerged from the mist were crushed head-on by a huge black ship that was approaching rapidly, like fish flying from the sea that hit the cold hull and were crushed to pieces. .

"Fire! Bastard! Shoot all the cannonballs! Don't let those filthy undead come near my ship! Where are the Marines? Cyrus! Where are my Marines!"

Clear the deck!

quick! "

The angry roar of a certain old man was like the reverberation of war notes, or like the baton waved by conductors. The moment it slipped, a deeper sound of artillery shelling suddenly appeared on both sides of the Styx.

The rumble was like a fortified battle that could be seen everywhere in Azeroth today.

This Styx ambush took place not only in the sky, but also on the vast and invisible River Styx. There was also a fierce battle going on. It was like a replica of the "welcome ceremony" when the Nagfar entered the Maw, only this time. The number of "guests" and "hosts" is ridiculously large.

Warden Zoval obviously did not welcome this pirate fleet from the material world to enter his territory. At least three legions of Deepsworn vanguards were mobilized, and the number of Soul Eater Dragoons flying in the sky was also in two regiments. about.

Converted to the military establishment of the Burning Legion, this is at least the size of an assault legion.

And the pirates are pretty outrageous here.

By the standards of the Kul Tiras Navy, there are four commander ships used as the core of the fleet, including the "Reaper", the flagship of the Cursed Pirates of the South China Sea, the "Treasure Hunt", the flagship of the Black Spirit Pirates, The Immortal Pirates' second flagship "The Evil of this World" and the "Abyss Traveler" appear as a supernumerary force.

Well, although the big and small old seals who accepted the call of the legendary pirate Lord Black and came to the Kingdom of Death to do great things knew very well that the black giant ship at the forefront was called "Sea King Power" a few days ago.

But how to say it?

An old man who was rich and powerful and whom no one dared to offend on the sea drank too much and drove his old warship that had been retired from the military, across most of the Endless Sea and into the River Styx, and planned to It is human nature to go to the "underworld" in the conventional sense for a few turns to see your granddaughter before you really die.

As for the hot male Silver Admiral of Kul Tiras who is about to retire but has not yet retired, he brings an extremely capable fleet of petty officers and the most elite marines and sailors to help control even in private operations. "Private yacht" is also a normal thing, and there is no need to make any additional associations.

Finally, as to why this "private yacht" of the Proudmoore family carries hundreds of cannons and enough ammunition to fight two battles.

Is it okay if the old man likes to have sex?

I have been having sex since I was a teenager and now I am almost fifty. This unique hobby developed in a tough life is definitely difficult for ordinary people to understand.


Old Dai Lin, who was wearing a full admiral's uniform, was escorted by four heavily armed royal court paladins. He kicked over an Abyssworn pioneer who was trying to get up, and then used his sword to kill the guy's spiritual steel. The old admiral was very unhappy when he cut open the helmet and found that there was nothing inside.

He glanced at the people in black clothes who were making trouble all over his deck, and immediately frowned and shouted to the adjutant behind him:

"Let our Ash Knights come forward! These evil things must be dealt with by the power of exorcism. Clear the deck as soon as possible. The front is the Fortress of Destruction, where we can rest.

What about those pathetic pirates?

Can they still keep up? "

"Standing high."

While conveying the order, the admiral's adjutant reported to Dai Lin, who was out of breath after killing several undead:

"Although the three major pirate factions were fully prepared and did not adopt human sea tactics but chose elite raids. Their standard fleets can keep up with our charge, but the small group of pirates who followed them into the River Styx are not Yuan at all. The opponent of the Oathkeeper.

According to the lookout's investigation, more than 2,000 pirates have gone missing in the twenty-minute battle since entering the Maw, and at least seven fourth-class battleship-sized pirate ships have sunk in the Styx.

But how to say it? "

The adjutant paused, organized his words, and then shook his head and said:

"These pirates themselves don't care about these losses. The three major pirate factions recruited these small groups of pirates to embark on this journey together with the intention of using them as expendable cannon fodder.

The fact that they deliberately placed a small group of pirate ships on the periphery of the fleet already illustrates this point. They are truly cruel and ruthless guys who sell their own people without mercy. "

"That's a good thing."

Dai Lin snorted, pushed up his general hat, and said coldly:

“I hope these pirates will stay in this damn hell forever, so that the Endless Sea can maintain peace for at least five years.

If the leaders of the three major pirate fleets also die in this battle, then we can get at least ten years of peace.

It's a pity that the fact that they can come here shows that they also have their own plans. They are confident that they can rob a lot of money and escape unscathed, not to mention that the person who organized this plundering fleet is still "


A loud noise from high in the sky interrupted Dai Lin's words.

The admiral raised his head and saw the gorgeous crimson sky fire roaring down from the damn clouds in the Maw that never had any light and could suppress people to the point of mental illness, almost covering the entire sky above the fleet sailing on the Styx. ignite.

The scene was spectacular.

Nearly a hundred Soul Eater flying dragons that besieged the fleet's airship were engulfed by the scorching sky fire, and then whirled and fell into the Styx River and the scorched earth on both sides.

"That was a ship-wide salvo from the Evil of the World."

Dai Lin's guard captain, the great knight Cyrus, returned to the admiral carrying a heavy Yuansworn halberd. The elderly knight whispered:

“Although it does not have the destructive power of the strengthened hull we saw in Argus that can rival the Demon Starship, the firepower of the space carrier has been strengthened after being re-modified.

It is truly a work that transcends the times. Compared with it, the King of Seas seems so harmless. "

"Huh, there's only one ship."

Old Dai Lin curled her lips dissatisfiedly and said:

"We are also building our own spaceship, aren't we? We may be a little behind, and we may have to take many detours, but we have already started to catch up with it.

As long as we don't stop, sooner or later, our fleet will also have such a space carrier. Huh? Cyrus, look at the sky over there! "

The Admiral narrowed his eyes and said:

"Look at that strange light! Why do I feel like someone fell from the sky in the Maw? He is still accelerating. Oh my god, will the unlucky guy fall to his death?"


"Ah ah ah ah ah"

The elongated sound resounded in the sky of the Abyss, and the roar from far to near was filled with the exhilaration of bungee jumping.

In the Styx docks of the Destruction Castle, which was besieged by the Abyssworn, on the poop of the Nagfar, which was always ready to sail, First Officer Sephiel, who was observing the situation around him, raised his head with some feeling and saw The familiar man was falling from the sky with his limbs spread out.

Behind him was a female agent who was also screaming at the top of her lungs.

However, unlike Mr. Black's happy shouts as if he were playing a game, the latter's screams were filled with the fear that a normal person should have in this situation.


Seeing the familiar Nagfar below getting closer and closer, Blake adjusted his attitude in the air, and finally landed on the stern of the ship with a perfect and standard Super Hero Landing amidst the humiliating cheers and applause of the ghost sailors on the ship. The highest point of the building.

The dark green watcher's cape swayed like wings in the wind caused by the impact, and his long golden hair was flying, giving the appearance of his evil god an unparalleled visual impact and a handsome and chic feeling.

Of course, after finishing showing off, Black still didn't forget to whip up a gust of wind into the sky, frightening the female agent Wei Nally who fell from the Eternal City into the abyss, and supported her in a relatively less embarrassing position. way to land on your own ghost ship.

"You should give it a try if you have the chance. I highly recommend it."

Blake stood up, opened his arms to the first mate and the charming Xalatas who came closer, and said to his wives with a cheerful smile:

"Leap from Oribos's Ring of Destiny, continue to accelerate along the flow of anima that runs through the realm, and finally break through the barriers between countries, jump into the abyss, and then start a completely unscientific free fall, accelerating After reaching the extreme, the entire scenery of the Maw Abyss will pass before your eyes like a revolving lantern.

It feels really great. "

"Oh? Does it feel better than when you and Maiev kissed each other?"

Xalatas, who was tired of being in the arms of the pirate, asked meaningfully, causing the pirate's expression to change slightly. He shrugged again, took the virtuous Shude's first parasaurus and pulled her over and nibbled her lips hard. , and then took the pirate captain's hat from Sephiel.

Blake stood on the stern of the ship and glanced in the direction of the River Styx. The rumble of cannons and the looming black fleet that echoed in the gloomy mist made the pirate Lord satisfied.

He whistled and said:

"Very good, the large plundering fleet is already in place.

The bandits from Azeroth are hungry and eager to see endless wealth to satisfy their empty and shameful pockets. For this reason, they even dare to challenge death itself. It is a fine tradition.

As a representative of this industry, how could I let down my dirty and shameless colleagues?

Nagfar, pull anchor and set sail! The target is the cliff of Weeping Sorrow, and then let my servant Xavius ​​contact the great plundering fleet and ask them to follow us!

My flagship will clear the way for them to sail. "


Princess Mononoke shouted in joy, and the next moment, the Nagfar docked at the Styx dock entered a domain-enhanced transformation mode.

The terrifying giant steel ship appeared again. With a salvo of three main cannons, the wall of the Fortress of Destruction blocking the road in front of them was blasted to pieces, and the Abyssworn gathered outside the wall were blown to pieces.


Seeing Blake's hand holding the steering wheel, Sephiel said hurriedly:

"There are no tributaries of the Styx over there, so the large fleet can't get through. Their ships have been modified to sail in the interrealm, but except for the Death and the Evil of this World, other ships cannot fly.

Also, the warden has deployed a large army there, and he will not allow us to get close so easily.

Zoval wants us to hand over the Mark of the Eternal. Obviously, he does not intend to put the access to Zaresantis into your hands, and our alliance is broken. "

"Union? There has never been any alliance! It's just mutual use. Everyone knows it's time to fall out."

Blake quickly turned the steering wheel, and while the Nagfar's anchor was being retracted, he allowed the armed battleship ghost ship, whose hull was covered with gun barrels like a hedgehog, to leave the dock. Shi sent it to Princess Mononoke.

Nag'far cheered and raised the Tide Stone. In the next moment, the Titan artifact was activated, causing the water of the Endless Sea to roar into the scorched earth of the Maw.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire Castle of Destruction was submerged by the swirling waves.

The endless water rushes across the land of the Maw, rushing across the hills and rift valleys into the River Styx, forcibly shaping a waterway in this desperate place that can accommodate the navigation of a large plundering fleet.

Amidst the cheers of Gaboya's broken voice from behind, the Death rushed out of the Styx at the lead, and followed the Nagfar along the waterway, which set sail in the wind and waves.

Then the King of the Sea rushed in diagonally like a charging heavily armored knight, crushing several scorched beasts that were submerged in the water and overwhelmed.

Black laughed and took the last Mark of the Eternal from Xal'atath beside him. He raised his left hand high amidst the acceleration of the ghost ship and the harsh cheers of the pirates of Azeroth.

The marks of five eternal beings were suspended on the five fingers, and dazzling beams of light burst out in the abyss in the interweaving of five-color streams of light.

He shouted loudly:

"My shameful villain friend Zoval! Look! I drove through three realms of death to get what you desire, and now I am taking my people to Oribos.

I will open a passage there to the Holy Land of the First Born. If you want to come, follow me. "

"Leave a mark! Black Shaw! The Silent One!"

The warden's low and hollow voice also sounded at this moment in the world of the Maw Abyss.

He strode out of the high platform of the Sanctuary of Control, and stared with his cold eyes at the Nagfar, which commanded the pirates running above the Maw, and the pirate captain who was giving everyone a huge headache.

He scolded:

"You are in the Abyss! You are in my domain. I don't allow it. You don't want to go anywhere!"

"I advise you not to be so confident, Zoval."

Blake glanced at the Yuansworn Air Cavalry who appeared in the sky, and then at the chain of control summoned by Zoval, which was densely sealed around the sky and the earth.

Even the sea water summoned by the Tide Stone is blocked.

But Lord Evil God still didn't panic.

He handed the steering wheel to Sephiel, and patted the first parasaurus on the butt frivolously. Then he started to rise into the air, passed over his warship that was riding the wind and waves, and landed on the simple and tall tower at the end of the Weeping Cliff in front. Under the stone monument.

This thing looks very ancient.

Its existence may be even older than the birth of the Maw.

Blake landed next to the stone tablet. He Shiran took off his gauntlet and placed it on the surface of the cold stone tablet. Feeling the throbbing in the stone tablet, he shouted to Zoval's reflection in the sky:

"Hey, my dear Lord of the Maw, I want to remind you that you are not the master of the Maw, you are just its manager. This land shaped by the First Born has its own secrets that you have not yet discovered.

Today I will reveal one of them to you.

Keep your eyes open and take a good look!

I never need your permission to leave here, and this abyss cannot contain anyone at all! I have had countless names, but today, you want to call me Abyss Walker.

Bah, I hate this name myself."


The finale is tomorrow.

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