Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 1963 91. The strong shape destiny [3/16]

Chapter 1963 91. The strong shape destiny【316】

In the sealed ruins of the Pantheon, in this plane of the Force that is based on material existence but is higher than the material dimension, in the center of the palace that is now dilapidated but once extremely gorgeous, there is a huge creature with a body very similar to that of a demon. Sitting in the center of the realm of the Force.

He seemed to be deep in thought, and even the burning fire that was always burning around his body dissipated.

Just like that, he exposed his Titan body, which had been twisted into a demonic shape due to the infusion of evil energy and was covered with cracks and various scars.

He has no weapons in His hands.

His Dark Ripper sword, which destroyed countless worlds and killed countless Void Evil Gods, had been inserted into the star of Azeroth before he was sealed.

The Dark Titan Sargeras who stayed here at this time really looked like a defeated invincible warrior, thinking about his birth, growth, rebellion and conquest as a prisoner.

No one was with Him.

Although the other Titan Souls, the wills of his former brothers are here, behind him on the Titan Throne.

As long as he wants, he can talk to them who maintain the seal at any time, but since he was voluntarily imprisoned here, the Dark Titan has not said a word.

The other Titan Souls did not disturb Sargeras's thinking.

The Titans are all very wise cosmic souls. They can tell from Sargeras's current posture that their powerful and rebellious brother is experiencing a rare spiritual reflection.

It's really rare.

The month and a half sealed in the ruins of the Pantheon may have been the first time Sargeras truly stopped what he was doing since he witnessed the first corroded star soul and decided to cleanse the stars by his own means. Work and let yourself enter this kind of thinking and summarizing situation.

In the past, He was always busy.

While His servants were busy destroying the stars, He was still fighting the Void Lords on the border of the material world and the Sunless Sea who were trying to invade the material world.

He was hardly free for a moment, and there was always one thing or another bothering Him.

He is the most powerful life that can be born among the material stars. He can resist the invasion of a force field by himself, but he is still not free.

It was as if there were some invisible hands guiding Him, or like a rope wrapped around his neck, tightening His neck bit by bit over the course of hundreds of thousands of years.

The urgency to reverse the bleak future of the stars, the sense of mission to clean up the stars and reshape the stars, the responsibility to resist corrosion and remove corrosion.

Those things pushed Him forward on this road of destruction, not even leaving Him a minute or a second to think about what his actions meant to the entire universe.

Perhaps, even the masterminds behind the scenes are afraid of the wisdom hidden under Sargeras' power. They are worried that if the Dark Titan realizes that all this is just a conspiracy, then things will undoubtedly become very troublesome.

Until Blake Shaw showed up.

That cunning and weird soul used three meetings and a strategy that was not clever but hidden in time, and Sargeras finally got a chance to jump out of the quagmire and see the overall situation.

He cooperated with Blake's plan.

He allowed himself to be sealed by his brothers and sisters in the place where he was born, and stayed quietly in the source plane of the arcane force for a full month and a half.

This is not just for revenge on the mastermind behind the scenes, but it may also be an excellent opportunity for Sargeras to sort out his thoughts.

No one knows what he was thinking about during the time he was sealed, but what is certain is that certain changes have appeared in his mind after the Dark Titan's short "rest".

At a point when the old era full of strife is coming to an end, and no one knows why a new era of development is about to begin, even the Dark Titan, who is committed to destroying everything, has to face everything that follows with a new attitude.

"Is it time yet?"

The waves caused by a certain force collision interrupted Sargeras's thinking for more than fifty days. He raised his head in this silent place and issued a low question.

No one answered Him.

But the force seals that shrouded the ruins of the entire Pantheon and were loosened little by little seemed to represent the answer to this question by the remaining spirits of arcane creations.

He can leave.

The appointed time has come.

The mastermind behind the scenes has exposed his chicken feet under Blake's arrangement. It's time to unleash the angry Dark Titan to end this damn thing.

Sargeras moved his body and stood up.

He stood in front of the Pantheon seal that was gradually opening in front of him, watching the golden light dissipate to reveal the gap leading to the material world.

This opening process will still take some time. The Dark Titan said nothing and just allowed the familiar fire of incineration to ignite on his twisted Titan body.

That means that Sargeras, who made the stars tremble and made the Force surrender, is about to return.

"Don't you want to say something? Brother."

Aman'Thul's weak voice sounded behind Sargeras. Unlike Sargeras, who had been pondering for more than fifty days in a place of imprisonment, several Titan Souls really tried their best to maintain this seal.

They were already weak. After persisting for a month and a half, there was not much cosmic energy left, and each one of them was almost exhausted.

They are no longer able to participate in the crusade against death.

They must immediately return to sleep in the star core of the planet where they were born. Perhaps hundreds or thousands of years later, they can reappear in the star sea as Titans.

"You have been here for so long, but you are not even willing to say a word to us."

Eonar, the Titan of Life, said in a sad tone:

"You don't even want to turn around and meet us, Sargeras. You have done terrible things to us, and we have resented and rebuked you.

But that's past.

After the truth was revealed by Black Shaw, we all knew, whether it was you, us, or Aggramar who voluntarily entered the Shadow Realm to witness and reveal those truths.

We are all just victims of a shameful conspiracy, and we don’t have to be, but fate has brought everything to this point. "

"You are going to the realm of death, my brother."

Norgannon, the wisest mysterious titan, then spoke:

"I read a determination from your gesture. Maybe we won't see each other again for a long time. This will be the third farewell between us.

Tell us something, man.

This might make our next meeting after a long time less awkward. "

"You can't tell a joke, Norgannon, you never can."

Sargeras finally spoke.

It still has the kind of tone that burns all things, and still has the majesty that the destroyer of the star sea should have.

During the burning of the Fire of Destruction, the Dark Titan seemed to put on the blazing armor again, sealing his face and even all his emotions under the cover of the Fire of Destruction.

At the moment when the Pantheon seal was about to be fully opened, He finally turned around for the first time and looked at the brothers and sisters behind him with blazing eyes.

Aman'Thul, Eonar, Norgannon, Khaz'goroth, Gorgonas, and two free seats, one belongs to Aggramar and the other belongs to Him.

Once belonged to Him.

"There should be another throne here, for Argus."

Sargeras whispered:

"I ruined everything. I tortured a soul as noble as yours until it went crazy and collapsed. He should be called my brother, but I did evil things to him that even the Void Evil Gods would not do. "

"Are you apologizing?"

Gorgones, the most fiery-tempered, said:

"Perhaps you should save your apology and wait to tell Argus himself when he returns from the Sunless Sea. Blake said that Argus bathed in truth in the depths of the Sunless Sea.

He is waiting to meet you. "

"Apologise? No, the Dark Titan never apologizes."

Sargeras sneered and said:

"I have never regretted what I have done. My former brothers, perhaps all this stems from the conspiracy of the Black Hand of Death, but the invasion of the material world by the Sunless Sea is real.

Even without those Nasrezim, I would have discovered all that sooner or later.

I will still make the same choice, I will still warn you, and you who are careless will still ignore the threat.

This is bound to happen.

The fel force longs for its master.

If not me, it will be one of us. What did those black hands do? They are simply bringing forward what must happen.

I have to say that their plan is simple and exquisite, and I am indeed immersed in destruction as they expected, bringing endless death to the material stars.

Maybe it was me who caused all this.

But I did nothing wrong. "

The atmosphere in the ruins of the Pantheon became stagnant. It was not until several seconds later that Kazgros, who had been silent, spoke:

"There is no point dwelling on the right and wrong of the past. Things have happened. What we should consider is the future. Sargeras, my brother, will the Burning Crusade continue?"


The Dark Titan answered without hesitation.

But then the conversation changed, and he turned around and looked at the world of Azeroth in front of him and the shattered place where the curtain of life and death lay across the sky of the world.

He said:

"But the target is no longer this sea of ​​stars, but the overly powerful death. The six forces need to be rebalanced, and the threats conceived by the death force also need to be dealt with.

This will be a long process.

It is the nearly eternal abyss war predicted by Blake. Before the power of death is suppressed to weakness, you do not need to worry about the burning flames rekindling among the stars.

but my brothers

The eternal bloody war will finally end!

By then, if you still can't eliminate the corruption in the stars to a tolerable level, then I don't mind coming to 'help' you again. "

This sentence made all the Titan Souls breathe a sigh of relief, but then, Norgannon said in a low tone:

“The War of the Abyss is a war in which the six forces seek to rebalance after being out of balance. Each field of force must send out representatives, but our slumber will make the arcane force extremely passive and weak.

Perhaps you can bring Aggramar back."

"No, Aggramar has his destiny."

Sargeras refused saying:

"The future of arcane lies in this world, and Black Shaw has left a choice for you. Haven't you discovered it yet? He left the opportunity to represent the power of arcane to his lover.

That ambitious woman will not miss this battle in the abyss. "


Norgannon sat on his throne and let out a low laugh. He said:

"Okay, okay, the spokesperson of Azeroth's star soul, as the 'Daughter of the World', she is barely qualified. Before we revive in the cradle of our respective planets, let her shoulder this important responsibility.

So, goodbye, Sargeras.

Maybe I should thank you for showing mercy to us this time. "

The other Titan Souls suddenly laughed, and at this moment, Sargeras suddenly turned back and showed a smile as hot as the core of the sun towards the Titans.

In the midst of the burning fire, He said:

"It's too early for you to be happy."

The entire ruins of the Pantheon suddenly fell silent.

The laughter of the Titans fell silent like chickens whose necks were strangled. In their current state, they were almost defenseless against Sargeras.

However, in the next moment, a fleeting smile appeared on the dark titan's hot face, and then turned into a searing flame and poured into the sky of Azeroth under the horrified gazes of the titan souls.

The Dark Titan reassembled its body.

His left foot stands on the Burning Plains of the Eastern Kingdom, his right foot steps on the Great Desert of Silithus in Kalimdor, and his hands hold tightly the Dark Ripper sword inserted in the maelstrom.

With a little force, he pulled out the sword that pierced the star, and brought the blood of the world into the sky and turned into shining Azerite crystals and flew to all parts of the world.

And all the demons in Azeroth and even the Twisting Nether will go crazy at this moment!

They roared wildly to celebrate the return of their dark god, and their voices gathered together to resound throughout every nebula in this broken world and even the entire Twisting Nether.

Surrounded by demons, their dark gods cast their gaze upon the rift in the veil of life and death above the sky.

Sargeras did not speak, but the next moment, the demons in Azeroth decisively gave up on the world in front of them under the command of the God of Darkness, and instead roared into the world of death like a turbid current of destruction. In the kingdom.

They don't know why their god wants to expedition to the realm of death.

They don't care either!

Even if they face another failure in Azeroth, so what? The Dark God asked them to accept defeat and start a new war on the land of Azeroth, so they would just obey.

What's more, the Dark God has promised that the Burning Crusade will be restarted, and they will ravage the kingdom of death until the death force returns to where it should be.

This means that a nearly eternal "bloody battle in the abyss" has begun, and their gods will reward those demon warriors who perform outstandingly in the battle of the six forces.

A new great devil will be born in the war, and a new legion will be reborn from the ashes.

Hahaha, is there anything better than this?

The influx of demons into the Kingdom of Death seems to represent the beginning of some kind of change, and Sargeras is also holding a sharp sword and preparing to cross the curtain of life and death. It is the passage that Black Shaw specially blasted for him, which is enough to accommodate the Dark Titan to step into it. .

The moment he crossed the veil of life and death, Sargeras seemed to hear the provocation and scolding from the star soul of Azeroth. The little girl was greeting Him with vicious words, but the Dark Titan waved his hand indifferently.

He whispered:

"I will wait for you deep in the stars. After you are truly born, come to me if you have the guts."


As the entire Maw trembled and shook, Sargeras' terrifying astral body raised its foot and annihilated an army of Abyssworn, and uprooted Zovar's Sanctuary of Dominance with a wave of his hand. , when the five fingers came together, the Holy Land of Death was melted into scorching residue flying all over the sky.

He raised his head and looked at the bloody stream of light in the sky that was constantly escaping upwards. A ferocious smile appeared in the flames that were as hot as the core of the sun.

President Sa held the sword in both hands, stared at Emperor Denathrius, and took a step forward.

Eat my Star Explosion and abandon the Healing Slash! ! !


With one blow, everything turned to dust, and the Styx collapsed wherever the sword mark reached.

The Emperor didn't even have time to scream, before his eternal body was burned to death by the tyrannical burning of the Fire of Destruction.

The godhead was broken to the point where blood flowed from the dense cracks, and only the last bit of will left drove the last piece of flesh to howl into the cracked realm.

He escaped.

The Eternal One, who claimed to rule the entire universe and establish an eternal empire of death, just escaped.

But no one could accuse Him of being a coward and a coward. In the face of the furious and murderous dark titan Sargeras, who dares to say that he can perform better than the emperor?

The soldier leader who was watching all this was being supported by his loyal Akalek. The bad old man was dumbfounded as he watched the most powerful man in the stars wreak havoc in front of him.

After a long while, when the Dark Titan swung his sword to tear through the boundary of the Maw and disappeared into the realm, the veteran leader touched his pounding heart.

He whispered:

"It's your own destruction."

The next moment, the old man turned around and looked at the chaotic abyss. He breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The eternal bloody battle has begun."

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