Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 283 102. This...bastard! That's not what the script says! Extinguish that light and pic

Chapter 283 102. This bastard! That's not what the script says! Extinguish that light and pick up the sword!

Blake was walking in the cold and dark cabin of the Nagfar, with the silent knight Joan Creedon beside him, and on the other side was the first mate, the pirate dragon Sephiel.

He is laying out orders.

"Grayson's ghost ship needs to replenish manpower. Let Evil Eyes take the snakemen on his ship and follow this group of North Sea pirates to Vashj'ir to supervise the battle.

I gave command to Grayson and Evil Eye.

If my colleagues in Beihai are afraid of Naga, but not afraid of me, and dare to escape privately, I will kill them all. Used to devour the Jotunheim Force, causing that ship to grow rapidly.

If they are willing to carry out the order, they will collect the souls of the pirates who died in the battle. More than a hundred people will be enough to fill the ship with manpower. "

"Captain, you don't seem to trust them."

Sephiel asked in a low voice:

"When we go to Northrend waters next, don't we need to keep some old pirates as guides?"

"No need. I am familiar with the coastal terrain there and I don't need any guide."

Blake waved his hand and said:

"What's more, if they have bad intentions, letting them pilot the ship will lead us into the ditch. How do I know that Anne Bonn's sudden arrival is not a 'bitter trick' staged by my colleagues in the North Sea? "

"Captain, you are asking for the loyalty of a group of pirates. This is too difficult."

Pirate Dragon First Mate complained:

"Didn't you say it yourself? Loyalty is not a pirate's virtue. How can you ask a group of people to give you something they don't have at all?

I think you are making things difficult for them. "

"Look at what you said, is it their loyalty that I want?"

Blake said in a strange tone:

"I obviously want them to die, okay?

We are all old pirates, why are we still playing the game of exchanging sincerity for sincerity? They attacked my port, but I did not hang them all, which was already very generous.

It would be foolish of them to ask for more, right?

To deal with this group of scum, you have to be worse than them and make them fear you from the bottom of their hearts. And when you act bad enough, everyone seems like a good person to you

The world will be extremely beautiful in your eyes.

This is my secret to maintaining a good attitude, learn it well, my Sephiel. "

"Wrong sense!"

The pirate dragon yelled and disappeared into the cabin with a whoosh.

"Don't follow me either."

Black said to the knight Creedon beside him:

"Find more people to hone your combat skills. It's not a shame if you can't pick up Apocalypse. I can't pick it up either. After a while, I'll find friends to help you make some rune weapons.

You are not an orthodox death knight, it doesn't matter, you can pretend to be a death knight.

Go ahead and do the work. "

"Allow me to excuse myself, Your Highness."

Knight Creedon, who had disappointed His Highness before and was extremely ashamed, nodded, turned around and strode away. Black watched the knight disappear into the darkness of the cabin. He touched the magic bag and sighed.

"Are you looking for a sword bearer for that crazy weapon? My young master."

Xal'atath, who followed him like a shadow, whispered in Black's ear:

"It is indeed difficult. It is not easy to find a tough soul that can resist death, but I am willing to devote this energy to you, leave it to me.

I will identify the potential of those souls, and I will find powerful enough subordinates for you.

This is to prove my loyalty and devotion to you, little master. "


Blake blinked and said:

"Then leave it to you, let me see what you are capable of."

"You will not be disappointed, enjoy the next 'private date' with a charming elf lady, my little master. She looks very angry, you need to use some skills to make her comfortable. "

Satarath let out a short, eerie laugh that faded into the darkness.

The pirate turned back and looked at the ghost of the high elf ranger general who was leaning on the cabin deck in the darkness on the other side with his arms behind his back and staring at him with indifferent eyes.

He shrugged and made a very standard elf etiquette to the Windrunner mother in front of him in the dark.

When he raised his head, he asked in less standard Salas:

"So, what do you, the angry passenger, want to talk to me, the captain who knows many secrets? Lady Lyressa Windrunner."


Outside the ruins of Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest, Goldshire, and the Lion's Pride Inn.

This prestigious hotel in the Kingdom of Stormwind was destroyed in the war when the orcs invaded the kingdom.

However, as the alliance returned to southern Xinjiang, this century-old hotel was reopened on its original site, and Mr. Farley, who has been running the hotel for three generations, is very lucky.

He spent all his family assets and just a few days after rebuilding the hotel he inherited, a "heavyweight" guest checked in.

Needless to say, his spending was lavish, allowing Boss Farley to make a huge profit.

But I was always worried in my heart, fearing that if I didn't do a good job in service, I would be slashed by the swords of the elite alliance soldiers who were guarding the hotel on three floors outside.

There is no way, the identity of the guest who occupies the entire hotel is too noble.

"Marshal, aren't you awake yet?"

It was just early in the morning, and the first ray of sunlight fell from the treetops of the war-torn but still extremely peaceful Elwynn Forest. Then another visitor with great background set foot in the hotel, full of fatigue. among.

This visitor was still wearing wartime armor, even stained with blood. He had obviously just returned from the battlefield and had not even had time to rest before he arrived here.

What greeted him was Marshal Lothar's escort captain, Colonel Abidis, a senior nobleman of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

In response to the visitor's question, the colonel replied softly:

"The Marshal is not awake yet, but according to Pastor Benedictus, he may wake up in the next few days. Lord Duke Mograine, you should take a rest first.

I heard you came all the way back from the battlefields of the Burning Steppes. It was a long journey.

I will arrange a room for you in this hotel. After you wash away your fatigue, it will not be too late to visit the Marshal. "


Grand Duke Alexandros Mograine nodded.

This top nobleman of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was indeed tortured by the fatigue of the saddle horse. He accepted the colonel's suggestion and took a comfortable hot bath in his room.

After changing into loose casual clothes, he went to Marshal Lothar's room to visit the commander who led the alliance to a glorious victory.

However, he was not the only visitor in Marshal Lothar's room.

"Your Highness Varian, I heard that you have been staying here in the past few days. This is not acceptable. The soldiers fighting for you are still in the military camp. As a monarch, you should also take time to visit them."

Duke Mograine saw the young man standing on the edge of the room and said something.

Prince Varian Wrynn, who looked a little haggard, turned around and smiled at Duke Mograine. He glanced at Anduin, who was lying on the bed next to him and was protected by two priests with a holy light barrier. Lothar.

He said softly:

"Thank you for the reminder, Your Excellency the Duke. I went to the military camp yesterday. The morale of the soldiers is very high. They are eager to return to the battlefield and see with their own eyes the greenskins being driven back to their world.

You just returned from the war, was everything going well there? "

"It went very well. The greenskins were frightened."

When the war was mentioned, the brave Duke suddenly showed a warrior's smile. He laughed and waved his hands and said:

"They were defeated in the Burning Steppes, and our soldiers captured many prisoners. Although there were still a few cunning greenskin clans who took advantage of the chaos to escape to the Swamp of Sorrows and the Cursed Land, they were no longer in danger.

General Turalyon had a great sense of the overall situation. He strategized and pursued the remnants of the orcs unhurriedly, draining their will and causing them to collapse without a fight.

But that lunatic Dai Lin was very dissatisfied with this way of waiting for work.

He is planning to have his fleet conduct an extremely risky landing on the coast of the Blasted Land, and plans to deploy heavy troops there to prevent any greenskin from escaping Azeroth.

The pain of losing a loved one and the desire for revenge in his heart turned Dai Lin into a stubborn and terrible butcher. Although this is not a bad thing for us, we still hope that the Holy Light will bless his soul. "

Talking about the battle situation, His Excellency the Grand Duke made a praying gesture on his chest.

In the palm of his hand, there was also a blazing holy light shining.

This detail made Varian blink. The young prince poured a glass of wine for his elder and asked softly:

"I heard that before the war started, you were personally baptized by His Majesty Faao, joined the Knights of the Silver Hand, and became a glorious paladin.

That ritual, I mean, is it complicated? "


This question made Duke Mograine stunned for a moment. He looked at Varian. After a few seconds, he said:

"Do you also want to become a Paladin? Varian, I saw your heroic posture on the battlefield, and Marshal Lothar often praised your martial arts. You have mastered the power of anger.

So young, so potential.

The way of the warrior suits you better, child. "

"Maybe so."

Varian pursed his lips, glanced at Marshal Lothar lying on the hospital bed, and said softly:

"But on the battlefield, I mean the battle I saw with my own eyes, the battle between Marshal Lothar, whom I regard as a father, and the green-skinned warchief.

The moment I was knocked back by Orgrim, I fell to the ground and that's when I saw it."

The young prince clenched his fists and said:

"I don't know if it was because I was injured or not, but I vaguely saw a vision of Marshal Lothar being killed by Orgrim. At that moment, I was extremely terrified.

I feel like I'm losing him.

After losing my father, I was about to lose another father.

I was so scared.

Then he prayed to the Holy Light, asking it to protect the marshal through the dangerous disaster. "

Having said this, Varian looked around, as if he were a thief, and stretched out his hand towards Mograine. Under the stunned gaze of the Duke, a faint and holy light shone in Varian's hand. light.

With a relieved smile, he said to Mograine:

"The Holy Light responded to my prayers. In that warm revelation, it told me that Marshal Lothar's fate had been changed. It told me that we are all free.

Then I saw the marshal swinging his sword, and in an almost impossible counterattack, he killed the green-skinned chief who had the advantage.

Your Excellency, in other words, you are a little too idealistic.


I think this is the protection of the Holy Light and the revelation of the Holy Light to me.

The great deeds of the Marshal inspired me. Perhaps rather than being a great warrior, I should be the defender of my people and my country.

Not only protect their lives, but also their souls.

I've lost them once.

I cannot allow House Wrynn to lose this land a second time. "

"Well, as you said, this is indeed the will of the Holy Light."

His Excellency the Duke, a devout believer in the Holy Light, looked at Varian Wrynn in front of him as if he were looking at a treasure. He stretched out his hand and patted the young prince on the shoulder.

He said:

"It is my honor to witness with my own eyes a pure soul joining the path of the Holy Light. Your Highness Varian, I am willing to serve as your witness and invite you to join the Knights of the Silver Hand.

I believe that His Majesty Faao will be very happy when he hears this news.

After you undergo rigorous training, he will definitely be willing to hold a baptism ceremony for you in person. The power of the Holy Light has increased again. This is really something worth celebrating.

Thank you Holy Light!

Pray with me tonight, little Varian, and I'll teach you some paladin combat skills. "

"Okay, Your Excellency."

Varian smiled.

After agreeing to pray together, His Excellency the Duke left the marshal's room, intending to eat something to soothe his stomach.

But when he walked downstairs, he saw someone waiting for him there.

"Are you Ms. Shore's grandson?"

The Duke looked at the young man in hunting clothes in front of him and said:

"MI7's intelligence during the war was very accurate. Without your efforts, it would be difficult for us to achieve victory. You are the heroes of the alliance."

"This is what we should do, Your Excellency."

Shaw politely leaned towards the Duke and said softly:

"But I am here specifically to wait for you today, Your Majesty the Duke. I have important things that I must talk to you about. I mean, immediately!"

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