Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 292 1. Red Jack of Dragon Bone Port---[6/35]

Chapter 292 1. Red Jack of Dragon Bone Port-——[635]

(Additional update for Czh666 brothers [1/5])

In February of the seventh year of the Dark Portal, the decisive battle that took place a month ago defeated the greenskins, making the orcs no longer a hidden danger in the eastern continent.

The war in the Burning Steppes has come to an end, but the chase in the Blasted Lands continues.

Soldiers on the front line have begun to return home one after another. In the waters of Tol Barad in recent days, ships from the Kingdom of Gilneas can often be seen, loaded with soldiers one after another, sailing to Dragonbone Harbor. .

In this case, the "pirate rumors" in this area immediately subsided. Although the Kingdom of Gilneas is not known for its navy, it does have a complete naval fleet after all.

At this time of the year, no pirate team has the nerve to challenge them.

At noon, the hottest time of the day, a troop transport ship full of soldiers was sailing around the western cape along the route, preparing to enter the inner sea of ​​Gilneas, when it unexpectedly encountered a ship carrying Kul'Tira Small merchant ship with Sri Lankan flag.

Apparently, this ship came from Greymane Lighthouse outside the western cape and was going to Keel Port for trade.

"Hey, warriors, congratulations on your great victory and your glorious return. Come, let me buy you something to drink."

On the deck of the small merchant ship, a young man dressed as a businessman shouted loudly towards the troop transport ship, and even took the initiative to pull the ship over.

This behavior immediately aroused the captain's vigilance. Several Gilnean navy sailors immediately pulled out the muskets on their waists and pointed them at the approaching merchant ship.

This action also caused the ship to immediately stop and approach.

"Don't shoot! We are not bad people!"

The young businessman on the deck waved his hands in fear and shouted to this side:

"We are just businessmen going to Dragon Bone Port to reward the warriors who have returned from the front line. It is you who fight greenskins on the front line so that we can live in peace.

These boxes of wine represent the gratitude of us civilian businessmen.

I won’t go there, okay.

But you must hold the gift! To do otherwise is to look down on us Kul Tirans. "

Of course this was a joke. The young businessman sent his sailors to put a few boxes of wine on the small sampan and asked them to deliver it to the troop carrier.

"My treat, warriors, you can drink for free. After you finish drinking, I still have some here, but you have to pay for it."

The young businessman in a black coat and tall hat laughed and shouted something to the boat more than 20 meters away, which immediately attracted cheers from a group of sailors.

Who doesn’t like free stuff?

What's more, these boxes of wine are really good. They are all Kul Tiras' famous "Huifan Beer", which is one of the favorite wartime wines of the Kul Tiras navy.

The alcohol content is not high, it does not delay the battle, and it tastes pretty good.

Originally, drinking was prohibited on the warship when sailing, but now that we have arrived in the waters of Gilneas, we are truly home.

These soldiers had just returned from a near-death battle, so the captain turned a blind eye and allowed the sailors and wounded soldiers to drink heavily on the deck.

There was no end to the wine as soon as he drank it, and the wine given by the merchant was quickly used up.

After asking the captain for instructions, the quartermaster on the ship took a small boat and went to the merchant ship that was following the battleship and sailing to Keel Port, and purchased some drinks to prepare for the victory celebration after returning to the port.

The quartermaster wearing Gilnean military uniforms boarded the ship and was immediately warmly welcomed by the young businessman. He opened the ship's wine cellar and allowed the quartermaster to choose.

A female boat girl known as the "Master of Wine Tasting" was also specially hired to introduce various fine wines to the quartermaster.

The quartermaster was stuffed with several bottles of fine wine as "private gifts". He felt a little embarrassed for a while, and his attitude became gentler, and he took the initiative to chat with the young businessman.

"Are you from Kul Tiras?"

The quartermaster looked at the boat girl in black dress in front of him, turned around and asked.

Captain Blake, dressed as a businessman, stretched out his hand to push up his tall hat, and pretended to hold the gold-plated command knife at his waist, which was more decorative than practical.

He stroked his short, well-groomed beard and answered with a smile:

"Yes, we are a trading ship under the "Albatross" of the Boralus Chamber of Commerce, specializing in the wine business. This trip is coming from Drustvar.

Didn't he just come to Gilneas to try his luck after hearing that the war was over?

Speaking of which, I still hope to encounter our Kul Tiras Armada at sea. I can make a lot of money by selling wine to those drunkards.

Alas, it was also bad luck. I didn’t meet any of my compatriots along the way. "

"Haha, of course you won't meet me."

The quartermaster took the opportunity of wine tasting to quietly touch the wrist of Ms. Natalie who handed him the wine.

This mopping action made the archbishop immediately narrow his eyes.

But when she saw Blake wink at her, she put on a smile again and took her hand out of the greasy uncle's hand in front of her.

"The Kul Tiran fleet is still chasing the greenskins in the Cursed Land. Your king Dailin has issued a kill order against the greenskins. He swore that he would not return until all the greenskins there were killed."

"That's it."

Blake blinked and asked again:

"That means that the Kul Tiras fleet will not appear on the Endless Sea for at least a month or two?"

"Roughly the same.

King Dailin is brave and fearless, but the battle loss rate of his soldiers is also quite high. After this battle, he will probably have to return directly to Kul Tiras to rest for a long time. "

The quartermaster drank all the wine in his hand, then pursed his lips to taste the taste. After a few seconds, he let out a happy groan and said:

"This wine is good. I have never drunk it before. What kind of wine is it?"

"That one is called 'Anchor Stout'."

Blake glanced at the barrel and explained:

"It is a fine wine brewed from the top-secret recipe of the Novington family in Kul Tiras. It is a military wine specially provided for the marines in the fleet. It took me a lot of effort to get it.

Alas, the sea route in Gilneas is really difficult to navigate. There are rocks all along the way, and the boat almost capsized when sailing there. Do you have any tips you can teach me about sailing here? "

"Ha, I see it's your first time coming to Gilneas, right?"

The quartermaster laughed, took another glass of wine, and said proudly to Blake:

"Although we in Gilneas are close to the sea, there is a special kind of reef growing under the sea around the coastline. We call them 'biting reefs'. If someone who does not understand the sea conditions here sails recklessly, the boat will capsize in all likelihood.

Only our Gilnean fleet knows the distribution of every biting reef, and that is top secret information. "

"It's no wonder that Kul Tiran merchants rarely come to Gilneas, and it's no wonder that your maritime commerce has never developed. While those reefs protect your coastline, they also prevent you from expanding at sea.

Gee, that’s pretty miserable.

Although there are such good conditions, development is limited to land. "

Blake asked with great interest:

"So, do you have a chart of the coastline on this ship?"

"Why do you ask?"

The drunk quartermaster immediately became alert and reached out to hold the musket at his waist.

But the next moment, the boat girl who handed him the wine took a step forward. When she raised her head, what caught the quartermaster's eyes was a pair of beautiful eyes with a purple halo.

"Do you have any charts?"

Blake pushed up his tall hat and asked again.

The blank-faced quartermaster shook his body and stammered in reply:

"Yes, but it is stored in the naval fortress in Keel Harbor."

Blake nodded, glanced at Natalie, the "ship girl" who was pinching her fingers next to her, and said:

"I leave this guy to you, dig out all the information about the Gilneas Navy from his mind, and then you can act on your own after docking.

When I leave tomorrow morning, I want to see that chart.

Finally, get a hold of yourself, Natalie, and don't let the darkness swallow you up. I mean, try not to kill anyone, okay? "

"Isn't it the right thing for assassins like you to do this kind of thing?"

Natalie brushed her long hair and said:

"How can I, a priest, do it?"

"Doesn't this make my ship's doctor more powerful?"

Blake laughed, turned around and left the cabin wine cellar. When he opened the door, he saw a skinny boy wearing a sailor shirt waiting for him there.

"What's wrong?"

The captain who was in a good mood asked, and the skinny boy raised his head and said uneasily:

"Well, Captain, I can't use the magic you taught me."

"I taught you a lot, which one specifically?"

Blake asked again, and Kanrisade made a peeping gesture and said:

"It's the 'Eye of Kilrogg'."


The pirate snapped his fingers, and a green eyeball emerged from the shadows, hanging on Black's shoulder, rotating flexibly to help him share the surrounding scene.

The pupils of the eyeballs are still zooming, just like a magic camera.

"Yes, that's it."

Kanrisade scratched his head and said:

"I can't summon the magic eyeball no matter what. I already understand the principle and have learned the spell by heart."


Blake raised his finger, knocked hard on the little pirate's forehead, pointed to the eyeball next to him, and said:

"This thing is not a demon. It cannot summon entities from the twisted void. You have to find a carrier for it in the material world. Either use your eyes or..."

"I understand."

The skinny boy immediately raised his head, glanced into the wine cellar again, touched the dagger on his waist, and said:

"Do you still have any use for that person?"


Blake glanced at Kanrisade who was eager to try, and said softly:

"We'll start when we get to Dragon Bone Port. Go to the city and find any local ruffian. If you want to pursue something higher and want a good eyeball that can be used for a long time, then go find those sewer spellcasters who won't be noticed even if they die.

We are warlocks.

We can be evil and cruel, but we must have brains! Do you think what you want to do now is something that a person with brains can do? "

"I was wrong, Captain."

Kanrisade immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"Go and mop the deck."

The pirate waved his hand, hugged his little fishman pet, and walked to the side of the ship again, chatting with the quartermaster's attendant.


In the evening, Keel Harbor.

In the commercial district of this not-so-large naval port, in the 'Red Jack' bar, which just opened a few days ago but is doing a booming business, a young man with red hair wearing bartender clothes is shaking his hands professionally. cocktail shaker.

Sitting at the bar in front of him were several Gilnean officers who were out having fun.

They were already tipsy and chatting with each other about things on the battlefield. From time to time they would brag about being unparalleled among the greenskins.

The bartender who mixes drinks smiles and interjects a few words from time to time.

But his ears were perked up, and he kept in mind the chats of several low-level officers.


The door of the bar was pushed open, and Blake, who was dressed in businessman's clothing, and Kanrisade, who was wearing attendant's clothing, strolled into the bar. As soon as the skinny boy came in, he saw a scene filled with smoke.

On weekdays, these sailors are not allowed to use open flames on the ship. If you are addicted to smoking, you can only use chewing tobacco. Now that you are off the ship, you must have a good time.

This tavern also provided the best dwarf tobacco, but as a result, the tavern was filled with so much smoke that it was almost impossible to see people.

Kanrisade coughed a few times with difficulty, only to be glared at by Blake.

The little warlock reluctantly threw himself the "Endless Breathing" warlock magic. After breathing without using the nostrils, he finally felt better. He followed Blake all the way to the bar.


A few gold coins were thrown on the bar, and Blake slapped the table and shouted:

"To celebrate the Alliance's victory over the Greenskins, I'm going to treat you to a treat today! Everyone is welcome to drink."


The atmosphere in the bar immediately became more lively. Amidst the increasingly noisy sounds, Blake glanced at the bartender Jack, who winked at the master assassin and pursed his lips.

Blake understood immediately, took the wine he ordered, clinked glasses with several drunken drinkers, and quietly walked to the second floor amidst the excitement.

Kanrisade followed closely, reaching the second floor, and Blake opened the door of the first house casually.

When he came face to face, he saw Moros, who was wearing a butler's uniform, standing up from the sofa gracefully. Next to the masked butler was an "old friend" whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Lord Auriden"

Blake opened his arms towards his old friend, and in a warm embrace, he said:

"It's time for me to call you 'His Majesty' instead. My old friend General Blackmore, how are you now?"

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