Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 295 4. The Uncrowned ---[9/35]

Chapter 295 4. The Uncrowned-——[935]

(Added update [4/5] for brother Czh666)

Mia Greymane was born into a Gilnean noble family.

When she was a girl, she was a typical Gilnean wealthy lady. She was good at hunting and training dogs. More than ten years ago, under the auspices of His Majesty Archibald Greymane, she married the current King of Gilneas, Genn Greymane. .

In the second year after she married Jean, His Majesty Archibald passed the throne to his only son.

As a result, Ms. Mia became the queen of the Kingdom of Gilneas. Although it was a political marriage presided over by her parents, her married life was pretty good. The relationship between her and His Majesty Jean was very harmonious.

She gave birth to son Liam first, and then gave birth to daughter Tess six years ago.

She, the queen, had a good reputation in Gilneas. Even when the orc war was at its peak and the greenskins almost invaded the Gilneas Peninsula, the queen and king did not evacuate their country.

Overall, this is a very good queen.

But the violent greenskins in the orc war failed to threaten her. Instead, they survived the night of the victory celebration after the war, leaving the queen and her children in a terrible situation.

"Ouch, ouch"

Two pure-blood royal hounds the size of calves fiercely attacked the assassin in front of them under the command of their mistress.

Her Majesty the Queen also held a bayonet and a musket in the rain to prevent the assassins from approaching her children. In order to fight, she even threw away her high heels that were difficult to walk.

Just step on the dirty ground with your bare feet wearing stockings.

But her two fists were no match for her four hands. While resisting the silent assassins in front of her, three bad guys bypassed her and rushed towards the three fleeing children.

"Help us, whoever it is, help us!"

His Royal Highness, who was holding his sister in his arms, was also protecting the little black-haired girl who was holding his arm tightly beside him. In the cold night rain, he was in despair as he faced the approach of the three assassins in front of him.

Can't run out.

who will save


It was like a passing god heard the helpless prayers of the children. In the night rain, something dropped from a high place.

Like a snake, it wrapped around the little prince and the little girl beside him with precision.

The next moment, amid the prince's screams, the three children soared into the sky in the dark night as if they had wings, and were pulled up to the roof behind them.

The three assassins also looked confused.

They raised their heads, and in the dark night with drizzle, they saw the man standing on the edge of the eaves.

The man, whose black cloak was blown by the wind and wore a black armor, seemed to be blending into the night.

"This is the time for a bolt of lightning."

Blake, who was standing on the eaves, said softly.

He casually threw them away, and the three embarrassed children, who were tied together with dragon tendon hooks, were thrown beside the eaves. Of course, the three assassins below could not just sit back and watch the mission target intercept them.

They immediately pulled out their muskets, and one guy found a dangerous thing - a dwarf grenade!


Blake jumped off the roof at this second. The moment his cloak unfolded, he stretched his hands forward and clasped them on the shoulders of the two assassins when he landed.


The black dragon tooth hidden sword popped out and pierced the shoulders of the two assassins effortlessly.

Dare to take the job of assassinating the royal family, which proves that these assassins have two skills.

But the shadow paid no attention to their prayers at this moment, and only focused on throwing all its favor into Black, the illegitimate son.

Warm blood splashed out in the raindrops. When the pirate landed, he flicked his hands lightly, and the two seriously injured assassins were thrown into the rain in front of him.

It was only then that the assassin who took out the dwarf grenade saw clearly the sapphire seal on Blake's left hand.

This made him lose all fighting spirit.

Oh my God!

A master was involved in the assassination

This is a trap!

The master in front of me must have been secretly invited by King Jean!

Only a king can ask a master to work for him. This is to fish out assassins like them and then follow the clues to catch the employer behind them.

It's done for you, you want it

"get out."

Despite the assassin's inner drama, Blake didn't even look at him.

The master assassin just glanced at him indifferently, closed his cloak in front of him in the rain, waved his hand, and said:

"Get out of my hunting ground, this city will belong to the Uncrowned from now on!"

"Yes, okay, Master."

The assassin in the rain immediately bent down to salute, and then gave a long whistle to the assassins who were attacking Queen Mia from behind. The remaining assassins gave up the mission without hesitation.

Taking advantage of the darkness and raindrops, they quickly disappeared into the shadows of the street corner, and the two injured companions also helped each other away.

As for the task

What a joke!

Do they have to continue their mission despite the interference of a master?

This is not how you seek death.

Although Ravenhodri had no rules that said that the mission should be terminated when seeing the master assassin, but under the current situation, the mission could no longer continue.

They are loyal to the commission though.

But among Ravenholdt's six rules, there is also one that "must not kill members of the organization."

Moreover, the master was obviously showing mercy just now. He could have pierced the necks of the two assassins, but only injured their shoulders. This was a warning.

If they continue to be ignorant, the result will be


Blake was still pretending to be cool in the rain, but the three children on the eaves who had fully seen this scene were already screaming for their mother.

The pirate glanced over there. Queen Mia was slumped on the ground, her left arm was covered in blood, there were wounds on her waist and abdomen, and one of her loyal dogs that guarded her was dead.

The other one was also covered in wounds.

But Blake didn't immediately step forward to help.

On the contrary, as if he didn't see it at all, he covered his body with his cloak and walked towards another alley in the dark night rain.

"Wait, stranger."

The queen felt dizzy. She realized that the assassins' blades must have been quenched with poison. She also saw the scene just now and immediately realized something important.

In the rain, she shouted to Blake in a difficult tone:

"You are also a member of Ravenholdt, right? I know your rules. As the Greymane royal family, I hire you to bring me and my children back."

At the end of Queen Mia's words, she was already shaky. The moment she fell to the ground in the rain, a shadow came through the sky and lifted the soaked queen into her arms.

The loyal dog next to her immediately stepped forward to bite her, but was knocked to the ground by the ghost wolf that jumped out from beside the pirate.

"Very well, Your Majesty."

Blake hugged the queen who had given birth to two children but still retained her charm. He said softly:

"Your commission has been accepted by the Uncrowned One."

"Go to sleep, you are safe."


"There is an undercurrent of turmoil in Gilneas. I did not expect that less than a month after the war ended, there would already be an assassination targeting the royal family."

In the backyard of the Red Jack Tavern, Black stood in front of the garbage heap that had just been piled up. Without looking back, he said to the red-haired Jack behind him who had put on an assassin armor and covered his face:

"Ravenholde has its own rules. We cannot attack members of the organization unless they violate taboos. But I am very interested in who hired our colleagues to plan this assassination tonight.

This is your faction mission, Jack.

Before dawn, you have to bring back enough information. "


When the pirate raised his hand, the hidden sword on his left arm was activated, and a black dragon tooth spike popped out, and then returned to the sword barrel as his fingers moved.

"You will also have your own Hidden Blade, after you complete your trials. I'm sure you have many questions as to why I named our faction the Uncrowned Ones.

I'd be happy to answer your questions.

Just like when you recruit new members in the future, you must relay the answer I gave you to them. This is a ceremony unique to us. "

Blake turned back and looked at Jack who was standing straight behind him. He stared into those eyes and said:

"If we wield our blades just for a little money, a meager reward, what difference do we make to the other assassins of Ravenholdt?

You should also know what people outside call us.

Thieves, thieves, scoundrels, backstabbers, cowards, these are our names, and thousands of years ago, we seemed to agree with this positioning.

We feel that we are born to be despised. After all, we walk in the shadows and rarely live in the sunshine.

But is that all we can do?


No, Jack.

What we can do is far beyond our imagination. "

Blake spread his arms and said to the red-haired Jack in front of him in an epic tone:

“We can assassinate the arrogant king on the throne and reverse a war in an instant with this kind of killing.

We can quietly take the lives of villains who seek to overthrow the empire, and save millions of lives with our sharp blades.

We can burn the books of idiots who claim to be the truth and let them see the changes in the world.

We can hide among countless mortals and quietly promote the direction of destiny.

Just like what you are going to do now.

A queen.

The future of a country.

To protect or to kill?

Is it order or chaos?

I have no intention of getting involved in Gilnean politics, so I leave the choice to you. "

Blake put his hand on Jack's shoulder, looked into Jack's eyes, and said word by word:

"No one can stop you from making a decision."

"Do you feel it? The fate of this country is now in your hands."

Jack swallowed.

He wanted to say that the master in front of him was a little frustrated and crazy. How could such an important matter be decided by him, a high-level assassin?

But when he saw Blake's eyes, Jack suddenly realized that the master was not joking.

Even if he went back to the second floor of the tavern and cut the throat of the unconscious Queen Mia, Blake would not stop him.

He really left the decision up to himself.

And if the queen dies tonight, the entire city's troops have been mobilized, and the king looking for his wife will definitely fall into madness. All he needs is a little forged "evidence" to draw the king's anger to a certain noble.

Among the three children, in addition to the prince and princess, there was also the only daughter of Darius Crowley, a powerful nobleman of Gilneas and the Northern Lord.

As soon as he made that cruel decision, Gilneas would be in chaos in an instant.

He will light a fire and turn this peninsula country upside down.

"Do you understand now?"

Blake let out a deep laugh, took out a set of hidden sword barrels from his bag, and stuffed it into Jack's trembling hands.

He said:

"That's what we can do, Jack.

We can be thieves, we can be regicides!

We can be wimpy trash, or we can be subversive!

Our enemies know our names, but they will never find a trace of us, and they can never imagine what crazy or great things the Uncrowned Ones will do in their shadows.

We are the uncrowned.

We are the uncrowned kings of Azeroth!

Fear is our sharp knife, our pointer, and our shepherd's staff.

We will personally guide the destiny of this world

If fate does not obey us, then we correct it, we change it, we reverse it! Gilneas is only the first, Alterac will be the second, and Dalaran will be the third.

Just do it, Jack.

Take a deep breath and do big things with an open heart. I told you, walking in the shadows with me will no longer be the small fights before.

Look, let me tell you with practical actions.

I'm not kidding.

Now, it's your turn to prove to me that you are worthy of this hidden blade. "

After saying that, Black patted the trembling Jack on the shoulder, and slowly walked towards the tavern with his hands behind his back. Behind him, Jack grabbed the hidden sword in his hand. He turned around and asked:

"Master! Are we good people or bad people?"

This question is somewhat nonsensical.

But it also proves that Jack's view of the assassin's world view was severely shattered by Black just now and then kneaded together randomly. He now seems very confused.

There are expectations and there are fears.

Faced with this question that usually only children would ask, the pirate curled his lips and replied:

"I can only tell you that we walk in the shadows and push the world in the darkness. As for whether you want to protect the light or not, it depends on your own interests.

As for me.

Before I emerged from the shadow, I couldn't be sure whether I was a good person or a bad person. "

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