Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 297 6. Old guy, you are the most generous---[11/35]

Chapter 297 6. Old man, you are the most generous-——[1135]

(Additional update for the assassin Gilu brothers [1/5])

In the second half of the night, the rain in Longgu Harbor became even heavier.

Like a pouring water, it fell from the sky to the ground in the dark night, making a ticking sound. No one would go out in such weather, especially tonight.

Because in addition to the heavy rain blocking the road, there were also Gilneas naval soldiers who kept coming and going in the rain.

They traveled in groups in this small military port town, and the shouts of the soldiers could be heard from a long distance away.

There were also local police officers, holding umbrellas in the rain at night, and leading their militiamen to go door to door, but they did not say anything specific. They just asked every frightened duty officer if they had seen anything. Strangers haunt the neighborhood.

Something big must have happened.

No matter how dull the residents were, they all realized this, and they were happy to help the sheriffs, but unfortunately, they did not see any suspicious strangers.

The futile search continues.

The colonel who commanded the sailors was sweating profusely in the heavy rain. The soldiers under his command had already searched Keel Harbor, but could not find any trace of Queen Mia and her children.

If he just went back to report like this, he would definitely be hacked to death by the angry and anxious King Zeon.

The king is still waiting in the military port.

He had to get some information back to deliver, even the most trivial news.

"Huh? Why is the light still on in the chapel?"

The colonel in the rain soon discovered a strange place. In the heavy rain, he shouted to his soldiers:

"Go and check there! Be polite to the priests, but don't leave any suspicious places alone."

The soldiers immediately rushed toward the chapel, which was still lit in the middle of the night. They swarmed up, pushed open the door of the chapel, and poured into the church.

This place is not big, and you can see the hall clearly at a glance.

You can't hide people.

But a local soldier realized something was wrong. He whispered a few words to his disappointed commander. The colonel immediately became alert. He held the sailor's knife on his waist and strode to the front of the church hall.

He shouted to the priests:

"You are not the original priest of this church. Where are you from? Why do you come to Dragon Bone Port at this time? Where is your identification?"

As the colonel asked, the soldiers under his command had already taken out ropes and shackles. If these priests could not answer the questions, they would be captured and tortured.

Perhaps from them the colonel could get information that would exonerate him.

However, the priests were not panicked.

The leader of them, a priest in his thirties, had a serious expression. He whispered to the colonel in an unsmiling voice, and then walked to the corner with him.

He took out another letter from his arms and handed it to the colonel.

The latter took it in his hand and unfolded it, and was immediately startled.

Not to mention the content of this letter, there are four seals at the bottom alone. The two most conspicuous ones are the seals from the Privy Council of the Holy Light Church and the personal seal of His Majesty Alonsos Faol.

The remaining two are seals from the Cathedral of the Royal City of Gilneas.

and the royal seal of King Genn Greymane.

These four things represented that the priests in front of him had great backgrounds. Sweat broke out on the colon's forehead again. He felt that before he could solve the troublesome matter at hand, he was involved in another big thing.

As for whether it was a forgery, the colonel didn't even think about it.

"Please keep tonight's affairs a secret, Your Excellency."

The unsmiling priest in front of him took back the letter and said to the colonel:

“You can leave the soldiers outside the church and we will not leave until noon tomorrow, giving you enough time to verify our identities.

Now, please leave with your soldiers, there is an important conversation to continue here. "

"Okay, everyone."

The colonel wiped the sweat from his face and bowed slightly to the priests.

He turned around and yelled at his soldiers to exit the church. But he also kept an eye on it and put a group of soldiers to guard here while he ran to the military port to confirm their identities.


The door of the chapel was closed by the soldiers who exited. The coldness brought by the heavy rain in the dark night was dispersed by the light of the burning fireplace in the church, and the roar of the storm could not be heard.

It became peaceful here again.

“I made it clear in my letter to the church that we should not meet in a place that seems confidential but where others can see the problem at a glance.

But you just don’t listen.

Probably because I have watched too many operas, I always feel that today’s matter is some kind of secret mission.”

Blake's complaining voice emerged in the candlelight of the church, and he walked out of the shadow of the candlelight, holding a black magic suitcase in his hand.

The pirate was wearing the Night Killer uniform, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Because of the face covering, his voice sounded a little loud when he spoke.

In front of him, the unsmiling priest said warmly:

“It is about an evil object that can cause disaster, and it is also related to the whereabouts of one of the most outstanding sisters among us. This is indeed a secret operation.

And we are here, shouldering the heavy responsibility given by the church and His Majesty, and we cannot be too careful.

Things should go smoothly tonight, Lord Black.

I have also been to Longgu Port. It is a peaceful small town that has not had any major incidents for many years. But tonight, these soldiers who were alerted were searching wildly in the rain.

Maybe it's because dangerous people like you are here. "

"Well, the church fathers are indeed eloquent."

The pirate who stayed in the darkness snorted, placed the suitcase in his hand on the preaching table under the icon of the church, and pushed it towards the priests standing opposite in the light of candlelight.

The box was held down by the priest and opened again.

The next moment, a dark magic spread out in the small church and turned into a cold wind, blowing the candles lit everywhere in the church and swaying in unison.


The box was closed again, and several priests immediately chanted scriptures. Their hands shone with warm and holy light, leaving several seals of holy light on the black suitcase.

"Be careful, priests."

Black sat on the wooden chair next to him and warned the priests in front of him in the dark:

"You'd better take it back to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel immediately and suppress it with the help of the light holy objects just found by the church. I hope this thing will never appear again in the human kingdom.

But I also know that such an evil thing is unwilling to lie dormant. It may cause appalling disasters after a few years of silence.

Tell this to His Majesty the Pope for me.

If something happens next time, don't look for me again.

I don't want to deal with it anymore. "

"Thank you for your service, Mr. Black."

The priest with a serious face put the suitcase properly into the large box behind him with the holy light scripture engraved on it. After locking it, he hung the key around his neck.

He recited scriptures softly and asked:

"So, Natalie Serling."

"She doesn't want to go back."

Blake said succinctly:

"She has found a new home and is planning to start a new life. She has a letter that she asks you to pass on to His Holiness the Pope. It contains everything she wants to say."

The pirate handed over a letter, and the priest took it in his hand and took a look. There was Natalie's signature and seal on the envelope, proving that she was still alive.

This made the priest let out a long sigh of relief, and seemed to let go of some worries in his heart.

He took another box from the attendant behind him, handed it to Blake with both hands, and said:

"His Majesty the Pope guessed this result. Before we set off, he gave a holy light artifact that he had collected for many years as a parting gift to his disciple Natalie Serling.

In this box, there is also a commendation from the church for your trip to thank you for your contribution to the cause of the Holy Light. "

Blake wasn't too polite.

After he took the box, he opened it in his arms. There was a strange gemstone placed on the top of the box, which emitted a warm and holy light in the darkness, slightly illuminating the darkness around the pirate.

Blake picked up the gem and put it in his hand. There was light flowing on the surface of the gem, like a moving eyeball. No matter which direction he looked from, the eyeball seemed to be staring at him.

This doesn't look like a good thing.

After all, eyeballs, right, are always related to some weird things.

But the eye gem in Blake's hand didn't have any sense of filth.

Instead, it was filled with a clean, holy feeling. The pirate stared at the eyeball, and after a few seconds, he seemed to see a vision.

A slender figure stood on a piece of scorched earth. She kept spreading holy light around to heal the injured, and used holy power to attack the demons surging around.

But no matter how hard she tried, her comrades around her still fell one by one, and no matter how many demons she defeated, there would always be more monsters rushing out of the green whirlpool.

The woman's back is that of an elf. Judging from her clothing, she should be a night elf priest, perhaps a moon priest.

When the pirate held the gem, the character card immediately gave the entry:

divine eye

Epic quality [manufacturing materials]

Item description:

It is a relic from the ancient war. It was presented to the Holy Light Church by the high elves and eventually fell into the hands of Faao. This is a sacred object, but human priests have not yet found a way to use it.

Faao gave it to his disciple, hoping that the saving will of the sages could accompany his disciple to travel far in the light and shadow, and prevent her from losing her way again.

"There are so many holy objects in the Holy Light Church, but only one defective one is given to them. Should I say that you are stingy, or should I say that you do not understand people's hearts?"

Black threw the Divine Eye in his hand and complained to the priests in front of him.

But there was no response to him.

He looked at the second thing in the box, which was a set of folded robes. They were black and dotted with red lines. As far as the naked eye could see, they also carried an undisguised evil aura.

Especially the shape of this robe. There are spikes on the cloth shoulder armor, skulls carved from animal bones, and black chains as decorations on the hood.

It's certainly not something priests would wear.

Blake raised his head and looked at the priest in front of him, who explained:

"This is an evil creation captured by the warriors of Stormwind City from a high-level orc warlock during the first orc war. It was sealed in the warehouse of the Holy Light Church and has already entered the destruction process.

But His Majesty knew that Sir Black was walking on the path of a warlock, so he took it out as a reward. "


The pirate nodded, reached out and touched the robe, and the character card also gave an entry:

Vestments of the Corruptor

Epic quality [Warlock exclusive]

Completeness: 5/5

Set properties:

Extraordinary endurance. Extraordinary intelligence. Extraordinary magic accuracy. Extraordinary magic critical strike.

Set effect:

1. Friend of the Devil

When activating a demon servant, all magic released will bring "magic enhancement" and "life restoration" effects to the demon servant.

2. The Corruptor

Greatly strengthen your curse and shadow spells, magic effects are regarded as proficiency +1.

"I take back what I said about you being stingy. I am too arrogant. I know nothing about the generosity of the Holy Light Church."

Blake closed the wooden box with a snap.

He stood up, rubbed his hands and said to the priest in front of him:

"Please tell His Majesty Faao for me that I am very satisfied with the remuneration. Next time you have similar work, please come to me. My incompetent men and I will do our best to serve the Holy Light.

Also, you look like you're an important person and I haven't asked your name yet, which is really rude. "

"I am just a humble believer of the Holy Light. My position and identity are not important."

The thirty-year-old priest made a religious symbol on his chest and said calmly:

“Your Excellency, you may call me Isorien.

Please send my blessings to our most outstanding sister, Natalie, and I wish her to find a new life outside of the Holy Light. "



Fifteen minutes later, in a dark alley outside the Keel Harbor naval port, Natalie Serling, who was playing with the Divine Eye in her hand, handed an oil paper bag containing a nautical chart to Blake.

She said softly:

"That's a nasty guy. It's him who revealed my connection to Xal'atath to His Majesty Faol. He's very fanatical about his faith, but Xal'atath warned me to stay away from him.

She said that Isenlien had been led down a dangerous path by blind holiness. He tried to become the incarnation of the Holy Light, but sooner or later he would do something crazy. "

"Well, yes, I hate him too, he's a pretentious guy."

Blake nodded in agreement, touched his new Corruptor robe, held the Skull of Gul'dan in the dark, posed, and said to Natalie:

"Look at my body, am I handsome?"

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