Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 307 16. Elf control. Dreams come true---[21/35]

Chapter 307 16. Elf control. Dreams come true——【2135】

(Additional update for ASSASSINZZC brothers [1/5])

Hal followed his good friend Nat and went down the mountain from the path of an elf ruin covered with vines where everyone had arrived.

The actions of the two of them did not attract much attention, and as the commander-in-chief, Sir Atumen did not pay attention to it. This is normal. Sir Atumen died in the "Karazhan Massacre" long ago.

He is an undead, lacking in curiosity about anything other than the things he is passionate about.

Now the undead hunter has set his sights on the unique wild creatures here. He is loyal and plans to hunt some fresh meat here and bring it back to His Highness the Prince for a taste.

As for finding elves and so on, let this group of stinky pirates do it.

Your Highness doesn’t like eating elf meat.

If His Highness is willing to change his taste, then Sir Atumen is willing to hunt the living elves on this land for him. Anyway, in the eyes of his undead, there is no difference between beasts and elves.


Nat followed the hillside covered with vines and slid awkwardly and awkwardly into a small pool at the bottom of the mountain, splashing water all over his body.

Hal slid down soon after.

This young fisherman had never learned to fight before, but he had stayed with a group of pirates who wielded swords and guns for more than a month. He would grab his sword and look around vigilantly.

But it was very quiet here, and apart from startling a flock of birds, nothing unexpected happened.

"This is it! It's exactly the same as the scene in my dream."

Nat looked around, his lazy expression quickly changing into excitement of exploration.

He had had many dreams in the past, dreaming about scenery all over the world, but due to his status at that time, he was unable to travel around the world and revisit his dreams.

Nat found out that he had been deceived by pirates before. One of the important reasons why he was still willing to follow Blake to this continent outside civilization was that he wanted to confirm whether the dreams he had in the past were true.

"My dream was real, Hal."

Nat grinned and was so surprised that under the pool, a turtle with strange crystals on its shell paddled away.

He looked back, followed the road in the dream, and walked towards the mountain wall behind him. The mountain wall was covered with tough vines, completely blocking the mountain.

"There is a cave going down here, if my dream is correct. Come on, Hal, help me cut these vines apart."

Nat called out, and Hal, who was very excited, rushed over with his sword, grunting and cutting the vines, but when he thrust the sword through, the two of them were shocked to find that part of the bottom of the vines was open.

And there is indeed a very small cave hidden behind it, which can only accommodate one person passing sideways.

"There are people hidden inside! No, there are elves hidden inside!"

Hal's eyes became brighter, but Nat hesitated for a few seconds. He touched the stone wall of the cave in front of him and said:

"No, the cave in my dream should be bigger than this."

"You'll find out once you go in and take a look."

Hal took out a small torch from the backpack behind him and lit it. He went through first, and Nat followed him. The cave was very deep, and it was lit by the light of the torch.

The closer the two of them walked, the more they could see the huge facilities inside.

This place looks like a large two-story cellar, or a sewer. It's dark and it looks very crowded. No one has been here for a long time.

There is a large platform in the center of the circular pit, and something seems to be moving on it, making a clicking sound.

"No, this place is different from the scene in my dream!"

Nat grabbed Hal who was about to walk inside and dragged him back a few steps. The fisherman whispered to his good friend:

"The terrain of the facilities in the cave is exactly the same, but there is no beautiful tree, and there are not many elves gathering here. We should have arrived early.

The last time I talked to Captain Black, he told me that a lot of my dreams were about things that happened in the future.

Let's quit.

Hal, there could be danger here. "

"oh oh."

Hal, who was exploring for the first time, was not discouraged.

To be honest, he was a little scared now. He was not a professional explorer after all, so he still knew how much he weighed.

Hearing Nat say there was danger, Hal's enthusiasm immediately receded by 90%, and he followed Nat obediently out of the cave. But as soon as the two turned around, they heard a scream coming from the large cave ahead.

It was a woman's voice, speaking a difficult language that they couldn't understand at all. It was filled with pain, as if it was still being chased by something.

The sound like hooves on the ground was getting closer and closer.

"Put out the fire! Quick!"

Nat shouted to Hal next to him, and Hal threw the torch into the dark place in front of him.

The firelight shone and slid in the air, drawing out an arc of light, dispelling the darkness in the cave and illuminating the chasing figure not far away.


Hal exclaimed.

The firelight did not completely illuminate the darkness, but the outline of the fleeing figure could be vaguely seen. It was indeed a slender elf with a pair of pointed ears that were easily identifiable.

She seemed to be wearing a complicated robe and was screaming towards the cave entrance.

Behind her was a centaur-like monster more than three meters tall, with strange blue crystals on its body, although it had the upper body of a woman.

But his face was ferocious, and he was holding a crystallized war spear in his hand.


Hal and Nat screamed in fear at the same time. Never had the two civilians seen such a terrifying thing. They rolled and crawled out of the increasingly narrow hole.

The female elf behind who was being chased by the monster saw the direction in which Hal and Nat were escaping, so she ran with them, but probably because she was injured, she ran slower and slower.

All he could do was stretch out his hands in the darkness and scream in despair.

"Nat, you go first."

When Hal rushed to the entrance of the cave, he looked back and saw the desperate gesture of the female elf reaching out to him in the dark. He gritted his teeth, pushed his best friend out of the narrow entrance, and turned around. Pounced back.

"Hurry and find Sir Attumen for help!"

Hal's scream echoed in the cave, and the disgraced Nat threw himself into the pool. Regardless of his embarrassment, he climbed up the vines with his hands and feet and rushed up the path leading to the ruins.

Rushing and yelling.

In the cave, Hal turned around and fell to the ground hard. His body was trembling with fear, but he still tried his best to reach out and grabbed the fingers of the elf who also fell.

Drag her over from the ground.

The cave became narrower as it went outwards. Only one person could pass through the cave entrance. The monster chasing behind was three meters tall, so it couldn't rush in at all.

When Hal dragged the injured female elf back to the cave entrance, the centaur-like monster behind him hit the mountain wall with a bang.

It has great brute force.

The collision caused rocks to fly everywhere and hit Hal, making the young fisherman scream in pain.

At this moment, everyone else was frightened.

The courage he felt just now quickly faded away, and he just hugged the trembling elf tightly in his arms and curled up into a ball to avoid the flying gravel behind him.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

Hal was only in his twenties, and the most terrifying danger he experienced was the night when the orcs invaded Nanhai Town. He followed the villagers to evacuate to Tarren Mill City under the protection of the militia.

I have only seen green-skinned orcs burning, killing and looting from a distance in the night.

Just like that, Hal was so frightened that he couldn't sleep for several days. Today's little adventure, which took less than ten minutes, was probably the most dangerous thing this young fisherman had ever done in his short life.

But how to say it.

There are gains and losses.

Especially when he was holding a living elf in his arms.

"Hal, don't be stupid there, come out quickly!"

The frightened young fisherman held the elf in his arms and crawled forward in the cave. Every second of the few minutes of crawling was so difficult for him.

It wasn't until he heard another noisy footsteps at the entrance of the cave, as well as Nat's sharp and anxious shouts, that Hal finally came back to his senses.

He looked at the luminous hole in front of him, and then at the big eyes in his arms that looked at him in horror. Hal gritted his teeth, pushed the elf out first, and then crawled toward the hole.

The monster that was blocked behind saw its prey about to run away and let out a wild roar. It took a few steps back in the darkness and raised the crystallized spear in its hand.

During the charge, he hit the battle spear on the stone wall like a halberd.


The narrow mountain wall was completely peeled off, and Hal, who was running away, screamed that he was going to be buried alive!

The fear of death loomed over him like a shadow, destroying his last courage.

But a hand would reach out from outside the hole, clasp Hal's hair, and pull him out in an instant.


Warm light once again shone on the disgraced Hal, and he returned to the human world. When the dazed halo in front of his eyes dissipated, what appeared in front of Hal was not the Nat he thought he was.

But the bald-headed pirate who was putting on a show.

"Silver Moon" Harry.

"Wow, I know that you like elves just like me, but I don't know that little brother, you are actually willing to sacrifice your life for this black-skinned elf."

The old sea dog Harry put his hands on his hips and looked at Hal who was panting heavily in the pool. He raised his thumb to Hal with half ridicule and half admiration and said:

"In our 'elf control' business, you are the most reckless and desperate guy I have ever seen. Our business cannot afford to lose a 'talent' like you.

But don't forget, you owe me your life, and you will have to pay it back in the future. "


What Hal was most concerned about now was the word the old sea dog said.

"Black-skinned elf?"

With Nat's help, Hal was half pulled and half dragged back from the pond. Sir Attumen, who had received the news of distress, had already rushed over with his heavy sword and his BMW horse.

The undead hunter heard that a monster appeared here and came to take a look.

The first thing Hal did after being pulled out of the battlefield was to hold his bleeding forehead and look back at the female elf he had rescued. Well, it turned out to be a black-skinned elf.

But it's actually not accurate to say that. Her skin is purple-gray, with a feeling of desolation.

The ears are very long and pointed, the eyebrows are very similar to those of high elves, slender and raised toward the cheeks, the lips are plump, and there is a hint of weird purple in the eyes.

It seemed that she was malnourished, which made her look thinner than the high elves Hal had seen, but she was also taller and her body curvature was amazing.

She was wearing a very cumbersome robe that was stained with blood and torn.

This would be pushed around by a group of pirates like an animal, as if they were frightened, with panic in their eyes. After seeing Hal being brought out, the female elf made an unexplained cry and pushed her She turned away from the pirate who was trying to tie her up and rushed towards Hal, her savior.

Amidst the laughter and malicious whistles of a group of pirates, the elf, who was two heads taller than Har, threw himself into the arms of the young fisherman, babbled a lot of things, then hugged his arms and hid behind him, wary Look at the pirates around.

"You bunch of bugs! What are you doing here? Get out of the way! Watch out for my midnight kick!"

Soon, Sir Atumen, who was wearing heavy armor and riding a BMW Midnight, arrived at the scene of the incident. The body of a newly hunted magic leopard hung on the back of his horse.

The weird-tempered knight rode on his horse and swept around. A group of pirates immediately moved out of the way. A eloquent guy stepped forward and reported the situation to the knight.

Atumen controlled the reins, glanced at the cave that had become quiet, and then took a condescending glance at the strange elf hiding behind Hal.

The female elf seemed to sense something was wrong with Sir Attumen. She lowered her head tremblingly and hugged Hal's arm tighter.

"Well, the task ordered by His Highness was completed so quickly. You two have made great achievements and deserve to be commended."

The undead hunter laughed.

He turned to Silver Moon Harry next to him and shouted:

"What are you doing standing still! Send a signal to His Highness."


A few seconds later, a red smoke bomb was shot into the air and exploded at high altitude. Blake, who was chatting with Windrunner's mother on the coast, turned his head and glanced.

He said in a surprised tone:

"Hey, did you find it so quickly?

It seems that my subordinates are not all a bunch of incompetent waste. Well, the rapid progress must be due to my strict requirements for them! So, go over and scold them first.

Mentor, please follow me. It's time to explore Suramar. "

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