Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 341 50. The Yuejun family’s way of solving problems

While Black took several warlocks to "go to school" hard at Narthalas College and planned to blow up the college, his incompetent subordinates were not idle either.

Although they were scolded by Black as incompetent waste every day, in fact, by pirate standards, several captains of the Immortal Fleet were already considered "elite".

Of course, it's not that they are really the best among men.

It's just that the industry standards in the pirate industry are so low that even those with a little bit of ability can get ahead.

Just like now.

"Bring these magical wines over and give them to the Son of the Night exiles hiding in the abandoned temple, and find a way to make them drink them. We will deal with the rest."

Beneath a hillside half a day's walk south from Nathalas College, the first mate of the North Sea pirates, Captain Anne's confidant, the tattooed female Marcy who dared to fight and fight, was pointing at a box of magic wine at her feet. Said to the timid child of the night beside him:

"This is your only chance to survive, shameless Runas."

The female pirate with weird tattoos on her arms was wearing a red headscarf. She and her men glanced at the abandoned temple on the hillside, and then said in a more serious tone to the skinny guy in front of them:

"You have seen our strength. If we want to storm this camp, we will only need to kill more people. This is your chance. It was ordered by His Excellency the Commander to let us give you a chance to show off.

I don’t know what kind of ‘potential’ the Commander sees in you, but business is business.

Go ahead and do things, if you survive, you are one of us. "

The pirates did not speak Salasian, so these threats were translated by the "translator" Anares Yuejun who came with the army.

This great nobleman of Suramar seems to have adapted to the pirate life now, and even the intonation when translating is no longer as emphasized as the nobleman who used to make multiple twists in one sentence.

"But I don't want to go."

The black-skinned elf exile, with his upper body naked and his trousers in tatters, and his hair tied into a ponytail, had a grimace on his face. He crossed his arms as if he was shivering from the cold.

But he still held his head and said to the pirates in front of him:

"Not to mention that Levodas who is stationed in this temple is a very shrewd guy. He was once a member of the Suramar Golem Artisans Guild and a confidant of Prince Aerys. He would never go to such a superficial place. when.

Just the way you talk to me!

I do not like!

I am not a shameless Runas, that is slander! My friends call me 'Great Runas'. "

The son of the night snorted, tried his best to put on a noble family attitude, and said:

"Don't think I'm in such a miserable state now, but I come from a noble family in Suramar. I'm the son of Idalil and a former citizen of Suramar. How could I help a group of pirates harm my people?

Although your leader gave me magic wine when I was about to become a withered one, I actually didn't need that kind of help. My will is as strong as steel.

Even without that bottle of magic wine, I can definitely get through it.

I don’t owe you anything.”

"Huh? So courageous? That's great, I like people with courage!"

After these words were translated by Anares, the tattooed girl Marci immediately grinned a cruel smile. She drew out her pirate sword with a whoosh and put it against the neck of Runas, the down-and-out elf in front of her.

No need for translation, he just made a sliding motion full of malice, and its threatening meaning is self-evident.

The cold blade touched his neck, causing the body of Elf Runas, who raved that his will was as strong as steel, to stiffen immediately.

He raised his hands without any knowledge, and said with some panic and shame:

"No, don't do it. We are all civilized people and we should be reasonable. I just don't mean not to do it. What I mean is that my people are very smart.

Although they were arrogant and stupid before being exiled by the Grand Magister, everyone became much more pragmatic after coming to this hellish place called Azsuna.

It's not that I won't help you.

It's just that your plan is too crude. Who would drink these magical wines that look problematic at first glance? "

He chattered a lot, and a flattering smile appeared on his originally arrogant face.

Some things don't need to be explained in words.

When she saw this smile, the tattooed girl Marci also understood that the elf in front of her was timid. She sneered, pointed to the spiked magic wine at her feet, and pointed to the exile camp above.

Apparently, the pirates didn't care if their plans were rough or not.

They just give it a try.

If it works, it's best. If it doesn't, it's no big deal. Anyway, it's not their people who died.

"This won't work."

Seeing the desperate elf Runas looking for help, Miss Anares Yuejun, as the translator, grinned. She stretched out her hand and placed it on Marci's knife-holding wrist.


"Your Excellency, Commander, asked us to give Runas a chance, not to use him as cannon fodder.

He's right, this plan is terrible.

Magic wine is something that every child of the night drinks every day. Its taste will not change much. You don't even need to drink these poisoned magic wines. You can tell there is something wrong just by looking at the shape of the bubbles in the wine.

You are asking him to die. "

"How about you go for him?"

First Mate Marci retorted unhappily.

She had come up with this plan, and now she was called stupid and wild, and the female pirate was unhappy.

"Oh, don't worry."

Annares didn't care about Marci's rudeness. She had been developing relationships with these female pirates in recent days, and had initially won their trust through her gender advantage.

Miss Yuejun had a restless temper in Suramar, and made her sister very angry with her constant sexual advances.

Now that she was among the pirates, after a brief period of fear, she keenly discovered that these female pirates were actually much easier to deceive than the noble ladies in Suramar City.

This also gave Anarris Yuejun, who was restless by nature, a bold idea in his mind.

At this moment, she glanced at the ruined temple on the mountain and said to Marci:

"I'm not saying that your plan is not good, but it can be better. Leave it to me to execute it. Send your people back to the ship and bring me a barrel of thousand-year magic wine.

It must be of the best quality, and then bring over my set of noble clothes, and by the way, bring over the six Highmountain tauren who signed a bodyguard contract with me.

Dress them up to look more powerful.

Release six of my family servants, make them more decent, and bring with them the Yuejun family crest and my favorite big parasol!

I know you grabbed it too. "

"What are you going to do?"

The tattooed girl Marci looked at Anares. Thinking of the beautiful jewelry that the Children of the Night had given her these past few days, she hesitated and said to the girl from Yue County:

"You'd better not take risks. This is not something a young lady like you can solve."

"Just trust me."

Anares snorted and said:

"I'll show you how our Yuejun family solves the problem. Anyway, if I fail, it's not too late for you to attack by force, right?"

Marci couldn't stop the Yue County girl from going crazy. Under her eloquent words, the female pirate sent someone back to the ship to tell Captain Anne about the matter.

During this period, Anares took Runas aside with a bit of disgust and spoke to him in Salas for a few minutes. Finally, Runas bowed his head in excitement.

Two hours later, everything Anares needed was delivered here.

With the help of the released servants, the girl from Yue County put on her complicated and gorgeous aristocratic dress again and put on the decorations.

She took one last look at Marci and gave her a no-questions-asked sign.

Six strong men from the Highmountain Tauren who had been deceived by him carried a barrel of thousand-year magic wine. Surrounded by a group of servants, they marched toward the abandoned temple on the top of the mountain.

Runas, who was previously in a state of despair, suddenly changed into a set of uniforms as a servant of the Yuejun Manor. Now he was carrying the crest of the Yuejun family and went to the abandoned temple first.

As a result, the appearance of Runas immediately attracted the ridicule of a group of Nightborne exiles in the abandoned temple.

"Hey, isn't this shameless Runas? I heard that you were sent to the front line by the prince? Why are there new scars on your face?"

Runas didn't answer.

He just raised the family emblem flag in his hand forward and shouted to the ruins in front of him in his most dignified tone:

"I am here on behalf of the Yuejun family, which has been inherited for thousands of years by Suramar, and asked Master Levodas to come out to see me.

You ignorant and despicable exiles, hurry up and tidy up this shabby place and prepare for the arrival of the distinguished Miss Anares Yuejun. "

Shouting these words immediately silenced those who were laughing at him.

Yuejun family

What Suramarite hasn't heard of it?

She was already a top noble during Queen Azshara's time, and has been passed down in Suramar's upper class society for ten thousand years, and has long been part of that city's glorious history.

But if the eldest lady of the Yuejun family doesn't enjoy life in Suramar City, why would she come to this ghost place like Azsuna?

What a liar! This is it!

"That flag must have been stolen by Lunas!"

A child of the night shouted in the crowd:

"Last time I was in Zahnar, I saw Runas stealing other people's mana crystals. He was chased and beaten. He ran to ask for help and was hung up by Prince Ailes, who called him a waste."

"Nonsense! How can you slander me like this?"

Runas blushed and retorted:

"My will is as strong as steel! It's different from you freaks who have fallen into addiction! No one in Azsuna knows that."

He said this and took a step forward.

He stepped on a shiny object under his feet. He lowered his head and looked at it, and said with joy:

"Well, mana crystal, wait a moment."

After speaking, he bent down and picked up the small piece of mana crystal. Ignoring the contempt of the laughing exiles around him, he put it in his hand to absorb the magic power.

This magic power made Runas feel happy. After feeling happy, he threw away the empty shell that had absorbed all the magic power. He held the flag of the Yuejun family in one hand and scolded righteously:

"I didn't steal any mana crystals!

Besides, none of us exiles who were driven out of Suramar should laugh at anyone. Who among those who can survive in this wilderness has not robbed others of their magic power?

Can this be called stealing?

This is life!

You have all done the same thing, even more vicious than me! You have no right to laugh at me, you bastards!

Okay, I'm not the same person now.

I am a person of status now, and I am too lazy to talk to you freaks who can't even resist the addiction to magic. "

The shameless Runas touched the luxurious servant robe on his body, straightened his waist hard, raised the Yue County family crest in his hand, and shouted loudly:

“I am now the housekeeper of the noble and kind-hearted Miss Anares, and I have brought the Yue County family’s bounty to you, the miserable low-class waste.

That bumbling liar of Ailes has no qualifications to lead us!

He was only a minor noble in Suramar and was not worthy of calling himself a prince. But Miss Anares is a real noble, and she is opening up a new career.

Bless you losers, the great Yuejun family needs your services.

The kind lady has sent me to tell you that anyone who serves her will be accepted by the family. In the future, you will no longer have to worry about the shortage of magic power, let alone take the risk of absorbing the violent and out-of-control energy in the Azuna underground to satisfy your hunger.

There will be unlimited supply of magic wine!

Even more and better than what you can drink in Suramar City, provided that you are willing to abandon that hypocritical leader and gather under the command of a real big shot. "

Runas snorted arrogantly, looked back, and in a longer voice said to the crowd of Nightborn exiles in front of him:

"Listen! Miss Anares is coming soon, and she has brought Master Levodas the Millennium Magic Wine as a gift that matches his status.

That's a wonderful wine that you miserable bastards have never heard of!

What are you still doing?

Hurry up and clean up this mess. Do you want noble people to discuss our future affairs in this garbage dump?


The opportunity has been given to you. If you can't seize it again, you will be a savage in Azsuna for the rest of your life. "

The exiles looked at each other, looking at each other but no one took any action, until more than ten seconds later, the door of a still intact room on the second floor of the abandoned temple was suddenly pushed open.

The golem craftsman who leads this camp, the "master" Levodas who was expelled from Suramar because of his mistakes, has already walked out wearing his most respectable clothes.

It seemed that he had taken the time to adjust his demeanor.

He put on the air of a leader and a big shot, coughed a few times, and shouted to the exiles below:

"Have you not heard what Butler Runas said? The distinguished member of the Yuejun family is about to arrive here. If you don't hurry up and clean up, my face will be disgraced when I talk to the distinguished member.

Let your blood be used as lubricant for the golem! "

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