Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 372 81. On this day, Blake finally remembered another job that he had forgotten.

"Legend has it that Illidan Stormrage is not a quiet man, he is like a fire that never goes out, and will burn everything he dislikes.

I heard that the man named Illidan did terrible things in Black Crow Keep ten thousand years ago.

He ruthlessly sacrificed an entire Moon Guard, and after absorbing enough magic power from them to destroy a powerful demon lord with his own hands, he angrily denounced everyone present. "

Blake was like a coroner, squatting on the ground around the platform, skillfully searching for trophies from the corpses of the Nagas.

He took off a cold coral ring from his mistress Asissa's finger, looked at it before his eyes, whistled, and threw it into his bag.

Then he picked up the weapon tightly held in the six palms of the Naga Mistress.

He said:

"I can even recount his scolding back then. He accused everyone including Kutalos Ravencrest, the lord of Black Crow Castle who single-handedly promoted him and valued him very much.

He said they were blind, unable to see real threats, and only cared about meaningless victories or defeats.

It's wrong to curse people casually. I guess the man named Illidan must not have known at that time that he would soon go blind.

But he's always been like that.

From the moment he was born until the last bad thing he did, he was a person with great ideas and a person who would never give up once he set his sights on the goal.

He is a very stubborn and hopeless person.

Even if it makes everyone betray and alienate, I don't regret it. "

Blake stood up and walked to the body of the other Naga Warlord. This guy was even worse. The spine in his snake-like body was kicked off with great force.

Death is extremely painful.

The pirate held the red coral trident in the hands of the Naga Warlord and waved it left and right. It felt very comfortable, so he put it on his shoulder, intending to take it back and throw it to Maimu as a reward.

He looked back at Illidan Stormrage, who was facing away from him, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the platform, maintaining a quiet meditative posture like a spellcaster, not caring that he was among a pile of corpses.

Blake was silent for a few seconds and said:

"So, did I read it wrong? Or is there an error in the record of the story? If you were really the fiery Illidan, you should have acted more domineering and arrogant when I came over.

But now you are so peaceful.

After strangling these Nagas with his own hands, he sat among their corpses and behaved like a melancholy philosopher.

Could it be that it was Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage before me, not his brother?

This is not the meeting scene I imagined.

This is far from it! No feeling at all! It's like attending a fan meeting excitedly, only to find out that your idol is a scumbag who likes to poke people with toothpicks!

Also, what is going on with the most professional group of prison wardens in the world? Why don't we put you in shackles when you're such a dangerous prisoner?

At least we should arrange a fel stone seal, right?

Do they just let you move around freely? "

After Black babbled a lot, Illidan Stormrage, who had not responded, finally spoke. This old elf, who had a red cloth-like eyepatch on his face and had lived for more than 10,000 years, said in his iconic voice:

"You are very noisy."

"Ha, you finally spoke, you lost."

Blake stretched out his finger, pointed at Illidan, and laughed.

He said:

"Talk to me about something, Demon Hunter. The Watchers will be back soon. I can't stay here for too long. By the way, do you know that your group of die-hard subordinates have all been killed by Suramar? The big bad guy took him away.

A big bad named Elisande, she is so bad.

She is trying to turn the dark walkers you personally trained into her war vanguards, and she is poaching you.

Aren't you angry? "

"not angry."

Illidan answered briefly:

"The mission of the Illidari has been completed for the time being. When the War of the Ancients ends, it is time for my followers to rest and enjoy peace. They are imprisoned here because of me.

That's what I owe them.

The warriors should enjoy their time of rest before the devil next enters the world. As for Elisande, I am not worried about her taking away my companions.

I have never demanded loyalty from my companions, nor have they followed me for loyalty.

Each of them knows their mission very well.

With or without me, it’s the same. "

"Well, I guess that's not what they think. After all, they all call themselves your 'servants'."

Blake shrugged, blinked again, and said:

"I don't mean to provoke you, Illidan, but don't you smell something coming from me when I'm near you?

The kind of flavor that makes you dream, keep you up all night, make your heart surge, and make you want to stop.

Why didn't you pounce on me immediately? Stab your hot weapon into my body? Am I not attracted to you? "

"You mean evil energy?

Indeed, before you even walked in, I smelled the magical power with the smell of sulfur, but restraining the desire to hunt is the basic skill of every qualified hunter.

This is especially true of demon hunters, where hunting without restraint will only send us into a self-destructive hell. "

The blind old elf chuckled lightly and responded in Salas language:

"But the evil energy you have is not worth my caring about you. The fact that you can walk in here without being killed by Maiev proves that she doesn't think you are a big threat.

Maiev is the best hunter I have ever met, and I trust her judgment completely.

In addition, I can feel that your body could have accommodated ten times or a hundred times more evil energy, but now it only has this little capacity, which proves that you have been resisting evil energy from entering your body.

It's hard, I haven't seen a race of pirates.

I saw many spellcasters who were tempted by evil energy ten thousand years ago. Each of them was more powerful than you, but you withstood the temptation that they couldn't resist.

This sense and calmness alone are enough for me to be lenient with you.

Rather than killing you, I'm more curious about where the evil energy in you comes from? Will your race start to make the same mistakes as the Elf Empire after 10,000 years of studying evil energy? "

"Good, our conversation has finally made progress."

The pirate boldly walked forward and approached Illidan Stormrage. He said:

"I know that in the Elf Empire 10,000 years ago, there was already research on warlock magic. In Queen Azshara's court, there were many warlocks who were transformed from arcanists, working day and night to study evil energy for her. Mystery.

You did a great job back then.

While destroying the Well of Eternity, it also completely destroyed Queen Azshara's research results on evil energy, basically eliminating the inheritance of warlock magic in Azeroth.

However, the warlock magic I learned did not come from the inheritance of the Elf Empire.

It comes from another world.

Brought into Azeroth by a group of invaders called orcs, the war began seven years ago in our human territory, on the land of the Eastern Kingdom.

We fought against the orcs for seven years, and finally defeated them less than half a year ago, captured them, and drove them back to their world.


When Blake said this, he also walked around Illidan. Through the light of the blazing sword, he saw the Watcher's charm on Illidan's arms, chest, and neck.

Those spells should come from the divine magic of the Moon God Priests and the natural magic of the druids. They are like living creatures, covering Illidan's upper body.

Fusion with the dark green magic patterns on his body.

The Watchers did not allow Illidan Stormrage to move freely in the cage. They did not put shackles on Illidan because they had no need for those things.

The spell in front of him is absorbing the evil magic power from Illidan's body every moment. It is quite amazing that he can still maintain his current vitality after being extracted like this for ten thousand years.

It's all like this, Brother Dan, can you still strangle these Nagas who are trying to take you away?

How fierce are you?

It can only be said that he is indeed a man who was favored by Sargeras and given power by the fallen Titan himself.

"What? Are you scared?"

Illidan Stormrage raised his head slightly, seemingly not feeling the pain caused by the spells on his body at all. It was more likely that he was used to it.

He raised his head and "looked" at Blake with his eyes wearing a red cloth blindfold.


"If you were caught by them, you would probably be treated like this, pirate."

This is a bad joke!

But there is no doubt about it.

Black didn't think that if he was caught in the Watcher's Cave, he would experience the "super VIP treatment" in front of him. He shrugged and said:

"Which of your eyes saw that I was scared? Uh, I'm sorry, I forgot, you are blind, you rely entirely on perception, not eyes.

Sorry, I touched your sore spot.

But let’s continue with that topic.

Those orcs, those orcs who invaded the human kingdom, they are big, green, and wild, but their number is very small. Logically speaking, with their number, it is impossible to push human civilization to a dead end.

But they did.

Do you know how they do it?

Let me tell you, it was a big man they once called the 'Benefactor' who, through a ceremony, used some less 'civilized' methods to forcefully inject violent power that did not belong to the orcs. into their bodies.

Their entire race was tainted by that power.

They are like moving sources of pollution.

After spreading this filthy and violent power in their world and making their world dry and dying, it entered our world under the leadership of the 'Benefactor'."

The pirate paused.

He observed Illidan's expression, and the latter's expression had turned serious.

It was clear that Illidan Stormrage understood what kind of story Black was trying to tell him.

"The demons were defeated by you ten thousand years ago. They suffered a defeat in Azeroth. This was regarded as a shame by them. Their hatred burned in the Twisting Nether, and they did not think about revenge for a second.

The world beneath our feet is a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.”

Black put his hands behind his back, bent down, and lowered his face to a position one meter in front of Illidan. He looked at the elf sitting cross-legged in front of him.


"In addition to being a pirate, I am also a prophet. My idol Illidan Stormrage, I, the prophet, have come here to predict a terrible truth that you have not yet discovered.

The demons from thousands of years ago were not brewing a conspiracy, nor were they waiting for an opportunity.

They're back!

Seven years ago, when the Dark Portal was established in the Cursed Land of the Eastern Continent, they had already returned! Only this time, they took a smarter approach.

They are trying to use the orcs to fight a proxy war

When you willingly put on the invisible shackles created for you by your brother and your lover, and exiled yourself in this cage, before you knew it, another war with the devil had already broken out in this world.

And this time, this war.

You are absent! "

In the pirate's words, Illidan's expression suddenly changed very strangely. He raised his head and "looked" at Black, as if to confirm this statement.

After a few seconds, he asked:

"They are back?"

"They never left."

The pirate stood up straight and responded with the solemn tone that a "prophet" should have:

"Perhaps you should go to Dalaran, the human magical city-state, and read the records of the mages there. You will know that during the ten thousand years of your self-exile, demons have been infiltrating the world.

Illidan Stormrage, I am a mourning crow, bringing you bad news from afar.

But, evil enemy, your ten thousand years of imprisonment must come to an end.

Just today.

This world needs your power! "

Under Blake's gaze, a strange smile appeared on Illidan's thin face. As his lips grinned outward, demonic sharp teeth loomed in his mouth.

His throat moved up and down.

Like a thirsty and hungry person smelling the most delicious food. It was like a skinny tiger lying in the darkness, opening his eyes at this moment.

He is very hungry.

He is very thirsty.

But he doesn't need food and water to live. What he is craving, what he wants to devour, is something more terrifying.

"It's been a long truce, it's been ten thousand years."

Illidan stood up with difficulty, reached out and clasped the Watcher's Talisman on his arm, and pulled hard, pulling the living thing out of his flesh and blood, and threw it aside.

The demon hunter moved his body.

The manic aura that Blake was so familiar with returned to this elf, so the pirate said to the elf in front of him with a look of joy and relief:

"Well, welcome back to the battlefield, Illidan Stormrage. I think that before you set foot on the battlefield, you may need some supplies. A weak warrior cannot win.

Fortunately, I brought you what you need most.

I think that an experienced warrior like you will definitely be willing to pay the necessary price for victory, right? "

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